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  • The largest universiade in history gets underway in just a few hours in Korea′s southwestern

  • city of Gwangju. The opening ceremony for the 2015 Gwangju

  • Universiade is scheduled to begin at seven PMKorea time,... to welcome spectators

  • officials and athletes from around the world. This year′s universiade will be the largest

  • in the 56-year history of the sporting eventsurpassing the previous record set in the

  • Russian city of Kazan three years ago. Some 13-thousand athletes from 145 countries

  • are set to compete in Gwangju. South Korea has sent its largest ever delegation

  • ever with 516 athletes and officials, ...partaking in all 21 sporting categories.

The largest universiade in history gets underway in just a few hours in Korea′s southwestern


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B2 中上級

2015光州ユニバーシアード2015開会式 광주 유니버시아드 개막식당 (Opening ceremony of the 2015 Gwangju Universiade 2015 광주 유니버시아드 개막식)

  • 7283 90
    Wayne Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日