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I dedicated the past two years to understanding
翻訳: Yuko Yoshida 校正: Mari Arimitsu
how people achieve their dreams.
私はこの2年 人はどうやって夢を叶えるのか
When we think about the dreams we have,
and the dent we want to leave in the universe,
it is striking to see how big of an overlap there is
between the dreams that we have and projects that never happen.
驚くことがあります 私たちの夢というのは
日の目を見ないプロジェクトと 重なる部分が大きいのです
So I'm here to talk to you today
about five ways how not to follow your dreams.
今日 ここでお話しするのは
One: Believe in overnight success.
You know the story, right?
1つ目は 一夜の成功を信じること
The tech guy built a mobile app and sold it very fast for a lot of money.
You know, the story may seem real, but I bet it's incomplete.
技術者が開発した ある携帯アプリが 大当たりして 一夜で大もうけした話
If you go investigate further,
本当らしく聞こえますが 実は その話には裏があります
the guy has done 30 apps before
よくよく調べると その技術者は―
and he has done a masters on the topic, a Ph.D.
それまでに 30ものアプリを開発していて
He has been working on the topic for, like, 20 years.
しかるべき分野で修士課程を終え 博士号も取得し
This is really interesting,
20年もの間 その道で 研究を重ねてきているのです
I myself have a story in Brazil that people think is an overnight success.
I come from a humble family,
私自身にも ブラジルでは “一夜の成功”と思われている話があります
and two weeks before the deadline to apply for MIT,
私は 平凡な家庭に 生まれ育ちましたが
I started the application process.
願書提出期限の2週間前に マサチューセッツ工科大(MIT)への
And, voila! I got in.
People may think it's an overnight success,
そして 見事 合格したのです
but that only worked because for the 17 years prior to that,
“一夜の成功”と 思われるかもしれませんが
I took life and education seriously.
これが成功したのは それまでの17年間
Your overnight success story is always a result
何事にも真剣に 取り組んできたからです
of everything you've done in your life through that moment.
一夜の成功というのは その瞬間までの人生で
Two: Believe someone else has the answers for you.
成し遂げたことを 集大成させた結果なのです
Constantly, people want to help out, right?
2つ目は 誰かが答えを持っている と信じること
All sorts of people: your family, your friends, your business partners,
誰しも 人助けをしたい と思っているもので
they all have opinions on which path you should take:
家族、友人、仕事上のパートナーなど いろんな人が
"And let me tell you, go through this pipe."
あなたが どの道を選ぶべきか 意見を言ってくれるでしょう
But whenever you go inside, there are other ways you have to pick as well.
「それはね こちらを通るべきだよ」
And you need to make those decisions yourself.
でも 一歩足を踏み込めば 他にも選択肢がたくさんあるわけで
No one else has the perfect answers for your life.
And you need to keep picking those decisions, right?
あなたの人生に 完ぺきな答えを 持ち合わせている人などいません
The pipes are infinite and you're gonna bump your head,
自分で決断を重ねて 行かなければいけないでしょう
and it's a part of the process.
道は無限にあり いつかは壁にぶち当たります
Three, and it's very subtle but very important:
でも それも必要な過程です
Decide to settle when growth is guaranteed.
3つ目は わかりにくいですが とても重要なことです
So your life is going great,
成長が確実になったときに そこに安住することです
you have put together a great team,
and you have growing revenue, and everything is set,
time to settle.
売上げもぐんぐん伸びて すべてが整ったら
When I launched my first book,
I worked really, really really hard to distribute it everywhere in Brazil.
With that, over three million people downloaded it,
本当に一生懸命になって ブラジル中で売ろうとしました
over 50,000 people bought physical copies.
その結果 3百万人以上が 電子書籍をダウンロードし
When I wrote a sequel, some impact was guaranteed.
5万人以上が 紙書籍を購入しました
Even if I did little, sales would be okay.
続編を書いたとき ある程度の反響は期待でき
But okay is never okay.
あまり努力しなくても 売上げは そこそこあったでしょう
When you're growing towards a peak,
でも “そこそこ”ではダメなんです
you need to work harder than ever and find yourself another peak.
Maybe if I did little, a couple hundred thousand people would read it,
今まで以上に一生懸命 取り組み 更なる高みに向かうべきなんです
and that's great already.
私の本は ほぼ何もしなくとも 数十万人には読んでもらえたでしょう
But if I work harder than ever,
それだけでも 素晴らしいことです
I can bring this number up to millions.
でも 今まで以上に頑張れば
That's why I decided, with my new book, to go to every single state of Brazil.
And I can already see a higher peak.
だから私は 新しい本を出したとき ブラジル全州に足を運ぶと決めました
There's no time to settle down.
Fourth tip, and that's really important:
Believe the fault is someone else's.
4つ目は 本当に重要なことですが
I constantly see people saying,
"Yes, I had this great idea, but no investor had the vision to invest."
よく こんなことを言う人がいます
"Oh, I created this great product,
「僕にはすごいアイデアがあったんだけど 投資家は見る目がなくってね」
but the market is so bad, the sales didn't go well."
Or, "I can't find good talent; my team is so below expectations."
ただ景気が悪くて 売れ行きは思わしくなかったわ」
If you have dreams,
「良い人材がいなくてね うちのチームは期待外れだよ」
it's your responsibility to make them happen.
Yes, it may be hard to find talent.
その夢を実現させるのは あなた自身の責任です
Yes, the market may be bad.
確かに 良い人材を見つけるのは 大変かもしれないし
But if no one invested in your idea,
景気が悪いときも あるかもしれません
if no one bought your product,
でも 誰も あなたのアイデアに投資せず
for sure, there is something there that is your fault.
誰も あなたの商品を買わないのなら
間違いなく その責任の一端は あなたにもあります
You need to get your dreams and make them happen.
And no one achieved their goals alone.
自らの手で 夢をつかみ 実現させる必要があります
But if you didn't make them happen, it's your fault and no one else's.
ひとりで目標を達成することは できません
Be responsible for your dreams.
でも 夢が実現できないのは自分の責任で 他人のせいではないのです
And one last tip, and this one is really important as well:
Believe that the only things that matter are the dreams themselves.
そして最後のアドバイス これも とても重要です
Once I saw an ad, and it was a lot of friends,
大切なのは夢そのものだ と信じることです
they were going up a mountain, it was a very high mountain,
こんな宣伝を見たことがあります たくさんの仲間たちが
and it was a lot of work.
山に登っています とても高い山です
You could see that they were sweating and this was tough.
And they were going up, and they finally made it to the peak.
皆 汗びっしょりで 本当に大変です
Of course, they decided to celebrate, right?
どんどん登って行き ついに頂上に到達します
I'm going to celebrate, so,
もちろん 皆で お祝いするでしょう?
"Yes! We made it, we're at the top!"
Two seconds later, one looks at the other and says,
「やったね ついに頂上だよ!」
"Okay, let's go down."
2秒後 皆は互いに顔を見合わせて こう言うんです
「さあ 下りようか」
Life is never about the goals themselves.
Life is about the journey.
人生は 結果が すべてではありません
Yes, you should enjoy the goals themselves,
but people think that you have dreams,
もちろん 結果も 楽しむべきです
and whenever you get to reaching one of those dreams,
it's a magical place where happiness will be all around.
But achieving a dream is a momentary sensation,
そこが 幸せにあふれた 魔法の場所になるように思えます
and your life is not.
The only way to really achieve all of your dreams
is to fully enjoy every step of your journey.
あなたの夢をすべて 本当に叶える唯一の方法は
That's the best way.
そこに至る旅を 一歩一歩 楽しむことです
And your journey is simple -- it's made of steps.
Some steps will be right on.
あなたの旅はシンプルで 一歩の積み重ねです
Sometimes you will trip.
If it's right on, celebrate, because some people wait a lot to celebrate.
And if you tripped, turn that into something to learn.
順調なら お祝いしましょう そのときを心待ちにしている人もいます
If every step becomes something to learn or something to celebrate,
つまづいたときは 学びの機会と捉えましょう
you will for sure enjoy the journey.
一歩一歩が 学んだり お祝いできる機会になれば
So, five tips:
Believe in overnight success,
believe someone else has the answers for you,
believe that when growth is guaranteed, you should settle down,
誰かが答えを持っている と信じること
believe the fault is someone else's,
成長が確実になったときに そこに安住すること
and believe that only the goals themselves matter.
Believe me, if you do that, you will destroy your dreams.
大丈夫 これで夢を台無しにできます
Thank you.