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  • The Canadian-English Dictionary. Over 500 sold. Not many Canadians, I think, eh?

    カナダ英語辞典。500 冊以上売れた。カナダ人は少ないかな?

  • Just joking. It's 500,000, and my name is James from EngVid. Welcome.

    冗談冗談、500,000 です。EngVid のジェームスです。ようこそ。

  • I'm going to help you today learn to use this thing and not this thing.


  • And there's a reason why, and I'm going to tell you why today because I think it's an important lesson that I don't see people really talk about a lot.


  • They -- in classes, and I teach classes, we mention it.


  • And students always come -- not always. Bad. You're so forward.


  • They usually use an electronic dictionary, but I prefer the paper because today I'm going to teach you how to build your vocabulary using this, something that's a few hundred years old.


  • So let's start off: "Know your dictionary."


  • Do you know what your dictionary -- do you know who your dictionary is or what your dictionary is?


  • I ask you because I'm going to ask you do you know "prescriptive" versus "descriptive"?


  • Most students don't know the difference, and it's a very important difference for you to know.


  • If you're a native English speaker, this is your dictionary. It's good. It's great.


  • It says things like, "'Choral' -- or of a choir.


  • 'Chorale': slow stately hymn tune", and you're thinking, well, if you're learning English, "What did James just say to me?"


  • There are many of these things.


  • "'Retrench': reduce expenditure, cut." You know, like, "What?"


  • Well, this is because it's prescriptive. "Prescriptive". Think of a doctor, you know, the guy who checks your chest, like, your heart.


  • He prescribed something to you, right? Gives you something.


  • But he doesn't give you any kind of extra information. He's the doctor. He's the expert. They tell you and you know.


  • Well, if you have a command of the English language or you speak English, of course you know all the other words they use.


  • "'Critic': Professional judge." I know all these words.

    「Critic」: プロの審査員。これらの単語は全て知っています。

  • I don't have to learn these words, so it's great.


  • But if you're learning English -- and learning English -- and I want to tell you this because a lot of people don't know.


  • You know my name, right? My name is James ESL, right? James. I can't even spell my own name. It's a lie.

    僕の名前は知ってるよね?僕の名前は James ESL でしょう?James、自分の名前のスペルも書けません。冗談。

  • My name is James ESL. And some of you said, for sure, What is "ESL?"

    僕は James ESLです。「ESL」って何だと聞きたい人もいるかもしれません。

  • That's a funny name. Because it's not my name.


  • "ESL" stands for "English as a Second Language". That's what it stands for.


  • Many of your teachers use it, and they never tell you what it means.


  • So it means James is teaching English as a second language. And that's for you guys.


  • You have French, Hindi, Arabic as first languages, and you want to get another language.


  • What you need is a descriptive dictionary. What does that mean?


  • Well, let me explain something to you.


  • There is a thing that is long, has a big head, a smile. It has little lines on its body. Its first name starts with M. His last name starts with E.

    長くて、頭が大きくて、笑っているものがいます。体には小さな線があって、姓は M、名は E から始まります。

  • Do you know whom I'm describing? It's Mr. E. Right? I described it to you.

    誰だかわかりますか?E さんでしょ?そうでしょ?

  • An ESL dictionary is descriptive, right? So the first thing you should know is, is your dictionary prescriptive or descriptive?

    ESL の辞書は説明的でしょう?ですから、まず知っておくべきことは、あなたの辞書は処方的ですか、それとも記述式ですか?

  • "Prescriptive", like a prescription from a doctor -- it just tells you this is what the word means.


  • It does not give explanation -- it gives an explanation, but no diagrams and no definition, okay? Or explanation.

    説明はしてくれません、 説明はしてくれますが、図も定義もありません、わかりましたか?

  • For example, a descriptive one not only tells you what the world is, it gives you an example of its use in speech. It helps you.

    例えば、記述的なものは、その世界が何であるかを教えてくれるだけでなく、会話での使用例を教えてくれます。 それはあなたの助けになります。

  • Maybe even a picture to show you. That's for the ESL.

    絵で示すこともできます。ESL 向けね。

  • So when you're looking for a paper dictionary, go to your bookstore and ask for a descriptive dictionary because you're studying ESL, and they'll give you the perfect dictionary for you, okay?


  • So what are we going to do next? That's the first thing: Know what dictionary you have because this one will help.


  • Now, I will tell you this, though: Once you start going from the beginning and intermediate, you need the prescriptive because that's what a fluent native speaker would use, and that's what you use.


  • So there's a reason for both. Don't forget that.


  • If you're advanced, get prescriptive. If you're new, get descriptive.


  • Know your dictionary.


  • Next. Does your dictionary use phonetic or does it use syllables to tell you how the word sounds?


  • "Huh?" Well, I investigated because I'm like a reporter -- like Clark Kent, Superman -- and I discovered that not every dictionary is the same.


  • Some use phonetics, and they use the International Phonetic Alphabet.


  • Some of you have studied it in school, right? Where you have those funny little things, where, you know, like the upside down E -- I can't even do it.

    学校で勉強したことがある人もいるでしょう? そう、その面白い小さなもの、えー、逆さの E のようなもの、僕にはできません。

  • I think it's like -- and it means something to you people, okay?


  • But in international language, you would use these symbols to show language, right?


  • They use this phonetic alphabet because they know it's international, and people who study languages will also use it.


  • But a lot of English dictionaries just use syllables.


  • They break the word down into, like -- sorry -- numb nuts? Number. Number.


  • And what they're looking for is vowel sound, not vowels. Don't make a mistake.


  • I've often done it and told students -- I say, you know, "When we use syllables we break it down to units of a word with a vowel."

    よく生徒に言うんです。音節を使うときは母音で単語の単位に分解するんだ ってね。

  • And what I mean to say is "with a vowel sound" because sometimes there will be two vowels, but they make a sound.

    僕が言いたいのは、「母音の音を持つ」ということです。ときどき、2 つの母音があるかもしれませんが、それらが音を作るのです。

  • For example, "ee" or "ei" can make one sound, okay?

    例えば、「ee」や「ei」は 1 つの音になるんですね。

  • And that can be in a vowel unit. So check to see if your dictionary is either phonetic -- and that means you're going to need the International Phonetic Alphabet -- or syllable-based, which means they will break the word into units with a syllable sound.


  • Easy? Is that understood? Let's move on, okay?


  • So that's something you're going to look at because this will help you build your vocabulary because knowing what a word looks like and what it sounds like is very, very different, okay?


  • And this is to help you pronounce the word.


  • Remember: Learning vocabulary is (1) know when you see it, (2) know when you hear it, (3) know how to say it, (4) understand what it means.

    覚えてください: ボキャブラリーの学習とは、(1)見たときにわかる、(2)聞いたときにわかる、(3)言い方がわかる、(4)意味がわかる、ということです。

  • Then you build vocabulary. And this is "know what it sounds like", okay?.


  • Next, (C) What part of speech? Well, what is the word?

    次に、(C) 品詞は?その単語は何ですか?

  • I can spell less "beaty" like "Ned Beatty", but that's not what I wanted to write.

    「beaty」を減らして「Ned Beatty」みたいなスペルもあるけど、書きたかったのはそれじゃないんです。

  • When you "beautify" something, it's not the same as "beauty".


  • "He's a right beauty." "She's a beauty." Right? They're different words. So we're asking ourselves, what, what do these words do, right?


  • "She's a beauty", so we're looking at an adjective and adverb.


  • Beautify, adverbs do a different job than an adjective, right? So the dictionary will tell you how to use it.


  • Remember we said, "What does it sound like?"


  • First part is, it tells you what it looks like, right? It gives you the word, the word.

    最初の部分は、それがどのように見えるかを教えてくれますね? 単語を与えてくれます。

  • The next it tells you what it sounds like. The next it tells you how to use it, right?


  • "That girl is a beauty." Or "What a beauty she is." Versus, "We need to beautify our house." It's not the same.


  • And you have to know what part of speech to use it otherwise you'll use it badly, okay?


  • Next, we're going to go over to "other possible forms".


  • So other possible forms are -- well, let me correct something I made a mistake on. I said it. I made a mistake because I'm human.


  • I was so busy thinking about the mistake I made with "beauty," I said this was an adverb. It's a verb.


  • So I know you guys who love to catch me, you caught me. Ow, ow, bad teacher, all right?


  • It's a verb, all right? So we've got noun, verb.


  • Now, let's go to "other possible forms", okay? Now, what the dictionary will also do to help you is after it tells you this is a noun or this is a verb -- noun, verb, okay -- it'll tell you other forms.


  • It might tell you, okay, you could do something "slow" or "slowly".


  • Or you can have "pant", which is completely different.


  • "Pant" is [pant like a dog] and "pants", which I'm wearing, but you can't see.


  • I am wearing them, trust me. I'm not doing it in my underwear.


  • E goes naked; I come clothed, okay?

    E は裸で、僕は着衣で行きますよ。

  • So it'll tell you other possible forms that you can use of that word, right?


  • Now, I've given you something to help you with the dictionary, and this is fun. It's a nice, short lesson. I'm hoping it's going to be very useful because even Canadians -- I say "Canadians";


  • I'm sorry, but a lot of English speakers don't know how to use the dictionary because it's set up in a way they just kind of look for the definition, and they don't know that these things are there to help them.


  • There have been words I've looked for where I've said, like, "discombooblate" because I don't know it's "discombobulate" because I don't understand if it's phonetic or the symbol -- syllable.


  • I can speak English, really.


  • And I had to learn when I started teaching students. When they say, "Teacher, why?" And I go, "Well, this is for this. This -- oh, golly, it is."


  • This is very helpful stuff, right?


  • But before I go too far off course, which means away from the subject, I want to give you some tips because this is good.


  • This gives you power like a super power. You can use this and go, "I can learn words without the use of any other human being. Read, see, and hear."


  • But how about we build, because that's what the nature of this lesson is, to build our vocabulary. So let's go over here.


  • Ready? Tips. Tip No. 1: Look up words you hear every day, and then look at the words above and below the word to understand prefixes.


  • This sentence makes no sense whatsoever. But it does because I'll explain it.


  • What I mean is, every day, when you're learning English, you're going to learn a new vocabulary word or whatnot.


  • And what I want you to do is take that word, write it down, then go home, open your paper dictionary, okay?


  • And then look at the word, but look at the word above and below because -- I'm going to give you one right now.


  • I'm looking here, and it says -- I'm looking at "implore".


  • It means "beg", which means to go, "Please, please, please, please come back to EngVid and see James! Please! I beg you!"

    これは「beg 」という意味で、「お願いだから、お願いだから、EngVid に戻ってジェームズに会ってくれ!お願いです!お願いします!」

  • Okay? So "implore".


  • Then, I look down at "imply". Then, I look at -- it says "implicit".

    それから 「imply」を見ましょう。「implicit」と書いてあります。

  • And each one I get the idea that there's something inside. Then I realize "im" means "inside" or "in". Ooh. That was interesting.


  • So then, I start looking down and there's "impossible" and "importune", "impose", "impostor", "impotent".


  • I'm not impotent. Maybe the worm. He's soft, but not me.

    インポじゃない 虫けらかもしれません。あいつは軟弱ですが、僕は違います。

  • Anyway. Well, what I'm saying is, all of these "im" words are in here, and I start going, "Oh, my gosh. They all kind of have a similar meaning."


  • It helps me build my vocabulary faster because I learned what's called a "prefix".


  • A "prefix" means -- "pre" is before -- something in front of a word that gives meaning to the word or adds meaning to the word, right?


  • And that's what we're doing. We're learning it, so it helps me build my vocabulary by learning prefixes.


  • Kind of cool, huh? How about the second one?

    すごいでしょう?2 つ目はどうでしょう?

  • Let's go to the monitor. He's going to talk again. Ready?

    モニターを見ましょう。また喋るぞ いいか?

  • Actually, it's not a monitor, it's Mr. E.

    実はモニターじゃなくて、E さんです。

  • You've always wondered what I sound like, and yes, I have a sexy voice.


  • So, the next thing you want to do -- tip No. 2 is: Randomly -- "randomly" means not in order, just whenever -- for 2 or 3, 2 or 3, and try to make sentences.


  • What the heck does that mean?


  • Well, Mr. E, that's why I'm here.


  • What Mr. E meant to say was this: Randomly take, take -- Mr. E -- 2 or 3 words, okay?

    E さんが言いたかったのはこういうことです: ランダムに 2 つか 3 つの単語を選んでください。

  • I want to make sure you can see it because I'm running out of room here. So I'm just going to put 2 or 3 words -- and try and make a sentence with it.


  • So I've got "word" -- S. See? Two mistakes. Are you happy now? Bad, bad James. Okay, look.

    「word」ってあります。S です。見ました?二つのミス。もう満足ですか?悪い悪いジェームズ。よく見てください。

  • So look at randomly for 2 or 3 words.

    2、3 語ランダムに見てください。

  • And just open up the dictionary, and you take, "bloom", and then take "incentive", and then take "platinum".


  • "As an incentive for my blooming business, I got a platinum card."


  • Oh, he teaches English. That's right. I do.


  • What I'm saying is you take two or three words randomly, right?

    つまり、2 つか 3 つの単語をランダムに使うんでしょう?

  • And you try and make a sentence with them using the rules you find from the dictionary. Is it a verb? Is it an adjective? Put them in place. That will help teach you syntax.


  • So here are two ways you can, by yourself, use this book by yourself and work on your English, learn things that you haven't been taught, and then prove or, as I said, build your vocabulary.


  • Do you like that? Our little moderator, Mr. E, that voice of his, will be back -- right? -- to help you build your English vocabulary, syntax, conversation skills, grammar, and whatnot. I like that word. It's my word of the day.

    それは好きですか?僕たちの小さなモデレーター、E さん、彼のその声、彼は戻ってくるでしょうね?あなたが英語の語彙、文法、会話スキル、構文、その他もろもろを高めるのを手助けするために。私はその言葉が好きです。それが今日の僕のワードです。

  • Anyway. Thanks a lot. Mr. E -- out.

    とにかく、ありがとう。E さん......退出。

  • Know your dictionary, and know yourself, and you'll be victorious in every conversation you have.


  • Know only -- shut up with the Sun Tzu already. Okay.


The Canadian-English Dictionary. Over 500 sold. Not many Canadians, I think, eh?

カナダ英語辞典。500 冊以上売れた。カナダ人は少ないかな?

審査済み この字幕は審査済みです

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