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Hi there, my name is Egils. I am dance teacher. Today we gonna talk about Natural Spin Turn
in Waltz. If you want to see easy way of learning Natural Spin Turn in Waltz, then stay tuned
and watch this video. We will show you also three Routines with Natural Spin Turn in Waltz.
Let's start with Exercise of Rocks in Closed Hold. This Action we will use later to develop
Natural Spin. We start with Rock without Turn. Now we start to Turn slightly. More. Even
more. Let's see how Exercise looks together. Start with Rock without Turn. Now we start
to Turn slightly. More. More. Let's look at the Steps which will become later Natural
Spin Turn. We will do Three Steps of Natural Turn and then Rock Steps. 123 123. 123 123.
Let's see how it looks together. 123 123 .
We will add to These Rocks one complete Turn to Right.
And thats it thats Natural Spin Turn in Waltz. Forward, Side, Close. Back, Forward, Back.
Lady : Back Side Close, Back Forward, Back.
Let's see how it looks together
Lets look at Routine. Natural Spin Turn, 4-6 of Reverse Turn and Closed Change.
Our second Routine starts with Unreturned Natural Spin Turn, then 3 bars
of Reverse Turn and Closed Change.
And last Routine Today
Overturned Natural Spin Turn, Turning Lock to PP, and Chasse from PP
I hope this was helpful to you.
And if you have Question please, put there, in Comments.
And as always thanks for watching and happy Dancing!