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Hi there. My name's Ronnie. In the near future I will be teaching you many lessons. If you
have a request or if you'd like to leave a comment, please do. Today I'm going to talk
to you or teach you about future progressive or future continuous. They're the same. So,
maybe you've learned future or you're trying to learn "Future progressive", and you look
on the internet or you look in a textbook and it says: "Future continuous". No fear,
ladies and gentlemen, future progressive and future continuous - exactly the same grammar.
They just like to confuse you, and give me a chance to teach you this. So, hallelujah.
And basically, future progressive or future continuous, we're going to use in the future
for a planned action or an action that we think is going to happen or that will happen
in the future. There's one very important thing that you must consider about the future
progressive or future continuous is it must have a "time marker" in the sentence. So if
you do not put a time marker in the sentence, it's wrong. Okay? It's shameful. I don't know
if I can talk to you anymore about it. So do me a favour: please just use a time marker.
Let's go through the basic structure. Future simple, future progressive 101.
We're going to have a subject, we're going to have "will" or "won't" and then we're going to have "be"
and a verb with an "ing". Positive, negative. The question form or the interrogation form,
we're going to have "will" plus the subject plus "be" plus verbing.
Now, remember: when you ask someone a question, please ask them in the positive form, because
for example, if I said: "Won't you be learning English? Won't I be learning English? Yes.
No. Oh. Please, please, please keep it simple: always ask people a positive question. I don't
care what your grammar is, positive questions are always the easiest to answer.
Let's jump to the form. So, example: "I will be eating lunch at 12." I always eat lunch
at 12, kind of like a habit that I have. In this sentence, can you tell me where the time
marker is? What's the answer? Sorry? At 12. Good answer. Tommy, good one. So, in this
sentence, "at 12" is our time marker. Subject, "will be", verbing, then I have my noun, "at
12". I will be eating lunch when? At 12. This is what I plan to happen. This is what I hope
will happen; I'm hungry.
And in this sentence: "At this time tomorrow, we will be sitting on the beach." Oh, wouldn't
that be great? If you would like to go to the beach with me, just throw me some money
for an airplane ticket, I'll be on the next airplane, I'll be sitting on the beach drinking
some margaritas with you. So: "At this time tomorrow, we will be sitting on the beach."
In this sentence, do you know where my time marker is? So we have this big fat one: "At
this time tomorrow", so this tells me exactly when in the future I think the action will happen.
"They will be going to Italy this year." Oh, they're lucky. Hi, everyone in Italy. Thanks
for watching. Besos or bravo, or something Italian there. Good wine, guys. "They will
be going to Italy this year." In this sentence we have "this year". The grammar is quite
easy. Again, subject, "will be" plus verbing. Oh, but maybe something happened and now,
unfortunately... Uh oh. Guess what? Reality: "Ronnie won't be going to Italy this year."
But if you'd like to send me an airplane ticket to go to Italy, I'll be there. I'll be on
the next airplane. I promise. Mm-hmm. Airplane tickets. Donate money. www.engvid.com. Also,
I have a YouTube channel. Do you want to join that? Subscribe to my YouTube channel. Send
me some airplane ticket money. I'll hang out with you.
"We will be sleeping by the time you get home." Sorry: "He", not "me". I'm going to be awake.
"He will be sleeping by the time you get home. In this sentence: "by the time you get home"
tells us when in the future the action's going to happen. So what is he going to be doing?
"He will be sleeping by the time you get home." Then the party starts, right?
And let's look at the question form, some examples. We are going to use this to check
plans. Now, maybe you're going to have a party. And you're like: "Okay, well, what time?"
Well: "Will they be coming at 6 tomorrow?" In this sentence we have two time markers;
we have a time and the place. So: "Will they be coming at 6 tomorrow?" We need to know
what the plan is.
Will Tommy M...? Hi, Tommy M. "Will Tommy M be emailing Ronnie in the future?" Now,
obviously the future continuous or the future progressive happens in the future, but this
also serves as my time marker. Tommy M, email. We have the "will", modal, we have the subject
of Tommy M, we have "be" and then verbing.
If you can think about something, a planned action or a routine that you will be doing
in the future, let me know. As an example: "I will be buying Ronnie an airplane ticket
to go to Italy." Or anywhere in the world I'd like, except Toronto, I'm already here.
If you plan or if you would like to come to Toronto, I've got something special for you.
I'm going to be doing special nights and maybe special tours, so you can hang out with me
and learn very natural English. I've got a Facebook page that I'd like you to go to.
I will give you the address or the name of the Facebook page, you can go there and you'll
find out all the wonderful information. Check this Facebook page out.