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While preparing for my talk
翻訳: Shoko Takaki 校正: Ai Tokimatsu
I was reflecting on my life and trying to figure out
where exactly was that moment when my journey began.
私は自分の人生を思い起こし この旅が始まったのは いつで
A long time passed by, and I simply couldn't figure out
the beginning or the middle or the end of my story.
長い時間が過ぎ去り 私は単に自分の物語の
I always used to think that my beginning
始まり 半ば 終わりが分からなかったのです
was one afternoon in my community when my mother had told me
that I had escaped three arranged marriages by the time I was two.
3つの決められた結婚を逃れたと 母から聞かされた
Or one evening when electricity had failed for eight hours in our community,
コミュニティでのある午後だったと いつも思っていました
and my dad sat, surrounded by all of us,
又はコミュニティで8時間 電気がつかなくなって
telling us stories of when he was a little kid struggling to go to school
while his father, who was a farmer, wanted him to work in the fields with him.
自分が 子どもの頃苦学した話を してくれた夜だったかも知れません
Or that dark night when I was 16
祖父は農夫で 父に畑で 働かせたかったのです
when three little kids had come to me and they whispered in my ear
16歳だった時の ある暗い夜
that my friend was murdered in something called the honor killings.
3人の子どもが私の元に来て 耳元でこう囁きました
But then I realized that,
あなたの友達が「名誉の殺人」 とやらで殺されたよ
as much as I know that these moments have contributed on my journey,
しかしその時 私は はっきりと分かりました
they have influenced my journey
これらのことが 私の旅の 最大のきっかけとなったのだと
but they have not been the beginning of it,
その出来事は私を旅へと つき動かしたのです
but the true beginning of my journey was in front of a mud house
in upper Sindh of Pakistan,
私の本当の旅の始まりは パキスタンの奥地シンドにある
where my father held the hand of my 14-year-old mother
and they decided to walk out of the village
to go to a town where they could send their kids to school.
In a way, I feel like my life
子供を学校に行かせられる町まで 行こうと決めたのです
is kind of a result of some wise choices and decisions they've made.
ある意味で 私の人生は
And just like that, another of their decisions
両親が下したある賢明な選択と 判断の結果のようだと感じています
was to keep me and my siblings connected to our roots.
それと全く同様に 両親のもう一つの決断は
While we were living in a community I fondly remember as called Ribabad,
which means community of the poor,
私たちは たわいなく 貧乏人の町 という意味のリババッドと呼ばれていた
my dad made sure that we also had a house in our rural homeland.
コミュニティに 住んでいましたが
I come from an indigenous tribe in the mountains of Balochistan
父は必ず田舎の故郷の家を持つと 決めていました
called Brahui.
Brahui, or Brohi, means mountain dweller, and it is also my language.
Thanks to my father's very strict rules about connecting to our customs,
ブラフイやブロヒは 山の住人という意味で 私たちの言語の名前でもあります
I had to live a beautiful life of songs, cultures, traditions, stories, mountains,
父の 自分たちの慣習に従う 非常に厳格な習わしのお蔭で
and a lot of sheep.
歌、文化、伝統、物語、山、沢山の羊が 身近な 素晴らしい
But then, living in two extremes
between the traditions of my culture, of my village,
and then modern education in my school wasn't easy.
自分の村の伝統的な生活と 現代的な学校で教育を受ける
I was aware that I was the only girl who got to have such freedom,
and I was guilty of it.
私は自分がそんな自由を持つ唯一の 女子だと気づいていました
While going to school in Karachi and Hyderabad,
a lot of my cousins and childhood friends were getting married off,
私がカラチやハイデラバードの 学校に通っている間
some to older men, some in exchange,
多くの従妹や幼なじみは 結婚していきました
some even as second wives.
年上の男性と結婚する人 「償いの結婚」をする人
I got to see the beautiful tradition and its magic fade in front of me
when I saw that the birth of a girl child was celebrated with sadness,
美しい伝統も目にしましたが その魅力も
when women were told to have patience as their main virtue.
Up until I was 16,
女性は忍耐が美徳とされることで 消えていきました
I healed my sadness by crying,
mostly at nights when everyone would sleep
私は悲しみを 泣くことで癒していました
and I would sob in my pillow,
until that one night when I found out my friend was killed
枕に顔を埋め むせび泣いていました
in the name of honor.
Honor killings is a custom
殺されたと分かった あの夜まではです
where men and women are suspected of having relationships
before or outside of the marriage,
and they're killed by their family for it.
Usually the killer is the brother or father or the uncle in the family.
The U.N. reports there are about 1,000 honor murders every year in Pakistan,
普通殺すのは その家族の 兄弟や父や叔父です
and these are only the reported cases.
国連の報告によると 毎年パキスタンでは 約千件の「名誉の殺人」が行われています
A custom that kills did not make any sense to me,
and I knew I had to do something about it this time.
I was not going to cry myself to sleep.
これをどうにかしなければ ならないと思いました
I was going to do something, anything, to stop it.
寝床で 一人泣くのではなく
I was 16 -- I started writing poetry
それを止める為に何かをしようと 思いました
and going door to door telling everybody about honor killings
and why it happens, why it should be stopped,
一軒一軒家を回り 皆に 「名誉の殺人」 が何故起きたのか
and raising awareness about it
until I actually found a much, much better way to handle this issue.
In those days, we were living in a very small, one-roomed house in Karachi.
実際この問題を扱うもっと ずっと良い方法を見出すまで続けました
Every year, during the monsoon seasons, our house would flood up with water --
当時私たちはカラチにある 一部屋の とても小さな家に住んでいました
rainwater and sewage --
毎年モンスーンの季節の間 私たちの家は水に浸かっていました
and my mom and dad would be taking the water out.
In those days, my dad brought home a huge machine, a computer.
It was so big it looked as if it was going to take up half of the only room we had,
その頃 父は家に大きな機械 コンピューターを持ち込んで来ました
and had so many pieces and wires that needed to be connected.
それはとても大きくて まるで 部屋の半分を占領するかに見えました
But it was still the most exciting thing
又それに接続するのに必要な 沢山の部品やワイヤーが付いていました
that has ever happened to me and my sisters.
My oldest brother Ali got to be in charge of taking care of the computer,
and all of us were given 10 to 15 minutes every day to use it.
一番上の弟 アリは コンピューターを 管理する担当になり
Being the oldest of eight kids,
私たちは皆 毎日それを 10分から15分使いました
I got to use it the last,
and that was after I had washed the dishes,
cleaned the house, made dinner with my mom,
and put blankets on the floor for everyone to sleep,
食事の用意をし 床に皆が寝る毛布を敷き
and after that, I would run to the computer,
connect it to the Internet,
and have pure joy and wonder for 10 to 15 minutes.
In those days, I had discovered a website called Joogle.
そして10分から15分の純粋な 喜びと驚きの時間を過ごしたのです
[Google] (Laughter)
In my frantic wish to do something about this custom,
[ グーグル ] (笑)
I made use of Google and discovered Facebook,
私はこの慣習に関して何かを 行いたいと心から願っていた中で
a website where people can connect to anyone around the world,
グーグルを利用し フェイスブックを見つけました
and so, from my very tiny, cement-roofed room in Karachi,
人々が世界中の誰かと 繋がる事の出来るウェブサイトです
I connected with people in the U.K., the U.S., Australia and Canada,
私のカラチにあるとても小さな セメントで出来た屋根の家から
and created a campaign called
イギリス、アメリカ、オーストラリアそして カナダの人たちとつながりました
WAKE UP Campaign against Honor Killings.
It became enormous in just a few months.
WAKE UP運動という 活動組織を立ち上げたのです
I got a lot of support from all around the world.
それはわずか数か月で 巨大なものになりました
Media was connecting to us.
A lot of people were reaching out trying to raise awareness with us.
It became so big that it went from online to the streets of my hometown,
多くの人々が私たちの意識を高めようと 支援の手を差し伸べて来ました
where we would do rallies and strikes
その動きはとても大きくなり オンラインから故郷の隅々まで広がり
trying to change the policies in Pakistan for women's support.
私たちは女性の支援の為に 故郷でも
And while I thought everything was perfect,
集会やストライキを行い パキスタンの政策を変えようとしました
my team -- which was basically my friends and neighbors at that time --
thought everything was going so well,
私のチーム つまり基本的には 当時私の友人や近所の人たちは
we had no idea a big opposition was coming to us.
My community stood up against us,
大きな反対勢力が 近づいているとは知りませんでした
saying we were spreading un-Islamic behavior.
私のコミュニティが 反イスラム的な行動を
We were challenging centuries-old customs in those communities.
広げていると言って 私たちの団体に向かって立ち上がったのです
I remember my father receiving anonymous letters
私たちはこの地区に伝わる 何世紀も続く慣習に異議を唱えていました
saying, "Your daughter is spreading Western culture
父が匿名の手紙を受け取ったのを 覚えています それには
in the honorable societies."
こう書いてありました 「お前の娘はこの誉れ高き社会に
Our car was stoned at one point.
One day I went to the office and found our metal signboard
wrinkled and broken as if a lot of people had been hitting it with something heavy.
ある日事務所に行くと 金属の看板が
Things got so bad that I had to hide myself in many ways.
沢山の人から何か重い物を 投げつけられたように壊されていました
I would put up the windows of the car,
事態は悪化して来たので私は様々な方法で 身を隠さなければなりませんでした
veil my face, not speak while I was in public,
but eventually situations got worse when my life was threatened,
公の前では顔をベールで纏い しゃべりませんでした
and I had to leave, back to Karachi, and our actions stopped.
しかし結局状況はより悪化し 私は命を脅かされ
Back in Karachi, as an 18-year-old,
そこから撤退しカラチに戻り 私たちは活動を停止せざるを得なくなりました
I thought this was the biggest failure of my entire life.
I was devastated.
これは自分の人生における 最大の失敗だと思いました
As a teenager, I was blaming myself for everything that happened.
And it turns out, when we started reflecting,
ティーンエイジャーの私は起こった 全ての事を自分のせいだと責めました
we did realize that it was actually me and my team's fault.
そして振り返ってみると 確かにそれは
There were two big reasons why our campaign had failed big time.
私や私のグループのせいだったと 分かりました
One of those, the first reason,
私たちの活動が大きな失敗となった 大きな理由が2つありました
is we were standing against core values of people.
その内 1つ目の理由は
We were saying no to something that was very important to them,
人々の核となる価値感に反して 立ち上がったという事です
challenging their code of honor,
私たちは彼らにとって非常に重要なものに 対してノーを突き付けたのです
and hurting them deeply in the process.
And number two, which was very important for me to learn,
and amazing, and surprising for me to learn,
was that we were not including the true heroes
驚くべき 意外なものだったのですが
who should be fighting for themselves.
本来 自ら立ち上がるべき 真の英雄たちを この活動に
The women in the villages had no idea we were fighting for them in the streets.
Every time I would go back,
村の女性たちは 地域で自分たちの為に 戦っていた事を知りませんでした―
I would find my cousins and friends with scarves on their faces,
and I would ask, "What happened?"
顔に傷のある従妹や友人を 見つけました
And they'd be like, "Our husbands beat us."
But we are working in the streets for you!
すると彼女たちは言いました 「夫が私たちに暴力を振るうのよ」
We are changing the policies.
でも私たちはあなたたちの為に 地元で運動しているのよ!
How is that not impacting their life?
So then we found out something which was very amazing for us.
それなのに何故彼女たちの 生活が変わらないのだろう?
The policies of a country
そこで私たちは とても驚くべきことに 気づきました
do not necessarily always affect the tribal and rural communities.
国の政策が必ずしも部族や地方の コミュニティに
It was devastating -- like, oh, we can't actually do something about this?
And we found out there's a huge gap
それは衝撃的でした―私たちは実際 何も出来てないのではないだろうか?
when it comes to official policies and the real truth on the ground.
So this time, we were like, we are going to do something different.
We are going to use strategy,
それで今度は何か違う事を しようと思いました
and we are going to go back and apologize.
Yes, apologize.
We went back to the communities
そうです 謝るのです
and we said we are very ashamed of what we did.
We are here to apologize, and in fact, we are here to make it up to you.
自分たちがやってきた事をとても 恥ずかしく思うと言いました
How do we do that?
私たちは謝りに来たし 実際あなたたちに 償いをしに来たのだと言いました
We are going to promote three of your main cultures.
We know that it's music, language, and embroidery.
Nobody believed us.
それは音楽、言語 そして刺繍だと思います
Nobody wanted to work with us.
初めは誰も私たちを 信じてくれませんでした
It took a lot of convincing and discussions with these communities
誰も私たちと共に 運動したがりませんでした
until they agreed that we are going to promote their language
これらのコミュニティと時間をかけて 話し合い 皆を納得させました
by making a booklet of their stories, fables and old tales in the tribe,
その部族の伝説 昔話や 彼らの 語りを冊子にして
and we would promote their music
彼らの言語を促進し 彼らの太鼓の音や
by making a CD of the songs from the tribe, and some drumbeating.
And the third, which was my favorite,
彼らの音楽を売り込む事に 同意を取り付けるまで話し合ったのです
was we would promote their embroidery by making a center in the village
where women would come every day to make embroidery.
村にセンターを作り 彼女らの刺繍を 販売促進するようにしています
And so it began.
We worked with one village, and we started our first center.
It was a beautiful day.
私たちはある村と協力し 最初のセンターを開設しました
We started the center.
良い天気に恵まれた その日
Women were coming to make embroidery,
and going through a life-changing process of education,
learning about their rights, what Islam says about their rights,
そして人生を変える教育の過程を通して 自分たちの権利や
and enterprise development, how they can create money,
イスラム教が女性の権利について 何と言っているのか
and then how they can create money from money,
事業を発展させ どうやってお金を稼ぐのか
how they can fight the customs that have been destroying their lives
from so many centuries,
彼女らがどうやって自分たちの生活を 何世紀も前から破壊し続けている
because in Islam, in reality,
women are supposed to be shoulder to shoulder with men.
何故なら 現実にイスラム社会では
Women have so much status that we have not been hearing,
女性は男性と肩を並べて 然るべきだからです
that they have not been hearing,
女性には 私たちが そして彼女らが 聞かされていない数多くの
and we needed to tell them that they need to know
where their rights are and how to take them by themselves,
そして彼女らには知る必要があると 言わなければなりません
because they can do it and we can't.
自分たちの権利がどこにあるのか それを自分で掴み取るやり方を
So this was the model which actually came out -- very amazing.
彼女らには出来て 私たちには出来ない事だからです
Through embroidery we were promoting their traditions.
だからこれは実際に広まった見本でした−− とても驚くべき事です
We went into the village. We would mobilize the community.
刺繍を通して私たちは 彼女らの伝統を奨励しました
We would make a center inside where 30 women will come
私たちは村に入りコミュニティを 結集させました
for six months to learn about value addition of traditional embroidery,
私たちはセンターを作り その中で やって来た30人の女性に
enterprise development, life skills and basic education,
6ヶ月間 伝統的な刺繍の さらなる価値についてを学ばせました
and about their rights and how to say no to those customs
事業の発展 生活技術と 基本的な教育について
and how to stand as leaders for themselves and the society.
又自分たちの権利と 悪習に対しノーとどうやって言うのか
After six months, we would connect these women to loans and to markets
自分たちそして社会の為に リーダーとしてどうやって立ち上がるのか
where they can become local entrepreneurs in their communities.
6ヶ月後私たちは 借り入れを手助けし
We soon called this project Sughar.
彼らが自分たちのコミュニティで 地元の起業家になれる市場に繋げました
Sughar is a local word used in many, many languages in Pakistan.
私たちは程なく このプロジェクトを スガーと呼びました
It means skilled and confident women.
スガーはパキスタンの数多くの 言語の中で使われる地元の言葉です
I truly believe, to create women leaders, there's only one thing you have to do:
それは技術と自信を持った女性 という意味です
Just let them know that they have what it takes to be a leader.
女性のリーダーを作る為にしなければ ならない事はただ一つだと心から信じています
These women you see here,
つまり彼女たちにはリーダーとなる 資質があるのだと知らせる事です
they have strong skills and potential to be leaders.
All we had to do was remove the barriers that surrounded them,
リーダーとなるべき 力強い技術と可能性を持っています
and that's what we decided to do.
私たちは彼女らを阻む障壁を 取り除きさえすれば良いのです
But then while we were thinking everything was going well,
once again everything was fantastic,
しかしその後全てが 上手くいっていると思っている内に
we found our next setback:
A lot of men started seeing the visible changes in their wife.
She's speaking more, she's making decisions --
多くの男性が自分たちの妻の 目に見える変化に気づき始めたのです
oh my gosh, she's handling everything in the house.
妻が意見するようになり 決定を下すようになり
They stopped them from coming to the centers,
大変!妻は家の問題全てを 仕切るようになったのです
and this time, we were like, okay, time for strategy two.
夫は妻をセンターに 行かせないようにしました
We went to the fashion industry in Pakistan
and decided to do research about what happens there.
私たちはパキスタンの ファッション業界に赴きました
Turns out the fashion industry in Pakistan is very strong and growing day by day,
そしてそこで何が起こっているのか 調査する事に決めました
but there is less contribution from the tribal areas
パキスタンでのファッション業界は日増しに とても強力に発展していると分かりますが
and to the tribal areas, especially women.
So we decided to launch our first ever tribal women's very own fashion brand,
部族地区の特に女性に対しての 協力が得られないのです
which is now called Nomads.
それで私たちは現在「ノマド」と呼ばれる 正に部族女性自身の初の
And so women started earning more,
they started contributing more financially to the house,
そして女性たちはより多くの 収入を得始めたのです
and men had to think again before saying no to them
彼女たちは家庭により多くの 経済的貢献をするようになりました
when they were coming to the centers.
それで男性は センターに行こうとする妻に
駄目だと言う前に 考え直さなければならなくなったのです
Thank you, thank you.
In 2013, we launched our first Sughar Hub instead of a center.
ありがとう ありがとう
We partnered with TripAdvisor
2013年に私たちはセンターの代わりに 最初のスガーハブを開始しました
and created a cement hall in the middle of a village
and invited so many other organizations to work over there.
村の中心部に セメントで出来たホールを作り
We created this platform for the nonprofits
so they can touch and work on the other issues
that Sughar is not working on,
which would be an easy place for them to give trainings,
use it as a farmer school, even as a marketplace,
そこは彼女たちに訓練を 施し易い場所となり
and anything they want to use it for,
and they have been doing really amazingly.
又やりたい事を何でも出来る場所 としてそこを使い
And so far, we have been able to support 900 women
in 24 villages around Pakistan.
今の所 パキスタン周辺の24の村の900人の
But that's actually not what I want.
My dream is to reach out to one million women in the next 10 years,
しかし実はそれが 私のやりたい事ではないのです
and to make sure that happens,
私の夢はあと10年で 百万人の女性に援助の手を差し伸べる事で
this year we launched Sughar Foundation in the U.S.
It is not just going to fund Sughar but many other organizations in Pakistan
今年私たちはアメリカで スガー基金を開始しました
to replicate the idea
それは単にスガーに資金を提供しようと するのではなくパキスタンの他の多くの組織が
and to find even more innovative ways
to unleash the rural women's potential in Pakistan.
Thank you so much.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Chris Anderson: Khalida, you are quite the force of nature.
I mean, this story, in many ways, just seems beyond belief.
( クリス・アンダーソン ) カリーダ あなたは本当に凄い力の持ち主ですね
It's incredible that someone so young could do achieve this much
色んな意味で この話は 信じられないくらいです
through so much force and ingenuity.
こんなに若い人が非常に 多くの力や創意をもって
So I guess one question:
沢山の事を成し遂げられるなんて 信じられません
This is a spectacular dream to reach out and empower a million women --
how much of the current success depends on you,
これは百万人の女性に支援の手を差し伸べ 力を与える壮大な夢ですが
the force of this magnetic personality?
現時点での成功はどれ位あなたに つまり
How does it scale?
あなたのその人間的魅力の力に よるのでしょうか?
Khalida Brohi: I think my job is to give the inspiration out,
give my dream out.
( カリーダ・ブロヒ ) 私の仕事は素晴らしい着想を皆に与え
I can't teach how to do it, because there are so many different ways.
We have been experimenting with three ways only.
多くの違う方法があるので やり方を教える事は出来ません
There are a hundred different ways to unleash potential in women.
I would just give the inspiration and that's my job.
女性の可能性を押し進める 沢山の異なる方法があります
I will keep doing it. Sughar will still be growing.
ただ着想を与えるだけなのです それが私の仕事です
We are planning to reach out to two more villages,
それをやり続けるつもりです スガーは拡大し続けるでしょう
and soon I believe we will be scaling out of Pakistan
私たちはもう2つの村に 支援の手を差し伸べる予定です
into South Asia and beyond.
間もなくパキスタンからアジア南部 そしてその先にも
CA: I love that when you talked about your team in the talk,
I mean, you were all 18 at the time.
トークの中で自分のチームの事を 話しているのが素晴らしかったのですが
What did this team look like?
This was school friends, right?
KB: Do people here believe that I'm at an age
where I'm supposed to be a grandmother in my village?
皆さん 村では私が
My mom was married at nine, and I am the oldest woman not married
おばあさんになるような年だと 思っているんですよ
and not doing anything in my life in my village.
私の母は9歳で結婚しました 私は村で一番年長の未婚女性で
CA: Wait, wait, wait, not doing anything?
KB: No. CA: You're right.
ちょっと待って下さい 「何も」ですって?
KB: People feel sorry for me, a lot of times.
カリーダ: 何もしていません クリス: 伝統的にはそうですね
CA: But how much time are you spending now actually back in Balochistan?
皆私を気の毒に思ってくれていますよ 大抵ね
KB: I live over there.
しかし実際現在バロキスタンで どれ位の時間を過ごされていますか?
We live between, still, Karachi and Balochistan.
My siblings are all going to school.
まだカラチとバロキスタンを 行ったり来たりです
I am still the oldest of eight siblings.
CA: But what you're doing is definitely threatening to some people there.
How do you handle safety? Do you feel safe?
でもあなたがやっている事を 確実に脅威と捉える人もいる訳ですよね
Are there issues there?
どうやって安全を確保していますか? 安心できますか?
KB: This question has come to me a lot of times before,
and I feel like the word "fear" just comes to me and then drops,
その質問はこれまで 何度も訊かれた事なのですが
but there is one fear that I have that is different from that.
「恐怖」という言葉がただ私に襲って来て その後見えなくなるという感じですが
The fear is that if I get killed, what would happen to the people
それとは異なる恐怖 というものがあります
who love me so much?
その恐怖とはもし私が殺されたら 私を心から愛してくれている人たちが
My mom waits for me till late at night that I should come home.
My sisters want to learn so much from me,
母は 夜遅くまで私の帰りを待っています
and there are many, many girls in my community who want to talk to me
妹たちは私からもっと多くの事を 学びたがっています
and ask me different things,
それに私のコミュニティには 私と話し 色々な事を
and I recently got engaged. (Laughs)
それに私は最近婚約しました (笑)
CA: Is he here? You've got to stand up.
彼はここに来ていますか? 立って下さい
KB: Escaping arranged marriages, I chose my own husband
across the world in L.A., a really different world.
決められた結婚から逃れて 本当に違う世界LAに渡って
I had to fight for a whole year. That's totally a different story.
But I think that's the only thing that I'm afraid of,
丸一年戦わなければなりませんでした それは全く別の話です
and I don't want my mom to not see anyone when she waits in the night.
でもそれは私が恐れる唯一の事だと 思っていますし
CA: So people who want to help you on their way,
夜 母が私の帰りを待っている時 危ない目に遭って欲しくありません
they can go on, they can maybe buy some of these clothes
that you're bringing over
彼らは支援を続けられますね おそらくあなたが持ち込み
that are actually made, the embroidery is done back in Balochistan?
バロキスタンで実際作られ 刺繍が施された
KB: Yeah.
CA: Or they can get involved in the foundation.
KB: Definitely. We are looking for as many people as we can,
その人たちは財団に 関わる事も出来ますよね
because now that the foundation's in the beginning process,
もちろんです 私たちは出来るだけ 多くの人の助けが必要です
I am trying to learn a lot about how to operate,
現在 財団は設立の初期の段階ですし
how to get funding or reach out to more organizations,
私はその運営の仕方について 色々と学ばなければなりません
and especially in the e-commerce, which is very new for me.
資金を得る方法 より多くの組織との コミュニケーションの取り方
I mean, I am not a fashion person, believe me.
特にネット販売は私にとって とても目新しいものです
CA: Well, it's been incredible to have you here.
私はファッションに 詳しい人間ではないのです 本当です
Please go on being courageous, go on being smart, and please stay safe.
KB: Thank you so much. CA: Thank you, Khalida. (Applause)
どうぞ勇敢で 賢明であり続け どうかご無事でいて下さい