字幕表 動画を再生する
翻訳: Moe Shoji 校正: Shoko Takaki
I was born with bilateral retinoblastoma,
retinal cancer.
私は生まれつき 両眼性網膜芽細胞腫―
My right eye was removed
at seven months of age.
I was 13 months when they removed my left eye.
The first thing I did upon awakening from that last surgery
13ヶ月のときには 左目が摘出されました
was to climb out of my crib
and begin wandering around the intensive care nursery,
probably looking for the one who did this to me.
小児用集中治療室を 歩き回り始めたといいます
こんな仕打ちをした張本人を 探していたのでしょう
Evidently, wandering around the nursery
was not a problem for me without eyes.
明らかに 両目がなくても
The problem was getting caught.
集中治療室を歩き回るのに 問題はなかったようです
It's impressions about blindness
that are far more threatening
to blind people than the blindness itself.
Think for a moment about your own impressions of blindness.
目が不自由な人々にとっては 恐ろしいものです
Think about your reactions when I first came onto the stage,
「盲目」に対する印象について 考えてみて下さい
or the prospect of your own blindness,
私が舞台に上がってきたときの あなたの反応について―
or a loved one going blind.
自分やあなたの愛する人の目が 見えなくなることについて
The terror is incomprehensible to most of us,
because blindness
その恐怖とは 私たち多くの者にとって 理解出来ないことです
is thought to epitomize ignorance and unawareness,
なぜなら 盲目であることは
hapless exposure to the ravages of the dark unknown.
How poetic.
未知の暗闇という荒廃に 憐れにも晒されることだからです
Fortunately for me, my parents were not poetic.
They were pragmatic.
幸いなことに 私の両親は詩的ではなく
They understood that ignorance and fear were but matters of the mind,
and the mind is adaptable.
両親は無知や恐れは 考え方の問題に過ぎず
They believed that I should grow up
考え方は変えられると 理解していました
to enjoy the same freedoms and responsibilities as everyone else.
In their own words, I would move out --
自由と責任を享受して育つべきだと 考えていました
which I did when I was 18 --
両親に言わせれば いつか私は実家を出ていき―
I will pay taxes --
thanks -- (Laughter) --
and they knew the difference between love and fear.
ええ 確かに― (笑)
Fear immobilizes us in the face of challenge.
両親は愛情と恐れの区別を 知っていたのです
They knew that blindness would pose a significant challenge.
私たちは恐れによって 困難を前にすると動けなくなります
I was not raised with fear.
両親は盲目であるが故に 大きな困難に直面するとわかっていました
They put my freedom first before all else,
because that is what love does.
両親が私の自由こそを 最優先にしたのは
Now, moving forward, how do I manage today?
The world is a much larger nursery.
さて 先に進みますが 私は今どうやって生活しているでしょう?
Fortunately, I have my trusty long cane,
世界は小児用集中治療室よりも ずっと大きいものです
longer than the canes used by most blind people.
幸い 私には信頼できる長い杖があります
I call it my freedom staff.
多くの盲目の人が使うものよりも 長いものです
It will keep me, for example,
from making an undignified departure from the stage. (Laughter)
これのおかげで 例えば
I do see that cliff edge.
舞台からみっともなく 退場しなくてすむのです (笑)
They warned us earlier that every imaginable mishap
has occurred to speakers up here on the stage.
I don't care to set a new precedent.
あらゆる失敗を 教えてもらいましたが
But beyond that,
many of you may have heard me clicking as I came onto the stage --
しかし それ以上に―
(Clicking) --
私が舞台に上がってくるときに 舌を鳴らしている音が―
with my tongue.
Those are flashes of sound
that go out and reflect from surfaces all around me,
just like a bat's sonar,
発せられると 周囲の面にはねかえって
and return to me with patterns, with pieces of information,
much as light does for you.
パターンをなして 情報となって返ってきます
And my brain, thanks to my parents,
has been activated to form images in my visual cortex,
私の脳は 両親のおかげで
which we now call the imaging system,
視覚野でイメージを形成するように 活性化されています
from those patterns of information, much as your brain does.
I call this process flash sonar.
あなた方の脳と同様に 情報から像を結ぶのです
It is how I have learned to see through my blindness,
このプロセスを私は フラッシュソナーと呼んでいます
to navigate my journey
これは私が盲目であることを通じて 学んだ「見る方法」なのです
through the dark unknowns of my own challenges,
which has earned me the moniker
未知の暗闇の中を 歩んでいくために
"the remarkable Batman."
これによって ついたあだ名は
Now, Batman I will accept.
Bats are cool. Batman is cool.
But I was not raised to think of myself as in any way remarkable.
I have always regarded myself much like anyone else
ですが 私は自分を「すごい」と 考えるようには育てられませんでした
who navigates the dark unknowns of their own challenges.
私は常に自分のことを 他の誰もと同じように
Is that so remarkable?
困難と言う名の未知の暗闇を 歩む者だと考えてきました
I do not use my eyes, I use my brain.
これが そんなに「すごい」ことでしょうか?
Now, someone, somewhere,
私は目を使わずに 脳を使うまでのことです
must think that's remarkable, or I wouldn't be up here,
誰かが どこかで 「それはすごい」とか
but let's consider this for a moment.
「自分はそこには上がれない」と 考えているでしょうが
Everyone out there
who faces or who has ever faced a challenge,
raise your hands.
Whoosh. Okay.
Lots of hands going up, a moment, let me do a head count.
おお いいでしょう
たくさん手が挙がっていますね 数えてみましょう
This will take a while. (Clicking) (Laughter)
Okay, lots of hands in the air.
少し時間がかかります (舌を鳴らす音) (笑)
Keep them up. I have an idea.
Those of you who use your brains to navigate these challenges,
挙げておいてください 良い考えがあります
put your hands down.
困難を切り抜けるのに 脳を使った人は
Okay, anyone with your hands still up
has challenges of your own. (Laughter)
さて まだ手を挙げているあなたは
So we all face challenges,
非常に独特の困難をお持ちの方です (笑)
and we all face the dark unknown,
私たちは皆 困難に直面し
which is endemic to most challenges, which is what most of us fear, okay?
But we all have brains
これは多くの困難にはびこっており 私たちの多くが恐れるものです
that allow us, that activate to allow us
しかし 私たちには脳があります
to navigate the journey through these challenges. Okay?
Case in point: I came up here
私たちを活性化し 導いてくれるものです いいですね?
and -- (Clicking) -- they wouldn't tell me
これが良い例です 私はここに上がってきましたが―
where the lectern was.
(舌を鳴らす音) 誰も演壇の場所を
So you can't trust those TED folks.
"Find it yourself," they said.
So -- (Laughter)
「自分で見つけてください」 と言われました
And the feedback for the P.A. system is no help at all.
ですから― (笑)
So now I present to you a challenge.
音響装置に関するフィードバックは 「全く役に立たなかった」ですね
So if you'd all close your eyes for just a moment, okay?
And you're going to learn a bit of flash sonar.
少しの間 目を閉じていただけますか?
I'm going to make a sound.
I'm going to hold this panel in front of me, but I'm not going to move it.
Just listen to the sound for a moment.
私はこのパネルを掲げますが 動かすことはしません
Okay, nothing very interesting.
Now, listen to what happens to that same exact sound
よし あまり面白くはありませんよ
when I move the panel.
では同じ音を鳴らして パネルを動かすと
Shhhhhhhhhhh. (Pitch getting higher and lower)
You do not know the power of the dark side.
しーっ (音が高くなったり低くなったりする)
お前はダークサイドの力を 知らないのだ
I couldn't resist.
Okay, now keep your eyes closed
because, did you hear the difference?
さて 目を閉じたままで
Okay. Now, let's be sure.
For your challenge,
それでは 確かめてみましょう
you tell me, just say "now" when you hear the panel start to move.
Okay? We'll relax into this.
パネルを動かし始めたと思ったら 「今」と言ってください
いいですね? リラックスしてください
Audience: Now. Daniel Kish: Good. Excellent.
Open your eyes.
観客:今 ダニエル・キッシュ:すばらしい
All right. So just a few centimeters,
you would notice the difference.
いいでしょう ほんの数センチですが
You've experienced sonar.
You'd all make great blind people. (Laughter)
Let's have a look at what can happen
目が見えなくなっても 大丈夫ですよ (笑)
when this activation process
それでは この活性化のプロセスに
is given some time and attention.
(Video) Juan Ruiz: It's like you guys can see with your eyes
and we can see with our ears.
(ビデオ) フアン・ルイス: みんなは目で見るけど―
Brian Bushway: It's not a matter of enjoying it more or less,
it's about enjoying it differently.
ブライアン・ブッシュウェイ: もっと楽しめるとかいう問題ではなくて
Shawn Marsolais: It goes across. DK: Yeah.
SM: And then it's gradually coming back down again.
ショーン・マーソレ:ここを横切って― キッシュ:そうだね
DK: Yes! SM: That's amazing.
マーソレ:それから だんだんと下っていくわ
I can, like, see the car. Holy mother!
キッシュ:そう! マーソレ:すごいわ
J. Louchart: I love being blind.
本当に車が見えるみたい びっくり!
If I had the opportunity, honestly, I wouldn't go back to being sighted.
J. ルシャール:目が見えないのが好きなんだ
JR: The bigger the goal, the more obstacles you'll face,
機会があったとしても 視力を手に入れたいとは思わないよ
and on the other side of that goal
ルイス:目標が高ければ高いほど もっと多くの障害が待っている
is victory.
[In Italian]
DK: Now, do these people look terrified?
Not so much.
キッシュ:さて 彼らは怖がっていましたか?
We have delivered activation training
to tens of thousands of blind and sighted people from all backgrounds
in nearly 40 countries.
何万人もの様々なバックグラウンドの 目が不自由な人や
When blind people learn to see,
目が見える人たちに およそ40か国で 行いました
sighted people seem inspired
to want to learn to see their way better, more clearly, with less fear,
目が見える人たちは 彼らの見え方を
because this exemplifies the immense capacity within us all
恐れずに もっとはっきりと 知りたいと思うようになります
to navigate any type of challenge, through any form of darkness,
なぜなら これが私たち皆に備わっている すごい可能性を表しているからです
to discoveries unimagined
いかなる暗闇の中でも どんな困難をも乗り越えて―
when we are activated.
想像だにしないものを 見つけ出す能力が
I wish you all a most activating journey.
Thank you very much.
皆さんが生き生きとした人生を 歩まれますように
Chris Anderson: Daniel, my friend.
As I know you can see, it's a spectacular standing ovation at TED.
クリス・アンダーソン: ダニエル ありがとう
Thank you for an extraordinary talk.
見てお分かりのように TEDの観衆が沸いています
Just one more question about your world, your inner world that you construct.
We think that we have things in our world that you as a blind person don't have,
あなたが内部に構築している あなたの世界について1つ質問です
but what's your world like?
目が不自由な人の持っていない物が 世界にはあると考えられていますが
What do you have that we don't have?
DK: Three hundred and sixty-degree view,
私たちになくて あなたにあるものは 何でしょうか?
so my sonar works about as well behind me as it does in front of me.
It works around corners.
私のソナーは前も後ろも 把握できます
It works through surfaces.
Generally, it's kind of a fuzzy three-dimensional geometry.
One of my students, who has now become an instructor,
少しぼやけた三次元構造 といったところでしょうか
when he lost his vision, after a few months
今はインストラクターになっている 私の生徒の1人は
he was sitting in his three story house
視力を失ってから 数ヶ月後に
and he realized that he could hear everything going on throughout the house:
conversations, people in the kitchen, people in the bathroom,
家の中の音がすべて聞こえることに 気づいたといいます
several floors away, several walls away.
会話や台所の物音 バスルームの物音―
He said it was something like having x-ray vision.
ずっと階下の音や 何部屋も向こうの音もです
CA: What do you picture that you're in right now?
How do you picture this theater?
アンダーソン:今いるこの場所は どのように描いているのでしょう?
DK: Lots of loudspeakers, quite frankly.
It's interesting. When people make a sound,
キッシュ:大音量のスピーカーが たくさんありますね
when they laugh, when they fidget, when they take a drink or blow their nose
面白いことに 誰かが物音を立てると―
or whatever, I hear everything.
笑ったり 身動きしたり 飲み物を飲んだり 鼻をかんだり
I hear every little movement that every single person makes.
何であっても 私には聞こえるのです
None of it really escapes my attention,
1人ひとりが行う ほんのわずかな動きでも聞こえます
and then, from a sonar perspective,
the size of the room, the curvature of the audience around the stage,
it's the height of the room.
部屋の大きさや 舞台を取り囲む観客が描く曲線
Like I say, it's all that kind of three-dimensional surface geometry
all around me.
申し上げたように 三次元構造が
CA: Well, Daniel, you have done a spectacular job
of helping us all see the world in a different way.
アンダーソン:ダニエル あなたは私たち全員に
Thanks so much for that, truly. DK: Thank you.
本当にありがとう キッシュ:ありがとう