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  • [How to Prepare Notecards for a Speech | Public Speaking Training]


  • So here are some tips on how to outline your speech.


  • For starters, you don't want to just write and write and write 58 pages of PowerPoint.

    とりあえず、ただひたすら書き続け、パワーポイント 58 ページも書くのはやめておきましょう。

  • That's too much to even start from.


  • What you should do is brainstorm on every single distinct idea or message you havemaybe you have 20 or 30.


  • But then, you've got to be a harsh editor; you've got to really figure out what are literally just your top five ideas.

    20 個も 30 個もあるのかもしれないけど、そうなると厳しい編集者にならないといけません。あなたは本当に文字通りあなたのトップ 5 のアイデアが何であるかを把握する必要があります。

  • Get rid of the others.


  • So, you've got five bullet points on your outline.

    そうなると、アウトラインに 5 つの箇条書きがありますね。

  • Next, underneath each one, you've got a story that dramatizes this particular point.


  • If you've got it, put another point underneath it⏤a fact, a number that's really important that you might not rememberput that.


  • And finally, under each message point, if you have a PowerPoint slide, you need something that tells you what the slide is so you can talk about it before the slide comes up.


  • That way, you're in charge, not the PowerPoint.

    そうすれば、PowerPoint ではなく、あなたが掌握していることになります。

  • So what do you end up with?


  • A simple outline, five big points, and a few bullet points underneath each one to remind you of the story, an example or fact, and the visual.

    シンプルなアウトライン、5 つの大きなポイントと、それぞれの下にいくつかの箇条書きを入れて、ストーリーや例や事実を思い起こさせ、視覚的なものにしています。

  • Do that, and you'll have a great, simple, lean, efficient, one-page outline to guide you through your whole presentation.

    そうすれば、あなたのプレゼンテーション全体を通してあなたを導くための素晴らしい、シンプルで無駄のない、効率的な 1 ページのアウトラインができあがります。

[How to Prepare Notecards for a Speech | Public Speaking Training]


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