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Hi again. Welcome back to www.engvid.com. I'm Adam. Today's lesson is about getting you in shape.
またもやこんにちは。www.engvid.com へようこそ。アダムです。今日のレッスンは、体調を整えることについてです。
What does that mean? It means going to the gym and exercising,
and all the vocabulary you need to do that well. If you go to the gym and you need to speak to a personal trainer
or a fitness coach, he or she will use these words to help you get a very nice body.
So let's start with these. First of all, most people who go to the gym want to "get in shape".
It doesn't mean they want to become square or a circle or a triangle. It means they want
to have a good body, and also to feel healthy. They want to breathe easier, they want to
be able to walk or run for a longer time, they want to be able to feel good about their physical condition.
Now, a lot of people also go to the gym because they want these things. They want to be "fit".
"Fit" basically means healthy. Some people want to get "toned". They want some lines
"フィット "とは、基本的には健康的な状態を意味します。ある人は "引き締まった "ものを手に入れたいと思っています。彼らはいくつかのラインを望んでいます。
here and there; they don't want to be round. They want more lines, a little bit more showing muscles
彼らは丸くなることを望んでいません。彼らはより多くのラインを求めています もう少し筋肉を見せてください
a little bit less showing fat.
Some people want to get "cut". Now, "cut" means that you see all the lines where all
the muscles are or should be, because you've worked out a lot. You have very little fat, more muscle.
Now, some people want to get "shredded". "Shredded" means like very, very, very cut.
さて、"シュレッダー "になりたい人もいます。"シュレッダー "とは、非常に、非常に、非常に、非常にカットされたという意味です。
So if you think, for example, Brad Pitt, in the movie Fight Club, he was shredded.
Very little fat, all muscle, and cut in all the right places.
Then if you say someone is "jacked", then you think of Arnold Schwarzenegger.
Before he was a politician, a little bit before he was an actor, he was a bodybuilder.
He was "jacked"; he had huge muscles everywhere. "Ripped" and "shredded" basically mean the same thing.
彼は "ジャック "されていた いたるところに巨大な筋肉があった"リッピング "と "シュレッダー "は基本的に同じ意味です。
These are all slang words for "toned", basically. And everybody wants like a "six-pack abs".
これらは「引き締まった」という意味の俗語です。誰もが "6パックの腹筋 "のようなものを求めています。
They want one, two, three, four, five, six. You have to work very hard for that
You have to get rid of a lot of fat to get all the muscles to show up.
Keep in mind: all of these things, they're more about a lifestyle than about exercising,
but you have to exercise to get all these things.
Okay, so what can you do to exercise? You can "work out". One thing you can do,
you can walk around your house every day after dinner and, you know, work your digestive system.
毎日夕食後に家の周りを歩いて 消化器系を鍛えるのよ
All the food you ate goes to the right places, everything okay. But you can also
"work out", means you go to the "gym" where they have all the weights, all the machines,
"ワークアウト "とは "ジム "に行くことを意味する 彼らはすべてのウェイトとすべてのマシンを持っています。
you can exercise. "Work out", exercise.
Why? Because you want to get rid of your "spare tire". Now, this happens a lot more to men,
but a spare tire. So, you know in your car if you have a flat tire, in the back, you
have a spare tire? So imagine carrying that spare tire around your stomach.
You're skinny, skinny, skinny, fat, skinny, skinny, skinny, skinny. That's your spare tire.
Now, men also have "love handles", you can grab them on the side and you can play with them.
I won't explain too much where the "love handle" term comes from, but that's what they're called.
Women, on the other hand, it's called a "muffin top". Because you know when you have a muffin,
there's the paper, and then-whoop-it comes out? So if you're wearing really tight jeans
and then a little bit sticks out, that's your muffin top. So, you go to the gym,
そして少しだけ出てきたのが マフィンのトップよそれで ジムに行って
you wantto get rid of all these things.
Some people want to "bulk up", means they want to get bigger. They want to "build muscle". Muscle.
一部の人々は "バルクアップ "したい、彼らは大きく取得したいことを意味します。彼らは「筋肉をつける」ことを望んでいます筋肉ですね。
Some people want to "slim down", means they want to get thinner. They want to "burn fat".
So you build muscle, you burn fat. Ideally, you do both at the same time. And, of course,
more important than all of this: diet. You have to stop eating McDonalds,
you have to stop eating pizza, you have to stop eating bad food if you want to get any of these things.
Now, what can you do at the gym? You can do "weights". "Weights" means like actual physical,
さて、ジムでは何ができるのでしょうか?"ウエイト "ができます。"ウエイト "とは、実際の肉体のような意味です。
heavy things that you lift, etc., you do all kinds of things with them. Or you could do "cardio".
重いものを持ち上げるなどして いろんなことをしますよねあるいは「有酸素運動」をするとか。
"Cardio" is short for "cardiovascular", it means working the lungs, working the inside,
"Cardio "は "cardiovascular "の略で、肺を働かせる、内臓を働かせるという意味です。
getting the body, the blood to flow properly, getting your air passages to open and close properly.
One thing you can do for cardio is "aerobics", so you know, like jumping jacks,
and all that stuff, and running, and all these things, exercises on the floor.
You do only with your body and a lot of movement to get the inside to burn fat.
Now, you can also do the "treadmill". This is one machine. It's a machine that you stand on.
It has like a belt, and you just walk. You don't go anywhere; you just walk, walk, walk for an hour.
You burn a lot of fat. "Burn a lot of calories" is more correct,
脂肪をたくさん燃やす"たくさんのカロリーを燃やす "の方が正しいです。
and hopefully slim down.
Now, if you want to bulk up, if you want to build muscle, you have to do things like "push ups".
"Push ups" on the floor, you're basically almost lying down on the floor, and with your arms,
"腕立て伏せ "は基本的に床にほぼ寝転がった状態で、腕を使って行います。
you push yourself up. This is the floor. Okay? Or you could do "pull ups".
On a bar, u pull yourself up. Pull yourself up and down.
Or you can use "barbells" or "dumbbells". What's the difference between a barbell and a dumbbell?
A barbell has a long bar with however much weight you put on them,
and you lift them up, do whatever. Dumbbells are similar, but they're smaller.
持ち上げて何でもするんだダンベルも似ていますが 小さくなっています
So you grab with one hand and one hand, or you can just do one hand, and you can do all kinds of lifts with the dumbbell.
You can also use "cables". These are like machines, but it's like a metal wire,
and you use them to pull, or push, or whatever you need to do, whatever muscle group you want to work.
And then you can do a "bench press". So a "bench" is basically a bench; you sit on it,
you lie down on it, and you... You're lying down, and you're pushing the barbell up and
down, or the dumbbell, or whatever you need to do.
Now, what we do with when we do weights, we do "sets" and "reps". "Reps" is short for "repetitions".
さて、ウェイトをするときに何をするかというと、"セット "と "レップス "です。"レップス "は "反復 "の略です。
So, for example, if you're doing curls, if you're lifting up the dumbbell,
you do 12 reps, and you do it three times, so three sets. Each set has 12 reps. Okay?
12レップを3回行うので 3セットです各セットは12レップスだいいですか?
So, now, if you go to the gym and you want to get shredded or you want to get jacked
or you want to just slim down, you know what to tell the trainers or what to tell the people
there who are helping you out. More importantly, what to tell yourself.
Now, if you want to practice these words, go to www.engvid.com.
There's a quiz there to help you practice these words. You can ask questions in the comment section.
And, of course, come back and visit us again. Don't forget to join my... To subscribe to my YouTube channel.
See you again soon. Bye.