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  • The Capricorn mother is stable, morale and financially concise you're a hard worker and

  • always planning ahead. Especially for a rainy day you set clear standards for your children

  • and instill values in them that will last a lifetime. You value traditions that have

  • been passed down from your family and you have a tremendous amount of respect for your

  • own parents your children will in turn have a deep respect for you. You have a serious

  • side. And that may be your only side, at least to others. When you've got kids know it's

  • okay to be silly and frivolous once in a while. Even though they can sometimes drive you crazy,

  • your tykes really do want to make you happy. As a capricorn, your work ethic is unrivaled

  • but you can also easily veer into workaholic territory. You may feel more comfortable at

  • a conference table than a kitchen table, but you should work on being there when your children

  • need you. You may be a boss, but your job is to actively love your children.

The Capricorn mother is stable, morale and financially concise you're a hard worker and


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B1 中級

山羊座のママのためのホロスコープ (Horoscope for a Capricorn Mom)

  • 298 17
    Fenny Federica に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日