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  • No matter what youre a fan of, you can probably think of two characters who fit the

  • description. Holmes and Watson. Brennan and Booth. Kirk and Spock. Ron and Hermione.

  • Theyre close. They understand each other in ways that others don’t, and you really

  • can’t picture one without the other. But when when happens, they usually react in different ways.

  • Like, if youre snooping around Hogwarts at night, and you come across some beastie,

  • the smart money’s on Hermione to come up with a spell that saves the day, while Ron

  • probably standinthere with his mouth open.

  • And when Sherlock starts to go crazy because there hasn’t been a fiendishly clever jewel

  • heist or whatever for him to figure out, you can count on Watson to calm him down. Mostly.

  • My brother John, who is a writer of books, will tell you that these characters are foils

  • -- theyre not opposites, exactly. Theyre contrasts, and the more you see them together,

  • the more they seem to complement or round one another out.

  • And that is basically your autonomic nervous system in a nutshell.

  • Your autonomic system is the branch of your peripheral nervous system that regulates the

  • functions of your internal organs, like your heart and stomach, and also controls your

  • smooth and cardiac muscles, and your glands.

  • All things that you you do not consciously control, so, yes, you could say it has a lot of power over you.

  • But the funny -- or maybe confusing -- thing about this system is that its effects on your

  • organs and muscles and glands are by no means consistent.

  • Not at all.

  • At any given moment, whether you happen to be totally relaxed or completely flipping

  • your wig, your autonomic system is constantly making involuntary, fine-tuned adjustments

  • to your body, based on what signals your central nervous system is picking up.

  • This could mean changing your body temperature, sending extra blood to a particular area,

  • slowing your heart beat, or tweaking your stomach secretions.

  • Its effects change, depending on the situation youre in -- and also which part of your

  • autonomic system is in charge at that moment.

  • Because this weird little corner of your nervous system that keeps you alive is actually run

  • by two competing interests.

  • Two divisions that serve the same organs, but they create opposite effects in them,

  • battling it out back and forth, to either excite your body’s functions or subdue them.

  • One of them is dedicated to amping you up and preparing you for activity -- that’s

  • your sympathetic nervous system. And the other one talks you down and effectively undoes

  • what its foil did. And that is the parasympathetic nervous system.

  • Together, theyre what make your body experience stress, fear, relaxation, and defiance. Courage

  • and cowardice. Panic and peace.

  • If there’s an epic novel going on in your body right now it is probably being written by these two.

  • Let’s talk about names for a minute.

  • One of the two divisions of your autonomic nervous system is called the sympathetic system.

  • That sounds kinda nice, doesn’t it? It’s like understanding, and calming, and telling

  • you that it’s not so bad after all.

  • WRONG! Contrary to its comforting name, the sympathetic system is what sounds your internal

  • alarm bells. It’s the hardware behind the famousfight or flightresponse. It

  • is synonymous with stress.

  • If the sympathetic is forfight or flight,” the parasympathetic is forresting and

  • digesting” -- it’s responsible for maintaining your body and conserving energy for later.

  • I recognize that this is confusing.

  • But, when you explore the anatomy of these two systems, like were gonna do today,

  • they start to make a little more sense.

  • Because, even though their basic components are essentially the same, their physical structures

  • turn out to be different in a few really important ways. And those differences can help explain

  • why they act like the foils that they are, and why sometimes you feel more like Sherlock

  • than Watson, or the other way around.

  • First big difference: the nerves of these two divisions originate at different sites in your body.

  • Your sympathetic fibers are thoracolumbar -- meaning that they originate from between

  • your thoracic vertebrae where your ribs attach, and the lumbar vertebrae just inferior to your ribs.

  • Early anatomists saw how a network of nerves radiating from the middle of the spine like

  • this could quickly coordinate the functions of many major organs at once. So it was called

  • the sympathetic system, from the Greek words forfeeling together.”

  • But the nerve fibers of your parasympathetic system begin both above and below where

  • the sympathetic ones do.

  • Theyre craniosacral, meaning they sprout from the base of your brain and also from

  • your sacral spinal cord, just superior to the tailbone.

  • And because the roots of these nerve fibers basically frame the starting points of the

  • sympathetic nerves, they were called parasympathetic -- literallybeside the sympathetic.”

  • Another difference between these two foils? Their ganglia.

  • Unlike your sensory or motor neurons, where a single axon can reach all the way from your

  • spinal cord to whatever muscle or touch receptor it works with, both parts of your autonomic

  • system require two neurons in order to work.

  • And those two neurons meet in ganglia -- clusters of neuron cell bodies that house millions of synapses.

  • But where these ganglia appear relate to their function, and which division of the

  • autonomic system they're serving.

  • Sympathetic ganglia are found closer to the spinal cord, because in those fight-or-flight

  • moments of high excitement or activity, they need to be able to send a single message far

  • and wide, like the Bat Signal.

  • This way, excitatory signals traveling into a ganglion near the spine -- ganglion being

  • the singular of ganlia -- can trigger action potentials in a whole bunch of other neurons

  • that lead to many different effectors, like the heart, and lungs, and stomach, and adrenal glands.

  • By contrast, most parasympathetic ganglia are found way out from the spine -- near,

  • or even inside of their effector organs.

  • Because this system is responsible for taking care of particular functions only when you

  • have the time and energy to do it -- like digesting food or excreting waste -- it uses

  • more specific, strategic signals.

  • It’s more like Commissioner Gordon calling Batman on the batphone, one on one just to

  • talk about how things are going and you know whether Alfred’s doing OK after his meningitis.

  • It’s a private conversation -- not everybody needs to be involved.

  • Anyway, because the ganglia of these two divisions appear in different places in your body, it

  • also makes sense that their neurons themselves have slightly different forms, namely the length of their axons.

  • Now, ganglia can be kind of complex -- it actually comes from the Greek word for “a

  • knot in a string” -- so when dealing with neurons around these structures, we look at

  • the fibers before they run into the ganglion, as well as after they come out of it.

  • Understandably enough, the axon lengths of the neurons before the ganglion are called

  • the preganglionic fibers, and the ones coming out are postganglionic.

  • The key here is that, in the sympathetic system, the preganglionic fibers are much shorter

  • than the postganglionic ones.

  • Which makes sense, when you think about it, because sympathetic ganglia are really close

  • to the spinal cord, and the axons don’t have, or need, very far to go from the central

  • nervous system. But they do have a lot of distance to cover, on the other side of the

  • ganglion, in order to reach their effectors. So naturally the fibers leading out of the ganglia are a lot longer.

  • And, foils being what they are, the reverse is of course true for the parasympathetic system.

  • Since parasympathetic ganglia are so close to, or even inside of, their effector organs,

  • the preganglionic fibers are a lot longer.

  • They extend from the cranium and sacrum where they start, out to the lungs or liver or bladder

  • -- wherever their effector is -- where they reach their ganglion.

  • From there, the postganglionic fibers are super short -- just long enough to communicate with their effector.

  • So, once again -- it’s anatomy and physiology -- the structure of each

  • of these systems is related to its function.

  • The sympathetic nervous system is set up in such a way that even a small stress signal

  • sent down one path could trigger a response in many effectors at once.

  • Which is one reason why your reaction to a sudden, stressful event can feel so all-encompassing.

  • By the same token, the resting and digesting that’s overseen by the parasympathetic system

  • doesn’t require urgent, all-hands-on deck communication. If you need to process a burrito

  • or take a nap or maybe a trip to the bathroom, it can communicate with the organs involved, one on one.

  • But still none of this tells us how these systems do what they do -- how these nerves

  • communicate with your organs, and muscles, and glands in times of either stress, or relaxation.

  • Well start that next week, with a white-knuckle ride through your sympathetic nervous system.

  • So, between now and then, rest up.

  • For now, you learned the basic two-part system of your autonomic nervous system. Mainly that

  • it consists of two primary, complementary divisions, the sympathetic nervous system,

  • which arouses your body, and the parasympathetic nervous system, which is charge of resting,

  • digesting, and repair.

  • We also talked through the three main anatomical differences between the two systems. Their

  • nerve fibers originate in different parts of the body, the ganglia of the sympathetic

  • system are located close to the spinal cord, while the ganglia of the parasympathetic system

  • are close to their effectors. And finally, the nerve fibers themselves have different structures.

  • Announcing Thomas Frank, our new "Headmaster of Learning," whose generous contribution

  • on Patreon helps keep Crash Course alive and well for everyone. Thank you, Thomas. If you

  • want to help us keep making great videos like this one, you can check out

  • This episode of Crash Course was cosponsored by Link, Kelly Naylor, Tim Webster, and Steven Meekel.

  • This episode was written by Kathleen Yale, edited by Blake de Pastino, and our consultant

  • is Dr. Brandon Jackson. Our director is Nicholas Jenkins, the script supervisor and editor

  • is Nicole Sweeney, the sound designer is Michael Aranda, and our graphics team is Thought Café.

No matter what youre a fan of, you can probably think of two characters who fit the


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自律神経系。クラッシュコースA&P #13 (Autonomic Nervous System: Crash Course A&P #13)

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    bsofade に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日