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We have another question! Amazing! How do I get here?
Hey, it's Marie Forleo and you are watching MarieTV, the place to be to create a business and a life that you love so much, so, so much.
And today is Q&A Tuesday and today's question comes from Victoria and Victoria writes.
"Hi Marie, I'm wondering whether you have some tips for self-promotion.
How to go about speaking well of your brand and letting the passion shine through.
How not to be afraid to blow your own trumpet. You seem much better at this in the US than we are here in Australia.
I always feel self-conscious and nervous when I try to promote my own business, like I'm bragging. Please help. Thanks, Victoria.”
のように、自分のビジネスを宣伝しようとすると、いつも自意識過剰で緊張してしまいます。自慢話だ助けてください。ありがとう ビクトリア"
Great question, Victoria, and I hear this all the time.
素晴らしい質問だ ヴィクトリア いつも聞いているよよく耳にするのは
You know, you often hear the term "shameless self-promotion" as though there should be shame in self-promotion.
I think it's important that we slow down and really ask ourselves this question: where did we learn that self-promotion is bad and, more importantly, why do we accept that as the truth?
As intelligent thinking human beings, why is speaking about something that we do or have done a bad thing?
And why do we equate expressing joy or confidence or pride about our work with something we should feel shame for?
It's just crazy. I have a completely different point of view on this.
In fact, I think you should feel ashamed if you don't promote yourself.
Point is, if you do something great, I wanna know about it.
So here are 3 reframes to help you get a little more comfortable tooting your own horn.
あなたは自分のホルンを 鳴らすのが少し楽になりますそして最初のものはフォーカス
And the first one is focus on what you can give versus what you can get.
So I say this every single week, right? "The world needs that special gift that only you have" and I mean it.
And if you hold back from self-promoting, you are stealing from those who need you most.
自分を必要としている人から 盗んでいるのですだから、本当に必要なのは
So you need to really start thinking of self-promotion as service, like a public service.
On a practical level, you never know if someone needs to hear about what you do.
If not for themselves, maybe for their friend or colleague. I'm sure you've had this happen in your own life.
You go out and you hear about what somebody does and maybe they're a web designer and you say, "OMG, you're exactly the kind of person I've been looking for. Thank goodness you said something."
自分の人生。外に出て 誰かがやっていることを聞いても たぶんその人はウェブデザイナーなんだと思いますあなたは「OMG、あなたはまさに私が探していたタイプの人です。ありがとうございます "何か言ってくれたのね"
Number two is stop caring. Not about other people, just what they think.
So many of us shy away from self-promotion because we're afraid that people won't like us, that they'll judge us, that they'll find us totally annoying.
Well, guess what? People already don't like you. They already judge you, and unfortunately, they probably find you annoying.
私たちを判断して、彼らは私たちが完全に迷惑だと思うだろう。さて、何だと思う?人々はすでに好きではないあなたを裁いているのはすでに彼らであり 残念ながら彼らはあなたを迷惑だと思っているでしょう申し訳ありませんが
I'm sorry to say that that's true, but it's true about you and it's true about me.
Now, the real question is: who are you living your life for?
I'm pretty comfortable with self-promotion and it's not because I'm from the US.
自己宣伝であり アメリカ人だからではありませんアメリカ人だからではありません。
It's because I care more about getting my ideas out there and helping as many people as possible than I do trying to live my life trying to be unjudged, which is pretty much impossible.
So you've got to ask yourself, what do you want on your tombstone? What do you want them to say at your funeral?
"Today we lay Victoria to rest.
She didn't bother anyone. - Amen.
Anyone else care to say anything?
Now, of course we're having some fun here, Victoria, but the point is a valid one.
And like everything else in life, there is an art to self-promoting, which brings me to my next point.
Number three, do not be a broken record.
次のポイントその3 壊れたレコードになるな
"I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great. I'm so great."
So yes, do let us know that you're great. Tell us why, but have other things to talk about.
I mean, think about it, if you talked about your kids and only your kids again and again or if I talked about Game of Thrones and only Game of Thrones over and over again, it would get pretty darn boring fast.
について。考えてみてください 子供の話をして 子供だけの話をまたしてまたか、何度も何度もゲーム・オブ・スローンズとゲーム・オブ・スローンズだけの話をしていたら
So make sure you have variety and different topics and, of course, make sure that you celebrate other people and you'll be totally fine.
One last thing Victoria, what you're feeling is not just because you're from Australia.
最後にもう一つ ビクトリア あなたが感じているのは オーストラリア人だからというだけではありません。
Most of us grow up being told don't brag and don't show off, and I think it's time that we all started to untangle these feelings of shame and self-consciousness from sharing our gifts and offering our service to the world.
And we can start by remembering this tweetable: Instead of calling it shameless self-promotion, let's take the shame out of it altogether.
Victoria, that was my A to your Q and I really hope it helps. Now I would love to hear from you, and it's a two parter today.
So number one, have you ever held yourself back from sharing about who you are or what you do?
What fear or concern stopped you?
あなたが誰であるか、何をしているかを共有していますか?どんな恐怖や懸念が あなたを止めましたか?また、数
And number two, when it comes to self-promotion, which idea from today's episode do you need to remember the most and why?
2 自己PRをするときに必要なのは 今日のエピソードの中の どのアイデアか?一番覚えていることとその理由は?
Now, as always, the best discussions happen after the episode over at MarieForleo.com, so go there and leave a comment now.
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And if you want even more resources to create a business and life that you love, plus some personal insights from me that I only talk about in email, come on over to MarieForleo.com and make sure you sign up for email updates, because they're great.
お友達とこれを共有しました。そして、あなたはビジネスを作成するためにさらに多くのリソースが必要な場合あなたが愛する人生と、それに加えて、私からの個人的な洞察は、私がここでしか話していない メールでは、MarieForleo.comに来て、メールの更新に登録するようにしてください。
Stay on your game and keep going for your dreams because the world needs that special gift that only you have.
あなたのゲームを続けて、あなたの夢のために行き続ける 世界はその特別なものを必要としているので
Thank you so much for watching and I'll catch you next time on MarieTV.