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  • I've learned some of my most important life lessons

    Translator: Masako Kigami Reviewer: Claire Ghyselen

  • from drug dealers


  • and gang members


  • and prostitutes,


  • and I've had some of my most profound theological conversations


  • not in the hallowed halls of a seminary


  • but on a street corner


  • on a Friday night, at 1 a.m.

    金曜 深夜1時の

  • That's a little unusual, since I am a Baptist minister, seminary-trained,


  • and pastored a church for over 20 years,

    私は神学校を卒業した バプテスト派の牧師で

  • but it's true.

    教会を任されて20年以上ですから 少し変わっていると思うでしょうが

  • It came as a part of my participation


  • in a public safety crime reduction strategy


  • that saw a 79 percent reduction in violent crime


  • over an eight-year period in a major city.

    大都市で8年間で 凶悪犯罪が

  • But I didn't start out wanting to be


  • a part of somebody's crime reduction strategy.


  • I was 25, had my first church.

    犯罪削減に携わりたいわけでは なかったのです

  • If you would have asked me what my ambition was,

    私は25才で 最初の教会を任されました

  • I would have told you I wanted to be a megachurch pastor.


  • I wanted a 15-, 20,000-member church.

    大きな教会の牧師になりたいと 答えたでしょう

  • I wanted my own television ministry.

    信者数が1万5千人とか2万人の 教会が欲しかった

  • I wanted my own clothing line.

    テレビ中継される 牧師になりたかった

  • (Laughter)


  • I wanted to be your long distance carrier.


  • You know, the whole nine yards.


  • (Laughter)


  • After about a year of pastoring,


  • my membership went up about 20 members.


  • So megachurchdom was way down the road.


  • But seriously, if you'd have said, "What is your ambition?"


  • I would have said just to be a good pastor,

    でも もし真摯な夢を聞かれたなら

  • to be able to be with people through all the passages of life,


  • to preach messages that would have an everyday meaning for folks,


  • and in the African-American tradition,


  • to be able to represent the community that I serve.


  • But there was something else that was happening in my city

    私の管轄区の代表に なりたかったのです

  • and in the entire metro area,

    一方 私の街や大都市圏 そして

  • and in most metro areas in the United States,


  • and that was the homicide rate started to rise precipitously.


  • And there were young people who were killing each other


  • for reasons that I thought were very trivial,


  • like bumping into someone in a high school hallway,


  • and then after school, shooting the person.

    例えば 高校の廊下で ぶつかった生徒を

  • Someone with the wrong color shirt on,


  • on the wrong street corner at the wrong time.

    最悪のタイミングで 危険な街角に

  • And something needed to be done about that.

    着てはいけない色のシャツを着て 立っていたといって撃つのです

  • It got to the point where it started to change the character of the city.


  • You could go to any housing project,

    都市の雰囲気が 変わり始めていたのです

  • for example, like the one that was down the street from my church,

    公営住宅に行ってみると ―

  • and you would walk in, and it would be like a ghost town,

    私の教会から 少し行ったところにもありますが ―

  • because the parents wouldn't allow their kids to come out and play,

    足を踏み入れると ゴーストタウンのようなのです

  • even in the summertime, because of the violence.

    暴力がはびこっているせいで 夏であっても

  • You would listen in the neighborhoods on any given night,

    親が子供を外で 遊ばせないからです

  • and to the untrained ear, it sounded like fireworks,


  • but it was gunfire.

    慣れていないと 花火の音に聞こえるかもしれませんが

  • You'd hear it almost every night, when you were cooking dinner,


  • telling your child a bedtime story, or just watching TV.

    ほぼ毎晩のように銃声がします 夕食を作っている時

  • And you can go to any emergency room at any hospital,

    寝る前に子供に本を読んであげる時 テレビを見ている時に聞こえてくるのです

  • and you would see lying on gurneys


  • young black and Latino men shot and dying.

    若い黒人やラテン系の男性が 撃たれて瀕死の状態で

  • And I was doing funerals,

    担架に横たわっている光景を 目にします

  • but not of the venerated matriarchs and patriarchs who'd lived a long life


  • and there's a lot to say.


  • I was doing funerals of 18-year-olds,

    長寿を全うした 年配の方の葬儀ではないのです

  • 17-year-olds,

    執り行ったのは 18歳や

  • and 16-year-olds,

    17歳 ―

  • and I was standing in a church or at a funeral home


  • struggling to say something


  • that would make some meaningful impact.


  • And so while my colleagues were building these cathedrals great and tall


  • and buying property outside of the city

    私の同僚が 高くて立派な大聖堂を建てたり

  • and moving their congregations out


  • so that they could create or recreate their cities of God,


  • the social structures in the inner cities


  • were sagging under the weight of all of this violence.


  • And so I stayed, because somebody needed to do something,

    この暴力の重圧に 押しつぶされていました

  • and so I had looked at what I had and moved on that.

    だから私は留まりました 誰かがやらねばと思ったからです

  • I started to preach decrying the violence in the community.

    自分が行ってきた使命を 考えてみました

  • And I started to look at the programming in my church,

    私は地域社会の暴力を非難する 説教を始めました

  • and I started to build programs that would catch the at-risk youth,

    自分の教会で礼拝を 企画することから始めました

  • those who were on the fence to the violence.

    暴力を ただ傍観し 非行に走る恐れのある子供を

  • I even tried to be innovative in my preaching.


  • You all have heard of rap music, right?

    自分の説教のスタイルを 変えてもみました

  • Rap music?

    皆さん ラップをご存じですよね?

  • I even tried to rap sermon one time.


  • It didn't work, but at least I tried it.


  • I'll never forget the young person who came to me after that sermon.

    失敗でしたが とにかくやったのです

  • He waited until everybody was gone,

    説教後に若者が私の所にやってきたのが 忘れられません

  • and he said, "Rev, rap sermon, huh?" And I was like, "Yeah, what do you think?"

    彼は皆が居なくなるまで 待って言いました

  • And he said, "Don't do that again, Rev."

    「牧師さん ラップで説教かよ?」 「どうだった?」と聞くと

  • (Laughter)


  • But I preached and I built these programs,


  • and I thought maybe if my colleagues did the same

    それでも私は説教をし これらの企画を作り

  • that it would make a difference.


  • But the violence just careened out of control,


  • and people who were not involved in the violence were getting shot and killed:

    手に負えないほど 暴力の勢いが強く

  • somebody going to buy a pack of cigarettes at a convenience store,

    暴力とは直接関わりのない人々が 撃たれたり殺されたりしました

  • or someone who was sitting at a bus stop just waiting for a bus,

    コンビニでタバコを 一箱買おうとする人や

  • or kids who were playing in the park,

    バスを待つため 停留所に座っている人

  • oblivious to the violence on the other side of the park,


  • but it coming and visiting them.


  • Things were out of control,


  • and I didn't know what to do,


  • and then something happened that changed everything for me.

    自分のすべきことが 分かりませんでしたが

  • It was a kid by the name of Jesse McKie,

    私の全てを変えるようなことが 起こりました

  • walking home with his friend Rigoberto Carrion


  • to the housing project down the street from my church.


  • They met up with a group of youth who were from a gang in Dorchester,

    私の教会の先にある 公営住宅に歩いて帰る途中

  • and they were killed.

    ドーチェスターの チンピラのグループと出会い

  • But as Jesse was running from the scene mortally wounded,


  • he was running in the direction of my church,


  • and he died some 100, 150 yards away.


  • If he would have gotten to the church, it wouldn't have made a difference,

    あと100mか150mの所で 息絶えました

  • because the lights were out; nobody was home.

    教会に逃げ込んでいても 何も変わらなかったでしょう

  • And I took that as a sign.

    明かりが消え 誰もいなかったからです

  • When they caught some of the youth that had done this deed,


  • to my surprise, they were around my age,


  • but the gulf that was between us was vast.

    なんと 私と同世代だったのです

  • It was like we were in two completely different worlds.

    しかし 私たちの隔たりは大きく

  • And so as I contemplated all of this

    あたかも全く違う二つの世界で 暮らしているかのようでした

  • and looked at what was happening,


  • I suddenly realized that there was a paradox that was emerging inside of me,


  • and the paradox was this: in all of those sermons

    そして突然 私の内なる矛盾に 気付いたのです

  • that I preached decrying the violence,

    その矛盾とは 説教では

  • I was also talking about building community,


  • but I suddenly realized


  • that there was a certain segment of the population


  • that I was not including in my definition of community.


  • And so the paradox was this:

    突然 気付いたのです

  • If I really wanted the community that I was preaching for,

    つまり こういうことです

  • I needed to reach out

    本当に私が 自分の管轄区が欲しいなら

  • and embrace this group that I had cut out of my definition.


  • Which meant not about building programs

    手を差し伸べ 受け入れる必要があったのです

  • to catch those who were on the fences of violence,


  • but to reach out and to embrace those who were committing the acts of violence,


  • the gang bangers, the drug dealers.

    暴力に関わっている人たち ― 暴力団員や麻薬ディーラーに

  • As soon as I came to that realization, a quick question came to my mind.

    手を差し伸べ 受け入れるのです

  • Why me?

    それに気付いて すぐに疑問が頭をもたげました

  • I mean, isn't this a law enforcement issue?


  • This is why we have the police, right?

    警察の問題ではないかと 思ったのです

  • As soon as the question, "Why me?" came, the answer came just as quickly:


  • Why me? Because I'm the one who can't sleep at night thinking about it.

    でも 疑問がわいた直後に 答えも見つかりました

  • Because I'm the one looking around saying somebody needs to do something about this,

    暴力のことを考えだすと 夜も眠れないのは 私だからです

  • and I'm starting to realize that that someone is me.

    誰かが何とかする必要があると 思っているのは 私だからです

  • I mean, isn't that how movements start anyway?

    そして その誰かこそ 自分だと気付きました

  • They don't start with a grand convention and people coming together

    運動とは こうして始まるものでしょう?

  • and then walking in lockstep with a statement.

    初めから大きな集会に沢山 人が集まって

  • But it starts with just a few, or maybe just one.

    横断幕を掲げて 行進するわけではないのです

  • It started with me that way,

    最初は ほんの数人 一人だけかも知れません

  • and so I decided to figure out the culture of violence


  • in which these young people who were committing them existed,


  • and I started to volunteer at the high school.


  • After about two weeks of volunteering at the high school,


  • I realized that the youth that I was trying to reach,

    ボランティアを始めて 2週間が過ぎた頃

  • they weren't going to high school.


  • I started to walk in the community,

    高校に行っていないことに 気付きました

  • and it didn't take a rocket scientist to realize that they weren't out


  • during the day.


  • So I started to walk the streets at night, late at night,


  • going into the parks where they were,

    だから 私は深夜の路上を 歩き始めました

  • building the relationship that was necessary.


  • A tragedy happened in Boston that brought a number of clergy together,


  • and there was a small cadre of us who came to the realization

    ボストンで起こった悲劇は 聖職者を団結させました

  • that we had to come out of the four walls of our sanctuary

    私を含め数人が悟ったのは 四方を壁に囲まれた教会から出て

  • and meet the youth where they were,


  • and not try to figure out how to bring them in.


  • And so we decided to walk together,


  • and we would get together


  • in one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the city


  • on a Friday night and on a Saturday night


  • at 10 p.m.,


  • and we would walk until 2 or 3 in the morning.


  • I imagine we were quite the anomaly when we first started walking.

    深夜2時とか3時まで 歩き回りました

  • I mean, we weren't drug dealers.

    歩き始めた最初の頃 自分たちを例外だと思っていました

  • We weren't drug customers.


  • We weren't the police. Some of us would have collars on.


  • It was probably a really odd thing.

    警察でもないからです 牧師の印の白い襟を付けた人もいました

  • But they started speaking to us after a while,


  • and what we found out is that

    しばらくすると 若者たちと会話するようになりました

  • while we were walking, they were watching us,


  • and they wanted to make sure of a couple of things:

    私たちが歩いている間 彼らは 私たちを見て

  • that number one, we were going to be consistent in our behavior,


  • that we would keep coming out there;


  • and then secondly, they had wanted to make sure


  • that we weren't out there to exploit them.


  • Because there was always somebody who would say,


  • "We're going to take back the streets,"

    というのも 「安全な通りを取り戻す」と

  • but they would always seem to have a television camera with them,


  • or a reporter,


  • and they would enhance their own reputation


  • to the detriment of those on the streets.


  • So when they saw that we had none of that,


  • they decided to talk to us.

    だから私たちが 誰も連れていないのを見て

  • And then we did an amazing thing for preachers.


  • We decided to listen and not preach.

    そして私たちは 牧師としては驚くべき態度に出ました

  • Come on, give it up for me.

    説教はせず 聞くことにしたのです

  • (Laughter) (Applause)

    さあ 拍手してくださいよ

  • All right, come on, you're cutting into my time now, okay? (Laughter)

    (笑) (拍手)

  • But it was amazing.

    私の時間に 食い込んでますよ (笑)

  • We said to them, "We don't know our own communities after 9 p.m. at night,

    でも 素晴らしかった

  • between 9 p.m. and 5 a.m.,

    彼らに こう話しかけました 「私たちは夜9時以降の地域の様子 ―

  • but you do.


  • You are the subject matter experts, if you will, of that period of time.


  • So talk to us. Teach us.

    君たちは夜の時間帯の エキスパートなんだ

  • Help us to see what we're not seeing.


  • Help us to understand what we're not understanding."


  • And they were all too happy to do that,

    理解していないことを 理解できるように手伝ってほしい」

  • and we got an idea of what life on the streets was all about,


  • very different than what you see on the 11 o'clock news,

    私たちはストリートでの暮らしが 分かってきました

  • very different than what is portrayed in popular media and even social media.


  • And as we were talking with them,

    人気メディアやソーシャルメディアの報道とも 全然違うのです

  • a number of myths were dispelled about them with us.


  • And one of the biggest myths was that these kids were cold and heartless

    彼らに対する偏見が 消えて行きました

  • and uncharacteristically bold in their violence.

    ひどい偏見の一つは この子たちは冷たく残酷で

  • What we found out was the exact opposite.


  • Most of the young people who were out there on the streets

    私たちが見たのは その真逆の姿です

  • are just trying to make it on the streets.


  • And we also found out


  • that some of the most intelligent and creative


  • and magnificent and wise

    ストリートには 私たちが今まで会った中で

  • people that we've ever met

    最も知的で クリエイティブで 堂々として

  • were on the street, engaged in a struggle.


  • And I know some of them call it survival, but I call them overcomers,


  • because when you're in the conditions that they're in,

    それをサバイバルと呼ぶ若者もいますが 私は克服だと思います

  • to be able to live every day is an accomplishment of overcoming.


  • And as a result of that, we said to them,

    日々生きることは 克服することなのです

  • "How do you see this church, how do you see this institution

    それを受けて 私たちは彼らに尋ねました

  • helping this situation?"

    「こういう状況を改善するために 教会は何をすればいいと思う?」

  • And we developed a plan in conversation with these youths.

    「こういう状況を改善するために 教会は何をすればいいと思う?」

  • We stopped looking at them as the problem to be solved,

    私たちは若者との会話を通じて 計画を立てました

  • and we started looking at them as partners, as assets,


  • as co-laborers in the struggle to reduce violence in the community.

    地域社会の暴力削減運動の パートナーであり 有用な人材であり

  • Imagine developing a plan,

    仲間として 彼らを見るようになりました

  • you have one minister at one table and a heroin dealer at the other table,

    計画を立てるのを 想像してみてください

  • coming up with a way in which the church can help the entire community.

    牧師と麻薬ディーラーが 席を共にして

  • The Boston Miracle was about bringing people together.

    教会が地域社会全体を 支援する方法を考えるのです

  • We had other partners.

    ボストンの奇跡は 人々を団結させました

  • We had law enforcement partners.


  • We had police officers.


  • It wasn't the entire force,


  • because there were still some who still had that lock-'em-up mentality,


  • but there were other cops

    「刑務所送りにすればいい」と 考える人も いましたから

  • who saw the honor in partnering with the community,

    でも 地域社会のために協力するのを

  • who saw the responsibility from themselves


  • to be able to work as partners with community leaders and faith leaders

    彼らはコミュニティ・リーダーや 信仰指導者と

  • in order to reduce violence in the community.


  • Same with probation officers,

    地域社会の暴力削減に 努めてきました

  • same with judges,


  • same with folks who were up that law enforcement chain,


  • because they realized, like we did,


  • that we'll never arrest ourselves out of this situation,


  • that there will not be enough prosecutions made,


  • and you cannot fill these jails up enough


  • in order to alleviate the problem.


  • I helped to start an organization

    問題解決に至らないことに 彼らも気付いたのです

  • 20 years ago, a faith-based organization, to deal with this issue.

    私は20年前に 信仰に基づいた団体を

  • I left it about four years ago

    この問題を解決するために 立ち上げました

  • and started working in cities across the United States,


  • 19 in total,


  • and what I found out was that in those cities,


  • there was always this component of community leaders

    そして気付いたことは そういう都市には

  • who put their heads down and their nose to the grindstone,

    常に地域の リーダーとなる人がいて

  • who checked their egos at the door

    頭を下げながら コツコツ働き

  • and saw the whole as greater than the sum of its parts,


  • and came together and found ways to work with youth out on the streets,

    全体の力は 個人の力を足したものより 大きいことを理解し

  • that the solution is not more cops,

    力を合わせて 路上の若者と 共に活動する方法を見つけていました

  • but the solution is mining the assets that are there in the community,

    そして解決策は 警官を増員することではなく

  • to have a strong community component


  • in the collaboration around violence reduction.


  • Now, there is a movement in the United States


  • of young people who I am very proud of who are dealing with the structural issues

    アメリカで 私の自慢の若者たちが

  • that need to change if we're going to be a better society.


  • But there is this political ploy to try to pit police brutality


  • and police misconduct against black-on-black violence.

    一方で 黒人同士の暴力に対して

  • But it's a fiction.

    警察が暴力や職務乱用で 対抗しようとする政治的策略がありますが

  • It's all connected.

    これは所詮 絵空事です

  • When you think about decades of failed housing policies


  • and poor educational structures,

    数十年に渡って 破綻した住宅政策に

  • when you think about persistent unemployment

    貧弱な教育システム ―

  • and underemployment in a community,

    地域における 長期に渡る失業に

  • when you think about poor healthcare,

    不安定な労働条件 ―

  • and then you throw drugs into the mix

    そして 医療サービスの不足を考えると

  • and duffel bags full of guns,

    そんな環境に 麻薬や ダッフルバッグに詰めた銃を

  • little wonder that you would see this culture of violence emerge.


  • And then the response that comes from the state is more cops

    こういう暴力文化が現れるのも 全然不思議ではないのです

  • and more suppression of hot spots.

    結果として州の対応は 警官の増員と

  • It's all connected,


  • and one of the wonderful things that we've been able to do


  • is to be able to show the value of partnering together --

    私たちが行った 素晴らしいことの一つは

  • community, law enforcement, private sector, the city --


  • in order to reduce violence.

    地域社会、警察、企業、市当局が 共に連携することの

  • You have to value that community component.


  • I believe that we can end the era of violence in our cities.

    地域社会の価値を 尊重しなければなりません

  • I believe that it is possible and that people are doing it even now.

    私は都市の暴力の時代に 終止符を打てると信じています

  • But I need your help.

    できると信じているし 人々が 今まさに取り組んでいますが

  • It can't just come from folks who are burning themselves out


  • in the community.

    地域社会で 人々は精根尽き果てています

  • They need support. They need help.

    地域社会で 人々は精根尽き果てています

  • Go back to your city.

    あなたの支援や 援助が必要なのです

  • Find those people.


  • "You need some help? I'll help you out."


  • Find those people. They're there.

    「お困りですか?」 「私がお助けします」

  • Bring them together with law enforcement, the private sector, and the city,

    人々を見つけるのです 彼らはそこにいます

  • with the one aim of reducing violence,

    そして彼らが暴力削減という目標の下に 警察、企業、市当局と

  • but make sure that that community component is strong.


  • Because the old adage that comes from Burundi is right:


  • that you do for me, without me, you do to me.

    ブルンジ共和国には古い諺があって まさにその通りなのです

  • God bless you. Thank you.

    「私のためにと思っていても 私抜きなら 押し付けているだけ」

  • (Applause)

    皆さんに神のご加護を ありがとうございました

I've learned some of my most important life lessons

Translator: Masako Kigami Reviewer: Claire Ghyselen


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B1 中級 日本語 TED 暴力 教会 若者 牧師 削減

TED】Jeffrey Brown: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent (ジェフリー・ブラウン: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent) (【TED】Jeffrey Brown: How we cut youth violence in Boston by 79 percent (Jeffrey Brown: How we cut youth violence in Boston

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    CUChou に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日