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  • In the 1990s, a California survey found that women pay an extra $1,351 dollars per year due to gender-discriminatory pricing.


  • Subsequent initiatives like the Gender Tax Repeal Act of 1995 have aimed to eliminate this discrepancy.


  • So does it still cost more to be a woman?


  • Well, a trip to your local drugstore can show you firsthand that the "pink tax" still exists.

    『ピンク税 』がまだ存在することは、近所のドラッグストアに行けば一目瞭然です。

  • In 2015, a male and female reporter from teamed up to buy very similar BUT gender-specific razors, shaving cream, deodorant, moisturizer, and body wash.

    2015年、 の男女レポーターがチームを組み、とても似ているけれど男女別に分けられているカミソリ、シェービングクリーム、デオドラント、モイスチャライザー、ボディソープを購入しました。

  • The man spent $37.42. The woman paid $42.69.


  • That's a difference of $5 dollars, which overtime obviously can add up.


  • The same gender-discriminatory pricing towards items like these was also noticed in a 2010 Consumer Report, and a 2011 study by the University of Central Florida.


  • The latter study suggested that "women do tend to pay more than men for certain types of services and products,


  • especially those that provide the most visible evidence of gendering the body."


  • And it's not just at the pharmacy.


  • Female haircuts at the beauty salon, women's shirts at the drycleaners, women's shoes, women's car payments,


  • and even women's health insurance can all be priced significantly higher than their male counterparts.


  • In 2012, CNN reported that Florida women could pay an extra $1,141 dollars per year in health insurance premiums.

    2012年、CNN はフロリダ州の女性は年間1,141ドル余分に健康保険料を支払う可能性があると報じました。

  • In 2014, Obamacare laws banned gender discrimination in health insurance.


  • Before that time, 42 states allowed women to be charged higher premiums, simply on the basis of gender.


  • In 2011, the European Union banned gender discriminate pricing for life and auto insurance.

    2011年、EU は生命保険と自動車保険の男女差別価格を禁止しました。

  • And in 2014, France's finance ministry pledged to investigate claims of an "invisible women’s tax" on certain products like shampoos and razors.


  • France's secretary of state of women's rights supported the investigation, tweeting: "Is pink a luxury color?"

    フランスの女性の権利担当国務長官はこの調査を支持し、こうツイートした: 「ピンクは高級色なのだろうか?」

  • In Australia, a Goods And Services Tax, which applies to tampon purchases but not condoms, has been in practice for 15 years.


  • But presently, there has been a push to scrap the "tampon tax".


  • Many consider sanitary napkins to be an "essential health good", which should be exempt from the 10% price increase.

    生理用ナプキンは "必要不可欠な健康グッズ "であり、10%の値上げは免除されるべきだと多くの人が考えています。

  • While there are a few examples of "man taxes" out there, most notably for auto insurance,

    自動車保険に代表されるように、"男性の税金 "の例はいくつかあります、

  • women do seem to more often experience subtly higher prices.


  • Now, whether these prices are the result of a larger picture of gender inequality in the world is up for debate.


  • But, many reporters have noted that it's frustrating for women to have this kind of added "taxation" to their purchases,

    しかし、多くの記者は、このような "税金 "が上乗せされるのは女性にとって不満だと指摘しています、

  • when they are already paid less than men for similar work across the globe.


  • If you're interested in the world of science, be sure to check out our new show TestTube 101.

    科学の世界に興味がある方は、ぜひ新番組『TestTube 101』をご覧ください。

  • We'll be answering tons of science questions in short, fun videos every single day.


  • Make sure to subscribe, and let us know if you've got questions of your own! We're listening!


  • Thanks for watching.


In the 1990s, a California survey found that women pay an extra $1,351 dollars per year due to gender-discriminatory pricing.


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