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  • - Ouma condensed milk (speaking foreign language).

  • - Oh, my condensed milk (mumbling) biscuit?

  • - Yeah.

  • ("Stinger")

  • - How much alcohol is in this

  • because I wanna get turned.

  • - It's refreshing just to look at it.

  • - Yeah, it's just gorgeous.

  • - Alright.

  • - What do they say in South Africa, cheers?

  • - Cheers. - Cheers.

  • - This is very good.

  • - This is fine, whatever.

  • - Damn, bitters and juice.

  • - It's like drinking a soft gust of air.

  • - If you told me I was drinking alcohol right now

  • I would believe you.

  • - I would too, and I'd get fake drunk too.

  • ("Stinger")

  • - [Man in Glasses] Biltong.

  • It looks like cool bacon.

  • - It's like stained glass of meat.

  • - When your fingers get really shriveled from water,

  • this is what they feel like.

  • - You OK there?

  • - I could eat all of this.

  • - It's hard to get through.

  • - It tastes like, "It's bacon!"

  • What is that, Beggin' Bits?

  • - Oh yeah. Bacon, bacon, bacon.

  • Bacon, bacon, bacon, bacon.

  • - It's like you set up to make some jerky,

  • but after a day you get impatient

  • and so you're just like, oh it's good enough.

  • ("Stinger")

  • - [Man in Brown Jacket] Peck's Anchovette.

  • - No, why?

  • - So, they're only girl anchovies in there.

  • Oh!

  • - It smells like what they would feed penguins.

  • - Uh, this bread was so good until now.

  • - I like that.

  • - I don't.

  • - It just feels and tastes like pate.

  • - When do they eat this?

  • When children have been naughty?

  • - A bunch of fish washed up on a beach,

  • and then rotted there for a couple days,

  • and then we just ate the sand underneath it.

  • - Pilchards and/or mackerel and/or anchovies.

  • Lot of and/or's in there.

  • - Yeah, so we definitely just ate some dolphins.

  • ("Stinger")

  • - Rusks, that sounds so good, right, look at this,

  • (laughing) this little old baker woman

  • who's just up to no good.

  • That's what I imagine a prettier version

  • of the witch who ate Hansel and Gretel.

  • - It sort of looks like Diglett, like the Pokemon.

  • This is the evolved form of Diglett.

  • - Smells like those crackers you get at the pediatrician

  • when you were good,

  • and they'd be like, "Here's a delicious cracker."

  • - Someone had insurance.

  • - Cheers.

  • - Oh my gosh.

  • - Holy smokes.

  • - You gotta have a bite to eat this.

  • You have to have teeth.

  • - I would like to break this up

  • and crumble it over some ice cream.

  • - Oh yeah!

  • - I feel like I would eat this under circumstance,

  • but if I had a choice,

  • I wouldn't be like, "Give me the Oumas."

  • ("Stinger")

  • - This looks like what everything we ate becomes.

  • - It looks like a giant Slim Jim.

  • Or just like, I guess it would just be a Jim.

  • - This is like sausage that your grandpa forgot about.

  • - Oh!

  • - Tree bark exterior.

  • - Nice moss interior.

  • - Oh, what's that flavor?

  • - Woah.

  • - If you heat this up, you put some ketchup on it,

  • and maybe some mustard and a bun.

  • Get a pretzel bun.

  • - Put some anchovette on it.

  • - Ohh, I wouldn't do that.

  • ("Stinger")

  • - Right off the bat these remind me of

  • Flotsam and Jetsam, or his little evil friends.

  • - Is it fried?

  • It smells like anything that you fry in oil.

  • - It definitely is fried, right?

  • - OK, Minsby.

  • - Mmmmm, finally.

  • - These are even better than the rusks.

  • - Dog food.

  • - Kinda, right?

  • - Straight up dog food.

  • - This is (bleep) wonderful.

  • - What?

  • - Everyone loves dough.

  • If I could eat the Dough Boy, I would.

  • - [Man in Glasses] I feel like everything we ate

  • was something you eat when you're exceptionally drunk.

  • - Every single South African food is amazing.

  • It's so good.

  • - [Woman with Black Hair] This is a miracle.

- Ouma condensed milk (speaking foreign language).


ワンタップで英和辞典検索 単語をクリックすると、意味が表示されます

B2 中上級

アメリカ人は南アフリカのスナックを試す (Americans Try South African Snacks)

  • 91 8
    江德修 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日