字幕表 動画を再生する
(mouse clicks)
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
♪ (ドラマチックな音) ♪
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
♪ (ドラマチックな音) ♪
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
♪ (ドラマチックな音) ♪
♪ (techno music) ♪
♪ (テクノ音楽) ♪
I have not seen this.
Oh my god.
Oh, I remember her.
I like this already.
♪ Moccasin breath ♪
♪ モカシンのそよ風 ♪
This isn't real, is it?
Jesus Christ.
♪ I want to own them ♪
♪ そのズボンが欲しい ♪
♪ But can you even dance in those pants? ♪
♪ でもそんなぴちぴちを着て踊れるの? ♪
- (in video) Watch me, woman! - What is that?
- (ビデオ)”もちろん! 見て!” - 何だあれ?
I don't know.
- ♪ ...like a vessel of shimmy ♪ - What?
- ♪ ...シミーを踊るための容器みたい ♪ - え?
- ♪ All sweet and tender ♪ - This is too much for me to process.
- ♪ かわいく優しく ♪ - なにこれ 理解が追いつかない
♪ I need to get some ♪
♪ そのズボンを手に入れて ♪
♪ Put my body in them ♪
♪ はいてみたい ♪
♪ Then I will rule the land! ♪
♪ そして世界を支配するのよ! ♪
- ♪ Is that an Angel Baby? ♪ - Oh, girl, please do not.
- ♪ あれは天使の坊や? ♪ - ちょっと やめて
♪ Watch my lady honey grooves ♪
♪ 私の脂肪を見て ♪
♪ Feed me lots of Jamba Juice ♪
♪ ジャンバ・ジュースを飲ませて ♪
♪ Call me lady tiger, but I never eat my young ♪
♪ レディー・タイガーって呼んでいいけど 虎の子は食べないわ ♪
♪ No, no, no ♪
♪ ノー! ♪
♪ My legs in those pants, a dream ♪
♪ あのズボンに足を入れて動いたら ♪
♪ When I would move, I'd scream ♪
♪ 発狂しちゃう ♪
♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪
♪ このひねりを見て ♪
♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪
♪ お腹の脂肪を見て ♪
- [bleep] A. - ♪ High kicks, high kicks ♪
- やるじゃん - ♪ ハイ・キック! ハイ・キック! ♪
♪ This is how we do it ♪
♪ この調子でいくわ ♪
♪ When I place my legs in a cage of spandex ♪
♪ スパンデックスのかごに 足を入れたら ♪
- That's too aggressive. - ♪ I dance like hell ♪
- 大胆すぎ - ♪ 踊り狂うわ ♪
- ♪ To release the madness ♪ - Yes!
- ♪ 狂気を放つために ♪ - いい!
Oh my god. (laughing) That is like a lot coming at me.
画面を占める量が すごいんだけど!
Why is it close? Why did it get close?
近い! なんでこんなにドアップなの?
- ♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪ - I love this.
- ♪ このひねりを見て ♪ - 気に入ったよ
(singing along) ♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪
(一緒に歌う) ♪ お腹の脂肪を見て ♪
(singing along) ♪ High kicks, high kicks ♪
(一緒に歌う) ♪ ハイ・キック! ハイ・キック! ♪
♪ This is how we do it ♪
♪ この調子でいくわ ♪
- Wow! (laughs) - ♪ 'Twas the last stitch ♪
- わぉ! - ♪ 最後の縫い目のひと針だったわ ♪
This is a big production for just a... great result.
これは結構こってるね すごい成果になったし(笑)
♪ ...looked at my legs and said, "Never" ♪
♪ でも私の足を見て 無理って言ったの ♪
(singing along) ♪ I was already wearing tight pants ♪
(一緒に歌う) ♪ 私はぴちぴちのズボンをはいてた ♪
♪ I just did not activate them ♪
♪ ただ作動させてなかっただけなの ♪
Can't she stop body-rolling? Oh my god, I can't.
体をくねらせるのやめてくれない? もうダメ
♪ This is how we do it ♪
♪ この調子でいくわ ♪
All that bass, no treble.
What is happening?
I like how you can see the green screen glow around them.
体のまわりに緑の線が 光って見えるのがいいね
♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪
♪ このひねりを見て ♪
- ♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪ - (laughs)
- ♪ お腹の脂肪を見て ♪ - (笑)
♪ High kicks, high kicks ♪
♪ ハイ・キック! ハイ・キック! ♪
- ♪ This is how we do it ♪ - It's kind of a hot song.
- ♪ この調子でいくわ ♪ - この曲 割といける
- ♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪ - ♪ (singing along) ♪
- ♪ このひねりを見て ♪ - ♪ (一緒に歌う) ♪
♪ Watch out for my body rolls ♪
♪ お腹の脂肪を見て ♪
This is proof that we're done.
- The internet's done. - ♪ This is how we do it ♪
- 終わりという証拠だね - ♪ この調子でいくわ ♪
Oh, thank god it's over. Thank god!
よかった! やっと終わった!
Now, what was the name? Leslie Hall?
名前なんだっけ? レスリー・ホール?
That was amazing.
(laughing) What is that video?
Is that real? Is that supposed to be real? I don't know.
ほんとに? こんなのあり?
♪ (dramatic chord) ♪
♪ (ドラマチックな音) ♪
(Finebros) How does it make you feel when you watched the video?
(Finebros) この動画を観た感想は?
It made me feel alive.
So uncomfortable.
My eyes just got violated.
I felt things that I've never felt before.
At least not publicly around other men.
It makes me want to do that every time I wear spandex now.
これからスパンデックスをはくたび やりたくなるわね
It makes me feel like I took too much ambien
睡眠薬を飲みすぎたみたいな 感覚で
and I'm having horrific visions.
- (Finebros) Did you like it? - I don't know.
- (Finebros) 気に入った? - わからない
I don't know. I have to sleep on it.
どうかな 一晩考えるよ
I like it.
Yeah. Totally, yes.
I liked it.
I don't know if "like" would be a word I'd use.
"好き"とまで言えるかは わからないけど
I was fascinated by it.
I very much enjoyed that song.
That's my heart there.
That's the YouTube I love.
I'm down with internet like [bleep].
And that was, like-- it was too much.
それでもこれは 耐えられなかった
(Finebros) So what parts of the video were weird though?
(Finebros) 動画のどこが変だった?
Which part?
What do you mean, which part? All of it!
どこってどういうこと? 全部でしょ!
The belt and her vag.
- The gnome. - The gnome.
- ノーム - ノームだね
The bald gnome with the beard.
ひげ面で はげ頭のノーム
- I know, I didn't like him. - Nightmares.
- わかる 嫌だった - 悪夢だよ
(Finebros) When you see a video like this from the United States,
(Finebros) こういうアメリカからの 動画を見ると
how does it make you feel about the country?
アメリカについて どう思う?
(Finebros) Was there a message here?
(Finebros) 何かメッセージはあった?
What was the creator going for by making this?
クリエイターは何をねらって 作ったと思う?
I don't know. To make people throw up, probably.
さあね 人を吐かせたかったんじゃない?
"We're gonna make everything intentionally bad."
"あえて全部 悪いイメージにしよう"
To tell the world, "You know what?
世界に向けて "いい?
This is me. Watch out."
これが私よ 気をつけて"
I think it's just "be comfortable with who you are"
ただ “自分らしくいて”って ことだと思うな
and "troll people."
It's either anti-drugs or very pro-drugs is their message.
麻薬反対か大賛成か どっちかのメッセージ
I can't tell.
(Finebros) And why would this go viral?
(Finebros) どうしてこの動画がバイラルになったと思う?
It went viral?!
I mean, I guess if we're here talking about it, it went viral.
確かにバイラルになってなければ ここで話してないか
People like weird [bleep].
It was definitely [bleep] weird.
It has a catchy tune
and it's really bad quality, and that just makes it awesome.
クオリティが低いから すごいことになってるんだと思う
Why do horrific things go viral?
'Cause people can't peel their eyes away.
And you want to show other people.
I kind of feel like it was a Tim & Eric video.
これってティム&エリックの ビデオに似てる
Like, everything about it is just so off that it's perfect.
まるでその全部が規格外で 完璧なんだ
Because Leslie is being who people actually want to be
レスリーはある意味 我々がなりたいけど
but they aren't able to admit it to themselves.
なりたいと認められない人たちの 代弁者なんだよ
(Finebros) Have you ever heard of a woman named Leslie Hall?
(Finebros) レスリー・ホールという名前の女性を 聞いたことある?
- No. - No.
- ない - ない
- No. - No.
- ない - ない
I have not.
- No. - That's her. Is that her?
- ない - 彼女だろ? 彼女だよね?
(Finebros) Everyone we talked to today
(Finebros) 今日話した人たちは
- had never heard of Leslie Hall. - Okay. Oh, wow.
- 誰一人レスリー・ホールを知らなかった - そうなんだ
I think Leslie Hall is just a part of history.
レスリー・ホールは 歴史に残る存在だと思う
Certainly the part of history of everyone else
少なくともこのReact動画に参加した 他のみんなの思い出に
who's been in this video.
(Finebros) Her story is, in the year 2000, she started a website
(Finebros) 彼女の物語はgemsweater.comという ホームページを作った
- called gemsweater.com... - Okay.
- 2000年にさかのぼる - へえ
Oh, damn. She OG doe.
うそ 彼女 先駆けだわ
(Finebros) ...where she would take pictures of herself
(Finebros) たくさんの種類のセーターを着た
in her huge collection of sweaters.
自分の姿を撮って のせて
And she was known online as the "Gem Sweater Lady."
ウェブでは ”ジェムセーター・レディー” と 呼ばれるようになった
I love sweaters,
so I'm kind of surprised that I don't know about this.
だから このことを知らないなんて ちょっとびっくり
(pondering) Yes.
I know this.
(laughing) I don't know why I said it so ominously.
なんでいま不気味に言ったか わからないけど(笑)
But I know this.
(Finebros) Well, I have some images from that website.
(Finebros) そのホームページの写真を いくつか紹介するよ
I'm getting to see the origin story. This is like Batman.
ヒーローの原点を知るのか バットマンみたいだ
Okay, see? I can handle this, because there's less vag.
これなら見られるわ アソコ見えてないから
I can wrap my head around this, you know?
At least they're sweaters.
I like the Child's Dreams sweater.
“子供の夢” っていうセーターが好き
I would wear that.
Art River Sqwa is really good.
“アート・リバー・スクァ” はかなりいいね
I just don't know if this is a joke or not.
ただこれって ジョークかどうかもわかんないよ
(Finebros) Since she was one of these early internet celebrities,
(Finebros) 彼女はネットの世界で 早期にセレブになって
she started doing things.
Like she was on TRL on MTV way back when.
She sang with Yo Gabba Gabba! once.
ヨー・ガバガバ! と共演したこともある
(Tyler) Amazing.
- Really? - Wow.
- ほんとに? - わぉ
No way. Wow.
うそ すごい
(Finebros) She started a band,
(Finebros) バンドも始めたし
and she made satirical rap music videos like this.
この類いの風刺ラップビデオも 作ってた
Oh my-- I say-- I don't know--
そっか… なんていうか…
I feel like I should know who she is now.
(Finebros) And so she was doing these kinds of things
(Finebros) だから多くの人が オンラインでやるずっと前から
long before a lot of people online were doing them.
She was one of the first ones.
Yet you don't even know who she is.
I know, and I live on the internet.
そうなの 私ネット人間のくせに
(Finebros) So what does that make you think,
(Finebros) じゃあどう思う?
that here is someone this famous online,
and now we don't even know her?
What are you trying to say about me? What do you mean?
何が言いたいの? 僕のこと? どういう意味?
(sadly) Seems like I have a really bright future ahead of me.
どうやら私には 明るい未来が待ってるみたい…
I've been making videos for a while, and I've seen people come
動画を作ってしばらくたつけど 人気がでたり
and I've seen people go and I've seen people come back.
消えたり 再ブレイクした人たちを 見たことがある
If you're doing what you love and you do it for you,
好きなことをやっていて それが自分のためである限り
who cares if everybody remembers, because it's gonna stick
みんなが覚えてなくても 全然平気だよ
to the people who do remember and matter.
それを大事に思う人たちの 記憶には残るんだから
(Finebros) We did our research and we found out
(Finebros) こちらで調べたところ
that you and Leslie did a commercial together.
レスリーとCMで 共演したよね
(chuckling) Oh, the "Firefox Users Against Boredom" commercial.
"退屈に反抗するFirefox ユーザー" の CMのことか
They were trying to recreate "We Are the World"
“We Are the World” を 再現しようという試みだったんだ
with internet personalities at the end of 2007.
2007年の終わりに 当時のネット・タレントを集めてね
Leslie and I were the leads.
She's a great human being.
Being popular online was smaller at that time than it is now.
当時はオンラインで有名になることは いまほど大したことじゃなかった
You could have global success,
and it was still a small, constrained thing.
(Finebros) Finally, after hearing her story,
(Finebros) 最後に 彼女の話を聞いて
do you think she should make a return to YouTube?
彼女はYouTubeに 戻ってくるべきだと思う?
Now that I know everything else about her,
I think she should just remain as legend.
生きる伝説のままでいたほうが いいと思う
Never stop YouTube.
Do not stop. Always push forward.
やめないで 進み続けるんだ
Please. I want to see more videos.
戻ってきて! もっと動画が見たい
Absolutely. Yes.
You want to collaborate? I'm in.
コラボしない? 僕はオーケーだよ
- 100%. - I would love that.
- 絶対イエス - いいと思うよ
She can be on Superfruit anytime.
- We should collab. - Leslie Hall, if you're watching,
- コラボすべきだよ - レスリー・ホール もし見てるなら
- be on our show. - Here we are.
- 僕らの番組に来て - 待ってるよ
We sit on a platform that is for everybody.
僕たちがいるプラットフォームは みんなのものだよ
Why shouldn't she?
I will tweet out #sweaterladycomeback.
#sweaterladycomeback ってツイートするよ
Leslie, come back to YouTube.
レスリー YouTubeに戻ってきて
Come join the YouTube family. Rejoin.
YouTubeファミリーにおいで また一緒にやろう
You'll be welcomed with open arms.
Thanks so much for watching another episode of YouTubers React.
YouTuber リアクトを 見てくれてありがとう
You see all these people down here?
You should go check them out and subscribe to them,
チェックして チャンネル登録して!
'cause they were great.
Not as great as me, but they were pretty good.
僕ほどじゃないけど かなりいいよ
♪ Boo-bye-bye-boo ♪
♪ ブー・バイバイ・ブー ♪
♪ (beatboxing) ♪
♪ (ヒューマンビートボックス) ♪
♪ Thank you ♪
♪ ありがとう ♪
♪ (dramatic music) ♪
♪ (ドラマチックな音) ♪