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  • In the external, or physical, world, we're all aware of standard cause and effect.

  • You know, "Object A acts upon Object B with Force X." We all get that, because it applies to

  • just about everything -- from electrons to athletes.

  • But now consider events in your internal, or mental, world. What causes your thoughts?

  • Some of our thoughts have external causes, like when we touch something and suddenly

  • realize it's hot. We don't deliberate whether or not to pull our hand away. Our brain has

  • already fired the instruction to do so -- involuntarily. In some strange sense, "we" didn't really

  • pull our hand away at all -- because "we" didn't choose to do it.

  • Our brain did it before consulting us.

  • A second cause of our thoughts is internal. Say you're thinking about giving a big presentation

  • and as you do so, you get increasingly nervous, and your blood pressure and your heart rate jump up.

  • Now, nothing external is acting upon you. You're doing all the "causing" internally, right?

  • Your anxious thoughts are causing your brain to send signals to your heart, and we get that.

  • But now, I want you to consider a third category of your thoughts -- it's your conscious choices

  • -- something as simple as choosing where to go for lunch.

  • Now when you introspect, when you think about your thinking, do you believe that you are

  • the active agent in charge of the process, or that you are just a passive recipient of

  • the instruction -- that you have no choice in the matter, it's all external forces --

  • be they environmental, genetic, chemical, biological, or neurological?

  • In other words, do you think all your thoughts have external causes beyond your control,

  • or do you think that you control some, if not most, of your thoughts?

  • Now let's stay with our lunch example for a second... back to the question...I ask you

  • "Where do you want to go for lunch today?"

  • Now, if all you are is a brain, an exhaustively physical system of neurons and synapses,

  • then there's no "you" that's gonna be making a "choice" at all. Your thought processes

  • are basically just a complex series of colliding electron-dominos crashing into one another.

  • It's just physical cause and effect, right -- something that can be exhaustively understood

  • in terms of physics and chemistry? There's no "you" that's an agent that's deliberating,

  • or choosing, or exercising free will.

  • And that's why, if you are just a brain, you cannot have free will.

  • You would just be a physical machine -- a very complex but programmed computer.

  • But, if you're something more than your brain -- if you're the thing that has the brain --

  • then, when I ask you "Where do you want to go for lunch?," you're going to start deliberating

  • -- you're going to be weighing your taste preferences, the commute time, perhaps even

  • counting calories. You'd be weighing various reasons to choose one place over another.

  • You wouldn't be caused to think about any of these things. You would choose to think

  • about these things, and you could stop anytime you wanted to.

  • So, what we have here, therefore, are two different types of things: an immaterial mind

  • and the material brain. You are the thing that has the brain -- you are not your brain.

  • Now look, even if you were the world's foremost brain expert, and you knew what was happening

  • with every electron in someone's brain at a specific, particular moment, you still wouldn't

  • have a clue about what's going on inside that person's mind. Surgeons can have access to

  • my brain, but only I have access to my mind. This is what makes you human and not a machine.

  • Psychology, the study of the mind, is not reducible to physics, and biology, and chemistry.

  • Yet, there are many materialists -- people who believe that physical matter is all that exists,

  • that the only reality -- including every thought, every feeling, every mind,

  • every will, all of this is totally explained in terms of matter in motion, simply physical phenomena.

  • These materialists believe that we're no more than robots and that free will

  • is an illusion, a myth.

  • Now, why do they believe this? Because they understand that the moment they acknowledge

  • that free will exists, that there really is an immaterial you beyond the physical realm,

  • that there really is a mind, not just a brain, then there has to be something non-physical

  • that accounts for our non-physical minds.

  • Now when you exercise your freewill and you choose to think about all of this

  • -- you're gonna probably reason -- just like I did -- that there is a Great Mind

  • that accounts for the origin of your mind.

  • But again, that's your choice -- it's evidence of your free will.

  • I'm Frank Pastore for Prager University.

In the external, or physical, world, we're all aware of standard cause and effect.


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B1 中級

我々は自由意志を持っているのか? (Do We Have Free Will?)

  • 193 18
    周杰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日