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  • We've been driving for about 45 mins. already.

  • Feels like foot...#$%^%..and then it's head it's just...

  • (husband: yeah, probably his head)...down low...

  • what am I doing. my legs..

  • Husband: what?

  • Oh my god, I'm scared I'm gonna have it right here.

  • Husband: at least its head is in the right position.

  • I think it's its head. I don't know. I can't tell.


  • Oh babe...ohhh babe..ohh bae.....

  • OHH the water broke! the water broke! the water broke! (Husband: alright, alright) The water broke. the water broke!!!!!!



  • oh my god AHHHHHHHHHHH

  • Oh my word. Oh my word.

  • Oh my god... errrrrrrrrrrrrrr it hurts so bad!!!

  • Errrrrrrrrrrrr

  • Please get there.

  • Husband: Do you need to takeyour pants down?

  • I don't know

  • I don't know if I can do it

  • I can't! I can't!


  • It's coming out! It's coming out.The head is out.

  • Husband: Alright. you wanna pull your pants..


  • Get the seatbelt get the seatbelt...

  • Errrrrrrrrrrr

  • It's out. IT'S OUT!!!!!!!!!!

  • Oh my gosh! the baby is out of me babe!

  • Errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

  • It's OUT!

  • Aweee..OHHH

  • Husband: Alright. Do you want me to stop or do you want me to keep going?

  • Keep going

  • Husband: Alright. We had a baby! Hehehaha

  • (baby crying) Husband: OH.

  • Oh my goodness

  • Husband: Alright

  • It's a boy. It's a boy! Husband: It's a boy.

  • Husband: Look at that!

  • Husband: Ohh hooo.

  • It's gotta be suctioned. It's gotta be suctioned.

  • Husband: It's crying babe. It's breathing just fine.

  • Husband: alright. Spank him.

  • Husband: It's breathing. If he is crying, he's breathing.

  • Husband: But hold him upside-down babe. Hold him upside-down.

  • Husband: and pat him on the booty.

  • Oh my gosh. We just had a baby.

  • Husband: We did it! High five babe!

  • Oh my gosh. I cannot believe. He came right out in the car!

  • Oh my gosh babe!

  • You're beautiful. Oh my goodness baby boy.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • Oh I knew he was comig out.

  • He's a boy. Babe, He's a boy.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • What do I do? what do I do?

  • Husband: Love him hehehehe.

  • Oh I love him so much

  • He's beautiful. He's beautiful.

  • Husband: So I wonder if we still have to pay for using a birth center hehehe

  • I don't know. Oh baby I don't know what to do. I don't know what to do.

We've been driving for about 45 mins. already.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

女性は車の中で10ポンドの赤ちゃんを出産 (Woman gives birth to 10lb baby in car)

  • 7686 163
    Angie Hsu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日