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  • As any teacher will tell you, when youre dealing with certain elements that are being

  • feisty and fidgety and basically not cooperating, there’s pretty much only one thing you can

  • do: you gotta keepem separated.

  • And there’s a whole system of biological tissue that’s dedicated to doing just that

  • -- creating order where there would otherwise be total mayhem.

  • Because you and pretty much every other animal is made up of incredibly complex, feisty, fidgety

  • systems that need to be kept apart to some extent if theyre going to get anything done.

  • Think of it this way: Say all the middle-schoolers in your town wanted to have lunch together.

  • At the same time. On Taco Tuesday.

  • If you crammed everyone into one giant lunchroom, you’d have a lot of interesting and talented

  • people in one place, yes, but you’d also never get a handle on them with everyone shoved

  • and talking, and jostling, and flirting, and farting, and and stepping on toes, and haggling over tater tots.

  • It’d be like a John Hughes movie gone horribly wrong.

  • So what you need is a solid system of organization -- like, separate lunch lines for separate

  • groups of kids, or tables that arrange students in alphabetical order. Your body is like that

  • crowded lunchroom -- it needs order for it to function. It can’t have your liver all

  • up in your brain, or squished between your kidneys. Your organs and their systems need

  • their personal space.

  • And that is where your unsung epithelial tissue steps in, like a burly gym teacher with a

  • whistle and plan.

  • This is the tissue that lines, and covers, and generally organizes your body, creating

  • order from what would be chaos. Without epithelial tissue, you’d essentially be

  • a mushy pile of unarticulated goo.

  • When we talk about your epithelial tissue were really talking about two things. There’s

  • theproperepithelium, which covers and lines your outer and inner body. And then

  • there is the glandular epithelium, which forms glands and secretes hormones and other substances.

  • Your primary epithelium protects your whole body, inside and out. It’s a great organizer,

  • partitioning everything into separate but connected units. It covers the surface of

  • your body when it combines with connective tissue to create skin, but it also lines your

  • body cavities, and coats the internal and external walls of many of your organs.

  • Because, your body doesn’t just interact with the outside world through your skin.

  • We -- and all animals from the simplest worms on up the Tree of Life -- are really just

  • tubes, corridors of tissue running from a mouth to an anus. Epithelial tissue covers

  • both the inside and the outside of that you-tube.

  • To get a better sense of what I mean, take a look at this balloon. The latex is like

  • the outer covering of your body, in part made up of epithelial tissue. It separates what’s

  • inside the balloon from the rest of the world. Now if I stick my hand in there, you can see

  • how, while the tissue still forms an outer layer, it also folds in on itself, creating

  • a continuous barrier that lines all of the cavities.

  • In a very similar way, the membranes covering your lungs for example, are actually invaginations

  • of your epithelium -- where the tissue that makes up your you-tube folds to form a cavity

  • -- just like this balloon when I push my fingers into it.

  • The epithelium does all this to protect your deeper layers of tissue from injury or infection

  • -- like for example, by lining your stomach with epithelial cells that produce mucus,

  • so that you don’t digest yourself along with your lunch.

  • And all of your epithelial tissues are avascular -- meaning they don't have a blood supply.

  • Instead they rely on the blood supply in the supporting connective tissues around them

  • for the materials they need.

  • But these tissues come in different varieties that serve different purposes.

  • And a lot of what classifies the different types of epithelium boils down to their shape

  • and layering -- that is, the shape of the individual cells, and the number of layers that they form in.

  • And there are three basic shapes -- squamous, cuboidal, and columnar -- and theyre pretty

  • easy to tell apart because (unlike most terminology youll be exposed to in this course) their

  • names actually describe what they look like!

  • Squamous cells are flat. Their name meansscale,” and they look kind of squished,

  • like fish scales. Even the cell’s nucleus, which gets darkly stained and is usually easy to see, is flattened.

  • Cuboidal cells are -- you guessed it -- cube-ish shaped, about as tall as they are wide. They

  • absorb nutrients and produce secretions, like sweat. Their nucleus is pretty circular.

  • Columnar cells are tall and thick and look like columns, and they cushion underlying tissues.

  • And as if they were cuboidal cells that got stretched tall, their nuclei also are stretched into an ellipse.

  • And here’s yet another instance where the form of a structure relates to it purpose.

  • In this case, the shape of each kind of epithelial cell correlates with its function.

  • For example, squamous cells are flat, which makes it easy for materials like oxygen to

  • move across them to the other side. So we see these kinds of cells where absorption

  • or transportation is most important, like in say, the air sacs of your lungs, or in your blood vessels.

  • But if the cells that make up a tissue need to, say, brew up hormones or mucus, theyll

  • need the internal machinery it takes to make that stuff, and that takes up a lot of space.

  • So those cells can’t be flat -- theyve got to be cuboidal or columnar to accommodate

  • more room for taking care of business.

  • So that stomach lining that I mentioned, for example, is made up of big columnar cells,

  • because they have to make and secrete mucus.

  • But when it comes to what kind of cells are found where, an important thing to keep in

  • mind is the fact that cells are, biologically speaking, expensive -- they take a lot of

  • time and energy and raw materials to make.

  • So in places where you lose a lot of cells, like your outer skin, or in your mouth, you

  • have more of squamous cells -- because theyre smaller, and flatter, and therefore cheaper,

  • practically disposable -- rather than big, expensive cuboidal or columnar ones.

  • Which brings me to the other trait that we use to classify epithelial tissue -- its layering.

  • A simple epithelium has only one layer of cells.

  • A stratified type has multiple layers set on top of each other, like the bricks and

  • mortar of a wall.

  • And pseudostratified epithelium is mostly just one layer, but the cells can be different

  • shapes and sizes, and the nuclei can be at lots of different levels, so it looks sort

  • of messy and multilayered, even though it really isn’t.

  • And when we describe a type of epithelial tissue, like in a lab setting, we cite both

  • its shape and its layering. You can think of a tissue’s first name as its number of

  • layers, and its last name as the shape of its cells.

  • For example, a simple squamous epithelium refers to a single layer of flat, scale-like

  • cells, like the lining of the air sacs deep in your lungs.

  • A stratified cuboidal tissue, meanwhile, would have layers of cube-shaped cells, like the

  • linings of the ducts that leak sweat and spit.

  • When you put the shape of a cell together with its type of layering, you can begin to

  • see how both traits inform the function of your epithelial tissue.

  • Let’s go back to those squamous cells. Because theyre thin, like scales, it takes many

  • layers of them to form a tissue that’s thick enough to offer protection. So you end up

  • with a really dense stack of cells that, on an individual basis, are small and cheap to make.

  • That’s why when I, like, scratch my hand or hit the inside of my mouth with a toothbrush,

  • I can lose a couple of layers, no big deal. Those squamous cells are a dime a dozen. There's

  • still lots of layers left. Plus, epithelial tissue regenerates really quickly.

  • But if you, say, get tossed off a moving motorcycle, youll lose a lot more layers. And if your

  • road rash is really bad, you could scrape all the way through all of those squamous

  • cells, down to the nerves and the blood and all of the underlying connective tissue, plowing

  • through a lot more expensive cells, and wind up with a real, like,

  • can-you-please-get-me-to-the-hospital-I-need-to-get-to-the-hospital kind of problem.

  • Of course, when we talk about epithelial tissue protecting you, it’s not always protecting

  • you from the outside world. It also creates order among all of those rambunctious seventh

  • graders that are your organs. And here it’s important to note that all of your epithelial

  • cells are polar, meaning they have distinct sides. The apical or upper side, is exposed

  • to either the outside of your body, or whatever internal cavity it’s lining. The basal side,

  • or inner surface, is tightly attached to the basement membrane, a thin layer of mostly

  • collagen fibers that helps hold the epithelium together, and anchors it to the next-deeper

  • layer -- your connective tissue.

  • Many of these boundaries that the cells form aren’t absolute -- instead, theyre selectively

  • permeable, allowing for some level of absorption, filtration, and excretion of substances.

  • The tissue lining your small intestines, for instance, is what allows you to absorb nutrients

  • through diffusion and active transport, so that's pretty important. And all of your urinary

  • waste gets filtered through a different epithelial lining in your kidneys.

  • So by now youre probably starting to get it: Every interaction that your body has with

  • the rest of the physical universe is made possible somehow by your epithelium.

  • But that is not all!

  • Remember: Your glands are also made up largely of epithelial tissue, so it ALSO plays

  • a big role in facilitating all of your secretions -- from sweat and mucus, to hormones and enzymes.

  • This glandular epithelium forms two different kinds of glands -- your endocrine glands,

  • the ones that secrete hormones right into your bloodstream or to nearby cells,

  • and your exocrine glands, the type that secrete their juices into tubes or ducts that lead

  • to the outside of the body, or the inside of your tube, rather than right into the blood.

  • The hormone thyroxin, for example, is secreted by an endocrine gland -- your thyroid -- and it

  • needs to be distributed throughout the entire body so that it can stimulate the metabolism in all of your cells.

  • Some examples of exocrine secretions would be sweat, saliva, mucus, stomach acid, and

  • milk, if youre lactating.

  • All those secretions go right into ducts where theyre ferried to an epithelial surface

  • -- which could be your outer layer of skin, in the case of your sweat, or the edge of

  • your stomach lining if it’s your stomach acid.

  • So, hey the system works. And it’s due in large part to the humorless gym teacher that

  • is your epithelial tissue. It may not always be a ton of fun, but darn

  • it, it gets results.

  • Today you learned how your unsung epithelial tissue creates the inner and outer boundaries

  • that keep you alive. We looked at how proper epithelial tissue is classified by both layering

  • -- simple or stratified -- and shape -- squamous, cuboidal, or columnar -- and how the structure

  • of these tissue types match their function. We also talked about how epithelial cells

  • are polar, having both apical and basal sides, and are selectively permeable, and lastly

  • we took a brief look at how our glandular epithelial tissue forms both out endocrine

  • and exocrine glands.

  • Thanks for watching, especially to all of our Subbable subscribers, who make Crash Course

  • possible. To find out how you can become a supporter, just go to

  • This episode was written by Kathleen Yale, edited by Blake de Pastino, and our consultant,

  • is Dr. Brandon Jackson. Our director and editor is Nicholas Jenkins, the script supervisor

  • is Sarah Mesimer, the sound designer is Michael Aranda, and the graphics team is Thought Café.

As any teacher will tell you, when youre dealing with certain elements that are being


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B2 中上級

組織、パート2 - 上皮組織.クラッシュコース A&P #3 (Tissues, Part 2 - Epithelial Tissue: Crash Course A&P #3)

  • 70 9
    bsofade に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日