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  • I want you to open your Bible to the second chapter of Acts. At least by way of an introduction,

  • as we talk about the issue of fellowship tonight. For those of you who have been with us, you

  • know weve been in a series in the Book of Acts, and we have been essentially looking

  • at the beginning of the Church. It began on the day of Pentecost, subsequent to the Lord’s

  • death and resurrection. The Spirit of God came. 3,000 people were converted, and the

  • church was born.

  • We have found ourselves now in chapter 2 at verse 42, and it introduces us now to the

  • life of the church. Let me just read a few verses here. Verse 41 ends, that those who

  • received the preaching of Peter, the gospel, were baptized. That day, there were added

  • 3,000 souls. That is the beginning of the church. Then we find out about how they conducted

  • their life together. “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostlesteaching

  • and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense

  • of awe; and many wonders and signs were taking place through the apostles. And all those

  • who had believed were together and had all things in common; and they began selling their

  • property and possessions and were sharing them with all, as anyone might have need.

  • Day by day continuing with one mind in the temple, and breaking bread from house to house,

  • they were taking their meals together with gladness and sincerity of heart, praising

  • God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord was adding to their number day

  • by day those who were being saved.”

  • What strikes you when you read that is the common, shared life. It’s all bound up in

  • verse 42 in the wordfellowship.” But even the breaking of bread around the Lord’s

  • table was an expression of fellowship. Prayer, an expression of fellowship. All of the believers

  • were together, in verse 44. They even held their possessions in common trust, so that

  • if anyone had a need, they would gladly sell what they had to give to the one who had the

  • need. They were daily continuing with one mind, in the temple. Breaking bread, that

  • is having meals, from house to house. Taking their meals together with gladness, sincerity

  • of heart. This is a community of people who are committed to one another. That is the

  • first expression of the life of the church, it’s mutual commitment.

  • This is magnificently defined for us in 1 Corinthians chapter 12, and I would ask you

  • to turn to it for a moment. Because here we have a metaphoric presentation by the apostle

  • Paul of this kind of common life. He says, starting in verse 12, “Even as the body

  • is one and yet has many members, and all the members of the body, though they are many,

  • are one body,” speaking of the human body, “so also is Christ. For by one Spirit,”

  • and that happened on the day of Pentecost, “we were all baptized into one body, whether

  • Jews or Greeks, whether slaves or free, and we were all made to drink of one Spirit. For

  • the body is not one member, but many. If the foot says, ‘Because I am not a hand, I am

  • not a part of the body,’ it is not for this reason any less a part of the body. If the

  • ear says, ‘Because I am not an eye, I am not a part of the body,’ it is not for this

  • reason any the less a part of the body. If the whole body were an eye, where would the

  • hearing be? If the whole body were hearing, where would the sense of smell be? But now

  • God has placed the members, each one of them, in the body, just as He desired. If they were

  • all one member, where would the body be? Now there are many members, but one body. And

  • the eye cannot say to the hand, ‘I have no need of you’; or again the head to the

  • feet, ‘I have no need of you.’ On the contrary, it is much truer that the members

  • of the body which seem to be weaker are necessary; and those members of the body which we deem

  • less honorable, on those we bestow more abundant honor, and our less presentable members become

  • much more presentable, whereas our more presentable members have no need of it. But God has so

  • composed the body, giving more abundant honor to that member which is lacked, so that there

  • may be no division in the body, but that the members may have the same care for one another.

  • And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it; if one member is honored,

  • all the members rejoice with it. Now you are Christ’s body, and individually members

  • of it.”

  • This is a magnificent metaphor that says we are all sharing one common life under one

  • head, who is the Lord Jesus Christ. This is the defining character of the church. It is

  • marked by its unity, by its shared life, its commonality, its community. In a word, it’s

  • fellowship. Fellowship is critical to the life of the church. Christianity is not a

  • spectator event that happens on Sunday. It is a common, shared life with other believers.

  • In the gray dawn of an April day in 1945, in the Nazi camp of Flossenburg, a pastor

  • by the name of Dietrich Bonhoeffer was executed. He was executed by special order of Heinrich

  • Himmler, Hitler’s executioner. He had been arrested two years before, and over that period

  • of two years, he had been transferred from prison, to prison, to prison. From Tegel,

  • to Berlin, to Buchenwald, to Schönburg, finally to Flossenburg. And in the moving of Bonhoeffer

  • from place to place, he lost all contact with the outside world. Everyone that he knew was

  • severed from him. He lost, according to his own testimony, the most precious possession

  • he had, and that was fellowship. Fellowship.

  • Bonhoeffer wrote a book calledLife Together.” I would commend it to your reading, based

  • on Psalm 1:33. He had written that book years before. He wrote in that book of the richness

  • of fellowship, which he, during his imprisonment, leading up to his death, lost. This is what

  • he said. “The physical presence of other Christians is a source of incomparable joy

  • and strength to the believer. A physical sign of the gracious presence of the triune God.

  • How inexhaustible are the riches that open up for those who, by God’s will, are privileged

  • to live in the daily fellowship of life with other Christians.” Further, he wrote, “Let

  • him who has such a privilege thank God on his knees and declare. It is grace, nothing

  • but grace, that we are allowed to live in fellowship with Christian brothers.” That’s

  • the church. That’s the church.

  • As Christ’s church, we are one wife, in Scripture metaphor, with one husband. We are

  • one set of branches connected to one vine. We are one flock with one shepherd, one king

  • with one kingdom, one family with one father, one building with one foundation. But uniquely,

  • introduced only in the New Testament, the body of Christ is one body with one life source

  • and one head. It is our unique identity. We are living organisms dependent on each other.

  • Understanding this basic unity is strategic to living out the principles of fellowship

  • in the life of the church.

  • When I was a kid growing up, when I thought of fellowship, I thought of a place they called

  • fellowship hall. It had a tile floor, and they served stale cookies and red punch. And

  • people talked about fellowship, and it was pretty superficial. True fellowship is much

  • deeper than that. True fellowship is spiritual. It is profound. It is essential. It is our

  • very life, and our Lord’s great high priestly prayer in John 17, He repeatedly prays that

  • the people who come to Him, the elect, the chosen, those who will be saved throughout

  • redemptive history will be one, that they will be one. That prayer is answered, because

  • when any believer is given salvation, he is immediately placed into the union of the body

  • of Christ, that they may be one is a prayer that is answered. But it should work itself

  • out in our conduct with each other. We have a shared life. We have a shared eternal life.

  • We have a shared faith. We have a shared love, shed abroad in our hearts. We have a shared

  • purpose: the glory of God. We have a shared ministry, the proclamation of the gospel and

  • the advancement of the kingdom. We possess a shared truth: the revelation of God in Holy

  • Scripture. We possess a shared power: the Holy Spirit. We are, literally, the temple

  • of the Holy Spirit collectively and individually.

  • That is fellowship, and that is what defines the life of the church. And no sooner is the

  • church born on the day of Pentecost than this unity, this commonality, this one-ness begins

  • to work itself out. The verb, to fellowship, in the Greek, is koinonos. It’s used eight

  • times in the New Testament. Seven of those are translated share. That’s what it means.

  • It means to share, to share. One other time, it is to participate. Second John 11. A common

  • participation. The noun, fellowship, koinonia, a familiar word, used about 30 times. It carries

  • the same idea. Sometimes translated sharing, sometimes contributing, sometimes partnership,

  • sometimes participation. The concept then, is very clear. It is partaking, contributing,

  • sharing, linking together in common partnership. Common cause. Part of this relational definition

  • of Christianity is the image of God. God made man in His own image, and God is a relational

  • being, because God is a Trinity, and God has made us for relationships. That’s part of

  • His image.

  • So when we see the church in the Book of Acts, it is intensely relational. It is as I said,

  • not a spectator event. It is not salvation, and then youre on your own to wander around

  • at your own discretion. When you come to salvation in Christ, you are embedded, as it were, into

  • a union of common life with every other believer.

  • As true as that is, as purely as it is revealed in Scripture, I have to ask the question:

  • is that the contemporary, evangelical view of the church? I don’t think so. I think

  • the contemporary evangelical world has lost this great reality of the life of the church.

  • Part of it, of course, is because evangelicalism today appeals to people on the basis of what

  • they want. And so, they start by seeing Christianity as something that gives me what I want. That

  • doesn’t turn you loose to sacrifice your life for the needs of others. It’s the opposite

  • of that. It’s narcissistic self-indulgence that is presented so very often.

  • Back in the 1980s, there was Jewish humanist by the name of Neil Postman, and he wrote

  • a very interesting book calledAmusing Ourselves to Death.” Some of you may know

  • about the book. He spoke of the rather epic and tragic loss of serious thinking in Western

  • civilization. He said, this is back in 1980, thatserious thinking is being replaced

  • by entertainment. In specific, the mind-crippling power of television.” But at least, at least

  • TV was, and is, a group experience. And, screens have been getting bigger, and bigger, and

  • bigger, and bigger so that more people can watch. So, television, for all of its dangers,

  • is at least a group experience. And that is, at least in a minor sense, a redeeming virtue.

  • I’m not so worried about huge screen televisions. Neil Postman could never have imagined massive

  • screen televisions. Neil Postman could hardly have seen that at the same time when screens

  • were getting bigger, they were paradoxically also getting smaller. And that is really frightening.

  • That, in fact, is terrifying.

  • And our society is beginning to see the result of it. The seductive entertainment has gone

  • from the big screen to the small screen. It’s gone from being a group experience and public

  • experience to being an intimate, personal, private experience. As small as an iPhone,

  • and the upcoming Google Glasses, where you put the glasses on, and they are screens for

  • you to see whatever you want to see. Every person now becomes a creator of his own private

  • world. It is a secret world. It is a secret world of preferences. It is a secret world

  • of temptations. It is a secret world of relationships. It is a secret world that has a force and

  • ubiquity that is unparalleled in human history. Unparalleled.

  • The small screen is the most selfish necessity ever devised, ever devised. Once, you had

  • a phone to talk to someone. No more. Technology has put in the hand, and soon, on the ears

  • and the nose, of everyone, the most constant, incessant, accessible, visual, private world

  • of self-centered indulgence, temptation, and entertainment ever conceived.

  • You choose. You choose everything. Choose your entertainment, and no one knows. You

  • choose your music. You choose your relationships. You become God in your little world. And on

  • your little screen, you create the world that you want. You are the creator of your own

  • private universe. And outside your own private cyberspace, and your Facebook friends, is

  • the outer darkness of whatever and whomever you reject.

  • Theologian Carl Trueman writes, “The language of friendship is hijacked and cheapened by

  • the internet social networks.” I don’t know what friendship is anymore. Carl Trueman

  • says, “The language of Facebook both reflects and encourages childishness. Childishness,”

  • he writes, “has become something of a textually transmitted disease.” Why does he say childishness?

  • Because, what is most characteristic of a child is complete self-centeredness. Carl

  • Trueman says relationships play out in the disembodied world of the web. By the way,

  • the latest statistics say the average high school students, the average high school student

  • looks at the small screen nine hours a day. Carl Trueman further says, “Such are human

  • amoebas, subsisting in a bizarre non-world that involves no risk to themselves, no giving

  • of themselves to others, no true vulnerability, no commitment, no sacrifice, no real meaning,

  • and no value.” End quote.

  • Real fellowship cannot exist in a world of self-created avatars. It requires real persons.

  • I think this is one of the reasons people don’t get married young like they used to.

  • Theyve created their own world. They live in it. And you can’t break in. They don’t

  • need anyone outside their own cyber world. But I want to hasten to say Christianity is

  • not an individual experience. Christianity is not a private experience. You were not

  • meant to live by yourself in a world where you can isolate yourself with a massive form

  • of temptation that you are in complete control of and nobody else knows about. That’s deadly.

  • The rapid trend is heading to the norm of people creating their own virtual world of

  • virtual self. And they recreate themselves as wonderfully as they would like themselves

  • to be, and then project themselves that way. You can upload your self-creation into the

  • Eden of the internet, the perfect you. Beautiful, indomitable, intelligent, wise, cool, self-actualized

  • like some technological form of science of mind. You can create a digitized self-projection

  • of your idyllic design. I tweet, therefore I am.

  • The culture of this is becoming more isolated, more narcissistic, more self-absorbed, more

  • individualistic, more morally relative, more entitled. Deadly.

  • This might be tolerable and maybe understood if it stayed outside the church, but it doesn’t.

  • The evangelical church has, for decades, been trying to give the culture what it wants,

  • and people want what they want, and they have created a world in which their own wants dominate.

  • What do people want? They want privacy. They want convenience. They want low commitment.

  • They want anonymity. They want unaccountability. And mostly, they want self-promotion and self-actualization.

  • Church life is falling victim to this seductive self-design. People say, oh, it’s so hard

  • to find a church. Well, of course. You have created the first church of my personal iTunes.

  • Youve created your own music. You have your own playlist. Youve created your own

  • messengers. You know who you want to hear. Youve created your own friends. You don’t

  • feel comfortable at a church because you might have to, you might run into an enemy. You

  • might even run into someone who’s disgusting. You might hear a message from a preacher who

  • doesn’t say what you want to hear. Worst of all, you might have to listen to old hymns

  • in 4/4 time led by a senior citizen. Unthinkable. How horrific is that?

  • So what do you get out of this? You get a generation of people who are entitled to the

  • world the way they want it, and that’s the world they have created for themselves, and

  • that’s where they live, and you can’t break it.

  • For many, entitlement to their own view of everything dominates, their own view of information,

  • their own view of experience, and their own view of relationships has ruled out truth,

  • accuracy, credibility, rationality, sacrifice, deferred gratification. And evangelical leaders

  • don’t get how deadly this is. You have people such as Louie Giglio talking about the online

  • church, and he says young millennials are leaving church but going toward Jesus.

  • Really? Theyre leaving church but going toward Jesus. That should cause you to panic.

  • Panic. One church advertises: join an e-group. Join an online e-group. Church is becoming

  • unnecessary. You are becoming unnecessary. You can’t entertain people the way their

  • little private TV can, the way the internet can. So, people essentially are becoming church

  • planters, and theyre planting churches with one member.

  • Of course, as Kevin Miller wrote in an article in Christianity Today, Don Miller, Rob Bell,

  • and Brian McLaren all kind of original leaders of the emerging church, they were leading

  • the parade for the emerging church a few years back. Kevin Miller’s article saystheyve

  • all left the church.” Ten years ago, those names, Miller, Bell, and McLaren, were the

  • most influential in American evangelicalism. The emergent church, of course, imploded.

  • It just, it disintegrated, completely disintegrated.

  • Why did it disintegrate? Because they all had a personalized vision of Christianity,

  • and there was no point in getting together. It had no purpose. They would come with their

  • lattes and their computers. They didn’t need each other. They all showed up at first,

  • with all their computers, as I said. It’s amazing how fast the emergent movement disappeared.

  • So, Donald Miller, who was a leader in it says, “I don’t worship God by singing.”

  • He says, “I don’t go to church very often.” He talks about a most notable communion he

  • had with his buddies on a road trip, a communion with hot chocolate and cookies that he called

  • a fantastic binding. Create your own sacraments; create your own religion, hyper-individualized

  • faith. I mean, we see it even here. People who have trouble adjusting to Grace Church

  • because I’m not the kind of preacher they prefer. This isn’t the kind of music they

  • prefer. And since it’s all about what they prefer, they try to find a place that more

  • closely fits their preferences. I’m afraid that the church has already fallen to a weak

  • ecclesiology, and this is going to spread the decline in a rapid way.

  • And at the same time, there’s pressure from church growth experts saying, “What are

  • you doing with social media? What are you doing with technology to your people to help

  • your church?” I would agree that these things are tools for good. They are also tools for

  • disastrous evil. And obviously, we wouldn’t advocate that. But they are also tools for

  • disconnection. We cannot let this destroy the church. Fellowship is precious. Everything,

  • listen, everything about the church fights privacy. Fights it.

  • Well, that’s an introduction of the things that were on my mind. Let me just give you

  • a couple of more specific elements of fellowship that will help you with your understanding.

  • Let’s talk about the basis of fellowship, the nature of fellowship, and we may not finish

  • this. Probably won’t. That’s all right. The basis of fellowship and the nature of

  • fellowship for sure, maybe the symbol of fellowship. What is the basis of fellowship? Because that’s

  • pretty essential, isn’t it? On what basis am I obligated to the fellowship? What is

  • the common ground that holds us together?

  • Well, turn to 1 John chapter 1. First John chapter 1. We can come down to verse 3 for

  • the sake of time. John is introducing us to that Word of Life, meaning Christ, in verse

  • 1, who is manifested to them, whom he and the apostles saw, and to whom they give testimony,

  • and whom they proclaim. And then in verse 3, “What we have seen and heard we proclaim

  • to you,” that is the truth concerning Christ and the gospel also, “so that you too may

  • have fellowship with us; and indeed our fellowship is with the Father, and with His Son Jesus

  • Christ.”

  • Clearly, the basis of fellowship is salvation. John says, we were there, we saw Him, we looked

  • at Him, we touched Him with our hands, this living Word of Life. He was manifested. We

  • have seen. We testify. We proclaim the gospel of eternal life, which was manifested to us.

  • We proclaim it to you. Why do we proclaim the gospel of Christ? So that you may have

  • fellowship with us, and our fellowship is with the Father and His Son, Jesus Christ.

  • The proclamation of the gospel, then, is not an end in itself. The proclamation of the

  • gospel is not to produce individual, isolated Christians. The preaching of the gospel is

  • to produce a fellowship, a sharing, in-common life, purpose, power, ministry, testimony.

  • The goal of the gospel is not just individual salvation from hell. It is not just individual

  • forgiveness. The goal of the gospel is a fellowship with other believers, a fellowship with God,

  • a fellowship with Christ, the fellowship of the Holy Spirit. First Corinthians 6:17. Whoever’s

  • joined to the Lord is one spirit.

  • This is that which Jesus prayed for in John 17, that we would be one, and that prayer

  • has been answered. We are one in Christ. We hear this a number of ways in the New Testament,

  • how you receive in other believers, how you receive Christ, Jesus said. How you treat

  • another believer is how you treat Christ, because Christ in us engages all of us together.

  • For if we are in Christ, we are also in one another.

  • Salvation, then, is the basis of fellowship. When you became a believer, you entered the

  • fellowship. You are now part of the fellowship. I used to hear when I was a kid, people would

  • say, “You don’t want to be out of fellowship.” I heard many sermons on this. You don’t

  • want to be out of fellowship. You want to be in fellowship. Look, you could never be

  • out of the fellowship. It’s simply the reality of the body of Christ, of which every believer

  • is a part. You cannot be out of the fellowship. You can mar the fellowship. You can ignore

  • the implications of the fellowship. You can work against the reality of the fellowship,

  • but you are part of the fellowship. There is neither Jew, nor Greek, nor male, nor female,

  • nor bond, nor free. Doesn’t matter what gender you are, doesn’t matter what race

  • you are, doesn’t matter what education you are, what economic status you have. If you

  • are in Christ, you are in the fellowship. You are in the fellowship.

  • The objective and the proclamation of the gospel is to make a fellowship, listen carefully,

  • that manifests Christ in the world. His body was here in a physical sense in His incarnation.

  • His body is now here incarnate in the fellowship of the church. We are Christ in the world.

  • We are Christ in the world.

  • What does that mean? It means that every single saved person is entitled to full, full involvement

  • in the fellowship. You don’t look down on any, as Jesus said in Matthew 18. You don’t

  • despise any. You don’t belittle any. Every one who is in Christ is entitled to full involvement

  • in the fellowship, and our responsibility extends to everyone in the fellowship. Whatever

  • church, whatever background, whatever condition of life, whatever ability, whatever status.

  • God is no respecter of persons. All of us who are in the fellowship are in His eyes,

  • equal, because were all in Christ. The basis of fellowship then, is salvation. John

  • proceeds to draw a contrast between those who are in the fellowship and those who are

  • out of the fellowship.

  • You go down to verse 5. This is the message we have heard from him, and announced to you

  • that God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all. If we say that we have fellowship

  • with Him, and yet walk in darkness, we lie and do not practice the truth. But if we walk

  • in the light, as He Himself is in the light, we have fellowship with one another and the

  • blood of the Son continues cleansing us from all sin. Either youre in the light, or

  • youre in the darkness. Either youre saved or youre lost. Either youre in

  • the fellowship or youre out of the fellowship. It’s not what you think. It’s reality.

  • If youre saved, youre walking in the fellowship. If youre saved, youre in

  • the fellowship. Verse 9. If we confess our sins, He is faithful, and righteous to forgive

  • us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness. Believers, listen, I’ll put it all together,

  • are always in the fellowship, always in the light, and always confessing their sins, and

  • always being forgiven.

  • And if this isn’t the characteristic of someone, and they say theyre in the fellowship,

  • theyre lying. Theyre lying. A Christian can never be out of the fellowship. It’s

  • impossible.

  • Barnhouse, Dr. Barnhouse said a man walking along the dock of a ship might fall. His fall

  • might hurt him, but it would not be the same as falling off the ship. The believer, when

  • he sins, has fallen on the deck, but is not lost overboard. Christ has seen to it that

  • no death, life, angels, principalities, powers, things present, things to come, height, depth,

  • shall ever sweep us off the deck. Fellowship is forever.

  • So, David doesn’t say to me, restore to me the salvation as if he lost it. He says,

  • restore to me the joy of thy salvation. We are all one in Christ. We are all in the fellowship.

  • And with that reality comes obligation. Obligation. John 13:34 and 35 sums up what our attitude

  • should be. They will know us by our what? By our what? Our love. How do you get people

  • who have been appealed to on a narcissistic basis to come to Jesus because theyll have

  • all their needs met, all their desires fulfilled, all the prosperity they want? How do you get

  • those people to see Christianity as me giving up my life for someone else?

  • So convoluted. So, the basis of fellowship is salvation. The nature of fellowship, how

  • does it function? Let’s go back to Acts 2 where we started. And well go into that

  • Acts 2 passage a little more in depth later on toward the end of the summer. But just

  • for a moment, how do we function in the fellowship? I just pointed it out to you. They were continually

  • devoting themselves to the apostle’s teaching and to fellowship. Here they are together,

  • breaking bread, praying, listening to sound doctrine, sharing their lives. They had all

  • things in common. Theyre together. If they see somebody in need, they sell their property

  • and give to the one in need. Theyre together every day with one mind, breaking bread from

  • house to house, taking their meals together with gladness, sincerity of heart. This is

  • all expression of fellowship.

  • All true belief is so important. Please notice. Verse 41: “That day, there were added about

  • 3,000 souls.” Next sentence: “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostle’s

  • teaching and fellowship.” Notice that. 3,000 souls continually devoting themselves to the

  • expressions of that salvation and the life of the church. This is a real church. All

  • those who are declared to be saved are in fact true believers. It is a genuinely saved

  • group. All true believers. All continually steadfastly faithful to sound doctrine, to

  • sharing and participating with each other, to coming to the Lord’s table to prayer

  • and all of the other things we see. Sharing everything in life. That’s what it means

  • to be a believer.

  • The fellowship of serving, it’s called in 2 Corinthians 8. Bonhoeffer again speaks.

  • Bonhoeffer said, “Because God has already laid the only foundation of our fellowship

  • because God has bound us together in one body with other Christians in Jesus Christ, long

  • before we entered into common life with Him, we enter into that common life not as demanders,

  • but as thankful recipients.”

  • So basic. How did we ever reverse that? “We thank God,” says Bonhoeffer, “for what

  • He has done for us. We thank God for giving us brothers who live by His call, by His forgiveness,

  • and by His promise. We do not complain of what God does not give us. We rather thank

  • God for what He does give us daily, and is not what has been given us enough? Brothers,

  • who will go on living with us through sin and need under the blessing of His grace.

  • What is better than those kinds of brothers? “Even when sin,” he writes, “and misunderstanding

  • burden the communal life, is not the sinning brother still a brother with whom I too stand

  • under the Word of Christ? Will not his sin be a constant occasion for me to give thanks,

  • that both of us may live in the forgiving love of God in Jesus Christ? Thus, the very

  • hour of disillusionment with my brother becomes incomparable salutary, because it so thoroughly

  • teaches me that neither of us can ever live by our words and deeds, but only by that one

  • word and deed which really binds us together, the forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ.

  • Shared life. We are not demanders. We are thankful recipients.

  • It was Aristides who was writing in ancient times about Christians, and he was a pagan,

  • but he was looking at Christianity and trying to assess it. He wrote this, “Speaking of

  • Christians, they abstain from all impurity in the hope of the recompense that is to come

  • in another world. When there is among them a man that is poor and needy, and if they

  • have not an abundance of necessities, they fast two or three days, that they may supply

  • the needy with the necessary food. Such is the law of the Christians, and such their

  • conduct.” How did we leave that aside? To thinking of Christianity as a way to become

  • rich, wealthy, self-indulged.

  • What is the foundation of fellowship? Salvation. What is the nature of fellowship? Shared love,

  • shared life, shared possessions. And just finally, to tie into this morning, what is

  • the symbol of fellowship? Turn to 1 Corinthians 10. First Corinthians 10 gives us the symbol

  • of fellowship. First Corinthians 10 verse 16, Paul says, “Is not the cup of blessing,”

  • he’s talking about the communion table, the Lord’s supper, “Is not the cup of

  • blessing which we bless,” the fellowship, literally, “of the blood of Christ? Is not

  • the bread which we break the fellowship of the body of Christ? Since there is one bread,

  • we who are many are one body; for we all partake of the one bread.” What is the symbol of

  • our fellowship? It’s what we did this morning. We there, make public demonstration of the

  • fact that we are one in Christ, that we share life in Christ. The church gathers at the

  • Lord’s table to demonstrate the common ground of its fellowship. We all come as sinners

  • forgiven in Christ at the foot of the cross. Communion visualizes the fellowship. There

  • we are, and were all at the same level, aren’t we? Were all sinners, coming thankfully

  • to the cross. Christ is our redeemer. Christ is our head. He has saved us all. We are all

  • together, all of us, unworthy, unable, equally damned, equally cursed, equally guilty.

  • But by His work on the cross, He has provided salvation, redemption, forgiveness, the hope

  • of heaven, the Holy Spirit, we share a common life. So, the Lord’s table humbles us. It

  • levels us. It makes us all equals at the foot of the cross. It celebrates that reality with

  • great joy.

  • One of the highlights, of course, in our church through the years has been the Lord’s table.

  • And I don’t know if youve ever thought about it in this kind of fashion, but this

  • is really the essence of it. We are there not only remembering what Christ did, but

  • more importantly, celebrating who we are because of what He did. It isn’t that the communion

  • is intended as some kind of historical reconstruction. The communion is to sort of remind us that

  • it happened, that we know it happened. The communion is to remind us of what happened,

  • what happened to us, who we are. Who we are. We are His body, and the communion keeps us

  • face to face in the unity of believers at the foot of the cross. That’s what makes

  • it a holy table.

  • Well, I could just take a minute and give you another thought. Weve seen the basis

  • of fellowship, salvation; the nature, sharing; the symbol, the Lord’s supper. Let me just

  • say a word about the danger to fellowship. It’s not hard to discern. The danger is

  • sin. Sin devastates the fellowship. Why? Because sin attacks and assaults the relationship

  • the believer has with the Lord. And then, it assaults and attacks the believersrelationship

  • with each other. Sin shatters everything. It shatters our relationship to our Savior;

  • it shatters our unity, restricts our ministry, halts our power, confuses our purpose. Pride,

  • lust, materialism, sin in every single category. Cripples the unity that would demonstrate

  • Christ to the world.

  • This is so very, very serious that Paul says in 1 Corinthians 11, when you come to the

  • Lord’s table, examine yourselves. Examine yourselves. Don’t eat and drink in an unworthy

  • way. This is a holy table because this is a holy body, a holy union, and you are shut

  • out from the communion table if you cultivate sin in your life of any kind.

  • Furthermore, if there’s sin in the fellowship, you need to go to those people that sin and

  • confront them, and call them to repent and say, if they don’t repent, take two or three

  • witnesses. Matthew 18. If they don’t repent, tell the church, send the church. If they

  • don’t repent, put them out of the church, because sin is so destructive to the life

  • of the church. Sin on every level, on every front, and in every fashion.

  • That takes me back to where we started. There’s just too much opportunity for the cultivation

  • of private sin in the world in which we live. It threatens the fellowship, and it’s not

  • always gross sin, pornography, things like that. I’m talking about that isolated creation

  • of your own perfect world, just the way you want it, which is devastating and destructive

  • to the true fellowship of the church. I think were going to have a generation of people

  • in this generation who won’t even know how to have a real relationship. I’m worried

  • about the effect of same-sex unions, yes. But I’m worried about the inability of men

  • and women to make meaningful relationships, because theyre so dominated by the world

  • of their own creation.

  • I worry for the family. I worry for the overexposed children. But mostly, I worry collectively

  • for the church. What’s going to happen to the church if we aren’t known by our fellowship?

  • So, I remind you of these things. That early church was marked by shared life. I say all

  • that, and at the same time, I have to thank the Lord for Grace Community Church because

  • you do know how to make relationships, you do engage in each other’s lives. You do

  • give, and sacrifice, and share, and love, and break bread daily. But I think it’s

  • threatened. It may be being threatened in this young generation; it may be threatened

  • in the lives of your children. I’m so delighted to hear testimonies from kids like this who

  • are in this generation, but who are coming to faith in Christ, and becoming a part of

  • the church. It’s going to be a fight, going to be a battle. You need to pray for your

  • church, for this church, for the people of this church, that the Lord will protect and

  • preserve our fellowship. Because in preserving our fellowship, He preserves our testimony,

  • and He preserves our purity, ‘cause we need each other to stimulate to love and good deeds.

  • So much comes out of the fellowship. That’s another series, maybe, maybe for another time.

  • So, back to Acts 2 for just a moment. The early church is born. What a monumental day

  • that was. And before that day was over, there was an explosion among 3,000 people, of mutual

  • fellowship. It doesn’t say anything about setting up a conference, doesn’t say they

  • founded a school, doesn’t say they started with theological seminars, doesn’t say they

  • went out and found a building. It just says they poured their loving lives into each other.

  • I pray thatll always be what marks us here for God’s glory.

  • Our Father, we thank You that weve been able to consider these things a little bit

  • tonight. Not enough, and perhaps not deep enough, but just in some way, to think about

  • the importance of fellowship, of running from, fleeing from anything that isolates us, anything

  • that creates a private world for us, anything that dominates us with our own preferences.

  • Help us to be selfless, pure-minded, sacrificial. As the apostle Paul said, looking not on our

  • own things, but on the things of others. Even as Christ did, who did not hold on to what

  • He had, being equal with God, but emptied Himself, took on the form of a servant, slave,

  • was obedient to death, even the death of the cross. He is the model of the sacrifices of

  • true, loving fellowship. And may it be our experience that we can enjoy the richness

  • of that, and the testimony that that bears in the world around us. We ask, Lord, that

  • You would protect the fellowship. Not just here, but everywhere.

  • We ask, Lord, that You will do the work in our hearts that would honor You. We struggle

  • to be what You want us to be, but it is our heart’s desire to be that. So Lord, overwhelm

  • us, overpower us, accomplish in us what You desire, that Christ might be manifest in the

  • world through His church. We grieve so much that the church gives forward such a diverse

  • and confusing image of Christ. Lord, we want to be faithful, to be the body of Christ that

  • we should be, to put Christ on display in the world through our fellowship. May it be

  • so for Your glory. We ask these things in the Savior’s name. And everyone said, “Amen.” Amen.

I want you to open your Bible to the second chapter of Acts. At least by way of an introduction,


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キリスト教の交わりの優先順位(使徒言行録2章42節) ジョン・マッカーサー (The Priority of Christian Fellowship (Acts 2:42) John MacArthur)

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    林雅歌 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日