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  • "I'm sorry you have to touch my face.

  • Look at this breakout; I look disgusting."

  • "I'm sorry, but I am not a pretty woman."

  • "No. Thank you, but no. I look like crap."

  • "The doctor says that I have to lose weight.

  • So, sorry. This is what you gotta work with."

  • "I look in the mirror, and all I see is a tired mom.

  • And I see these wrinkles, and I feel old and ugly."

  • And this is what I hear every single solitary day of my life.

  • I am a makeup artist, and these are real words from real women.

  • I'm also an actress, but for my past 7 years of doing makeup,

  • I have discovered,

  • within the first 3 seconds of sitting in my chair,

  • almost every single woman apologizes to me for the way she looks.

  • Doesn't matter how young, how old,

  • what socioeconomic background she comes from,

  • how traditionally beautiful she is,

  • almost every single woman apologizes and does not feel that she measures up

  • to this new standard of beauty.

  • And I'm sure that maybe some of you might be able to relate

  • to this apology thing?

  • I see some of you nodding.

  • Well, it just so happens

  • that I was actually the makeup artist for TEDx last year,

  • and the same thing happened when these incredibly innovative women

  • sat in my chair.

  • They apologized.

  • Now, I have discovered that there is a very small group of women

  • who don't apologize.

  • And these are the movers, the shakers, they're the powerhouses.

  • They could be CEO's, or stay-at-home moms,

  • but they don't measure themselves by a mirror.

  • Sure, they wear makeup, but they don't apologize for it.

  • They live in the moment,

  • and they let themselves have that pleasure of living in the moment

  • and in the now.

  • And I am in awe of these women.

  • And there's probably some of you very rare, precious, confident creatures

  • in this audience.

  • And to you ladies, I say go ahead and take a bathroom break!

  • You can be back in likeminutes or something, because you don't need this!

  • You don't need to hear what I have to say.

  • And the other women in this very small group

  • are the women who are aware of their own mortality.

  • And I'll get back to them in a little bit.

  • So, a woman will make an appointment with me

  • for a variety of different reasons.

  • A lot of times, she just feels down about the way she looks,

  • and her friend will tell her, "Oh, you have to go see Eva, she's amazing.

  • She's great. She'll teach you makeup tricks,

  • it's going to change your life."

  • But I have to be honest.

  • I think that makeup is the very least of what I do.

  • But I'm not saying, denying,

  • that makeup does not play a very real part

  • in making a woman feel more attractive, and thus more confident,

  • because we're all aware

  • of those biological cues of attraction between human beings,

  • like symmetry, and color, and light.

  • And when we see them in ourselves or somebody else,

  • it pleases our primordial senses.

  • And I, as a makeup artist, am very adept with the skills and tools

  • to very easily manipulate and enhance those bio-cues on the face.

  • That's my job.

  • But I'll be honest with you.

  • I think every single woman who sits in my chair

  • is beautiful with or without makeup.

  • She just has no idea!

  • Which is why I like to think of myself

  • as treading in the deep end of a shallow profession.

  • (Laughter)

  • Because I use makeup as my tool to help her believe it.

  • Makeup is my therapy puppet

  • to help a woman open up about how she's feeling,

  • and express to me what her concerns are, so I can address them.

  • And you know what? It works!

  • Almost every time, I see a woman leap up out of my chair

  • with this new skip in her step.

  • I see her actually look in the mirror and actually smile at herself,

  • even if it's temporary.

  • There is a very real transformation that happens in this chair.

  • "Oh no. What are you talking about? I am not a pretty woman.

  • My mother-in-law says that I have a round face,

  • and there is no way to make a round, fat face pretty."

  • And I can't believe what I hear, because all I see is a beautiful woman.

  • And I say, "Matir, but look at your gorgeous, golden skin!

  • Here, hold the mirror, watch what I'm doing.

  • Look at these perfect almond eyes,

  • these lips, my God, in my next life, I want these lips.

  • Your smile just lit up this room!"

  • "You're right."

  • Now, you would think because this is my job,

  • and I do this everyday, and I hear what women say,

  • and I have this unique perspective,

  • that I would be different.

  • But -- here's what happens when I sit in somebody's makeup chair.

  • "Oh, God. I'm sorry, I have a very tough face.

  • I hate that I am actually dependent on eyeliner

  • to even walk out my front door.

  • Oh, oh no, don't worry, my nose is like a Muppet's fist.

  • Just like ee, ee, erh.

  • So, no worries trying to cover it up."

  • I have said those exact words in somebody else's makeup chair!

  • I, too, do not feel that I measure up,

  • or can hold up to this insane, new measure of beauty in this world,

  • that's like porn and fashion, and Photoshop, all mixed up in one.

  • (Laughter) (Applause)

  • Yeah. Good luck with that.

  • (Applause)

  • And it's not going away. So what are we going to do?

  • What am I going to do to feel and appreciate what I have?

  • Which brings me back to that other small group of women

  • that don't apologize.

  • Oh -- all right -- ah

  • "It's my birthday!

  • I'm 96 years old, and I'm on borrowed time now, honey.

  • But, I think I look pretty good."

  • "Ah, this feels so good, I'm going to fall asleep.

  • Yes, I have two little ones. Two and four year old.

  • And I just had a double mastectomy, and six rounds of chemo.

  • So, I'm just so happy to be pampering myself.

  • And I have to say, I love my new wig!"

  • Is this what it's going to take for me?

  • Is this what it's going to take for me to appreciate what I have?

  • To be confronted with the prospect of illness or death?

  • Is that what it's going to take for us to appreciate what we have?

  • Well, I'm not going to take that.

  • I don't accept it.

  • So, in desperate need for a solution to all of this,

  • I thought, "What can I do?"

  • So, I thought, "Well, why don't I do what other women do?

  • They do it, and it works for them, even if it's temporary.

  • Why don't I try it?

  • Why don't I sit in Eva's chair?"

  • "What would Eva say to me if I apologized to Eva?"

  • I know. It sounds cheesy. I know.

  • But it's actually very scary.

  • It's the reason why I didn't even want to finish this TED talk to begin with.

  • Because it's what I know I need to do.

  • Eva, stop saying that about your eyes.

  • You have your mother's eyes,

  • and you would never think for a second

  • that this woman who gave you life and wisdom was not measuring up.

  • Okay, stop. Eva, stop saying that about your nose.

  • You have your father's and grandmama's nose.

  • Yes, your Italian genes are prominent,

  • but so is your spirit because of it!

  • And you can identify the notes of a lush, jammy Primitivo wine

  • better than most because of it, probably.

  • So, I guess I'm deciding

  • that if lining my eyes brings symmetry to my face and to my mind,

  • then I guess I'll do it.

  • And if adding a touch of color to my lips

  • allows me to bring joy and color to my speech --

  • then why the heck not?

  • And if adding light reflection to my skin gives me the little boost of confidence

  • for me to shed light on a seemingly superficial topic

  • to a group of intellectuals,

  • then I will do it!

  • And that makes me feel beautiful.

  • And I will sit in my chair, and I will listen, and believe,

  • that we are all beautiful.

  • I will make that appointment.

  • Thank you.

  • (Applause)

"I'm sorry you have to touch my face.


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A2 初級

TEDx】In my chair - メイクアップアーティストの美への視点。TEDxRVAWomenでのEva DeVirgilis (【TEDx】In my chair - a makeup artists perspective on beauty: Eva DeVirgilis at TEDxRVAWomen)

  • 2027 117
    阿多賓 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日