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EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: A lot of people are taking a stronger interest in happiness right
EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: 多くの人が幸せに関心を持っています。
now than ever before. EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: Why wouldn't you want
to do something to increase your happiness? JENNIFER PELKA: I've decided that I'm actually
幸せを増やすために何かをしたいと思っていますか?JENNIFER PELKA: 私は決めました。
going to buy all of the women in my life this book.
JENNIFER PELKA: I remember hearing about the happiness project and thinking this sounds
JENNIFER PELKA: ハピネス・プロジェクトの話を聞いて、これはありそうだと思ったのを覚えています。
so incredibly annoying, I'm never going to read it. And I ended up actually really loving
this book. EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: I really love the element
of the story that Gretchen brought to it. I felt like I was her long lost best friend.
Just hanging out with her and getting to know her kids, getting to know her husband.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: I read the book last year and had a chance to meet the author and
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN:去年読んだ本で著者との出会いがあり
was really fascinated and captivated by her. And recently I decided to start my own happiness
project. ANGRY BOB: Here's the deal. I like this book.
You know why? Makes a very weird noise when you throw it against the wall.
GRETCHEN RUBIN: I had the idea for "The Happiness Project" when I was on the city bus in the
GRETCHEN RUBIN: 私が"The Happiness Project"のアイデアを持っていたのは、当時、市バスに乗っていたときでした。
pouring rain and I thought "What do I want from life anyway? I want to be happy." But
雨が降っていて、私は思った"What do I want from life anyway?I want to be happy." but
I realized I had never spent any time thinking about whether I was happy or how I could be
happier. GRETCHEN RUBIN: This book is really a memoir
幸せになったGRETCHEN RUBIN:この本は本当に回顧録です。
of thinking and researching and experimenting. So its one of these "year of" experiments.
思考と研究と実験の。だからその1つはこれらの"year of"実験の年です。
JENNIFER PELKA: Every month Gretchen creates different happiness resolutions so she can
JENNIFER PELKA:グレッチェンは毎月、さまざまな幸せのために、彼女ができるように、さまざまな決意をしています。
figure out what really makes her happy. EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: Reading "The Happiness
Project", the image I sometimes get is like Gretchen trying on all these different outfits.She
tries on the "let me clean up the house" project, "let me put on the connect with my friends"
私は家をきれいにしてみましょう"プロジェクト、"私は私の友人との接続を置くことができます".T tries on " let me clean up the house" project, " let me put on connect with my friends".
one and then at the end of the day she kind of tries to put that outfit together.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: She was doing it almost as a researcher and using herself as the subject.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: 彼女はほとんど研究者としてやっていて、自分を被写体にしていました。
JENNIFER PELKA: I think what's so amazing about her twelve experiments is that many
JENNIFER PELKA: 彼女の12の実験の何がすごいかというと、多くの人がその実験に参加しているということです。
of them..she fails at. She realizes that her happiness is not the same as other people's
happiness and that's ok. GRETCHEN RUBIN: Clearly I am way over the
幸福とそれは大丈夫ですGRETCHEN RUBIN: 明らかに、私は、私は、その上に道を歩いています。
top with my happiness project and part of the idea was it was like "I'll do all these
私の幸せプロジェクトとアイデアの一部は、それが好きだった"I'll do all these
things so you don't have to." And my sense of it is that most people read it and they
事をするので、あなたはdon'39;t have to."そして、私の感覚では、ほとんどの人がそれを読んで、彼らは
take away a few things that really work for them, but they don't do the whole project
as systematically.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: There was lots going on in my life at the time and I could tell
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: 当時の私の人生にはたくさんのことがありました。
that I was ready for a change. There's tons of self-help books out there but I think this
seemed very doable, involving every day changes to make a really big impact.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: So what I'm doing with the vision book is, you know, some writings
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: ビジョンブックで何をしているかというと、いくつかの文章です。
but a lot of visual things as well. Picture and things that inspire me or just little
sketches. It not a diary but rather let me start to envision my future and let me start
to envision my happiness.
EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: If you ask people why do you want to have a successful career? Why
EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: なぜ成功したキャリアを持ちたいと思うのですか?なぜですか?
do you want to learn more? Why do you want to get healthy? If you keep asking them at
the root of it they would say that they want to be happy.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: I can't think of one person who doesn't want to be happy. But they
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: I can't think one person who doesn't be happy.しかし、彼らは
don't pause to sort of say, "What does success look like for me? What does happiness look
don't pause to sort of say, "What does success looks like for me?幸福とは何か?
like for me?" And so they're searching for it but they never stopped to define it for
themselves. ANGRY BOB: Happiness is something that doesn't
自分自身のことです。ANGRY BOB: 幸福とは何か?
need to be pondered. Just do your life. Go enjoy yourself. Hang out with your friends.
Stop thinking about it! Stop writing about it!
GRETCHEN RUBIN: There's this idea that the minute that you start asking yourself if you're
GRETCHEN RUBIN: このような考えがあります。
happy you're gonna kinda trip over own feet and that you're much better off instead of
pursuing happiness, pursuing other things and then letting happiness come as a by-product.
JENNIFER PELKA: I think there are so many ways that asking yourself if you're happy
JENNIFER PELKA: 自分が幸せかどうかを自問自答する方法はたくさんあると思います。
allows you to be happier. GRETCHEN RUBIN: If you don't remind yourself
より幸せになることができます。GRETCHEN RUBIN: もしあなたが自分自身を思い出さないならば
that you are happy, it can just pass unnoticed right under your feet.
ANGRY BOB: We have it too good in this country. If you were in a third world country you're
ANGRY BOB: この国では、あまりにも良いことがあります。もしあなたが第三世界の国にいたとしたら、あなたは
worried about finding food. You're worried about running from animals or political insurgents,
you know? We have too much free time on our hands to engage in this asinine introspection.
GRETCHEN RUBIN: We really live in a very prosperous time relative to all of history and I think
GRETCHEN RUBIN: 私たちは本当に歴史のすべての相対的な非常に豊かな時代に住んでいると思います。
that it's just natural when people feel safe and secure that they turn their minds to higher
things like happiness. ANGRY BOB: There's been a thousand books written
all on the same subject lines is "I have almost everything I want in my life, I need a little
同じ件名の行にすべてが"I have almost everything I want in my life, I need a little.
more." JENNIFER PELKA: It is a little bit frustrating
more." JENNIFER PELKA: ちょっとイライラしますね。
that the narrator of this book truely is like pretty in control of her life and now she
has created this, you know, daily document to make her life incrementally that much more
perfect. GRETCHEN RUBIN: A lot of people felt like
完璧です。GRETCHEN RUBIN: 多くの人が感じたのは
well it was very sort of self indulgent for a person who wasn't deeply unhappy to be spending
time thinking about how to be happier. EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: I think the fact that
Gretchen comes from a slightly happy state to begin with is actually one of the biggest
strengths of this book. Because most people are actually in the same boat.
GRETCHEN RUBIN: Happiness has this really bad reputation. And a lot of people say like
GRETCHEN RUBIN: 幸福は本当に悪い評判です。そして、多くの人が次のように言います
oh well happy people are smug and self-centered, but research shows that it's when we're happier
ourselves that we have the emotional wherewithal to turn outward and think about other people.
EMILIYA ZHIVOTOVSKAYA: When you are authentically happier yourself, that resonates. That's an
energy that people pick up on. JENNIFER PELKA: As somebody who rides the
人々が手に取るようなエネルギーをJENNIFER PELKA:
subway everyday I can say that when people around me are unhappy, I am also unhappy.
地下鉄の毎日 周りの人が不幸になると、自分も不幸になると言える。
GRETCHEN RUBIN: It turns out that unhappy people are more likely to be defensive, isolated,
GRETCHEN RUBIN: それは、不幸な人は防衛的で孤立している可能性が高いことが判明した。
and preoccupied with their own problems. ANGRY BOB: So Gretchen's argument about that
unhappy people make other people unhappy, well my feeling is everyone needs a hobby.
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: Happiness is contagious. I think the negative can be contagious too
EBONY STATON WEIDMAN: 幸福は伝染します。ネガティブも伝染すると思います。
and so people have to be responsible with how they treat other people. So I hope that
everything that comes out of this project for me, you know, making me happier but also
kind of sending that out and paying that forward and then other people, you know, being happier
as well. GRETCHEN RUBIN: Really I feel like all the
と同様に。GRETCHEN RUBIN: Really I feel I feel like all the
things that I was working on, I'm going to be working on for the rest of my life. I'm
more interested in happiness than ever. I feel like the deeper that I go, the bigger
it gets.