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New Zealand is an amazing land of contrast, beauty and adventure. If you were ever thinking of visiting New Zealand, you really should.
To help you on your visit, we’ve interviewed tourists from around the world, and compiled these top 7 things New Zealand tourists wish they’d known before visiting.
Some things are exactly what you’d expect. Driving in New Zealand is like anywhere. You've gotta have a current, valid driver’s license and you gotta wear your seatbelt when you are driving.
期待通りのものもあります。ニュージーランドでの運転はどこでもそうです。 あなたは現在の有効な運転免許証を持っていなければならないし、あなたが運転しているときにシートベルトを着用しなければなりません。
Obviously, you are not allowed to drive while drunk, and the driver can’t use their phone while driving.
New Zealand drives on the left side of the road. If you’re from one of these countries, this means everything is going to be reversed for you. To help you out, some intersections have signs pointing to which side of the road you should be on. If you get confused and spot one of these, follow it.
ニュージーランドは道路の左側を走っています。 あなたがこれらの国のいずれかから来ている場合は、これはあなたのためにすべてのものが逆になることを意味します。また、いくつかの交差点には、道路のどちら側にいるべきかを示す標識があります。混乱して、これらのうちの1つを見つけたら、それに従ってください。
A useful guide is that the driver should be closest to the center line. If there is a passenger seat between you and the center of a two way street, pull over and reorient yourself.
便利な目安としては、運転手が中心線に一番近い位置にいることです。 双方向道路の中心との間に助手席がある場合は、車を寄せて向きを変えましょう。
Most road signs are self explanatory.
This is the speed limit.
Road Construction.
No stopping.
No parking.
This sign means you can drive up to the national speed limit of 100km/hr.
Hang on, that looks like a very narrow bridge ahead. This is a one-lane bridge, and it has a specific set of signs and rules in order to be crossed safely.
ちょっと待って、この先はとても狭い橋のようです。 ここは片側一車線の橋で、安全に渡るための標識やルールが決められています。
If the large arrow points ahead, then you have the right of way, and as long as nobody is already on the bridge, then you may cross. Obviously, if someone is already crossing the bridge, then you got to wait for them as they have nowhere else to go.
もし大きな矢印が前方を向いていれば、あなたには通行権があり、橋の上に誰もいない限り、渡ることができます。 明らかに、誰かがすでに橋を渡っている場合は、彼らが他に行くところがないので、あなたは彼らを待たなければなりません。
If the small arrow points ahead, then you do NOT have the right of way, and it is your responsibility to wait until all oncoming cars have crossed.
A couple bridges in New Zealand also share the road with trains. As you can imagine, the train always has the right of way.
ニュージーランドでも電車と道を共有している橋がいくつかあります。 ご想像の通り、電車が常に通行権を持っています。
Half of the 1,500 railway crossings in New Zealand have alarm bells like these..However, for the other half, you need to slow down and check it’s clear before proceeding. There are around 24 collisions per year between trains and motor vehicles on public road crossings.
This sign indicates an upcoming roundabout, which is a round intersection that works a bit like a flowing 4 way stop. Since all the traffic moves in a circle, you need to check to your right to determine when it is safe to proceed.
この標識は、流れるような4方停車のような動作をする円形交差点であるラウンドアバウトが近づいていることを示しています。 すべての交通は円状に動くので、いつ進むのが安全かを判断するために右にチェックする必要があります。
When turning left, indicate left and turn as you would at a normal intersection. If you are turning right, indicate right as you enter the roundabout clockwise, then indicate left as you prepare to exit. If you are going straight, only indicate when you are about to exit.
In the case of two lane roundabouts, both lanes can often go straight, but you’ll need to be in the right lane if you are turning right, or in the left lane if you are turning left
Great! Now that we know how to safely navigate the country, where should we go?
Tourists often struggle to see all the sights they wish during their trip because sights are spread out all across the country. Locations that appear close on the map can be very far due to extreme terrain and winding roads..
Most of New Zealand is countryside, so be sure to fill up the petrol tank and grocery bags whenever you get a chance.
Grocery stores in New Zealand are like those in most Western countries. They stock staple foods such as coffee, cereal, noodles, eggs, bread, beer and wine.
Shopping at a supermarket can also be far less expensive than buying the same items at a dairy or a convenience store
When paying at a petrol station or grocery store, you may be asked if you have “coupon or flybuys”. If you don’t know what they are, you don’t have them, so just say no. The answer to the question "Credit or EFTPOS?" is a bit trickier. EFTPOS is everywhere in NZ, but is incompatible with most overseas debit and credit card pin systems. You are welcome to try using your debit card or credit card pin number, but don’t be too surprised if it doesn’t work. The most reliable method is to use your credit card and when asked “pin or sign”, you choose “sign” or press enter on the terminal then sign your receipt.
ガソリンスタンドや食料品店で支払いをするときに、「クーポンやフライパン」を持っているかどうかを聞かれることがあります。 知らない人は持っていないのでノーと言えばいいだけです。 質問の答えは、"Credit or EFTPOS? EFTPOSはNZではどこにでもありますが、海外のほとんどのデビットカードやクレジットカードのピンシステムとは互換性がありません。デビットカードやクレジットカードのピン番号を使ってみてもいいですが、うまくいかなくても驚かないでください。最も確実な方法は、クレジットカ
Many small cafes, takeaway shops and small town shops only accept eftpos. Your credit card will not work with them and you will need to carry some cash if you hope to buy anything off the beaten track.
多くの小さなカフェやテイクアウトショップ、小さな町のお店では、eftposしか使えません。 クレジットカードは使えませんので、人目につかないところで何かを購入したい場合は、現金を持ち歩く必要があります。
When eating out in NZ, note that tipping is not mandatory and it is not rude to simply pay the total on the bill.
If you are driving and someone at the side of the road waves at you like this, that is a New Zealand indicator that there is a road hazard just ahead, so slow down.
Farmers are required by law to put up signs that they are moving animals on the road. Ideally this would be flashing lights, but it can be as little as a bit of cardboard with the word "stock" painted on it. If you see a stock sign, slow down and keep an eye out for animals. If the road is completely blocked, simply stay on your side and slowly drive past or through the herd.
農家は、道路上で動物を移動させていることを示す標識を設置することが法律で義務付けられています。 理想的には、これはライトを点滅させることになりますが、それは単語"stock"それに描かれた段ボールのビットと同じくらい小さくすることができます。 株の看板が見えたら、スピードを落として動物に注意しましょう。 道路が完全に塞がれている場合は、自分の側にとどまり、ゆっくりと車を走らせて群れの前を通ったり、通過したりします。
Above all, enjoy the moment, as you are now officially experiencing life in New Zealand.
If a moving tractor is blocking the road, slow down and wait to safely pass. Farmers will usually drive to the side of the road when it is safe to pass, or at least to give you enough of a view to make a good passing decision. Don't panic, just wait until you are sure it is safe to pass and carry on.
動いているトラクターが道路を塞いでいる場合は、スピードを落として安全に追い越しを待ちましょう。 農家は通常、安全に追い越しができるようになったら道路の脇に車を走らせるか、少なくとも十分な視界を確保して追い越しの判断をします。 慌てずに、安全に追い越しができることを確認してから先に進むようにしましょう。
For the same reasons, If you are driving a campervan and are holding up traffic behind you, look for safe areas to pull over and allow people to pass.
Since driving can be long and challenging, be sure to take plenty of rest stops and never drive tired. Also, stop every now and then to enjoy the scenery.
運転は長くて大変なので、休憩を十分にとり、疲れないように運転しましょう。 また、時々立ち止まって景色を楽しみましょう。
Right. You've been sightseeing all day and you need a place to sleep.
In tourist towns, there will always be an assortment of fully serviced campgrounds, motels, cabins and backpackers, but advanced booking is often needed during tourist season.
When you enter a town, keep an look out for signs leading to "i-SITE's", which offer tourist information and a free local map of the area.
The Department of Conservation operate over 200 campsites around New Zealand that are great value for money, and often in beautiful locations. Most of these sites are between $6 and $10 per person per night.
A versatile and popular tourist option is hiring a campervan. This gives you the freedom to travel where you wish and sleep as late as you like. Also, a self contained campervan will give you a toilet whenever you need one.
多目的に使える人気の観光オプションは、キャンピングカーを雇うことです。 これにより、好きな場所に自由に移動でき、好きなだけ遅くまで寝ることができます。また、キャンピングカーにはトイレが付いているので、必要なときにいつでも利用できます。
Be aware though that having the ability to pull up and camp wherever you like does not give you the right. Many councils have laws against roadside camping. If you park in the wrong area or on private land you may find yourself waking up to an angry knock on the window and the risk of a fine.
しかし、好きな場所に車を停めてキャンプをすることができるからといって、その権利が与えられるわけではないことに注意してください。 多くの自治体では、ロードサイドでのキャンプを禁止する法律を設けています。間違った場所や私有地に駐車してしまうと、窓をノックされて目が覚めてしまい、罰金を取られる危険性があります。
To avoid this, you should know what the freedom camping rules are for the region you are staying in and where the designated camping locations are located.
For the technically savvy, you can download the New Zealand travel app, campermate for your smartphone. It shows designated free campsites, dump stations, public toilets, laundromats, petrol stations, i-SITE's, free wifi spots and even grocery stores located all over New Zealand. And best of all, CamperMate is completely free.
Obviously, the best way to see more of New Zealand is to stay longer!
The number one wish of tourists is that they could have spent more time taking the country in.
So, welcome to New Zealand! Be sure to get a good night's sleep because you aren't going to want to miss a moment of your time here!
ニュージーランドへようこそ ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ!ニュージーランドへようこそ