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  • H-h-how's it going bros?

  • My name, is PEEEWDIEPIE.

  • Going to do this commentary in Swedish.

  • Many people asked for it, I made one before.

  • It was really popular, you know. Oh well!

  • **reading the text**

  • I don't actually talk like that

  • It feels really wierd to..

  • HEEEY, A BOAT! :D ..**Sings lonely island**

  • This boat, is the best boat ever! :D

  • Swedish it is... ok.

  • BOAT!!! need a name...

  • What should we name you? We give you a viking name, since you're a viking boat!

  • I think we should name you Sven.. after Sven Ingvars (Old Swedish Band, Google them xD)

  • Heeey! :D Herr Stol: Hello Pewdie c:

  • Herr Stol: I-I can't talk Swedish, so I hope it's alright if I talk English.

  • That's fine Mr Chair.

  • Mr Chair... Mr Chair.. You should learn to speak Swedish, you know.

  • It's the greatest...

  • **tries to translate to Swedish**

  • I need to correct it.

  • Sven! What have we done? Are we trapped here because of a living being?

  • Well that sucks.. Sven: I know.. I know.. it sucks...

  • Sven: But what should you do, I mean I try..

  • Sven: We've been together for a long time now, Pewdie and now we can't even leave this room.

  • Sven: Well me, that makes no sense. We must find a key now.

  • Okey Sven, but where's the key? WHERE'S THE KEY!

  • Mr Chair, do you know where the key is?

  • Herr Stol: I don't know Pewdie, I-I'm sorry! I don't have the key, I promise!

  • Heey, oil! c:

  • Do we have a key here? I mean...

  • Damn that fucking key, where could you be?

  • Could you be underneith this bed? Nope!

  • Could you be underneith this thing here? ... Nix Pix

  • Yeeeeees, A Tone Bone. Damn thats nice.. A Tone Bone...

  • Okey Sven, It's time to leave. Sven: Oh how nice then, fricking love our time together!

  • Sven: There's a lot of people who like Stephano.. But I'm a fricking boat so I mean...

  • Sven: I don't want to go there pewdie.. I'm going to be completely fucking honest when I say it.

  • Well hello to you! How are you doing? :)

  • No, no, fucking dick! Ah..

  • What the fuck was that, fuck... okay

  • Sven: What the hell is going on? Now I changed my accent to, well thats great!

  • Sven: Those we're from Zelda, you know? Have you played Zelda?

  • Sven: Awesome game in my opinion!

  • Sven: You, it was really nice to meet you! Erm..

  • Sven: Now you have to go in there, so have fun and I'll see you soon!

  • Hehe, It was nice meeting you... Mr.. Sven, Sven was your name..

  • I will remember what you... Ugh, fuck thats nasty!

  • ugh, UGH BLEEHH, DAMN, **Spits**

  • BLEEERGH, blä ugh!

  • BLERGH AH, They are... UGH!

  • How the hell can you be so many?

  • Knights: Hello?

  • What the...?

  • I don't trust! I dont think.. (fails translating)

  • I don't trust them!

  • **Sings: Di Leva - Vem ska jag tro på?" (Who should I trust?)**

  • AAAAH!!

  • BUUUEEH, A pig! D:

  • Piggeh! Why?? *laughs* why?

  • Why does he do that? Why?... Oh!

  • AAah, stop!!

  • What the...HEUH

  • Aah, I don't even know anymore... I don't even know anymore.

  • Mr Chair! Tell me what's going on!

  • Herr Stol: I don't know pewdie, I'm sorry! NO!

  • I can't speak Swedish but..

  • Game: **I'M GOING TO RAPE YOU!**

  • Lovely...

  • That was fantastic!

  • Mr Chair was that you??

  • Herr Stol: No! I would never! I would never say that to you! I would never talk back to you!

  • Didn't think so.. Herr Stol.

  • AAH!

  • What the hell?

  • Okey... Let's continue here then.. really..

  • PIGGEH!! :D:D

  • Piggeh: Yeah I'm pumped! But you know, I'm just hanging..

  • I'm just hanging around, because I'm a dead pig!

  • Alright, nice!

  • Fucking lovely you know.. Ah, we have the key.. awesome.

  • Aha? It doesn't work, what trickery?

  • Do I have a sanity potion? Yes I do! Nice, NICE!

  • Alright let's go in here. Hallo? Is there somebody here?

  • What the hell?

  • What the hell?!

  • Alright en picklock, well thats lovely!

  • Okay, so..

  • I DON'T TRUST YOU! Gtfo!

  • Goddamn pussy.

  • Alright, then we use a picklock.

  • NOPE!

  • **lols :D**

  • Alright, doing pretty well so far!

  • Unfortunatly I can't record for more than 7 minutes.

  • Takes such fucking long time to add subtitles.

  • What the hell is going on? I mean, what the hell is...

  • Okey, fucking fun. I've always wanted to be in a room that has doors in the ceiling.

  • I think that is fucking nice.

  • Goddamn, I miss Sven, he was awesome!

  • Ah, come on. Fuck sake!

  • Herr Stol! What's going on?

  • **fails at translating to Swedish**

  • Goddammit it's too difficult, fuck it!



  • Knock it off, for fuck sake I need to enter!

  • STOP, He's coming!!!

  • I thought we were friends!

  • Goddamnit!

  • Aha, what the hell should I do then?

  • Pokéball! Give me!

  • Ugh, What the fuck!

  • Fuck this map is bugged!

  • Aah, I started talking english!

  • Goddamn!

  • Ah, seriously??

  • Fucking lovely

  • Ah come on!

  • This is getting fucking retarded.

  • What do we have here then?

  • STOP IT! Mr Chair do something!

  • FUCK

  • I'm not gonna look through all of these. What the hell is going on?

  • Seriously! What the hell is going on?

  • Ah okay what do we have here? Noo what did I do?

  • Sup, Martin? How you doing?

  • Alright, I'll let you do that, fucking fun!

  • Then we go here..

  • No that wasnt funny!

  • I think thats enough for today!

  • eeuh, Like and Favorite.... pussy

  • I don't even know what I'm talking about.

  • If you enjoyed! Erhm...

  • And we'll meet tomorrow! Subscribe become a bro and... I dont fucking know.

H-h-how's it going bros?


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

SWEDISH COMMENTARY (w/subs) Amnesia.カスタム・ストーリー - パート1 - 小さな馬 (SWEDISH COMMENTARY (w/ Subs) Amnesia: Custom Story - Part 1 - The Small Horse I)

  • 299 8
    Samuel Lee に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日