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  • Just a few days ago the force trackpad had made its way to the 15 inch Retina MacBook

  • Pro it now joins the 13 inch Retina MacBook Pro as well as the 2015 MacBook but what's

  • so different about this force trackpad and what makes it special among all of the other

  • trackpads that are available so basically the old trackpad in the previous MacBook Pro

  • and MacBook Air is it had this hinge and when you click on the from of it the hinge just

  • basically moved up and down and it just basically... like literally the trackpad went down and

  • up when you clicked on it clicks were detected by a microswitch and that's as simple as it

  • is now with the new *Rooster* trackpad on the 15-inch Retina MacBook Pro as well as

  • the 13-inch and the new MacBook the are basically no hinges and the trackpad doesn't actually

  • move up and down instead there are these tiny little springs that don't really allow it

  • to move at all but what these springs do is measure the pressure and they don't actually

  • move and they are completely silent but instead what these springs do is they send feedback

  • to the taptic engine which is basically just four sets of electro magnets that when electricity

  • is added to them they just pulse and that's basically what give it the click sensation

  • when you press down on the trackpad it doesn't actually move anywhere but it feels like it

  • is clicking because it basically detects that there is pressure on that area and then these

  • electro magnets just pulse electricity is just sent through them in short pulses that

  • kind of give the feeling that it is being clicked and Apple basically refined it to

  • just feel like it is a click and it actually works really, really well I mean the first

  • time that I tried out this laptop for myself I actually forgot about this whole force touch

  • thing and the fact that it doesn't actually move I was actually convinced that it was

  • moving and I was like telling my dad that it was moving but it actually wasn't and when

  • I got back (home) I was like pretty embarrassed because it actually honestly felt like it

  • was moving but anyway that is kind of getting off topic anyway so this is how the trackpad

  • allows for things such as force touch because basically when you just push down further

  • it just sends out these pulses again so it feels like you are pressing down even harder

  • so when you press down just a little bit then it just sends one pulse, it just buzzes once

  • and then when you press down again it sends another one so it feels like it is going down

  • lower and that's basically just how it works and it literally feels like it is clicking

  • and then clicking down again it is something that it's really hard to explain you just

  • have to try it out for yourself but anyway that's the real jist of it that's basically

  • how it works and it is really, really clever how they did it and it is something that I'd

  • really like to try again for myself now that I actually know that this is how it works

  • and it's not actually moving up and down so if you have this laptop at home and you didn't

  • actually know about this feature be sure to tell me in the comments and if this is something

  • that you'd really want to try for yourself or you have tried it but you don't own this

  • laptop be sure to tell me down there too if you liked this video be sure to give it a

  • like and subscribe if you want to see more stuff like this and yeah that's basically

  • it thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next video BYE

Just a few days ago the force trackpad had made its way to the 15 inch Retina MacBook


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

A2 初級

フォーストラックパッドとは? (What Is The Force Trackpad?)

  • 146 8
    sean に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日