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  • Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired.

  • Yes, hello, Chris Gardner calling for Mr. Walter Ha

  • We were all working our way up call sheets to sign clients.

  • from the bottom to the top, from the doorman

  • to the CEO. They'd stay till seven.

  • But I had Christopher. I had to do in six hours what they do in nine.

  • Good afternoon, my name is Chris Gardner. I'm calling from Dean Witter

  • In order not to waste any time, I wasn't hanging up the phone in between calls

  • Okay. Thank you very much!

  • I realized that by not hanging up the phone

  • I gained another eight minutes a day

  • Why good morning to you. My name is Chris Gardner, and I'm calling from Dean Witter

  • I also wasn't drinking water so I didn't waste any time

  • in the bathroom

  • Ah, yes, I'd love to have the opportunity to...okay. No problem at all, sir. Thank you very much

  • but even doing all this

  • After two months I still didn't have time to work my way up a sheet

  • (secretary) Walter Ribbon's office. Yes hello my name is Chris Gardner

  • and I'm calling for Mr Walter Ribbon. (secretary) concerning? (Chris) yes ma'am, I'm calling from Dean Witter.

  • (secretary) Just a moment

  • (Walter Ribbon) Hello? (Chris) Mr. Ribbon, hello sir

  • My name is Chris Gardner, I'm calling from Dean Witter (Walter Ribbon) Yeah, Chris? (Chris) Uh, yes Mr. Ribbon, I would love to have the

  • opportunity to sit with you to discuss some of our products, and I'm certain that I could be of

  • some assistance to you. (Walter Ribbon) Can you be here in twenty minutes? (Chris) Uh, twenty minutes? Absolutely!

  • (Walter Ribbon) I just had someone cancel. Come now! I'll give you a few minutes before the 49ers.

  • Monday night football, buddy. (Chris) Yes sir. Thank you very much (Walter Ribbon) See you soon. (Chris) Bye bye

Whoever brought in the most money after six months was usually hired.


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

幸福の追求 6 8 ムービークリップ コールド・コーリング 2006 HD (The Pursuit of Happyness 6 8 Movie CLIP Cold Calling 2006 HD)

  • 1901 149
    DX-Cinephile に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日