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  • Word up Food Tubers, we are going to make a beautiful, beautiful cocktail that you guys

  • are going to love to do at home. The Old Cuban.

  • It's a twist on a mojito, the most popular cocktail in the world, it's really light and

  • gorgeous. This was invented by Audrey Sanders, the cocktail

  • queen of the world. First up we've got a really nice glass like

  • this. Just a few little ice cubes in there to chill my glass down. We're using a cocktail

  • kit, they're really cheap to get and the cheap ones I find as a beginner are really, really

  • good. Okay, the mojito. Cuba, lime!

  • Half a lime per person. Give it a good squeeze, turn it around and

  • give ti another squeeze. Get a nice bit in there,.

  • Now we're not using sugar, like a mojito, we're going to go stock syrup. It's equal

  • quantities of sugar and water and is so simple. Just put it in a pan, bring it up to a simmer,

  • let it clear, turn it off and then just funnel it into a bottle.

  • Put a little spout In and then you can be a cocktail ninja.

  • 25mls into here, beautiful. Then we're going to go in with some dark rum.

  • We need about 70mls. So one 50ml shot and a kiss. That's kiss from

  • me which is quite a passionate kiss. Do you know what I mean?

  • Let's talk about mint. Now this is nice mint. It's better if you can pick it live. Just

  • that much. Give it a spank, full of beautiful fragrance.

  • Then bitters, just a couple of little drips. Now we want ice!

  • That's looking good, now we're going to go in with our larger part of our metal shaker.

  • Give it a good spank again. 10 nice shakes is lovely. It's fizzing up

  • beautifully. We've got a nice chilled glass. I'm going to use my little strainer here.

  • You can see we've got little bits of mint in there and I quite like it. If you don't

  • you can always sieve ti out! Look at that! I'm just going to top it up.

  • I'm going to use prosecco just because I love prosecco and it is more affordable.

  • What that Prosecco does is just lighten it a little bit,

  • Audrey used dry champagne as she |was trying to balance the most popular cocktail in the

  • world with the elegance of champagne and make something very special.

  • It's such a beautiful, beautiful, cocktail if you start knocking those out at a party

  • people are going to be very, very happy. And remember this works beautifully with my

  • recipe. The cured salmon for party season. Click the box below and you can see how to

  • make that. It's an all rounder this one.

  • So cheers my darling and guys have a go at that because it will put a smile on your face.

  • Until next time happy shaking!

Word up Food Tubers, we are going to make a beautiful, beautiful cocktail that you guys


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B2 中上級

ジェイミーのクラシックカクテル|オールドキューバン (Jamie's Classic Cocktails | The Old Cuban)

  • 653 54
    Yun Lin に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日