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  • This week, were heading off on our summer holsto Barcelona to be precise.

  • The city Barcelona - Spanish Barcelona - not the planet Barcelona.

  • Too many no-nosed dogs.

  • But this- -is still faster - and much comfier - than a budget airline.

  • Errr. Either theyve redecorated again or...

  • Looks like I’ve ended up in that building gameMinecraft!

  • It’s blockier on

  • the inside.

  • Oh. Oh dear. Were probably crashing.

  • I really shouldn’t have poked those telepathic circuits...

  • Easy now, Mrs... TARDIS?

  • Wooooahhhh!!! Idris? Sexy?

  • WOAH!

  • Right, come on Christel, think.

  • Remember your Type 40 operational handbook!

  • Okay-

  • If I disable the etheric beam locator,

  • shield oscillator and the food machine,

  • then divert all power to the temporal Glowstone stabilisers

  • and the Netherrack Thermocouplings, I should be able to-

  • YES!

  • Oooh, weve landed. Okay. There’s oxygen, gravity, no radiation.

  • Let’s take a look...

  • Hang on. I recognise this...

  • Hey Christel!

  • Hello!

  • Hey! Welcome! Youre inside our Minecraft Doctor Who rollercoaster.

  • I’m Nero and this is River.

  • Why did you make a Doctor Who roller coaster?

  • Were big fans of the show and so we were looking for our next project

  • and fans kept coming up and saying hey do Doctor Who, Doctor Who

  • - this would be great.

  • Since we were fans of the show already, we re-watched and then said okay

  • are there enough scenes?

  • Well of course there are enough scenes in Doctor Who!

  • So we could think of a million things that would be really easy to put together.

  • Enough scenes to make a whole songs worth.

  • Oh, Stampy joined the game. Don’t mind the house cat!

  • I agree. We came up with a list of all the bad guys.

  • Who should we have in it? And I’m like ooooooooh!

  • And started going down the list.

  • Did it come about gradually or was it,

  • you built it and then there was one big moment where you tested the whole thing?

  • Or did it happen in stages?

  • It happens in stages so I have a song for example that I want to use.

  • When the song gets to a certain point and there’s a drop

  • and the beat kind of changes

  • there’s a climatic scene or something that sort of goes with

  • that part of the song for viewers to see.

  • Then after that we task it to a builder since we bring in certain builders

  • that are specific to a certain style.

  • Well bring in a certain builder and well say okay, we want to do the Doctor Who logos

  • and this is something that youre really good at

  • come in - this is where we want it -

  • this is what we want it to look like and then the builders kinda get to it.

  • And the whole time Nero is writing up the rails

  • to make sure the music is lining up to where theyre putting things.

  • Well thanks guys, but I’ve got to try and get home.

  • Or to Barcelona. Bye!

  • Bye! Thank you for coming!

  • Right. Concentrate. How do we fix this?!

  • Christel? Hello? Is that you Idris? Your voice has got

  • a lot deeper...

  • No, look at the screen.

  • Oh hey Ben!

  • Hey! Basically, I built half of this room, including the walls and the flooring in Minecraft

  • with help from my good friend, Harry.

  • And Freddy modded the rest of the room making it look a little more realistic.

  • Longer than it should do Christel, it took around 3 months.

  • Oh wow. How long did it take you to build this?!

  • Why do you like building Doctor who stuff in Minecraft?

  • Well, it all started when I got to know xxxx who was the project leader of the Doctor Who

  • Client Mod.

  • This is the thing that really sparked my interest for combining Doctor Who

  • and Minecraft into one setting.

  • Joining the development team of the Doctor Who Client Mod

  • means you can express your love for this amazing show whilst

  • making something you can look back on in a few years time

  • and be really proud of what you created.

  • Anyway, I uploaded this to the TARDIS desktop wallpaper system as a surprise for you.

  • Aww thanks!

  • But something went wrong.

  • Due to a chronon leak, the TARDIS's architectural reconfiguration system

  • has created a temporary chameleon arc around you

  • and remodelled your dimensions to fit the desktop!

  • I hope you get what youre on about.

  • Just grab the Sonic.

  • Setting 178 and give it a quick blast.

  • Okay! Ahhhh! The "undo" setting. Genius.

  • Ha ha! Should have you home and normal in a jiffy. Perhaps do your links now?

  • Oh yes! Cheers Ben!

  • Thank you to Robochiz from the UK who won our Minecraft titles competition.

  • We really liked the way you incorporated different types of Minecraft blocks into the titles.

  • And if you didn’t win, don't be sad because

  • we've put all of the awesome entries into a video on our second channel.

  • Click here to see them.

  • And here’s our exclusively Minecraft Who Tube annotation attack.

  • Oooh! Were here.

  • Right, here goes nothing!

  • Ah! Well, on second thoughts

  • I think I’ll take the budget airline.

  • Taxi!

This week, were heading off on our summer holsto Barcelona to be precise.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B1 中級

ドクター・フー マインクラフト - ドクター・フー。ファンショー (Doctor Who Minecraft - Doctor Who: The Fan Show)

  • 309 9
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日