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  • Top 9 “Must HavesFor Kids In Sports To Be Successful

  • As parents and coaches there are some simple, but critical things you can do for your kids

  • in sports that will make a huge difference in their happiness and success in playing

  • their sport.

  • 1. Encouragement

  • I put encouragement first, because this is by far the most important need of any kids

  • in sports. You cannot over do encouragement. The problems start when parents and coaches

  • give praise only after good performances and call that encouragement. All that does is

  • give the child the idea that your acceptance and approval is dependent on a good performance.

  • What parents need to do is simply express their joy and excitement about watching their

  • athlete play their sport. For example, instead of saying, “Way to hit that home run”,

  • what would be more encouraging would be to say something like, “I loved the confidence

  • I saw when you were hitting the ball up there.”

  • Notice that you can say that last sentence even if your kid struck out!

  • 2. It’s NOT about the winning

  • First question to ask yourself is, “why do you want your kid to play sports?” Most

  • parents and coaches agree it is for them to have fun and build life skills. Your kids

  • can accomplish these two things whether they win or not and there is a case to be made

  • they learn more from losing.

  • 3. Good nutrition

  • Unfortunately, this is one of the most ignored areas of youth sports. Your kids are out there

  • moving their body and sweating. It is extremely important to keep them hydrated with water,

  • not those florescent sports drinks. Also avoiding sugary snacks that spike their blood sugar

  • then bring them crashing down.

  • 4. Sleep well

  • It’s very easy for parents of kids playing sports to ignore this, because there isonly

  • so many hours in a dayand they also have homework, family chores, etc. They are so

  • worried and stressed out about keeping up their studies and giving their all to their

  • sport, they often have trouble sleeping.

  • They need wind down time at night and a regular bedtime schedule.

  • 5. Acceptance among peers

  • This is a biggie. While you can’t make all of your kid’s friends like him, you CAN

  • check in to find out how he is fitting in with his team or group. Some coaches pit players

  • against each other, but studies show everyone does better when there is team harmony. This

  • is especially important when working with girl’s teams.

  • Bullying is also prevalent in youth sports and there should be a no tolerance policy

  • on your kids team. It is a big reason why kids quit sports.

  • 6. Respect their opinion

  • Just because you played or know something about your kid’s sport, does not mean YOU

  • know the best way to help him become a better player. You know you are on the wrong track

  • with helping your kid, when you think to yourselfWell, it worked for me.”

  • In my free ebook, “The 10 Commandments For A Great Sports Parent,” I teach parents

  • a number of effective ways to giving advice. It starts with asking permission and respecting

  • no.” If you go past that, you are only hurting your relationship and ultimately his

  • confidence and performance.

  • 7. To be taught and shown physical skills

  • There are approximately 3 million youth sports coaches out there and less than 20% of coaches

  • have any training to be a coach. 85% of all coaches are the parent of one of the players.

  • In other words, do not assume they are getting good skill instruction. It’s up to you to

  • make sure this is happening.

  • Take a keen interest in what your child is learning by asking them about their latest

  • skill. Really be present in these conversations and ask open-ended questions to keep it going.

  • When some kids get the personal instruction and others don’t, it creates a formula for

  • destroying confidence.

  • 8. To have mental skills modeled and explained

  • My definition of mental toughness is when you are focused, confident, determined, and

  • resilient...especially under pressure. We have an 8-step program in our Mental Toughness

  • Academy to help your child develop these mental skills.

  • It’s your job though to model them. For example, if you want your child to learn sportsmanship,

  • you’d better be a great sport from the stands by clapping at appropriate times for the other

  • competitors and keeping quiet when there are bad officials calls.

  • If you want your kid to be calm under pressure, show him how to do that at home.

  • This is the most powerful way that kids learn anything.

  • 9. Advocate for them

  • Most youth sports programs are well run. Most coaches are well intentioned. Unfortunately,

  • sometimes things fall apart and it is the parent’s job to step in or pull the plug

  • when the young athlete’s sports participation is tilting to the negative. Always remember,

  • when approaching the coach, to present your concerns with the utmost respect for another

  • human being who is doing their best. A fabulous technique that I’ve taught parents in confronting

  • a coach or director is to use thefeedback sandwich.” This means, you start out the

  • conversation with praise, followed by your concern, and finishing up with more praise.

  • Here’s how that could go:

  • Hi Coach, I just want to tell you how much I appreciate all your efforts and time you

  • put in for this team. I’m very grateful for all you do for these kids. I wonder if

  • I might ask you about Johnny’s playing time and what you think he needs to do in order

  • to get more time on the field. And by the way, that last game where you pumped the team

  • to get that win was brilliant....(then be quiet and let the coach speak.)

Top 9 “Must HavesFor Kids In Sports To Be Successful


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スポーツで成功するための子供のための「必需品」トップ9 (Top 9 "Must Haves" For Kids In Sports To Be Successful)

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    Chi Shin Chen に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日