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  • Hi. So I'd like to talk a little bit about the people

    翻訳: Akiko Hicks 校正: Kayo Mizutani

  • who make the things we use every day:

    私たちが毎日使うものを 作っている人たちのことを お話します

  • our shoes, our handbags, our computers and cell phones.

    私たちが毎日使うものを 作っている人たちのことを お話します

  • Now, this is a conversation that often calls up a lot of guilt.

    靴にハンドバックやコンピューター そして携帯電話など いろいろあります

  • Imagine the teenage farm girl who makes less than


  • a dollar an hour stitching your running shoes,

    農村出身の少女が 100円にも満たない時給で

  • or the young Chinese man who jumps off a rooftop

    私たちの履く ランニング シューズを 縫っている とか

  • after working overtime assembling your iPad.

    iPad 工場で長時間労働をしていた 若い中国人の男性が

  • We, the beneficiaries of globalization, seem to exploit

    屋根から飛び降りたとか 考えてみてください

  • these victims with every purchase we make,

    グローバリゼーションの恩恵を受けている 私たちにとって

  • and the injustice

    何かを買うごとに これらの犠牲者を 食い物にしているようで

  • feels embedded in the products themselves.


  • After all, what's wrong with a world in which a worker


  • on an iPhone assembly line can't even afford to buy one?

    iPhone の生産ラインの作業員が

  • It's taken for granted that Chinese factories are oppressive,

    自分の作るものを 買うお金もないなんて なんという世界でしょう?

  • and that it's our desire for cheap goods


  • that makes them so.


  • So, this simple narrative equating Western demand

    その原因であるというのが 常識になっています

  • and Chinese suffering is appealing,

    発展国の欲と 中国人の生活苦を

  • especially at a time when many of us already feel guilty


  • about our impact on the world,

    世界に与えた影響について 既に 罪悪感を持っている

  • but it's also inaccurate and disrespectful.


  • We must be peculiarly self-obsessed to imagine that we

    でもこの考えはは間違えであり 失礼にもあたります

  • have the power to drive tens of millions of people


  • on the other side of the world to migrate and suffer

    移住させ ひどい生活を強いる 力があると思うなんて

  • in such terrible ways.


  • In fact, China makes goods for markets all over the world,


  • including its own, thanks to a combination of factors:

    実は中国は世界中の市場で売られる 製品を作っているのです

  • its low costs, its large and educated workforce,


  • and a flexible manufacturing system

    安いコストと 質の高いふんだんな労働力

  • that responds quickly to market demands.


  • By focusing so much on ourselves and our gadgets,

    柔軟な生産システムが これを可能にしています

  • we have rendered the individuals on the other end

    自身の生活や新しいガジェットばかりを 気にしている我々は

  • into invisibility, as tiny and interchangeable


  • as the parts of a mobile phone.

    まるで携帯電話の部品のごとく 小さく取り替え可能な

  • Chinese workers are not forced into factories


  • because of our insatiable desire for iPods.

    中国の労働者は 我々の iPod への 執着心を満たすために

  • They choose to leave their homes in order to earn money,


  • to learn new skills, and to see the world.

    お金を稼ぎ 新しい技術を学び

  • In the ongoing debate about globalization, what's

    視野を広めるために 望んで故郷を離れるのです

  • been missing is the voices of the workers themselves.


  • Here are a few.

    欠けているのは 現場で働く人の生の声です

  • Bao Yongxiu: "My mother tells me to come home


  • and get married, but if I marry now, before I have fully

    包永新:「母が 家に帰って結婚しろというけれど

  • developed myself, I can only marry an ordinary worker,

    まだ自分が未完成なうちに結婚したら 単なる労働者としか結婚できない

  • so I'm not in a rush."

    まだ自分が未完成なうちに結婚したら 単なる労働者としか結婚できない

  • Chen Ying: "When I went home for the new year,


  • everyone said I had changed. They asked me,

    陳儀: 「新年に家に帰ったら

  • what did you do that you have changed so much?

    皆に変わったって言われました そんなに変わるなんて

  • I told them that I studied and worked hard. If you tell them


  • more, they won't understand anyway."

    勉強して 一生懸命働いたって言っただけ

  • Wu Chunming: "Even if I make a lot of money,

    それ以上説明したって わかる人はいないもの」

  • it won't satisfy me.


  • Just to make money is not enough meaning in life."


  • Xiao Jin: "Now, after I get off work, I study English,

    お金を稼ぐだけが 人生ではありません」

  • because in the future, our customers won't

    邵新:「仕事の後に 英語の勉強をしています

  • be only Chinese, so we must learn more languages."


  • All of these speakers, by the way, are young women,

    限りませんから もっといろいろな言葉を勉強しないと」

  • 18 or 19 years old.

    これらは皆 若い18か19歳の 女性の口から出た言葉です

  • So I spent two years getting to know assembly line workers

    これらは皆 若い18か19歳の 女性の口から出た言葉です

  • like these in the south China factory city called Dongguan.

    2年間の取材を通じ 生産ラインで働く 彼女らと親しくなりました

  • Certain subjects came up over and over:

    中国の南部の東莞という 工業都市で働いています

  • how much money they made,

    話していると よく話題になるのが

  • what kind of husband they hoped to marry,

    いくら稼いだか とか

  • whether they should jump to another factory

    どんな男性と結婚したいか とか

  • or stay where they were.

    他の工場に 鞍替えしようか とか

  • Other subjects came up almost never, including

    それとも ここでずっと働こうかなどです

  • living conditions that to me looked close to prison life:


  • 10 or 15 workers in one room,


  • 50 people sharing a single bathroom,


  • days and nights ruled by the factory clock.


  • Everyone they knew lived in similar circumstances,

    昼も夜も 工場の需要に支配されています

  • and it was still better than the dormitories and homes

    ここではだれもが 同じような環境で生活しています

  • of rural China.

    そんな状況でも 田舎の寮や家での生活に比べたら

  • The workers rarely spoke about the products they made,


  • and they often had great difficulty explaining

    どの製品を作っているか 話すことは滅多にありません

  • what exactly they did.


  • When I asked Lu Qingmin,


  • the young woman I got to know best,

    一番親しくなった陸清明という 若い女性に訊いたことがあります

  • what exactly she did on the factory floor,

    一番親しくなった陸清明という 若い女性に訊いたことがあります

  • she said something to me in Chinese that sounded like


  • "qiu xi."

    すると彼女は中国語で こんな風に答えました

  • Only much later did I realize that she had been saying


  • "QC," or quality control.


  • She couldn't even tell me what she did on the factory floor.

    彼女が言ったのは 「QC」つまり クオリティーコントロールだったのです

  • All she could do was parrot a garbled abbreviation

    作業場での実際の役割を 説明することは出来ず

  • in a language she didn't even understand.


  • Karl Marx saw this as the tragedy of capitalism,


  • the alienation of the worker from the product of his labor.

    カール・マルクスはこれを 資本主義の悲劇として批判しました

  • Unlike, say, a traditional maker of shoes or cabinets,


  • the worker in an industrial factory has no control,

    従来の 靴や家具を作る人たちと違って

  • no pleasure, and no true satisfaction or understanding

    生産工場で働く人たちは 自分の作るものに対して

  • in her own work.

    主導権や喜びもなければ 本当の満足や理解もないのです

  • But like so many theories that Marx arrived at

    主導権や喜びもなければ 本当の満足や理解もないのです

  • sitting in the reading room of the British Museum,

    でも 大英博物館の読書室に通いつめて

  • he got this one wrong.

    執筆した マルクスの理論には 間違えが多いのですが

  • Just because a person spends her time


  • making a piece of something does not mean


  • that she becomes that, a piece of something.

    その 作っているものに なるわけではありません

  • What she does with the money she earns,

    その 作っているものに なるわけではありません

  • what she learns in that place, and how it changes her,


  • these are the things that matter.

    新しい場所で何を学び どう人間として成長するか

  • What a factory makes is never the point, and


  • the workers could not care less who buys their products.

    工場で何が作られているかなんて 関係ないのです

  • Journalistic coverage of Chinese factories,

    作った物をだれが買おうが 労働者の気にすることではありません

  • on the other hand, plays up this relationship


  • between the workers and the products they make.


  • Many articles calculate: How long would it take


  • for this worker to work in order to earn enough money


  • to buy what he's making?


  • For example, an entry-level-line assembly line worker


  • in China in an iPhone plant would have to shell out

    例えば 中国の iPhone 工場のラインで働く

  • two and a half months' wages for an iPhone.

    新人社員は iPhone を買うとしたら 2ヵ月半分の給料を

  • But how meaningful is this calculation, really?


  • For example, I recently wrote an article

    こんな計算 なんの意味があるのでしょうか?

  • in The New Yorker magazine,

    私は最近New Yorker 誌に記事を書きましたが

  • but I can't afford to buy an ad in it.

    私は最近New Yorker 誌に記事を書きましたが

  • But, who cares? I don't want an ad in The New Yorker,

    あんな雑誌に広告を載せるお金なんて ありません

  • and most of these workers don't really want iPhones.


  • Their calculations are different.

    同様に この労働者らも別に iPhone が欲しいわけでもないんです

  • How long should I stay in this factory?


  • How much money can I save?


  • How much will it take to buy an apartment or a car,


  • to get married, or to put my child through school?


  • The workers I got to know had a curiously abstract

    結婚や 子供の教育にいくらかかるか?

  • relationship with the product of their labor.

    親しくなった労働者たちは 作っているものと

  • About a year after I met Lu Qingmin, or Min,


  • she invited me home to her family village


  • for the Chinese New Year.


  • On the train home, she gave me a present:


  • a Coach brand change purse with brown leather trim.


  • I thanked her, assuming it was fake,

    茶色の皮の縁のついた COACHのコインケースです

  • like almost everything else for sale in Dongguan.

    東莞で売っているものは大体 偽物なので これも偽物だろうと思いながらも感謝しました

  • After we got home, Min gave her mother another present:

    東莞で売っているものは大体 偽物なので これも偽物だろうと思いながらも感謝しました

  • a pink Dooney & Bourke handbag,


  • and a few nights later, her sister was showing off

    ピンクのDooney&Bourke のバッグです

  • a maroon LeSportsac shoulder bag.

    数日後には 妹がえび茶色の LeSportac のバッグを肩にかけて

  • Slowly it was dawning on me that these handbags


  • were made by their factory,

    考えてみると これらのハンドバッグは あの工場で作られているもので

  • and every single one of them was authentic.

    考えてみると これらのハンドバッグは あの工場で作られているもので

  • Min's sister said to her parents,

    つまり どれも本物だったわけです

  • "In America, this bag sells for 320 dollars."

    明の妹 が両親に話しているのを聞きました

  • Her parents, who are both farmers, looked on, speechless.


  • "And that's not all -- Coach is coming out with a new line,

    農家で働く両親は言う言葉もなく 黙って聞いていました

  • 2191," she said. "One bag will sell for 6,000."

    「それにね COACH は新しいデザインが出るの

  • She paused and said, "I don't know if that's 6,000 yuan or

    2191 って言うんだけど このバッグは6千もするんだって」

  • 6,000 American dollars, but anyway, it's 6,000." (Laughter)

    ちょっと間をおいて続けました 「6千元だったかしら それとも

  • Min's sister's boyfriend, who had traveled home with her

    6千米ドルだったかしら ともかく6千なのよ」(笑)

  • for the new year, said,

    新年を祝うために帰郷していた 明の妹の彼氏が

  • "It doesn't look like it's worth that much."

    新年を祝うために帰郷していた 明の妹の彼氏が

  • Min's sister turned to him and said, "Some people actually

    「そんな価値あるなんて 見えないね」と言うと

  • understand these things. You don't understand shit."

    明の妹は「わかるひとには わかるのよ あんたなんてダメ」と言い返していました

  • (Laughter) (Applause)

    明の妹は「わかるひとには わかるのよ あんたなんてダメ」と言い返していました

  • In Min's world, the Coach bags had a curious currency.


  • They weren't exactly worthless, but they were nothing

    明の住む世界では COACH のバッグは おもしろい価値があるのです

  • close to the actual value, because almost no one they knew


  • wanted to buy one, or knew how much it was worth.


  • Once, when Min's older sister's friend got married,

    だれもお金を出してまで買わないし 値段も知らないのです

  • she brought a handbag along as a wedding present.

    でも 明のお姉さんの友達が結婚したとき

  • Another time, after Min had already left


  • the handbag factory, her younger sister came to visit,

    また明が ハンドバッグ工場を辞めた後

  • bringing two Coach Signature handbags as gifts.


  • I looked in the zippered pocket of one,

    COACH の有名なハンドバッグを二つ おみやげに持ってきました

  • and I found a printed card in English, which read,


  • "An American classic.

    カードが入っていました カードには英語でこうありました

  • In 1941, the burnished patina


  • of an all-American baseball glove

    1941年に使い込まれた野球グローブに ヒントを得たCOACH の創設者が

  • inspired the founder of Coach to create

    1941年に使い込まれた野球グローブに ヒントを得たCOACH の創設者が

  • a new collection of handbags from the same

    しなやかな「グラブタンレザー」使って 新しいハンドバッグのコレクションを

  • luxuriously soft gloved-hand leather.

    しなやかな「グラブタンレザー」使って 新しいハンドバッグのコレクションを

  • Six skilled leatherworkers crafted 12 Signature handbags


  • with perfect proportions and a timeless flair.

    6人の熟練した皮職人が仕上げた 12個のハンドバッグは

  • They were fresh, functional, and women everywhere


  • adored them. A new American classic was born."


  • I wonder what Karl Marx would have made of Min

    世界中の女性に愛されました 新しいアメリカン・クラシックの誕生です」

  • and her sisters.

    カール・マルクスが生きていたら 明や明の姉妹をどう思ったことでしょう

  • Their relationship with the product of their labor

    カール・マルクスが生きていたら 明や明の姉妹をどう思ったことでしょう

  • was more complicated, surprising and funny

    作っている製品と 労働の関係は

  • than he could have imagined.

    マルクスが思うよりも ずっと複雑で

  • And yet, his view of the world persists, and our tendency

    思いもよらない おかしいものです

  • to see the workers as faceless masses,


  • to imagine that we can know what they're really thinking.

    労働者を 個性のない集団だとか

  • The first time I met Min, she had just turned 18


  • and quit her first job on the assembly line

    明に会ったのは 彼女が18歳 になったばかりで

  • of an electronics factory.


  • Over the next two years, I watched as she switched jobs


  • five times, eventually landing a lucrative post


  • in the purchasing department of a hardware factory.

    最終的にハードウェア工場の 購買部で良い職に落ち着きました

  • Later, she married a fellow migrant worker,

    最終的にハードウェア工場の 購買部で良い職に落ち着きました

  • moved with him to his village,

    後に 仲間の出稼ぎ労働者と結婚し

  • gave birth to two daughters,


  • and saved enough money to buy a secondhand Buick


  • for herself and an apartment for her parents.


  • She recently returned to Dongguan on her own


  • to take a job in a factory that makes construction cranes,

    最近 単身で東莞に戻り

  • temporarily leaving her husband and children

    建設クレーン車を作る工場で 働いています

  • back in the village.

    子供とご主人は 村に置いてです

  • In a recent email to me, she explained,

    子供とご主人は 村に置いてです

  • "A person should have some ambition while she is young

    最近 受け取ったメールには

  • so that in old age she can look back on her life


  • and feel that it was not lived to no purpose."

    老いてから 目的もなく生きてしまった なんて思わないように」と書いてありました

  • Across China, there are 150 million workers like her,

    老いてから 目的もなく生きてしまった なんて思わないように」と書いてありました

  • one third of them women, who have left their villages

    中国全体で彼女の様な労働者が 一億五千万人もいます

  • to work in the factories, the hotels, the restaurants

    その3分の1は女性で 村を離れ

  • and the construction sites of the big cities.

    都市の工場やホテル レストランや

  • Together, they make up the largest migration in history,


  • and it is globalization, this chain that begins

    合計すると 史上最大の人口の大移動です

  • in a Chinese farming village


  • and ends with iPhones in our pockets and Nikes on our feet


  • and Coach handbags on our arms

    私たちのポケット内のiPhoneや 足元のナイキに そして

  • that has changed the way these millions of people

    腕に掛かるCOACH のバッグにと つながりながら

  • work and marry and live and think.


  • Very few of them would want to go back

    仕事や結婚 の実態 生活や思考のあり方を変えてきました

  • to the way things used to be.


  • When I first went to Dongguan, I worried that


  • it would be depressing to spend so much time with workers.

    東莞に着いた当初 長期間に渡って労働者の話を聞くと

  • I also worried that nothing would ever happen to them,


  • or that they would have nothing to say to me.


  • Instead, I found young women who were smart and funny


  • and brave and generous.

    ところが この若い女性達は 賢く ユーモアのセンスがあって

  • By opening up their lives to me,


  • they taught me so much about factories


  • and about China and about how to live in the world.


  • This is the Coach purse that Min gave me


  • on the train home to visit her family.

    これが実家への電車の中で 明がくれたCOACH のバッグです

  • I keep it with me to remind me of the ties that tie me

    これが実家への電車の中で 明がくれたCOACH のバッグです

  • to the young women I wrote about,

    私の取材した 若い女性達との つながりを忘れないように

  • ties that are not economic but personal in nature,


  • measured not in money but in memories.

    経済的なつながりではなく 個人的なつながりです

  • This purse is also a reminder that the things that you imagine,


  • sitting in your office or in the library,


  • are not how you find them when you actually go out


  • into the world.


  • Thank you. (Applause)


  • (Applause)


  • Chris Anderson: Thank you, Leslie, that was an insight


  • that a lot of us haven't had before.

    レスリー ありがとう こういう見方があると

  • But I'm curious. If you had a minute, say,

    思いもしなかった人が 結構居るんじゃないかな

  • with Apple's head of manufacturing,

    ちょと興味があるんですが もし 例えばApple の製造主任と

  • what would you say?

    一分だけ話すチャンスがあったら どんな話をしますか?

  • Leslie Chang: One minute?

    一分だけ話すチャンスがあったら どんな話をしますか?

  • CA: One minute. (Laughter)


  • LC: You know, what really impressed me about the workers

    そう 一分で (笑)

  • is how much they're self-motivated, self-driven,

    そうですね 労働者に会って感心したのは

  • resourceful, and the thing that struck me,

    皆 とてもやる気があって 自分で何でもやろうとし

  • what they want most is education, to learn,

    才覚もあります 驚いたのは

  • because most of them come from very poor backgrounds.

    そんな彼らが望んでいるのは 第一に教育 つまり学ぶことです

  • They usually left school when they were in 7th or 8th grade.


  • Their parents are often illiterate,

    中学卒業するかしないかで 学校を辞めてしまっているんです

  • and then they come to the city, and they, on their own,


  • at night, during the weekends, they'll take a computer class,

    都市に来て 自分から

  • they'll take an English class, and learn


  • really, really rudimentary things, you know,


  • like how to type a document in Word,


  • or how to say really simple things in English.


  • So, if you really want to help these workers,

    英語で何か簡単なことが言えるように 勉強しているんです

  • start these small, very focused, very pragmatic classes

    ですから この人たちを支援するなら

  • in these schools, and what's going to happen is,

    こういう簡単な 目的のはっきりした 実際役立つクラスを

  • all your workers are going to move on,

    設立して そうすることによって

  • but hopefully they'll move on into higher jobs within Apple,


  • and you can help their social mobility

    例えばApple社内で何か 良い仕事に就けるといいですね

  • and their self-improvement.

    社会的地位を向上したり 自己啓発を 手助けできたらいいと思います

  • When you talk to workers, that's what they want.

    社会的地位を向上したり 自己改善を 手助けできたらいいと思います

  • They do not say, "I want better hot water in the showers.


  • I want a nicer room. I want a TV set."


  • I mean, it would be nice to have those things,

    いい部屋やテレビが欲しいとか 言わないんです

  • but that's not why they're in the city,

    そういうものは もちろんいいけれど

  • and that's not what they care about.


  • CA: Was there a sense from them of a narrative that

    そんなことは どうでもいいんです

  • things were kind of tough and bad, or was there a narrative

    生活が苦だとか大変だとか感じましたか それとも

  • of some kind of level of growth, that things over time

    どちらかというと 生活の

  • were getting better?


  • LC: Oh definitely, definitely. I mean, you know,


  • it was interesting, because I spent basically two years


  • hanging out in this city, Dongguan,

    私は2年間 東莞で暮らし

  • and over that time, you could see immense change


  • in every person's life: upward, downward, sideways,

    時間がたつにつれ 人々の生活の変化に 気が付きます

  • but generally upward.

    上向きや 下向き 中には全く 変わらないこともありますが

  • If you spend enough time, it's upward, and I met people

    通常 上向きです

  • who had moved to the city 10 years ago, and who are now

    長くいれば たいてい上向きです

  • basically urban middle class people,

    10年前に都市に来て 現在は都会の

  • so the trajectory is definitely upward.


  • It's just hard to see when you're suddenly


  • sucked into the city. It looks like everyone's poor and

    突然この街に来て 街の状況を見て

  • desperate, but that's not really how it is.

    皆が貧しく 苦しんでいるように感じても

  • Certainly, the factory conditions are really tough,


  • and it's nothing you or I would want to do,

    もちろん 工場の環境は大変で

  • but from their perspective, where they're coming from


  • is much worse, and where they're going

    でも彼らにしてみれば 元の環境の方が もっとひどいし

  • is hopefully much better, and I just wanted to give

    より素晴らしい未来に 期待しているわけです

  • that context of what's going on in their minds,


  • not what necessarily is going on in yours.


  • CA: Thanks so much for your talk.

    お話し したかったわけです

  • Thank you very much. (Applause)


Hi. So I'd like to talk a little bit about the people

翻訳: Akiko Hicks 校正: Kayo Mizutani


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