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  • As important as the acting in these films are, of course, the biceps.

  • What!

  • Let's see how well you know the biceps of yourselves and your fellow cast members.

  • Here we go. What do we got?

  • Chris Evans

  • Yeah, it's me.

  • How do you know that so quickly?

  • I'd know that armpit anywhere.

  • That looks like Evans to me.

  • What's the primary characteristics of Evans?

  • He's trapped.

  • What do we got?

  • Hemsworth

  • Is that Joss Whedon?

  • I think that's Evans before he was Captain America.

  • It's me I guess. Soft and supple.

  • How can you say that?

  • Oh, that's me, right?

  • Just when I wake up.

  • Is that me?

  • Are you joking?

  • That looks like Evans.

  • That is Evans, isn't it? Renner?

  • That's Downey.

  • It is Robert Downey Jr.

  • What? - That's RDJ?!

  • Shut up.

  • Since uh, when?

  • I was like "me?".

  • That would be....- Is that Downey?

  • It's a tricky one, to be honest.

  • Jeremy Renner. Is that right?

  • Mine. - No.

  • You don't know your own body, do you?

  • I guess not.

  • Hemsworth

  • It's Hemsworth.

  • You can tell from his pointed elbow though. We're always talking about.

  • There it is!

  • We call it the spark elbow.

  • That's you?

  • Not in this film - Get it together!

  • In theCabin in the Woods》?

  • I don't know. I don't know specifics but it's definitely not the Avengers.

  • It's amazing I didn't even pick my own arms. I spent a lot of time doing this.

  • Finally

  • Is that you?

  • That's the most pathetic one there.

  • I can tell because of your arm hairs.

  • Is that Mark Ruffalo?

  • Does that give away?

  • The hairy arms. - The purple T-shirt.

  • Hairy arms - Yep.

  • And with the nice purple T-shirt. That's gotta be Ruffalo.

  • Next time I'll ask you to submit your own bicep photo

  • I don't think that I'll be coming.

  • Thanks a lot. Thanks, Josh.

As important as the acting in these films are, of course, the biceps.


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アベンジャーズ。アベンジャーズ:エイジ・オブ・ウルトロン」キャストは上腕二頭筋を知っている|MTVニュース ('Avengers: Age Of Ultron' Cast Know Their Biceps | MTV News)

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    Wendy に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日