字幕表 動画を再生する
Hello Everybody! Markiplier here, and thank you guys SO much for being with me through 1,000 videos.
やあみんな! マークプライヤーだ
It's hard to even imagine how we've gotten from this point, and I really wanted to do something special for the 1,000 subscriber milestone.
1,000個目の動画まで このチャンネルにいてくれて ありがとう
Or, not 1,000 subscriber, 1,000 video milestone. And I think this video is really going to explain to you guys how I got here from point A to point B.
And how you guys have helped change my life. Because, these things are really important to me because they tell how I became the person that I am.
そして1,000人の登録者数の記念に 何か特別な事-
And I really do appreciate you guys for sticking with me.
あ いや 登録者数じゃなくて 1,000個目の動画まで作れた記念にだ
この動画では実際に ここまで俺がどうたどり着いたか
I was born on an island in the middle of the pacific ocean called O'ahu which is the 3rd largest island of Hawaii,
そして 君たちがどれだけ俺の人生を変えたか の説明になると思う
and home to the city of Honolulu, where I was born on a military base.
みんな 俺の生い立ちを知りたがっているし 今までの出来事は 大切なものだからだ
My Dad was a career army man, he'd been in the army 23 years before he retired.
君たちがいつもいてくれることに感謝している さあ 行くぜ!
Apparently while he was stationed in Korea he met my Mom. A pretty common story, I've heard.
太平洋のど真ん中にあるハワイで 3番目に大きなオアフ島
But the result of them meeting was me. A beautiful baby.
そんな島のホノルル市の軍事基地で 俺は生まれた
That... is not really beautiful there but my artistic skills are lacking.
俺の父は軍人で 引退するまで23年間 軍に入っていた
ANYWAY, regardless of all that I was born, and I was born awesome. And muscular.
父は韓国に駐屯していた時に 俺の母と出会ったそうだ
I was a gigantic baby apparently, which my mom reminds me of every once in a while.
I was ten pounds and three ounces, and therefore they named me Mark.
その結果 俺は生まれた 素敵な赤ちゃんだ
All muscle of course. DON'T DOUBT ME!
いや・・・これは素敵じゃないけど 俺には絵心がないんだ
Shortly after I was born my Dad retired from the military to pick up a job as a layout artist for a book company of some sort.
とにかく そんなこと関係なしに 俺は立派に生まれた
But, either way we ended up in Cincinnati Ohio of all places.
Not really sure why because I don't think we have any family here.
母が教えてくれたけど どうやらとても大きな赤ん坊だったらしい
Ah, either way we moved into this awesome home with a gigantic back yard
体重は4,620グラムで 親は俺にマークと名付けた
that led into these really amazing woods where me and my
もちろん全部筋肉 嘘じゃないぞ!
brother spent most of our time. I mean, if we weren't on the computer.
We were in the woods playing in the creek, picking up tad-poles, cutting vines, swinging on them.
とある出版会社で レイアウトアーティストの職についた
I mean, we really bonded together in those woods and that's one of the things I miss most about that house,
しかしどちらにしろ最後には オハイオ州のシンシナティに住むことになった
but when we weren't in the woods we were playing on this magical
そこに家族は誰もいないはずだから なぜかはよく分からないんだ
device called the computer that my Dad introduced us to at a very early age.
まぁ何にせよ この大きな裏庭がある素敵な家に引っ越した
I mean, seriously, this thing blew my mind at the time because
その家は実に素晴らしい林の中にあって 俺と兄は ほとんどその家で過ごしたよ
I could not imagine ever living without it.
I mean, he told me stories about how computers were ancient and filled up entire rooms
俺たちは林の小川で遊んで オタマジャクシを拾ったり
but I was just flabbergasted that it could do what it did.
ツタを切って ぶら下がったりしたんだ
I didn't even know about the internet back then.
その林で俺たち兄弟はずっと一緒だったし 家は最も恋しい物のひとつだったからな
There were a few games on the computer but the REAL experience
that I got from gaming came from the Super Nintendo system that my brother got for Christmas.
幼少期に父が教えてくれた コンピュータと呼ばれる魔法の装置で遊んだ
I mean, this thing was the reason that me and my brother are so close today
because we played so many games together with it. That's my brother over on the left.
コンピュータなしの人生が想像できなくなる程 俺は圧倒されたんだ
His name is Tom, and that's me on the right as you can tell I'm still more awesome but
he's a pretty cool guy and I don't think I'd be who I am today without him.
昔はいかに部屋を占拠していたか という話をしてくれた
Sadly it wasn't all happy times back then. My Dad and my Mom fought a lot.
俺はそれで何ができたのか ひたすら驚いたよ
And by fought a lot I mean my Mom fought a lot and my Dad had to reciprocate.
当時はインターネットの存在なんて 知らなかったからな
Um, she wasn't happy were she was and, well, we didn't understand why but me and my brother
そのコンピュータには 少ししかゲームが入っていなかったけど
just tried to distract ourselves with video games. You know, try to ignore it when we can.
兄がクリスマスに手に入れた スーパーファミコンでゲームの実体験を得た
But eventually that stopped working. It was pretty inevitable but the divorce finally came.
俺と兄が今も仲良しなのは こいつのおかげさ 一緒にたくさんのゲームをしたんだ
And we were pretty sad but we were more sad to see our Dad
左にいるのは 俺の兄で名前はトムだ 右にいるのは 今もなお一層素敵な俺だ
just kind of cave in, I mean, we were out of money.
しかし兄は かなりすごい男で 兄がいなかったら今の俺はいないだろう
Half of the income was gone so we had to loose the house and we couldn't buy as many games
残念だけど 当時は全てが幸せというわけじゃなかった
as we had before so we lost out on a lot of gaming but at least
両親はケンカが多かったんだ 要するに母が怒って 父も言い返したりして
we got to keep the computer and that's what really sparked
この多くのケンカのせいで 母は幸せじゃなかった
my love of computers and technology. I should also mention
なぜか俺と兄はゲームで自身の気をそらした そう ケンカに気づかないふりをしていたんだ
that I was a pretty dumb kid. Me and my brother had a contest
でも ついにそれも終わりの時が来た 必然的に離婚したんだ
where we would try to jump as high as we could off the stairs
and see who could land on a cushion on the bottom.
しかしもっと悲しかったのは 父が落ち込んでいるところを見ることだった
I was gonna win but I ended up cracking my skull open on the
というのも 俺たちはお金がなかったんだ 所得の半分がなくなって家を失った
bottom step. This will make more sense later, but as I mentioned
ゲーム機も手放したから 前ほど多くのゲームも買えなくなった
before, I was a DUMB kid. When we moved out of the house,
I could no longer go to the private school that we were going to
これによって俺のコンピュータや テクノロジーへの愛が誘発されたんだ
which was perfectly fine with me, because I didn't really care,
but it's all that I knew. I didn't even understand what lockers were all about when I went to the new school.
俺と兄は階段から跳び降りて 下のクッションに着地し
I mean, just everything was perfectly foreign to me and I didn't
どちらが高い場所から跳べるかの 競争をしたことがあった
have an escape, I didn't go to the woods anymore, and I lost
俺は勝ちたかったけど 最終的に1番下の段で頭蓋骨を割ってしまった
pretty much all of my friends and had to start all over.
この出来事は のちに意味のあるものになったんだけど
It was a pretty dark time for me because I had no idea what I was doing.
先ほど言った通り 俺はバカな子どもだったんだ
But, anyway, I made some friends but I accidently did
something else stupid and I was having a "How far off the
俺にとって最適になるはずだった私立学校には もはや行けなくなってしまった
monkey bars can you jump contest" and I was gonna win...
当時は行けなくなることなんて 気にしていなかったからな
but I ended up falling on the ground... and breaking my arm
like, really badly, both bones and stuff popping out everywhere
新しい学校ではロッカーが大量にあったりして 全く理解できなかったんだ
BUT this is actually a good thing, (that's my brother there shocked)
つまり すべてが俺にとって全く異質で 逃げ場所はないし もう林にも行けないし
but this is a good thing because this led to me finding some
素晴らしい友達もいなくなって 全てを最初から始めなければならなかった
friends, and you may ask, "Well, how did that happen?"
俺はどうすればいいか分からなかったんだ とても暗い時期だったよ
Well it happened like this, I had a cast on my arm
それにも関わらず とても酷い方法でだけれど 偶然 何人かの友達ができた
and I couldn't do things like sharpen my pencil. So this
「雲梯からどこまで遠くまで跳べるか競争」 をやったことがあって
really awesome guy named Drew decided that he was gonna
俺は勝ちたかったけど 最終的に地面に落ちて・・・片腕を折った
help me. And Drew is a tall red head but he was a cool
本当に酷い折れ方で 骨とか いたるところが壊れていたよ
guy anyway. He also got me more into band. Which is where
でもこれが本当によかった・・・ (こいつはショック受けてる兄貴ね)
I made a bunch more friends. And where I blew his face off
でもこれが本当によかった 何人かの友達を得る結果となったからな
with my awesome trumpeting skills. HUCHA!
君は「え どういうこと?」って 聞きたいかもしれないね
Eventually after dating around for a long time my Dad found
その事故で 俺は腕にギブスを巻いていて 鉛筆を削ることとかが できなかったんだ
someone that we could all agree on, she was pretty much the
それでドゥルーという本当に素晴らしいやつは 俺を助けようと思い立ってくれたんだ
nicest person we ever met and her name was Dee.
ドゥルーは背が高くて赤毛で とにかくカッコイイやつだった
And, I mean, I agreed with her because she bought us a Playstation 2,
彼は多分俺を楽隊に入れたかったんだと思う 俺は楽隊に入って他のまとまった友達も作った
and I was pretty excited at the time, but also she did
あと俺の素晴らしいトランペット能力で 彼の顔に吹いたりもしたな
something that we couldn't do at that time and she made
my Dad happy. And that was pretty much the most important
やがて長い月日が過ぎて 父親は俺たちが賛同できるような人を見つけた
thing that anyone could do. And, from then on High School
今まで出会った人の中で彼女はとてもいい人で 名前はディーだ
started to become a breeze. I was moving through the grades,
そして賛同したというのも 彼女は 俺たちにプレイステーション2を買ってくれて
you know, doing fine, being a good student. I made a lot of
当時 すごく楽しんだ
great friends, both in band and out of band. I got to play some
彼女は俺たちが当時できなかったことまで やってくれた
great games, you know. I was really happy with what I'd done, like, Half Life 2 and stuff.
父を幸せにしてくれたんだ それが一番重要なことだった
And I had a few girlfriends here and there, you know.
それ以来 高校は順調になり始めた
And that's always pretty fun when you're just a young teenager
学年は進み 元気で過ごして 俺はいい生徒になったよ
first experiencing the wonders of a relationship and making
楽隊の中でも外でも 多くの友達を作った いくつかの素晴らしいゲームにも手をつけた
out and stuff. That was pretty cool. And all in all things were
ハーフライフ2とかクリアしたりした時 本当に幸せだったな
looking up from that period where we didn't really have anything
そして俺は数人のガールフレンドを あちこちに作った
and didn't have games again, and were kind of unhappy
若いティーンエイジャーならば まさに
drifting through life, so, things were looking up all the way
素晴らしい恋愛関係や デートとかの初体験は とても楽しいものなんだ
to going to college. I was really excited to finally be able to
go out on my own. But then, my father brought me some
本当に何も持たず ゲームも持たず 人生に不幸が少し漂っていた頃より
bad news. He put a piece of paper in front of me and just
let me read it without saying anything, and I was a pretty
つまり 大学に進学するまで ずっと万事良好だった
smart kid so I understood every word that it said, all the
自分の力で最終的にデートができた時には 本当に興奮したよ
techno mumbo jumbo, but the main thing is that basically in
しかしその一方で 俺の父がとある悪い知らせを持ってきた
big bold letters it said, "CANCER", and the really bad kind
父は紙切れを出してきて 俺は何も言わずに読んだ
of cancer. So, that was a really tough time for me because I
俺は本当に賢い子どもだったから 書いてあることは全て理解した
kind of lost sight of what I was doing. Everything seemed kind
全部ちんぷんかんぷんな専門用語で 書いてあったけれど
of clear to me before but right now everything was kind
主なことは基本的な言葉で大胆に 太字で「ガン」と書かれていた
of just getting away from me. I thought I knew exactly what I
wanted to do, which was make video games. I wanted to do
俺はどうすればいいか ほぼ見失ってしまって とてもつらい経験だったな
it, and my Dad didn't agree with me, but I thought that was
前は多くのことがはっきりと感じられたのに たった今 多くのことが遠のいていった
what I was going to do. However, I started to realize that
俺は自分が何をしたいのか考えた それはゲームを作ることだった
games might not work, so I kind of put that off the table
父は賛成していなかったけど ゲームの道は自分がやりたいことだと思った
and focused on going to engineering. I was originally in
しかしながら ゲームは仕事にならないだろうと理解し始め
civil engineering but moved into bio-medical engineering
その道は除外して エンジニアの仕事に焦点を当てた
because they had a medical school program but that didn't
work out either. I didn't want to do that. So I flip-flopped back
医大コースがあったので 医用生体エンジニア専攻に移った
to engineering again. Then I thought, "Hey, if I'm going to do
でも医療も仕事にしなかった 俺はやりたいと思わなかったんだ
what I want to do, I got to do games. " And I really couldn't
だからもう一度エンジニアに考えを戻した しかし俺はこう考えた
decide what I was going to do with my life. I was kind of at a
「おい もしやりたいことに進むとすれば ゲームだろう」
cross roads and just frustrated.
そして人生で何をするのか 本当に決めることができなかった
Then one year later we were all home for summer and my
この分岐点で俺は 少し心がくじけてしまったんだ
Dad was getting pretty bad with cancer and he wasn't himself
そして1年後 夏で家族全員が揃っていたころ
anymore. But one morning we were all woken up by my
父親はガンで容体がとても悪化し 彼自身では何もできなくなった
step-mom, Dee, screaming and we went down stairs to see
しかしある朝 家族全員 継母のディーの叫び声で目が覚めた
that my Dad was dying. And the last words that he said to me
階段を下りると父親はかなり弱っていた 父から俺への最期の言葉はこうだった
were "I love you, so much". And I held my Dad's hand as he died.
After my Dad died I became more confused than I was before.
俺は父の手を握り 父は息絶えた
Because I was so far into engineering that I didn't think that I
父が亡くなってから 俺は前よりも更に混乱した
could get out anymore and I was stuck in these mind-numbing
エンジニアの道は もはや避けられないと思ったんだ
co-op jobs that were literally me sitting at a computer eight
そして俺は非常につまらない 協同組合の仕事をした
hours a day doing two hours worth of work and nothing else.
命令された通り 8時間コンピュータに打ち込むんだけど
It was absolutely horrible and I didn't want to do that for the
それは2時間分の仕事の価値しかなくて その他のことはしなかった
rest of my life. And I didn't have time for games. I didn't have
この仕事はすごく恐ろしくて 残りの人生ではやりたくなかったね
an escape. I had no idea what I was going to do, so I kind of
ゲームをする時間もなかった 逃げ道もなかった
drifted for a few years. And I dated in and out from girl to girl
どうすればいいのか分からず その数年は流されていた感じだったよ
but I eventually met this one girl who I kind of liked and she
was really cool and really nice, and her name will be.... Barbara.
最終的には 好きになれそうな1人の女の子と出会った
That's what we're going to call her for now. Her name will be
すごく素敵ないい人で 彼女の名前は・・・バーバラ
Barbara with a C. But anyway, I finally brought her to my Mom
今はそう呼ぶことにしよう 彼女の名前はバーバラ・C
who I was living with because after my Dad died I didn't have
まぁ 父親が死んでから俺は居場所がなくて 母と一緒に住んでいたんだけど
my own place and she did not approve which made me mad.
And she was kind of confused. I was very upset because my
母は彼女を認めなかったから 俺は怒ったよ 彼女は少し混乱していたな
Mom got so mad that she eventually kicked me out.
俺はとても狼狽した 母は立腹して俺を家から追い出したからね
There's more to it than that but that's basically the long and the
それよりも多くの出来事があったんだけど 要は まぁ そんな感じのことだ
short of it. So I got mad and she got mad and then I went off
俺は怒って 母も怒って 自分のアパートへ俺は去ったよ
and got my own apartment because I had a job at the time,
that crummy co-op job, but it was still a job. Unfortunately,
くだらない協同組合の仕事だ でも辞めてはいなかった
after I got my new place my boss told me three days before
その後不運にも 俺はその仕事にも居られなくなった
I was supposed to come in for the new quarter that I didn't
need to show up. Which made me more mad, but I didn't
「君は3日後に『もう会社に来なくていいよ』 という 新しい部署へ異動だ」
yell at my boss, professionalism and all that, but at the end of
the day I was running out of money and my girlfriend wasn't
プロ意識などもあって 上司を怒鳴ったりはしなかった
helping me and then she started getting mad at me for not
しかし結局俺はお金がなくなって ガールフレンドは助けてくれなくなり
being able to do something or other, I can't really remember
その後は俺の無力さか何かに対して 怒るようになった
why she was mad, she was mad so often, but eventually this
なぜ彼女が俺に怒っていたのか 本当に思い出せないんだ
caused a schism in the relationship, and the stress started to
get to me. I was sadder and sadder than I was before and I
でも ついには関係にひびが入る原因となって 俺にストレスが溜まり始めた
just couldn't be in the relationship anymore but, after we left
今まで感じたことがないくらい 俺はどんどん悲しくなった
each other I was stuck alone in my apartment and I didn't
もはや関係を保てなくなり その後はお互い別れた
know what to do. And I had this suspicious pain in my side
俺は1人でアパートにこもり どうすればいいのか分からなくなっていた
that turned into extraordinary pain in my side. And this
そして脇腹にはなんとなくの痛みがあったけど やがて それは桁違いの痛みへと変わった
extraordinary pain plagued me for a bit until one day I woke
up in so much pain that I had to go to the hospital. So I went to
病院へ行かなければならないほどの酷い痛みで 目が覚めた日だ
the hospital where they told me that my appendix was about
そして病院へ行くと俺の盲腸は ビーチボールくらいのサイズになっていて
the size of a beach ball and needed to come out immediately.
They also told me that I had a tumor the size of a fist in my adrenal gland
後日だけど 俺の副腎には握りこぶしくらいの腫瘍もあって
and that needed to come out too, but at a later date. So this
was pretty shocking news and on top of everything that had
happened already. I was pretty much stressed enough as it is
当時それまで受けたストレス経験の中で トップの出来事となった
but I managed to truck through it somehow, thankfully for
しかし どうにかして母親と和解したおかげで 何とか乗り切ることができた
reconciling with my mom and my step-mom was still there
また 継母もそばにいてくれた
for me. The surgeries went well and I ended up recovering
手術は成功し 2週間入院して ついに俺は快復した
in the hospital for about two weeks and had a lot of time to
入院中は考える時間が たっっっくさんあった この考えで もっとイライラしたよ
think about what I'd done. And the more thinking I did the
俺の人生は完全に コントロールできないような気がして
more frustrated I became. Just, it seemed like everything
in my life was completely out of my control and I had no choice
最終的に俺はもうたくさんだと思って 自分のやりたいことをやろうとした
in the matter. So finally I decided that enough was enough and
ただ まだ病院にいたから 毎日怒っていたな
I was going to do what I wanted. But I was still stuck in the
hospital so I got angrier every day. ARGH! So when I finally
やがて退院した俺は 自分のことをやろうと決めた
did get out of the hospital I decided that I was going to do
スケッチコメディーの映像を作ろうと 思い立ったんだ
my own thing and what I decided what I was going to do was
ついには還付された税金でカメラを買って すぐにとても短い作品を撮った
sketch comedy videos. So I ended up using my tax refund that
活動を始める前 いくつかの物事に取組んで 技術の腕を上げた
I had to buy a camera. I ended up doing very little with this
そして自分自身のやりたいゲームに 専念することを決心し
camera immediately. So I decided to focus on a few things
ついには自分のアイデンティティを インターネットで
before I got started. I got better with my grades in engineering.
I decided to dedicate myself to playing games that I wanted to
そして そのチャンネルを始めたことで 俺はついに幸せになれた
play, and the eventually I decided that I was going to make my
最初は多くの登録者がいなかったことは 気にしていなかった
own identity, on the internet, and more specifically, on YouTube.
少人数でも俺を見てくれていて 俺は喜んで彼らを楽しませることに熱中した
Where I was able to start a channel that finally made me happy.
しかし そんなことを続けていくうちに 急上昇し始めたんだ
I didn't even care that I didn't have that many subscribers in
登録者数はものすごく増えて 今では把握している以上の登録者数がいる
the beginning because even the few people that did watch me
そして誰かが俺の動画を見てくれることが 今 まさに幸せなんだ
I was more than happy to do everything it took to entertain
これは俺の人生を本当に変えた つい最近の出来事だ
them. But as I kept playing things started exploding. Like, the
そう 前まで俺は完全に コントロールできていなかった
subscriber count went crazy and now I have more subscribers
そして今 俺の大好きなことが 最終的にできている
than I know what to do with. And I'm just happy that anyone watches my videos.
だから みんなありがとう 本当に
And that's what really changed my life. And this happened very
君がくれた支えの全てで 俺はちょうど今 生きているんだ
recently. Like, before I was totally out of control of everything.
前まで俺は見失っていた 目的意識がなかった
And now, I'm finally able to do what I love. So, Thank you guys.
しかし俺たちは今 良い方向に世界を変えることができる
Sincerely. I owe everything in my life right now, to the support
思いやりの募金で 世界を良くする助けの やりたいことが全部できるんだ
that you have given me. I was lost before. I had no purpose before.
そして 君がこのチャンネルを 登録する価値があると決めてくれたことに
But now we're able to change the world, do good, raise
money for chairty, do just everything we want to do to help
だからみんな 本当にどうもありがとう
improve the world. And I am so grateful that you guys decided
君のおかげで今の俺があるんだ そして 俺は他に行く道はない
that I was worthy enough to subscribe to. So, sincerely,
君たちは世界中で最高のファンだ だから もう一度 本当にありがとう
thank you guys, so much. I owe you everything that I have now.
そしていつも通り 次の動画でまた会おう バイバイ!
And I wouldn't have it any other way.
You guys are the best fans in the world. So, thank you again.
So Much.
And as always, I WILL SEE YOU, in the next video. BYE BYE!