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  • NARRATOR: He observes.

  • He questions.

  • GROVER: Hubba what?

  • NARRATOR: He investigates.

  • GROVER: What does this button do?

  • Ah!

  • NARRATOR: Super Grover 2.0.

  • He shows up.

  • In a desert covered in sand and dust one cactus is about

  • to have a very prickly problem.

  • CACTUS: Oh boy.

  • I'm going to play with my new ball.

  • Yay.

  • Oh no.

  • Oh no.

  • What's happening?

  • My new ball.

  • Help!

  • Help!

  • Somebody help!

  • GROVER: Woah.

  • Boy that's not--

  • CACTUS: Super Grover 2.0.

  • You showed up.

  • GROVER: It is what I do.

  • Now.

  • What seems to be the problem?

  • CACTUS: This.

  • I was about the play with my new ball,

  • but look what's happening.

  • GROVER: Stand back.

  • For I will engage my super power of observation.

  • My super eyes see that that ball is shrinking.

  • But wait.

  • What is that?

  • My super ears hear something.

  • CACTUS: I hear it too.

  • It's a sss sound.

  • I think it's coming from the ball.

  • GROVER: That can only mean one thing.

  • There is a snake in that ball.

  • Come on out of there, snake.

  • Come one.

  • We can hear you.

  • I feel something.

  • I think the snake just blew into my ear.

  • CACTUS: Super Grover, there's a hole in the ball.

  • I think the air is leaking out.

  • Oh, I'll never get to play with a ball now.

  • GROVER: Oh, there there.

  • Ow!

  • I am now observing that you are covered in sharp little

  • prickly pointies.

  • Ah.

  • CACTUS: Well, yeah.

  • I am a cactus.

  • GROVER: Oh.

  • Right.

  • CACTUS: Wait a minute.

  • Maybe I'm the reason the ball has a hole in it.

  • Maybe it's because of me.

  • GROVER: Oh, do not blame yourself.

  • Ow, that hurts just as much the second time.

  • Ah.

  • Ah.

  • CACTUS: Don't you see?

  • I think I'm making the holes in the ball with my prickly

  • parts, my spines.

  • Oh, I'll never be able to play ball.

  • GROVER: Of course you will.

  • We just have to answer the question, what kind of ball

  • can a cactus play with?

  • It is time to unleash the power of investigation.

  • Be right back.

  • CACTUS: That was fast.

  • GROVER: Here is the perfect ball for you.

  • CACTUS: A bowling ball?

  • GROVER: Yes.

  • Look.

  • It already has holes, but no air is leaking out.

  • Here try it.


  • Sure is heavy.

  • GROVER: But it is not leaking air.

  • Come on.

  • Throw it to me.

  • I am wide open.

  • CACTUS: All right.


  • GROVER: Whoa.

  • CACTUS: Super Grover 2.0, are you OK?

  • GROVER: Yes.

  • Just feeling a little bowled over.

  • CACTUS: I think I need a lighter ball.

  • GROVER: Then I shall investigate further for you.

  • Be right back.

  • Sorry I took so long.

  • I took a wrong turn in Antarctica.

  • CACTUS: You went to the South Pole?

  • GROVER: Yes.

  • To get you this ball.

  • CACTUS: A snowball?

  • GROVER: It is lighter than a bowling ball.

  • CACTUS: But we're in a desert, where it's really hot.

  • GROVER: So?

  • CACTUS: So the snowball is starting to melt.

  • GROVER: So?

  • Oh, then we must play with quickly before it melts.

  • CACTUS: Oh.

  • Oh.

  • OK.

  • GROVER: Here.

  • Throw it to me fast.

  • CACTUS: Oh.

  • OK.

  • GROVER: Where did the ball go?

  • CACTUS: It just broke apart.

  • Oh, maybe there just is isn't a ball that a

  • cactus can play with.

  • GROVER: Oh, there, there.

  • Ow.

  • I have got to stop doing that.

  • CACTUS: I don't suppose you've got anything in that utility

  • sock of yours do you?

  • GROVER: Good idea.

  • I will check.

  • Hm.

  • No.

  • No.

  • Just my lunch.

  • A meatball hero sandwich.

  • This superhero needs to take a lunch break

  • and eat this superhero.

  • CACTUS: Wait.

  • What is that?

  • GROVER: This?

  • This is merely the foil from my sandwich.

  • It is nothing.

  • CACTUS: But it looks like you could make it into

  • any shape you want.

  • I wonder if you can shape it into a ball.

  • GROVER: Let me investigate this.

  • Patty-pat here and a patty-pat there and ah ha ha ha.

  • Why, yes I can.

  • Check it out.

  • CACTUS: It's not filled with air, and it's not too heavy,

  • and it's not melting.

  • It's the perfect ball for me.

  • Heads up.

  • NARRATOR: And so, thanks to his powers of observation and

  • investigation our hero found that a foil ball was the

  • perfect ball for a cactus to play with.


  • GROVER: Give me a hug.

  • Come here, you.

  • Oh.

  • I think I'm leaking air.

  • COOKIE MONSTER: You Guy Smiley.

  • GUY SMILEY: Yes, I am.

  • And you're the next contestant on the waiting game.

  • COOKIE MONSTER: Oh, boy.

  • The waiting game.

  • Imagine me luck.

  • Me get to play waiting game.

  • Oh boy, oh boy.

NARRATOR: He observes.


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B1 中級

セサミストリート。スーパーグローバーがサボテンのための完璧なボールを見つける (Sesame Street: Super Grover Finds The Perfect Ball for a Cactus)

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    Home Bear Liu に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日