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  • What is Architecture?

  • It's more than just glass, steel, and concrete.

  • Architecture is about solving problems and understanding the context of a puzzle

  • beyond the defined borders of a site.

  • Its the practice of delivering solutions

  • that fit within the larger whole, while creating greater meaning

  • than the sum of the individual parts.

  • Architecture is the living story

  • of how societies values are reflected and affected by the built environment.

  • It's the practice of giving birth to form and function, from concept and purpose.

  • Giving shape to light and shadow

  • molding the earth and casting permanence into existence,

  • in order to give purpose and meaning to space.

  • Architecture is the story of civilization's

  • past, present, and future.

  • Inspiring innovation, growing community, and

  • improving the quality of life.

  • So the question is...

  • How are you contributing to that story?

  • What inspires your vision?

  • What challenges can you transform into opportunities?

  • Who does your work serve?

  • What do you dare to dream possible?

  • The real question is...

  • What's your story?

What is Architecture?


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B1 中級

建築とは何か? (What is Architecture?)

  • 619 56
    大菲鴨阿 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日