字幕表 動画を再生する
This summer I was back in Ohio for a family wedding,
この夏 親族の結婚式で オハイオに戻ってました
and when I was there,
there was a meet and greet with Anna and Elsa from "Frozen."
『アナと雪の女王(原題:Frozen)』 のサイン会がありました
Not the Anna and Elsa from "Frozen,"
ディズニー公式イベントでは なかったので
as this was not a Disney-sanctioned event.
本物のアナとエルサでは ありません
These two entrepreneurs had a business of running princess parties.
この2人はプリンセスパーティを ビジネスとしてやっていました
Your kid is turning five?
They'll come sing some songs, sprinkle some fairy dust, it's great.
プリンセスが歌を歌って 妖精の粉を振ったら喜ぶでしょう
And they were not about to miss out on the opportunity
社会現象になるほどの 『アナと雪の女王』人気を
that was the phenomenon and that was "Frozen."
So they get hired by a local toy store,
このアナとエルサが おもちゃ屋で
kids come in on a Saturday morning,
土曜の午前に 子供達を迎えます
buy some Disney swag, get their picture taken with the princesses,
子供がたくさん来て ディズニーグッズを買い
call it a day.
It's like Santa Claus without the seasonal restrictions.
季節を無視したサンタのイベント みたいなものですね
And my three-and-a-half-year-old niece Samantha was in the thick of it.
3才半の姪っ子 サマンサも そんな子供たちの1人でした
She could care less that these two women were signing posters and coloring books
ポスターや塗り絵帳にしてもらえるサインが 著作権に配慮して
as Snow Queen and Princess Ana with one N to avoid copyright lawsuits.
AnnaではなくAnaなのは 子供には気になりません
According to my niece and the 200-plus kids in the parking lot that day,
オモチャ屋の駐車場に集った サマンサや200人余の子供たちにとっては
this was the Anna and Elsa from "Frozen."
映画から出てきた アナとエルサそのものだったのです
It is a blazing hot Saturday morning in August in Ohio.
その朝は夏だったので オハイオは焼けつくような暑さでした
We get there at 10 o'clock, the scheduled start time,
and we are handed number 59.
By 11 o'clock they had called numbers 21 through 25;
11時までに呼ばれたのが 21番から25番
this was going to be a while,
これは長くなるな と思いました
and there is no amount of free face painting or temporary tattoos
暑さで身も心も爆発寸前の子供たちには 無料フェイスペイントやタトゥーシールが
that could prevent the meltdowns that were occurring outside of the store.
So, by 12:30 we get called:
12:30になって ようやく 私たちの番号が呼ばれました
"56 to 63, please."
「56番から63番の方 どうぞ」
And as we walk in, it is a scene I can only describe you
会場に入ると そこはまるで
as saying it looked like Norway threw up.
ノルウェーの雪景色を ひっくり返したようなすごい光景
There were cardboard cut-out snowflakes covering the floor,
glitter on every flat surface, and icicles all over the walls.
あらゆる表面がラメにまみれ 壁全面につららが張っていました
And as we stood in line
in an attempt to give my niece a better vantage point
than the backside of the mother of number 58,
I put her up on my shoulders,
and she was instantly riveted by the sight of the princesses.
視界に入ったプリンセスに 姪はもう釘付け
And as we moved forward, her excitement only grew,
列が進むにつれて 姪の興奮は増すばかりでした
and as we finally got to the front of the line,
and number 58 unfurled her poster to be signed by the princesses,
目の前で58番の子が ポスターを広げています
I could literally feel the excitement running through her body.
肩の上の姪の興奮が 乗せている私にも伝わってきます
And let's be honest, at that point, I was pretty excited too.
まあ 正直言うと 私もかなりわくわくしていましたね
I mean, the Scandinavian decadence was mesmerizing.
私のほうは 行き過ぎた氷雪の装飾に くらくらしていたわけですがね
So we get to the front of the line,
and the haggard clerk turns to my niece and says,
疲れきった係員が 姪に向かって
"Hi, honey. You're next!
「おじょうちゃん とうとう次だね!
Do you want to get down, or you're going to stay
on your dad's shoulders for the picture?'
お父さんの肩の上でいいのかな?」 と言いました
And I was, for a lack of a better word, frozen.
私といえば その場で 「凍りついて(frozen)」いました
It's amazing that in an unexpected instant we are faced with the question,
まったく予期せずして 自問自答が始まりました
who am I?
Am I an aunt? Or am I an advocate?
サマンサの叔母か? ゲイ人権活動家か?
Millions of people have seen my video about how to have a hard conversation,
壁を打ち破る会話についての前講演は 沢山の方にご覧いただきましたが
and there one was, right in front of me.
まさに ここで格好の事例発生です
At the same time,
there's nothing more important to me than the kids in my life,
私にとって 姪っ子に勝る 大切なものはありません
so I found myself in a situation that we so often find ourselves in,
torn between two things, two impossible choices.
2つの間の板ばさみになり どっちも選べないのです
Would I be an advocate?
Would I take my niece off my shoulders and turn to the clerk and explain to her
姪を肩から降ろして 係員にこう言ったとしたら?
that I was in fact her aunt, not her father,
「私はこの子の叔母です 父親ではありません
and that she should be more careful
髪型とか 肩車を見ただけで
and not to jump to gender conclusions based on haircuts and shoulder rides --
性別を判断するのは 配慮が足らないのでは?」
(Laughter) --
and while doing that,
miss out on what was, to this point, the greatest moment of my niece's life.
姪にとっての人生最高の瞬間を 見逃してしまうことでしょう
Or would I be an aunt?
では 叔母という立場を優先し
Would I brush off that comment, take a million pictures,
係員の言葉は聞き流して 写真を撮りまくり
and not be distracted for an instant from the pure joy of that moment,
余計なことは気にせず この瞬間を純粋に楽しみ抜いたら?
and by doing that,
でも そっちを選べば
walk out with the shame that comes up for not standing up for myself,
声を上げなかったことを恥じながら 店を出ることになります
especially in front of my niece.
よりによって姪の前で 情けないですね
Who was I?
Which one was more important? Which role was more worth it?
どっちのほうを大事にして どっちの役目を優先すべきか?
Was I an aunt? Or was I an advocate?
And I had a split second to decide.
We are taught right now
今まさに 世の中
that we are living in a world of constant and increasing polarity.
沢山の物事の二極化が進んでいると 言われています
It's so black and white, so us and them, so right and wrong.
何事も 白と黒、善と悪 「私たち」と「彼ら」で語られ
There is no middle, there is no gray, just polarity.
グレーゾーンや中間はなく あるのは両極のみです
Polarity is a state in which two ideas or opinions
二極性とは 2つの考えや意見が
are completely opposite from each other;
a diametrical opposition.
180度 正反対であることです
Which side are you on?
どっち側につくのか 何かと問われがちです
Are you unequivocally and without question antiwar, pro-choice, anti-death penalty,
完全に 心の底から 「反戦派、母体選択優先派、死刑反対派で
pro-gun regulation, proponent of open borders and pro-union?
銃器規正法賛成派、移民歓迎派 かつ労働組合寄り」なのか?
Or, are you absolutely and uncompromisingly
それとも 完璧に 妥協の余地なしに
pro-war, pro-life, pro-death penalty,
a believer that the Second Amendment is absolute,
anti-immigrant and pro-business?
It's all or none, you're with us or against us.
全部かゼロか 敵か見方か
That is polarity.
The problem with polarity and absolutes is that
it eliminates the individuality of our human experience
人それぞれ独特の個性や経歴を 排除してしまうので
and that makes it contradictory to our human nature.
その結果 私たち人間の本質と 相容れなくなってしまうからです
But if we are pulled in these two directions,
but it's not really where we exist --
polarity is not our actual reality --
where do we go from there?
What's at the other end of that spectrum?
「二極性」の反対にあるものは 何でしょうか?
I don't think it's an unattainable, harmonious utopia,
決して叶わないような 完全に調和した理想世界ではありません
I think the opposite of polarity is duality.
「二極性」の反対は 「二元性」だと思います
Duality is a state of having two parts,
二元性とは 2つの面を持つことを言いますが
but not in diametrical opposition,
in simultaneous existence.
Don't think it's possible?
Here are the people I know:
実現している人 知ってますよ
I know Catholics who are pro-choice, and feminists who wear hijabs,
中絶を認めているカトリック ヒジャブを着るフェミニスト
and veterans who are antiwar,
and NRA members who think I should be able to get married.
ゲイ同士の結婚を支持する 全米ライフル協会会員まで
Those are the people I know, those are my friends and family,
that is the majority of our society, that is you, that is me.
社会の大多数もそうだし あなたも 私もそうです
Duality is the ability to hold both things.
「二元性」とは 両方の要素を保つ力です
But the question is: Can we own our duality?
でも 問題は 両方とも自力で維持できるか?
Can we have the courage to hold both things?
I work at a restaurant in town,
I became really good friends with the busser.
I was a server and we had a great relationship,
we had a really great time together.
Her Spanish was great
because she was from Mexico.
That line actually went the other way.
言う順番 間違えちゃいました
Her English was limited, but significantly better than my Spanish.
英語はあまりできず でも 私のスペイン語よりは遥かに上手でした
But we were united by our similarities,
私たちにとって お互いの相違点は 障害にはならず
not separated by our differences.
むしろ 共通点で結びついたのです
And we were close, even though we came from very different worlds.
かなり違う環境の出身なのに 近い存在でした
She was from Mexico,
she left her family behind so she could come here
and afford them a better life back home.
単身 渡米したそうです
She was a devout conservative Catholic,
a believer in traditional family values,
stereotypical roles of men and women,
典型的な性役割を 信じて疑わない子でした
and I was, well, me.
でも 私は ほら こんな感じでしょ
But the things that bonded us were when she asked about my girlfriend,
それでも 私の彼女のことを話したり
or she shared pictures that she had from her family back home.
メキシコに残してきた家族の写真を 見せてもらったり
Those were the things that brought us together.
そういう話をしながら 仲良くなっていきました
So one day, we were in the back,
ある日 スタッフ部屋で
scarfing down food as quickly as we could, gathered around a small table,
珍しく客足が引いているうちにと 小さいテーブルを囲んで
during a very rare lull,
and a new guy from the kitchen came over --
who happened to be her cousin --
and sat down with all the bravado and machismo
ハタチの彼なりに精一杯の 虚勢と男っぽさを
that his 20-year-old body could hold.
And he said to her, [in Spanish] "Does Ash have a boyfriend?"
そして 友人にスペイン語で 「アッシュに彼氏はいるのか?」
And she said, [in Spanish] "No, she has a girlfriend."
友人がスペイン語で答えます 「彼氏じゃなくて 彼女がいるのよ」
And he said, [in Spanish] "A girlfriend?!?"
すると新人は 「彼女だって?!?」
And she set down her fork, and locked eyes with him,
すると友人は フォークを置いて 彼の目をじっと見据え
and said, [in Spanish] "Yes, a girlfriend. That is all."
「そうよ 彼女がいるの それだけよ」 と言いました
And his smug smile quickly dropped to one of maternal respect,
傲慢にニヤニヤしていた新人が 途端にしおらしくなり
grabbed his plate, walked off, went back to work.
自分の皿を持って部屋を出て行き 仕事に戻りました
She never made eye contact with me.
She left, did the same thing --
it was a 10-second conversation, such a short interaction.
たった10秒という ものすごく短い会話でした
And on paper, she had so much more in common with him:
この2人は 言語、文化、歴史、家族など
language, culture, history, family, her community was her lifeline here,
書類上の共通点は沢山あるし 地元の輪は彼女の命綱でしたが
but her moral compass trumped all of that.
彼女自身の倫理基準が その全てを凌いだのです
And a little bit later, they were joking around in the kitchen in Spanish,
少し後で 2人は厨房で スペイン語で 冗談を言い合っていました
that had nothing to do with me,
私とは無関係に です
and that is duality.
She didn't have to choose some P.C. stance on gayness over her heritage.
ゲイに対する表現上の公正さなんかと 自分の文化や伝統の間で迷ったり
She didn't have to choose her family over our friendship.
家族親戚と友情の板挟みに なったりしませんでした
It wasn't Jesus or Ash.
キリスト様か アッシュ様か 選ばなくてよかったのです
Her individual morality was so strongly rooted
彼女自身の倫理観の根元が ものすごく しっかりしていて
that she had the courage to hold both things.
Our moral integrity is our responsibility
私たちには 自分の倫理観を 貫き通す責任があります
and we must be prepared to defend it even when it's not convenient.
やりにくい状況にあってもブレない そんな心構えがなければいけません
That's what it means to be an ally, and if you're going to be an ally,
それが何かを支持するいうことであり 支持すると決めたら
you have to be an active ally:
Ask questions, act when you hear something inappropriate,
不適切なことを耳にしたら 問題提議し 行動を起こし
actually engage.
実際に 戦いましょう
I had a family friend who for years used to call my girlfriend my lover.
家族ぐるみの友人で 私の彼女を ずっと「愛人」と呼んでた人がいました
Really? Lover?
So overly sexual,
so '70s gay porn.
70年代のレズビアンポルノの イメージそのまま
But she was trying, and she asked.
でも一応気を遣おうとはしてたし 訊いてくれました
She could have called her my friend,
「お友達 」と呼ぶ人や
or my "friend," or my "special friend" --
「オトモダチ」「特別なお友達」 と呼ぶ人もいますから
(Laughter) --
or even worse, just not asked at all.
悪いときには その話題にまったく触れない人もね
Believe me, we would rather have you ask.
訊いてくれたほうがまだマシです 本気でそうなんです
I would rather have her say lover, than say nothing at all.
何も言わないより 「愛人」と言われたほうがマシです
People often say to me, "Well, Ash, I don't care.
よく こんなことを言われます 「ねえ アッシュ
I don't see race or religion or sexuality.
人種、宗教、セクシュアリティなんて 私にはどうでもいい
It doesn't matter to me. I don't see it."
そういう目で人を見ないし 興味ないから」
But I think the opposite of homophobia and racism and xenophobia is not love,
でも 同性愛嫌悪、人種差別 外国人嫌悪の反対は「愛」じゃない
it's apathy.
If you don't see my gayness, then you don't see me.
私を同性愛者として見ないということは 私を見ていないのと同じ
If it doesn't matter to you who I sleep with,
私の恋愛対象が男か女か 興味がないなら
then you cannot imagine what it feels like
when I walk down the street late at night holding her hand,
例えば 夜遅くに 通り道で 彼女と手をつないで歩いて
and approach a group of people and have to make the decision
if I should hang on to it or if I should I drop it
when all I want to do is squeeze it tighter.
つないだままか 離すべきか 迷ってしまう気持ちや
And the small victory I feel
when I make it by and don't have to let go.
And the incredible cowardice and disappointment I feel when I drop it.
手を離してしまったときの とてつもない敗北感や失望など
If you do not see that struggle
同性愛者であるがゆえの 同性愛者独特の葛藤を見ないなら
that is unique to my human experience because I am gay, then you don't see me.
If you are going to be an ally, I need you to see me.
理解者でありたいのならば ありのままの私を見ないとダメです
As individuals, as allies, as humans,
個人として 理解者として 人間として
we need to be able to hold both things:
良いほうも 悪いほうも
both the good and the bad,
簡単なほうも 難しいほうも
the easy and the hard.
You don't learn how to hold two things just from the fluff,
この能力は苦労せずに 習得できるものじゃない
you learn it from the grit.
And what if duality is just the first step?
そして「二元性」は ほんの第一歩に過ぎないとしたら?
What if through compassion and empathy and human interaction
もし 思いやりや共感や 人との交流を通じて
we are able to learn to hold two things?
And if we can hold two things, we can hold four,
and if we can hold four, we can hold eight,
and if we can hold eight, we can hold hundreds.
そして 8つが可能なら 100でも可能です
We are complex individuals,
swirls of contradiction.
You are all holding so many things right now.
今 この瞬間に 沢山のものを抱えています
What can you do to hold just a few more?
そこに 更にもう少し抱えるには どうしたらいいでしょうか?
So, back to Toledo, Ohio.
さて オハイオでの話に戻ります
I'm at the front of the line,
列の先頭で 姪を肩に乗せ
niece on my shoulders, the frazzled clerk calls me Dad.
疲れきった係員に 「お父さん」と呼ばれました
Have you ever been mistaken for the wrong gender?
性別を間違うって すごく失礼ですよね?
Not even that.
いや それ以前の問題です
Have you ever been called something you are not?
自分がそうではないもの呼ばわり されたんですよ?
Here's what it feels like for me:
I am instantly an internal storm of contrasting emotions.
一瞬で 心の中に 相反する感情が渦巻き始め
I break out into a sweat that is a combination of rage and humiliation,
憤りと屈辱が混じった 汗が吹き出てきて
I feel like the entire store is staring at me,
店中の人に見られているような 気持ちと同時に
and I simultaneously feel invisible.
透明人間にもなったような 気持ちです
I want to explode in a tirade of fury,
怒りを爆発させ 説教を始めたいけど
and I want to crawl under a rock.
And top all of that off with the frustration that I'm wearing
そして極めつけには 私がその時着ていたのが
an out-of-character tight-fitting purple t-shirt,
柄にもなく ピチピチの紫のTシャツだったので
so this whole store can see my boobs,
店中の人に 私の胸が見えたはずで
to make sure this exact same thing doesn't happen.
だから 性別を間違われるなんて ありえない
But, despite my best efforts to be seen as the gender I am,
しかし いくら正しい性別に 見られようと努力しても
it still happens.
And I hope with every ounce of my body that no one heard --
そして この私の全存在をかけて 私がそういう目に遭っていることは
not my sister, not my girlfriend, and certainly not my niece.
妹や 彼女や ましてや姪には 知られたくない
I am accustomed to this familiar hurt,
こうやって自分が傷つくことには 慣れっこですが
but I will do whatever I need to do to protect the people I love from it.
大切な人たちは 何としてでも守ります
But then I take my niece off my shoulders,
でも その時 姪っ子を肩から下ろして
and she runs to Elsa and Anna --
the thing she's been waiting so long for --
アナとエルサに 走り寄るのを見たら
and all that stuff goes away.
そういう感情が全部 消えてしまいました
All that matters is the smile on her face.
大事なのは 姪の笑顔です
And as the 30 seconds we waited two and a half hours for comes to a close
2時間半も待って やっと回ってきた 30秒間が終わりに近づき
we gather up our things, and I lock eyes with the clerk again;
片付けをしていると 係員と再び目が合いました
and she gives me an apologetic smile and mouths,
すると係員は申し訳なさそうな笑顔を見せ 口パクで
"I am so sorry!"
And her humanity, her willingness to admit her mistake disarms me immediately,
店員の人間らしさや 間違いを認める 素直さに 一瞬で力が抜けて
then I give her a: "It's okay, it happens. But thanks."
「よくあることですから でも ありがとう」
And I realize in that moment
その瞬間 気づきました
that I don't have to be
叔母か 活動家かの
either an aunt or an advocate, I can be both.
どっちかを選ぶ必要はないんだ 両方とも私なんだ と
I can live in duality, and I can hold two things.
二元性の中に生きるのは可能だし 両方とも立てることができる
And if I can hold two things in that environment,
あの状況で 両方とも 立てられたのだから
I can hold so many more things.
もっと沢山立てることもできる と悟ったのです
As my girlfriend and my niece hold hands and skip out the front of the door,
姪が私の彼女と手をつないで 玄関を出て行くのを見て
I turn to my sister and say, "Was it worth it?"
妹に尋ねました 「行った甲斐あったかな?」
And she said, "Are you kidding me?
Did you see the look on her face? This was the greatest day of her life!"
顔を見ればわかるでしょ! あの子にとって人生最高の日よ」
"It was worth the two and a half hours in the heat,
「暑い中 2時間半待った甲斐があったわよ
it was worth the overpriced coloring book that we already had a copy of."
高いぬり絵帳の元も取れたわ 家に同じの持ってたけどね」
"It was even worth you getting called Dad."
「お姉ちゃんが『お父さん』 呼ばわりされた甲斐もね」
And for the first time ever in my life, it actually was.
実際 私も人生で初めて 心からそう思えた日でした
Thank you, Boulder. Have a good night.
ボルダーの皆さん ありがとうございました