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  • Today we answer the burning question, "Will it popsicle?"

  • Let's talk about that.

  • ♪ (theme music) ♪

  • Good Mythical Morning.

  • If it can, we will find out if it will. That is the philosophical discovery that

  • we are going to make today on Good Mythical Morning.

  • Welcome into this world of experiment and science and answers.

  • I think that's what I wanna drill home here, is that...

  • - This is science! - (stammering) There are answers, okay?

  • - And we've got 'em. Or we'll find 'em. - We will find 'em.

  • All related today to the question that's been burning a hole in myself

  • (laughing) and that is, "Will it popsicle?"

  • All right. Let's just get right into it. We got lots of things that we've frozen,

  • and now we're gonna sink our teeth into them and give you the answers.

  • - It's time to ask and answer… - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • Okay, we're getting started with something that I have never personally seen

  • put in a popsicle form, but I have eaten many of them: Cheetos.

  • - (biting sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • Yeah, I'm pretty excited and intrigued about this one.

  • I'm gonna go on record and say that my teeth are very sensitive, okay?

  • - Really. - And so I don't like eating...

  • - I don't like biting into-- - Oh.

  • whoa, you already pulled yours out -- into ice, but...

  • - Smell that. Tell me what it smells like. - …this is pretty ent-ICE-ing.

  • Tell me what it smells like.

  • - Smells exactly like Cheetos. - Like a Cheeto!

  • Now, we soaked these in water and mushed 'em up and then froze 'em,

  • (clears throat) and now we're gonna… I'm a have to bite with the back teeth.

  • Just go with the front teeth.

  • - Oh. Oh! - Wow.

  • - It's mushy! - Got a lot of Cheeto in there.

  • - Not a lot of ice, just a lot of Cheeto. - Oh wow.

  • If you've ever soaked Cheetos in water and then frozen themIt's really soft.

  • I like the way it looks like an Orangesicle and you could get a kid to eat it.

  • Yeah, and it's good for 'em. That's the great thing about it.

  • - Better than oranges. - (laughing)

  • Um, wow. I'm really on the fence right off the bat.

  • - I'm not on the fence. - I felt sure this would popsicle.

  • I love the way it looks, and I (sniffs) love the smell of Cheetos, but...

  • The mouth feel is surprisingly soft, in a mushy kind of...

  • - It's like eating an old sponge. - …not wet way.

  • - Will it popsicle? - (Rhett and Link) No. (incorrect buzzer)

  • Sometimes you want a hot breakfast like oatmeal. Sometimes you want a

  • frozen breakfast was once hot, like oatmeal. So, we have oatmeal here.

  • - (biting sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • My mom used to try to get me to eat it all the time.

  • (Link) Have you ever a had a popsicle for breakfast?

  • No.

  • Well, maybe we're about to be the dawn of a new age.

  • - (sliding sound) - Oh, look at that.

  • - (Link) Whoops. Mine… - (Rhett) Look at that!

  • - Mine was peach and it kinda broke. - You just don't know the technique.

  • - Lemme try… - Here, you take this one. I'll do one.

  • - Just watch. It's all about how you - (childish voice) Okay, Rhett. Thank you.

  • - twist it. It's all about this. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • This is banana. I don't like banana. Can we switch back once we...

  • - (Rhett exhales) - (sliding sound)

  • See? It's all about the technique, man.

  • - This is also banana. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • (stammering) Come on, don't beCome one, it's a...

  • I don't want it to taint my "Will it popsicle?"

  • Bananas are not poisonous! Nothing's tainted.

  • Threetwo.. (biting sound)

  • - Oh. - Mm.

  • Put this on the shelves yesterday. Not kidding.

  • - Wow. It's like banana ICEE. - Mm.

  • - And then you start eating the oatmeal… - Nutritious and delicious.

  • - (Link) Mm. - Uh, it definitely popsicles.

  • - Will it popsicle? - (Rhett and Link) Yes! (correct ding)

  • This one here issince it's got the word "chili" in the title,

  • - let's see if it popsicles. - Yeah.

  • You guessed it. It's chili.

  • - (biting sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • - Heh. Whoa. That looks… - Whoa. Boy.

  • - That is beefy. - You're a good chili puller.

  • - That was my nickname in high school. - Oh, yeah. That...

  • - "Chili Puller." - (Link) The, um...

  • - (Ben laughing offscreen) - I don't know what that...

  • (Link) Ben though that was funny.

  • - (Rhett) Oh, it smells so good. - Oh, man. It smells like chili.

  • - (biting sounds) - Whoa.

  • You really don't anticipate ice being that savory.

  • Ooh. Ooh.

  • What's wrong with you, man? This is great?

  • - What? I just don't like it. - This isyes.

  • - Well, hold on. Why do you say yes? - 'Cause it tastes like chili.

  • - (crew offscreen laughing) - And I like chili.

  • And it's chilly chili. It works as a name. It works as a slogan.

  • It works as a popsicle. Will it popsicle?

  • - (Rhett) Yes! (correct ding) - (Link) No. (incorrect buzzer)

  • - So this is a double experiment here. - What is this?

  • This is going into the sea land. The ocean.

  • - The sea land. - (everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • (everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • The ocean, dude! You know, the sea land!

  • Whatever. All right, here we go. I'm smarter than I sound.

  • - Wellthat's what your mom told you. - What we...

  • We have shrimps.

  • - (splashing sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • Pull yours out first. You have small shrimps.

  • - Whoops… - Gooey.

  • - (crew offscreen laughing) - You have a severed finger.

  • Looks like something you find and a hospital.

  • - We took shrimps and put them in the... - Yeah, and it really worked.

  • - Oh, hey! That one worked. - Now, where's the shrimp?

  • - There's…there's a shrimp in there. - It's in there.

  • (Rhett) And there's a shrimp down there.

  • Now, this version are bigger shrimps that I'm gonna dip.

  • - Non-bloody shrimp. - Oh. Look at that.

  • - That looks better than mine. - That's shrimp in brine.

  • - And I get to dip mine in this. - Okay, good for you.

  • (everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • - Okay. - I'm not overly excited,

  • but this kinda makes sense, right? Shrimp cocktail is cold.

  • Yours makes a lot of sense. Mine looks like an accident.

  • - (crew offscreen laughing) - (biting sounds)

  • - Guh! Ah! - (Link and crew offscreen laughing)

  • - (banging on table) - (laughing)

  • - Wow, you were animated. - (inhales) Whoa!

  • Whoa, that's the worst! Eat that. I think you'reugh.

  • - It tastes like bathwater. - (laughing)

  • I don't wanna bite this. (biting sound)

  • - It's like shrimp cocktail. - Yeah.

  • - Listenoh, there you go. - (sliding sound)

  • - Got got my technique, man. - Give it a dip.

  • (squishing sound) (biting and chewing)

  • - It's like shrimp cocktail. - This is good.

  • -This is good. Let's go with this one. - (stammering) That one...

  • - What happened on this one? - I mean, it was an experiment,

  • - and it failed. - Bathwater.

  • But we've got this, and this is what we call, "Will it popsicle?"

  • (Rhett and Link) Yes! (correct ding)

  • By show of hands, who's into irony? (laughing) Oh, what a stupid question.

  • Basically, we've made a hot-sicle. It's hot sauce.

  • - (sizzling sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • Yeah, you go. Right there.

  • - (Rhett) Whoa. - Oh my.

  • Lemme smell. It's funny because it smells hot and cold.

  • - Yeah, hold-and-cold-sicle. - Hot-sicle.

  • - Catchy name. I'm not excited about it. - There's a whole habanero right there

  • at the top. There's a whole habanero, so I gotta get a little piece of that.

  • (biting and chewing)

  • - Woo! It was cold, and now it's real hot. - Yeah. Yeah.

  • (coughing)

  • - For the thrill-seeker. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • - Wow. - I think this is actually pretty cool.

  • - You know what? - Yeah, this is a great practical joke.

  • No, no, no. You go to one of those conventions where they're all

  • - eating hot peppers and you do this. - Uh huh.

  • - (Link hiccups) - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • - I knew it would happen. - (stammering) They'll...

  • - (hiccup and burp) - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • - Everybody will be hiccuping. - (hiccup)

  • - I think the answer has to be… - Laundry services?

  • Will it popsicle? (Rhett and Link) Yes! (correct ding)

  • Now we're going into totally uncharted territory. Getting a little creative, here.

  • - Pushing the limicks. Limits. - (everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • - (hiccup) - Let's push them limicks!

  • With wax.

  • (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • All right, now let's just give a pull, here.

  • Now, that looks the best of anything we've had.

  • - It's a freakin' candle. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • Yeah, that's kinda theIt's kind of a joke.

  • - Unless you wanna bite it. Or light it. - I mean, it's...

  • - Is there a wick in there? (flick) - There should be.

  • It smells really good. What flavor of candle is this?

  • - (offscreen) Vanilla. - Vanilla. Well, just eat

  • a little bit of it. Surely it's not bad for you.

  • (rigid snap)

  • - It's like white chocolate. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • - Is that toxic? - (offscreen) Uh, it could be.

  • The word is, "It could be."

  • (spitting)

  • - You know what? I think this makes a… - (spitting)

  • - (Rhett sputters) - (spitting)

  • This makes a great decoration. This would be like a cool thing to

  • have around at Christmas. Just don't let the kids get close to it.

  • (sniffing) I don't know why you would do this, actually. Just get a candle.

  • - Yeah, will it popsicle? - We just made a candle out of a popsicle.

  • - That's all that happened here. - Yeah, we did.

  • It seemed like a good idea on paper. Or really funny.

  • - I don't think it was ever on paper. - That's true.

  • Will it popsicle? (Rhett and Link) No. (incorrect buzzer)

  • Yet we do push the limits even further. Maybe wax doesn't do the trick.

  • What about sawdust?

  • - (saw cutting sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • - So we sent Alex to the local Home Depot. - (Everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • (Rhett) That is a sawdust-sicle.

  • To sweep the floor when nobody was looking.

  • - (crew offscreen laughing) - That's exactly what happened.

  • - It smells like the lumber section. - You know, but it's not bad.

  • - Maybe this is just a lickable. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • - (Rhett) Whoa. - I'm a give it a bite.

  • (biting sound) Oh, it's so hard. Solid rock. Oh goodness, like...

  • - Well, it's actually wood. - (everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • - "Solid rock, that wood." - (laughing) I couldn't bite into it.

  • - See if you can bite into it. - We could build houses out of this.

  • - (Link and crew offscreen laughing) - As long as they're cold.

  • - Yeah, it's like reinforcing your igloo. - (laughing) I can't bite into it.

  • I mean, my tooth is hurting.

  • - I tried. - (Link) Don't break your teeth, now.

  • - (snap) - (Rhett and Link) Oh!

  • I thought that was your tooth! (through laughter) I was so convinced!

  • The sound that it made! Did you hear the pop?

  • (Rhett) Ugh! That's just a chunkof wood, y'all.

  • - That's just a chunk of wood. - I'm not gonna lose a tooth over this.

  • (Link) I have standards. Will it popsicle?

  • (Rhett and Link) No. (incorrect buzzer)

  • All right, it wouldn't be a good "Will it" episode if we didn't go to places that

  • we're totally not excited about. All that other stuff was just child's play.

  • But we have chosen here the one thing that Rhett says he is unwilling to eat.

  • I don't like to-- yeah, I've tried several times. Liver.

  • - (squishing sound) - (Rhett and Link) Will it popsicle?

  • All right, grab one of these. Of course, I can't eat this either.

  • I mean, I don't wanna eat it. It's not like, "Oh, I'm into liver."

  • - (Rhett) Oh my goodness. - Ugh!

  • You gotta let 'em get a good shot of that. Turn it around.

  • - (Rhett) Look at that. - (Link) Ooh, it's s-- ugh.

  • Suspended liver parts. Liver pâté, right? Is that what it was? Pork liver pâté.

  • - I can't eat this. - Oh! Blargh!

  • The smell! It's the one thing I can't eat, man! Dang!

  • - I can't even unsheathe it. Look at this. - Oh, come on. Unsheathe it.

  • It's magical; it's coming out on its own!

  • - Ugh. You've got good technique. - Oh my goodness.

  • - (Rhett) Okay. Come on, Link. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • I feel like I should hold hands with a loved one before I do this.

  • - Like call my mom or something. - It smells like fish baked.

  • - Hey, it's not a big deal. - (everyone on and offscreen laughing)

  • It just makes you wanna dry heave.

  • - The eyes are watering. - Come on, let's do it.

  • We have to do it together, because I can't watch you do it.

  • - Okay. - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • - Here we go. Threetwoone… - (biting and chewing)

  • - (retches violently) - (crew offscreen laughing)

  • Gosh! (disgusted noises) I'm sorry, man. Win for us, man.

  • - Take it down. Take it down! - (Rhett heaving and tapping foot)

  • Liver King, Liver King, Liver King.

  • - (retches wetly) - (Rhett laughing)

  • - (Rhett retches) - Take it down. (laughing)

  • - Ooh, it's… gelatinous. - (swishes water and spits it out)

  • - Ugh. - I couldn't do it.

  • - I got so close trying to swallow it. - It's like cat food.

  • It would've-- I'm sorry, I--- (gags) It tastes like congealed blood.

  • The moment that the taste hit (stammering) my tongue, my body rejected it.

  • - Well, I tried. - I don't know if you saw that.

  • I really tried, but I can safely say: will it popsicle?

  • (Rhett and Link) No. (incorrect buzzer)

  • It feels like I walked up to a dead pig that was frozen

  • and getting ready for butcher, and just took the liver and went (biting sound).

  • - Ugh. - That's what it would feel like.

  • - Ugh. All right, guys. - Oh, it won't go away.

  • Now you know. And you don't have to go where we have just gone.

  • Thanks for liking and commenting on this video.

  • You know what time it is.

  • Oh, hi. I'm William from Boston,

  • and it's time to spin The Wheel of Mythicality!

  • - ♪ (Wheel of Mythicality music) ♪ - We've got some exclusive

  • Facebook videos happening over on our Facebook page.

  • - (Rhett) All Thanksgiving challenges. - Aw, yeah. Click through to Goo...

  • - Check it out! - Click through to Good Mythical More

  • where we get the crew to eat some of these popsicles.

  • Ugh. Oh gosh, I gotta get that taste out of my mouth.

  • The liver sticks with you, man. It really sticks with you.

  • - (Link) Imaginary jumprope… - (Rhett) …jumprope contest.

  • Whatchawhatcha doin' over there, Link?

  • - I'm imagining I'm in a joperope contest. - (Link and crew offscreen laughing)

  • I just won.

  • [Captioned by Kevin: GMM Captioning Team]

Today we answer the burning question, "Will it popsicle?"


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アイスキャンディーになる?- 味覚テスト (Will It Popsicle? - Taste Test)

  • 1622 45
    loren5899 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日