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  • Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |

  • Asmath Aachaarya Paryanthaam Vandhey Guru Paramparaam ||

  • I welcome all the devotees, disciples, samajis, satsanghis, Shrimahants, Mahants, Thanedars,

  • Kotharis, sitting with us through Nithyananda TV,

  • Sadhna TV, and two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha.

  • Cities sitting with us through two-way video-conferencing having Nayana Deeksha:

  • Vancouver-Bhubaneshwar, Calgary-Amarnath, Houston- Kalahasti,

  • Guadeloupe-Rameshwaram, Surrey-Canada, Oklahoma-Somanatham, Hyderabad-Gupta Kashi,

  • Los Angeles, Toronto-Kailasam, Nithyananda

  • University-Los Angeles, Los Angeles-Hollywood, San Jose-Madurai, Seattle-Chidambaram,

  • Poprad-Slovakia, Oman-Sivagangai.....

  • There are some more cities.....Hong Kong-Sirkazhi, Colorado Springs-USA...

  • I welcome all of you with my love and respects.

  • Today, the tenth day of Dasara. Navaratri can be only nine days; it cannot be ten days.

  • So, the tenth day of the Dasara, and eight day of the Venkateshwara Brahmotsavam.

  • Venkateshwara is gracing us on the Suvarna Ashwa Vaahana,

  • Golden Horse Vehicle; and, Devi is gracing all

  • of us with Lakshmi and Saraswathi, with the Suvarna Kavacha, means, the Golden Covering,

  • Sarvaalankara Bhooshitham. “Sarva Alankara

  • means, all the jewels which she is supposed to have from head to toe, the Karna,

  • all the jewels is called Sarva Alankara.

  • She is gracing us in the Sarva Alankara.

  • Today we have many beautiful ceremonies in the temple, Navaratri festival ceremonies

  • and pujas. Maha Navami Puja happened from morning 5:30 am,

  • 9:30 Maha Bhoga for Durga Devi, and 10 o’clock aarathi for Mahadevi,

  • And again 11:45 Maha Bhoga for Mahadevi, and 12 noon Chandi Puja begins.

  • Evening 4:30 important Suhasini Puja, Kanya Puja, Kumari Puja, and Vatuka Puja,

  • where the kids, male and female kids are made

  • to sit and worship is done to them as representatives of Bhairava and Durga, then Sandhya Puja,

  • and, today, Chandi Paath. Continuously all

  • these pujas will be happening. Everything will be live on Nithyananda TV.

  • I welcome all of you to tune in to Nithyananda TV and tune in to Nithyananda itself!

  • Now, let us have the grace of Devi and Venkateshwara.

  • Today we also have an important festivalRathotsava of Venkateshwara,

  • Venkateshwara Rathotsavaas part of the Brahmotsava.

  • Today I wanted to expand on two important Advaitha Sathyas. Please listen!

  • Go into the depths of Completion, deeper and deeper and deeper

  • levels of Completion. You will discover you are your friend and you are your enemy,

  • you are your God and you are your demon. Please listen!

  • Go to the depths of Completion. When you come to the subtle layers of, the deepest

  • layers of your incompletions, it is almost like a.....

  • Listen!

  • A small movement inside the earth’s plates causes a huge earthquake on the surface

  • of the earth, and causes tsunami and damage.

  • But the root cause is just a small movement in the earth’s plates in the deeper level.

  • If you get into your system, into your being, and

  • do more and more and more Completion, you will also touch the space, the source of earthquake and tsunami.

  • In that space you will realize

  • you are your best friend if you do Completion, you are your worst enemy if you don’t attend to yourself.

  • You are your God if you complete with yourself.

  • You are your enemy if you don’t complete with yourself. You are your demon

  • if you don’t complete with yourself. Listen!

  • If you do more and more Completion with yourself – I am not giving you false

  • promisesyou will experience so many miracle powers!

  • So many miracle powers, so casually will be expressing!

  • And, if you don’t complete with yourself, within no time, before even you

  • come to your senses, before you even realize, you would have sunk, you would have gone so

  • deep, you will be constantly attracting

  • accidents, you will be seeing the channel of accidents, your whole life will be a long

  • chain of accidents. Whether you want your life to

  • be a long chain of miracles or long chain of accidents, choose, decide.

  • Whether you want your life to be a long chain of accidents or you

  • want your life to be a long chain of miracles, choose. And, I tell you, within a month of

  • regular Completion, you will realize how you

  • yourself cherish so many things which you want to give up, how you yourself celebrate

  • your ignorance. Find out the reason why you

  • celebrate your ignorance, irresponsibility. Your anger towards your boss, you just want

  • to do opposite to what your boss wants. So, what

  • your boss wants? He wants you to be responsible. ‘Come on! Let me be irresponsible and challenge

  • him and see what he can do to me! He cannot get anything out of force from me!’

  • Fool! By this decision you destroy your possibility!

  • He will not be the loser, you will be the loser. It's like a stupid

  • You drink the poison and you expect your boss to die? Your anger towards your father decides

  • you never to take any responsibility or involvement in life.

  • Your anger towards your mother, look in, it is so subtle incompletions.

  • And, I tell you, the most stupid belief

  • a human-being can have is the belief that he can be violated, understand?

  • The belief that you can be violated is the most stupid belief you can have.

  • Neither physically nor emotionally or psychologically or at the being level you can be violated.

  • Understand! You can never be violated!

  • Your wrong perceptions about you will always be violated. If you think

  • you are the body, you will constantly be violated even by the look of somebody! If you think

  • you are the mind, you will constantly be

  • violated just by the word of somebody! If you think you are emotions, you will constantly

  • be violated just by somebody not respecting you as you want!

  • Whatever gives you the feeling you can be violated, renounce that as early as possible.

  • Renounce that as early as possible!

  • I am not giving you false promises, understand. You are eternal life! You can neither be cut

  • by a weapon, nor be burnt by fire,

  • or made wet by water, or can be dried by air.

  • You are eternal life!

  • Drop all the ideas, complete with all the ideas, incompletions, which tell you that you can be violated.

  • You can’t be violated, understand?

  • The belief that you can be violated is the worst violation that can happen to you.

  • You can neither be violated in body, nor in mind, being, emotion, or in any level.

  • Anything which makes you believe you can be violated is the violation!

  • If your body makes you believe you can

  • be violated, understand, your body cunningly is asking you to believe you are that,

  • so that your whole life you will be wasting protecting it.

  • Your mind, instead of asking you shelter, it makes you believe you are that, and with

  • that stupidity you are bound, and your whole

  • life you go on trying to protect that without getting violated, and you forget that has

  • violated you. And, if your body and mind ask you,

  • ‘I am your servant. Please protect me so that nobody should violate me.’, and you

  • give abhaya (refuge), ‘Yes, I will give you abhaya. And, because through you I have to do what i want to do

  • I will protect you without being violated.’, at least it is the right context. But

  • your body and mind make you believe you are that,

  • and your whole life you are running around to protect it without getting violated, and,

  • finally, end of the day, you realize you are violated

  • by the very fellows whom you are protecting, protecting, protecting, and getting the

  • fear you may be violated, violated, violated,

  • they violated you! End of the day, when your life is taken out of you, then you will realize,

  • Oh God, I was protecting this body and mind

  • thinking I should not be violated, but, finally these fellows have violated me!’

  • Understand, the worst belief....

  • Actually, it is the revelation of today morning’s,

  • early morning Samadhi by Kaalabhairava.

  • Yesterday night itself I was told that today there is Pada Puja. So, whenever there is Pada Puja,

  • I don’t stretch my body completely and lie down;

  • I will just sit and stretch my leg so that I can wake up in the morning early.

  • So, may be around 3 or 3:30, I was out of Samadhi and just sitting.

  • I can say that I was out of Samadhi, but not moving the body; sitting in that sahaja space,

  • space of Sahaja Samadhi,

  • I just contemplated, ‘What is the one belief with incompletion with which all human-beings

  • are suffering? This one truth today I reveal

  • should remove all the sufferings of human-beings and put all of them into bliss.’

  • Because, I was sitting and I was just

  • remembering the few things which need to be energized to be installed in temples.

  • We have some sphatika lingas getting energized and a few semi-precious stones, lingas, getting

  • energized. Usually, I have all these in my

  • inner space what all needs to be energized. Whenever I am out of Samadhi, sitting in the

  • Sahaja Samadhi, I connect with all of them and do

  • the energizing process. So, during the energizing, if I pass on some ideas, that will also get

  • programmed in that deity. So, that deity

  • will become that emblem, ideal, representation of that idea.

  • Today I was thinking, ‘What is that idea, one idea with which I should do

  • prana prathishta of these lingas, so that forever humanity gets blessed, completed and experiences the eternal bliss?’

  • I am also energizing some twenty Shiva Linga - Sri Chakras,

  • Shri Yantreshwaras, means, Shiva Linga on which Sri Chakra is carved.

  • I am going to give to all the authentic Mahants. They can

  • keep it and do puja every day. And, wherever they go, they can carry and go to houses and do puja.

  • So, this is the energizing process.

  • See, there are many methods of energizing. You can energize purely with consciousness,

  • and you can energize the deity for a particular,

  • specific idea, or you can energize fully with consciousness this one idea as the immediate priority.

  • So, usually, what I do is, I energize

  • fully with consciousness and two-three concepts as the first priority. So, I was just thinking

  • what should be the idea, what should be the energy.

  • See, if a deity is energized with one specific idea, whoever comes in the space

  • of that deity and goes out, within twenty-one

  • hours, automatically, somehow that idea will get into their brain from the air and they

  • will start contemplating about the idea,

  • the seed will be put in their system. So, I wanted to pick up one idea. So I was just sitting.

  • Of course, the source of all the ideas, the great Kaalabhairava,

  • I was sitting with him. Actually, all these words I am uttering more in a dual

  • sense for all of you to understand; but it

  • is not dual; it was complete non-dual oneness. This one idea just jumped up!

  • Just this one idea! If you complete with this one incompletion,

  • you are Mahadeva, you achieved the space of Nithyanandoham, Shivoham!

  • Just this one idea that you can be violated should be completed.

  • You cannot be violated! There is nothing in you which can be violated!

  • And anything which tells you that you can be violated,

  • discard it, because THAT IS VIOLATING YOU!

  • If your body makes you believe you can be violated, drop that idea. Tell that body,

  • Get out of me!’ Don’t commit suicide. I am not saying

  • Commit suicide.’ But tell your body, ‘Get out of me! If you are going to

  • tell me I can be violated, it is you who are violating me!’

  • If your emotions are telling you can be violated, tell your emotions, ‘Get out of me!

  • If you say I can be violated, you are only violating me!

  • Get out of me!’ If your mind is telling, ‘No, no, you can be violated.’,

  • then tell your mind, ‘Get out of me!’

  • Whoever makes you believe you can be violated, tell them to get out of your life.

  • You can never be violated! As long as you hold on to these

  • stupid things which tell you that you can be violated, anything will violate you, ordinary

  • grass will poke you and you will have a wound,

  • that wound will never get healed, and your leg will be removed and you will die.

  • Don’t think I am building up a story. As long as you believe

  • you can be violated, you don’t need even a big weapon to kill you; you are not that

  • big a guy; ordinary grass in the street is enough;

  • you are done!

  • All the deities which I am energizing now are fully pumped with the pure consciousness

  • with this one idea as priority. Anybody who comes

  • into the breathing space of the deity and goes out will suddenly have the clarity,

  • ‘I cannot be violated! Anything which tells me I can be violated is not me!’

  • Understand, I wanted this to be a lesson for

  • all my disciples and gurukul kids. Note down in your Book of Heart. And, today and tomorrow,

  • till tomorrow evening, tomorrow we have Krama Brahmacharya initiation. But no Sannyas initiation.

  • Tomorrow only Krama Brahmacharya.

  • By tomorrow evening, you should all be completed with all the incompletions which make you

  • believe you can be violated. By tomorrow evening

  • you should all be clear, ‘I cannot be violated!’

  • I tell you,

  • Kaalabhairava is eternal.

  • Just like you change your dress, you can change your body.

  • Even if you don’t know, the law is law only for you.

  • The good news is, whether you believe it or not this news that life is eternal,

  • you can change, throw your body as you want,

  • this news is informed to you. And, the best news is, even if you don’t believe,

  • the law applies for you. Even if you don’t believe you

  • have eternal life, you have eternal life. The good news is, somehow Kaalabhairava tells you,

  • reaches this good news to your ears that you

  • have eternal life, nothing to worry; don’t worry; there is nothing to be lost, nothing

  • to be violated; there is nothing in you which can be violated.

  • As Bhagavad Gita says:

  • नैनं छिन्दन्ति शस्त्राणि नैनं दहति पावकः (nainaḿ chindanti śastrāṇi nainaḿ dahativakaḥ | )

  • न चैनं क्लेदयन्त्यापो न शोषयति मारुतः || २.२३ (na cainaḿ kledayanty āpo na śoṣayatirutaḥ ||)

  • Weapons cut it not, Fire burns it not,

  • Water wets it not, Wind dries it not.”

  • I was so happy when that revelation happened! Wow! With this one incompletion, stupidity,

  • whole humanity is suffering!

  • I don’t know on which tower I should stand up and beat the drum and shout loudly: ‘Hey! Don’t suffer!

  • You cannot be violated! This is the truth of life!

  • And even if you don’t believe also, this is the law of life with which you are going

  • to be handled! This is the law of life!

  • Good news is, it reaches your ears. Best news is, even if you don’t believe,

  • this is the way you are going to be handled!’ You cannot be violated,

  • understand?

  • I tell you, today and tomorrow, sit and pen down all the beliefs, incidents, which started

  • making you believe you can be violated, and

  • complete with them. I am blessing you guys! I will support you all in this Completion.

  • If you can physically come, tomorrow evening

  • bring all the patterns after completing, drop them, the paper, into the Chandi Homa fire

  • in Bidadi. If you cannot physically come, at

  • least tomorrow after the Chandi Homa burn it away with those patterns and the paper.

  • I tell you, complete with this one stupid belief that you can be violated.

  • You will be so free! It will be as if inside your head some

  • two-hundred worms were moving around all the time and eating the brain, and all the worms

  • have been flushed out and cleaned, and you are free!

  • All the unknown fears and unknown sufferings, unknown tortures you do to yourself will all be cleaned.

  • You cannot be violated!

  • And, I want all the gurukul kids to practice this

  • one truth: YOU CANNOT BE VIOLATED! Because, as a kid, even if your brother or friend or

  • somebody slaps you or touches you, or snatches away your pencil, even those small things,

  • you will start believing you are violated, and that idea of being violated

  • becomes such a strong pattern in you. All our gurukul kids should learn

  • when you are a kid itself, now itself learn: YOU CAN NEVER BE VIOLATED!

  • You can never be violated! You are pure consciousness, understand?

  • You can neither be cut nor be killed or be burnt or dried.

  • And, I tell you, if you create your whole nervous system with this one clarity

  • – “I CAN NEVER BE VIOLATED” – what a power you will radiate,

  • what energy you guys will radiate!

  • I wanted all our disciples to go to the tallest towers and mountains near your place, stand

  • on the top and shout to the world:


  • Whatever makes you believe you can be violated is stupid!

  • I really feel like Ramanuja today! That is what Ramanuja did. When he

  • got a click that Ashtaakshari, the eight-letter name of Maha Vishnu, Bhagawan,

  • when he repeated, immediately that enlightenment he

  • experienced, he could not control himself. He got on to the temple tower and shouted:

  • My guru has told me not to give this mantra to

  • anyone and everyone. But I am telling you all, come, get the mantra. You can immediately

  • get enlightened and Vaikunta! Take it!

  • What happens to me, don’t worry!’ And, I am telling you, I am so sure of what I am talking!

  • Not only I want to climb the tallest tower

  • building available here, I want every one of you to climb your nearest tallest tower, hill, building,

  • and shout from there to the whole world: ‘You cannot be violated!

  • Anything which makes you believe you can be violated is stupidity!

  • Anything which makes you believe you can be

  • violated is only violating you!’ Not only it will be useful for our kids to create a

  • new life, even this will help you to create a new body and mind.

  • This will heal your whole system!

  • I don’t even want to just talk from the utility angle, I just want you to know the truth,

  • It's the law of life whether you understand it or not.

  • Because this came from Kaalabhairava, that is why I am telling the Kula Kundalini which

  • is in all of you, which is extension of pure Kaalabhairava.

  • See, it is through Kula Kundalini you and me and Kaalabhairava, all of us, are connected.

  • We are all one in the space of

  • Kula Kundalini which is the source of all of us. That is why I am requesting the Kula

  • Kundalini which is present in all the bodies,

  • please awaken the truth: We can never be violated! All the ideas we started cherishing that we

  • can be violated, let Completion happen to those ideas.

  • Kula Kundalinimeans, even in the form of sleeping, the Kundalini exists

  • in your system. “Kundalinimeans, awakened Kundalini.

  • Kula Kundalinimeans, awakened or sleeping, the existing Kundalini, the Moola Kundalini.

  • Some people may have Kundalini Shakti or not,

  • but Kula Kundalini everyone will have, because it is the source from which the Kundalini

  • awakens. Kundalini is depicted as an awakened snake.

  • Kula Kundalini is sleeping snake. Whether it is awakened or sleeping, it is there.

  • The truth is, you can never be violated

  • physically or mentally or emotionally or psychologically or consciously.

  • There is no man, no woman, no human, no animal. It is the pure

  • space of Advaitha Sathya, Advaitha Anubhava, Advaitha Poorna, Advaitha Tejomaya! Roopaaroopa

  • Viroopa Advaitha Tejomaya! Beyond the form and formlessness!

  • So, the first idea I wanted to complete, first sathya I wanted to convey to all of you:

  • You are the best friend for you, you are the worst

  • enemy for you. If you do Completion, you are the best friend for you. If you don’t, you

  • are the worst enemy for you. You are the god for

  • you if you do Completion. You are the demon for you if you don’t do Completion. This

  • is the first Sathya.

  • And second, the greatest Sathya, today’s message for all of you from Kaalabhairava directly:


  • And anything which makes you believe you can be violated is superstitiousness.

  • Anything which makes you believe you can be

  • violated is atheism, atheistic idea, stupidity. Drop it!

  • I bless you all and request Mahakaalabhairava to bless everyone, all of us, to radiate this

  • great Sathya, Advaitha Sathya:


  • And all the ideas, incompletions, which tell me I can be violated should be completed.

  • And, let the realization “I can never be violated

  • forever become the source cognition of all of us.

  • Let Kaalabhairava bless all of us to be in this one great experience.

  • Don’t carry this: ‘Many Completions I have done. Nothing works for me!’ No!

  • Every time when you do new-new processes, the Completion level increases.

  • Just the tipping point..... Who knows, today’s Completion can be the tipping point,

  • the fifty-one percent! So, have the clarity, courage,

  • confidence, and do Completion. Experience “I cannot be violated”.

  • The essence of today’s satsangh:




  • Then you will become non-violent. The real non-violence will happen only when

  • you know you are non-violatable. Because, that

  • gives you the tremendous fulfilment, Completion! Then why will you violate somebody?

  • It is Completion which makes you give the space of Completion to others.

  • When you declare in the Inner Image: ‘I cannot be violated!’,

  • your outer image will be naturally - I will not be violate!’,

  • Others Image will be: ‘He will not be violating!’, your Life Image and

  • Others Image will be: ‘No one will violate anyone!

  • No one will violate anybody!’

  • So with this

  • I bless you all! Let you all radiate with Integrity, Authenticity, Responsibility, Enriching

  • and Causing eternal bliss, Nithyananda!

Nithyanandeshwara Samaarambhaam Nithyanandeshwari Madhyamaam |


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侵害されることはありません (You can never be violated)

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    Andy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日