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I would like to reverse suture method blepharoplasty. Any experiences of returning to pre-op conditions?
Hi! I just had Asian blepharoplasty done 2 weeks ago, and realized how much I miss my
original monolid eyes. I want to get my sutures removed, but I am worried about the results
and consequences. Would you mind shedding some light on this for me? It would ease my
anxiety so much. Thank you. Does anybody have any experience of their eyes returning to
pre-op conditions or something close to it? I had non-incisional (suture method), and
it's been 12 days. Please advise, and much appreciated!
Thank you for your question!
You had Asian eyelid surgery using a suture technique approximately 12 days ago and you
are now inquiring about reversal of the surgery and how much you missed your monolid. So you
want to know can this be done.
Well, looking at your photos, I first ask you to first consider one important factor
on why you desire to go back to where you were preoperatively. And I would suspect that
you may feel that your eyelid crease is too high. It is very common for people after Asian
eyelid surgery to very concerned about an unnatural look or a lid platform that’s
too high. And that’s basically because of swelling. By the nature of Asian eyelid surgery,
where it’s incisional or excision where removing skin, removing fat, there is a connection
that has to be made between the skin and the levator muscle, the muscle that lifts the
eyelid. In doing that, there is going to be an expansion of fluid between the eyelid crease
and eyelid margin that results in this ballooning effect and makes the eyelid crease go high.
So if that a concern, then talking to your doctor who perform the surgery and anticipating
that with time, that swelling go down and you will likely have a very natural-looking
double fold. Now on the other hand, if you really feel that this something that you absolutely
don’t want and you’re having a real remorse and you just want to go back to where you
were, well, although I don’t have to do this in my practice, I would suggest that
it is probably beneficial to do it as soon as possible.
The principle of non-incisional eyelid surgery is to through skin openings on the outside
of the eyelid to place a suture at critical points to engage the area of the muscle, the
levator muscle and the skin, in such a way when you tie the knot, you actually create
a fold. Now, that fold is the one that creates the in folding of the skin. We actually do
a procedure for creating dimples and in many ways, there are similarities where we create
a little pull in the inside of the mouth and create a dimple and fold it inward. So, the
same principle applies. So releasing those connections can be done and is probably better
to be done sooner rather than later before the formation of scar tissue occurs.
So that being said, I think time is of the essence for you and meeting with your doctor
and having a discussion of what the realistic results will be when the swelling will resolve
versus complete reversal of the surgery and just choose what you are most comfortable
with. So I hope that was helpful, I wish you the best of luck and thank you for your question!