字幕表 動画を再生する 審査済み この字幕は審査済みです 字幕スクリプトをプリント 翻訳字幕をプリント 英語字幕をプリント Three reasons why we should stop using nuclear energy. 原子力をやめるべき3つの理由 One: nuclear weapons proliferation. 1. 核兵器の拡散 Nuclear technology made a violent entrance onto the world stage: 原子力技術は世界を緊張状態に置く just one year after the world’s first ever nuclear test explosion in 1944, 1944年実験に成功した翌年 two large cities were destroyed by just two single bombs. 2つの爆弾で2つの都市が壊滅した After that, reactor technology slowly evolved その後原子炉技術は as a means of generating electricity, 電力源として発展したが but it’s always been intimately connected with nuclear weapons technology. 常に核兵器技術と繋がっていた It’s nearly impossible to develop nuclear weapons 原子炉技術なしに without access to reactor technology. 核兵器を作ることはできない In fact, the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty serves the purpose of 核拡散防止条約でも spreading nuclear reactor technology without spreading nuclear weapons 原子炉技術の譲渡は with limited success. 平和利用目的に限るとされている In 40 years, five countries have developed their own weapons だが今や5つの国が with the help of reactor technology. この技術で 核兵器を手にした The fact of the matter is that it can be very hard to distinguish 核兵器計画と原子力の平和利用を a covert nuclear weapons program from the peaceful use of nuclear energy. 外から見分けるのは難しい In the 1970s, the big nuclear powers were happily selling peaceful technology 核の技術は 小さな国に to smaller countries, which then developed weapons of their own. 平和な技術として売られたが The road to deadly nuclear weapons is always paved with peaceful reactors. それは核兵器になった Two: nuclear waste and pollution. 死の核兵器への道は Spent nuclear fuel is not only radioactive, but also contains 平和な原子炉で舗装されている extremely poisonous chemical elements like plutonium. 2. 核廃棄物と汚染 It loses its harmfulness only slowly over several tens of thousands of years. 使用済み核燃料には 放射性で有毒な And there is also a process called reprocessing, which means プルトニウムが含まれている the extraction of plutonium from spent nuclear fuel. 有害でなくなるには数万年が必要だ It can be used for two purposes: 再処理という工程を施せば to build nuclear weapons or to use it as new fuel. そこからプルトニウムは抽出できる But hardly any of it is used as fuel, because we don’t have そして核兵器に使ったり the right kind of reactors for that. 再利用したりできる A milligram will kill you; a few kilograms make an atomic bomb; and even しかし再利用の方は an inconspicuous country like Germany literally has tons of the stuff それに適した原子炉がない just lying around, because reprocessing sounded like a good idea decades ago. 1mgで人が死に 数kgで爆弾が作れる And where will all the waste go? 素敵な国 ドイツでも After dumping it into the ocean was forbidden, we’ve tried to bury it— 何トンもこれを持っている but we can’t find a place where it will definitely stay secure 昔は再処理が良く見えたからだ for tens of thousands of years. 捨て場所も問題だ Over 30 countries operate nearly 400 reactors, managing 海は禁止されたので 埋めるのだが several hundred thousands of tons of nuclear waste 数万年持つ場所は見つかっていない and only one is currently serious about opening 30の国で400の原子炉が稼働し a permanent civilian waste storage: tiny Finland. 数十万トンの廃棄物が出る Three: accidents and disasters. 廃棄物の貯蔵庫を持っているのは Over 60 years of nuclear power usage, there have been seven major accidents フィンランドだけだ in reactors or facilities dealing with nuclear waste. 3. 事故と災害 Three of those were mostly contained, but four of them released significant 60年を越える原子力使用の中で amounts of radioactivity into the environment. 7つの大きな事故があった In 1957, 1987, and 2011, large areas of land in Russia, Ukraine, and Japan そのうち3つでは were rendered unfit for human habitation for decades to come. 大量の放射能が環境に放出された The number of deaths is highly disputed, but probably lies in the thousands. 1957年 1986年 2011年 These disasters happened with nuclear reactors of very different types, ロシア ウクライナ 日本で in very different countries, and several decades apart. 数十年は人の住めない場所ができた Looking at the numbers, we may as well ask ourselves, 死者は数千人はいると考えられる “Are 10% of the world’s energy supply 災害は 異なるタイプの原子炉で worth a devastating disaster every 30 years? 異なる国の異なる時期に起きた Would 30% be worth another Fukushima or Chernobyl 数字上はこう問える somewhere on Earth every 10 years? 10%のエネルギー供給は What area would have to be contaminated so we say ‘no more’? 30年毎の災害に見合うか? Where is the line?” 30%なら So, should we use nuclear energy? 10年毎の福島にも見合っているのか The risks may outweigh the benefits, and maybe we should 汚染していい場所は? stop looking into this direction and drop this technology for good. もう無理 というラインはどこか If you want to hear the other side of the argument 原子力は使うべきか? or a short introduction to nuclear energy, click here. リスクに利益は付き物だが Our channel has a new sponsor: Audible.com. 損得より 倫理に基づき考えるべきだ If you use the URL <http://audible.com/nutshell>, 原子力の別の側面を知りたい人は you can get a free audiobook and support our channel. 左をクリック Producing our videos takes a lot of time, Subtitles by the Amara.org community and we fill a lot of it by listening to audiobooks. For a really entertaining book, we recommend “Into Thin Air” by Jon Krakauer. He’s a great writer, and the story is really absorbing and true. Go to <http://audible.com/nutshell> to get the book for free. Thanks a lot to Audible for supporting our channel and to you for watching! Subtitles by the Amara.org community
B1 中級 日本語 英 原子 技術 廃棄 災害 利用 拡散 原子力を使われないべき三つの理由 (3 Reasons Why Nuclear Energy Is Terrible! 2/3) 2161 177 Evan に公開 2015 年 10 月 25 日 シェア シェア 保存 報告 動画の中の単語