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  • I'm still not sure what I'm playing tonight. Probably go through stuff

  • depending on what I feel like.

  • I think I'm taking too much damage if I punch the Juggler twice whereas I

  • do have Keeper for it

  • Alright, that kind of helps. I can probably silence the 2/2

  • or even kill it, I need to

  • see --I don't know what kind of Hunter it is, whether it's face or midrange

  • all these cards can be in everything

  • if he Houndermasters this it's a 3/4, I'd probably be better off

  • killing the mad scientist but then I still have to deal with freezing trap

  • I think I'm gonna silence it

  • I don't like silencing this guy because I have swipe down the

  • 1/1s

  • Oh wow, he prioritized this guy over--that plays around swipe

  • but I don't know

  • I didn't even feel too good about swiping a 2/2 and some 1/1s. I can just

  • like not play swipe now and play a minion

  • I don't know why he did that.

  • Could be trying to keep his haunted creeper alive for houndmaster, but he could have just played houndmaster last turn

  • I don't see a big reason to do something like that

  • Actually, this is better.

  • because this protects my minion. If I played shredder, i would be wrathing

  • for two

  • so it kinda still protects my loatheb but then i have to like

  • wrath the slime, not too great. I think this might just be better

  • okay so its

  • pretty hard to clear this board. I would have to kill creeper before

  • before swiping,but there's not a really great swipe

  • that I could do. It might just be better to go bigger and play Dr. Boom

  • Actually, I kind of like that because I can trade my Loatheb for the 6/5

  • That's a pretty good trade

  • It way overkills my loatheb. Even though it's getting all these, like

  • He has the deathrattle but I think it's still a lot of value so

  • It's kind of good for me

  • I can swipe Misha, probably kill this with Wrath

  • before swiping, if it comes down to that. Oh, perfect.

  • I'm gonna swipe first and not wrath first for draw because

  • it's going to depend on this boombot i think

  • if it hits the 22 then i'm not going to wrath

  • I'm just going to play the other minion

  • I don't think I'm that scared of damage. He's already used one kill command and it's midrange hunter so

  • there shouldn't be a lot of Chargers anyways

  • Well, let's see what we get. I don't have anything to do

  • That should be lethal I feel

  • so 11+6+4

  • or 11+10, that is lethal

  • Oh wow, this hand is pretty sick.

  • So I can coin out wild growth, play the shade on turn 2 and then innervate out emperor

  • that doesn't make that much sense though because then I have no cards in my hand

  • Not really. I'd have what, like 2 cards in my hand?

  • Still a 5/5 though

  • and it hits my mana curve. I think I'm actually gonna keep it

  • I think I should have three cards after that, or two. If you think about it

  • it doesn't really matter though. If you think about it, 5/5 for 5 is around as strong as you get anyways

  • for this deck

  • and I can't really innervate

  • out a 5 drop after shade, it's just a waste of mana

  • So I think it's just on curve

  • Yeah, so

  • I'll only have 3, 3 cards

  • Got a $2 donation from Chrys

  • Chrystarvim

  • Hey StrifeCro, I was wondering if you could show the mage deck you were using earlier. One of the cards is cut off

  • I think

  • also, are there any suitable replacements for Cenarius

  • in that druid deck.

  • Uh, i think you can replace cenarius with ragnaros for sure . I don't like this attack

  • Actually, it's pretty good

  • I kinda don't like it. I mean, it does stop his 5 drop because I leave behind a 4/2

  • hard for him to play a 5 drop but he can just

  • wrath it or play another keeper. I don't really have to be scared of a 2/4. Back to the question

  • Yeah, I would replace cenarius with ragnaros

  • yeah older posts in our sitter with Ratner us

  • I wouldn't know which one

  • would be cut off, let me see. If you're taklking about the tempo one

  • then there's two mana wyrms at the top and a ragnaros on the bottm

  • there's nothing else cut off

  • yeah it's okay I can hero power the druid of the claw if he trades

  • If he like, attacks+hero powers then I can just drop a loatheb and hero power

  • or druid of the claw and hero power

  • at this point i'm probably not going to drop druid of the claw, last time i got rekt by black knight

  • at this point i'm probably going to save this for a charge effect

  • It looks like he's just going face . That's way way better for me since

  • i can just take this trade.

  • I like Loatheb here. Like, I have a lot of weak minions that are weak to wraths

  • and kind swipes and stuff, so i really like locking him out

  • over playing an ancient of lore here. Druid's actually not that

  • great at making comebacks, so since I'm so far ahead on board

  • I played loatheb this turn and I can just cenarius next turn

  • I might even--depending on how many minions are left over, I can just

  • use the +2/+2

  • I mean double keeper looks okay here cause I can keeper this and keeper the shredder, probably trade for it somehow

  • I'd probably trade this, it's too weak to swipe. But I think Cenarius is still better

  • If I'm going to Cenarius I think I'm going to make the taunts

  • at this point and then

  • I need to think about some savage roar stuff. Probably just play safe

  • trade for this guy and go face here. Two health minions are kind of hard to swipe down, so

  • I don't think I need that much left over to kill him with combo, very little actually

  • I'm sure if two of my 5 attack minions survive

  • attack minions survive, I'll kill him

  • well, that kind of ruins that plan

  • but I mean, it doesn't matter, I'm so far ahead on board

  • Can I still kill him?

  • 15--so I need to do 10 more damage

  • This is 8 damage--no, I can't kill him

  • I need to play around combo which shouldn't be too hard because i have two keepers, i should be able to kill most of his stuff here

  • four attack--combo is going to be 20, i'm okay

  • think it's still better than playing druid of the claw

  • I think I was two off lethal cause I couldn't hero power and savage roar

  • Yeah, this card is not that good against Hunter

  • basically i want, um

  • wrath and keeper, wild growth and innervate. i think those are the best

  • and zombie chow

  • this is a matchup where innervate is better

  • than wild growth i think, cause wild growth, you lose your turn 2, whereas if you innervate keeper

  • or something, it's often bigger --or even like

  • innervate out like a 5 drop on turn 2 or 3

  • Lifecoach removed Druid of the Claw from his Druid deck? I don't know, that seems weird

  • I know Iifecoach has been playing nourish for a while

  • I've never been a huge fan of nourish

  • becuase like, you draw two more cards with nourish but then you lose a 4/4 body with spellpower

  • I think a lot of people

  • you can't just think about it like that though because also if you nourish you can use it to ramp into like 7 or 8 mana

  • nourish is really strong with emperor but also azure drake is really strong with emperor

  • number especially if you here your slaves cheaper or your drapes cheaper

  • especially if you get your swipes cheaper or your drakes cheaper that's like a really sick combo--azure drake swipe

  • Do I still have a belcher in this deck?

  • I guess I don't have any belchers

  • I used to have one belcher but I think I replaced it with a 2nd drake after emperor came out

  • I'm assuming azure drake has taunt anyway. I could swipe and clear the board.

  • but this is so risky for him to leave up that I feel like it just has taunt

  • I definitely considered sludge belcher

  • It's hard to fit in everything. I've seen greedy druids take out zombie chow

  • I guess you can compensate by using more belchers, but that's different than zombie chow

  • doesn't help your early game

  • Okay, so this is probably midrange hunter

  • I probably have to deal with something like sludge belcher next turn. On one hand

  • that means ancient of lore is really good but then he can just like

  • eaglehorn. I guess he doesn't have eaglehorn. Ancient of lore is really good against sludge belcher but

  • then it's kind of weird, he can just proc the trap. I could play--

  • Oh yeah, I can play both of these. I don't know why I didn't think of that before

  • So out of practice on druid

  • Not even sure if that's right. The problem is if I don't

  • kill his minion and he plays belcher then i won't be able--

  • like I just silenced it then its not really....

  • I'm not going to be able to kill it next turn because of the taunt. But then, this doesn't seem that much better

  • that much better because of the freezing trap coming out perhaps

  • might be best just to kill the webspinner, i'm not sure

  • vantrippy, thanks for subbing. welcome to the strifecrew. here's a crofist

  • yeah, i can see silencing it being better

  • trap is kinda hard to deal with

  • I have some smaoll minions right now though for freezing traps

  • What I really need is to

  • get force of nature, that's so good against

  • the trap

  • I'm just gonna play dr. boom

  • something else I can do is check if it's

  • snake trap with this. If it's freezing then

  • you know whatever, I probably just play Dr. Boom. Otherwise I can

  • swipe. I still like Dr. Boom though, I can use a boom bot to proc freezing

  • it's probably even better

  • the only thing here is

  • if I attacked i would have one less minion for unleash the hounds

  • which is a thing. hi strife, it's me, your number one

  • fan, eddy pasterino. I have a nice tne to help motivate you to #1

  • keep going buddy

  • AAAAH i can't listen to this again

  • I heard this last time

  • oh wow, i killed his knife juggler

  • okay, i'm definitely going to swipe here.

  • what do I want to do

  • I guess I could hit him for seven, that's pretty big

  • replay the boombot as well

  • I like how they changed the belcher though, it used to take so much longer

  • not good enough to play around

  • that trap--explosive shot

  • can easily check

  • that's lethal actually

  • I think this is more damage than double savage roar

  • but anyways it doesn't matter, it's still lethal. let's see

  • yeah, it has to be

  • it is more damage than double savage roar. with only one minion

  • savage roar is four, but this guy is six

  • kind of, yeah

  • I didn't keep the drake because it's kind of weak to the weapon here

  • with the wrath here i think i do coin out the wild growth

  • paladin has to have something turn 2 so i should be able to wrath

  • something or hero power something

  • I could potentially see it better

  • to wrath the divine shield off, take 1 less damage

  • the only reason why is because i have a lot of

  • spells in my hand, like combo right now

  • the problem with playing shredder is like, if he plays aldor peacekeeper

  • he can kinda snowball that board plus i have a limited amount of minions

  • so I wanna make the most out of my minions right now

  • don't want it to just die

  • it's kind of a weird move but i think it's still the best here

  • loatheb's too weak to truesilver champion

  • this is kinda weird if he plays belcher because it can't kill belcher but

  • I can still play sylvanas I think, if he plays belcher, because it's

  • a deathrattle

  • i also have emperor

  • the emperor--it's actually really good here

  • becuase it makes my combo cheaper--all these cards are so important to make cheaper

  • I get a feeling Sylvanas can stall out here as well, like he can trade like this

  • and then i'll be trying to punch through a taunt with Sylvanas

  • that's still not enough to kill it . oh

  • Ashtraysideways, thanks for resubbing

  • here's a crofist

  • I really need a swipe. I guess this is

  • kinda like a compromise just to be able to hero power one of the 1/1s down

  • getting quartermastered like every game before turn 8

  • just don't have the wrath--i mean the swipe. can i kill him?

  • no, i can deal 20 damage here but then i'm dead

  • say i remove 1 minion, 9-11-12

  • so i die to pretty much anything

  • i don't really feel like

  • playing that safe, unfortunately

  • I don't think it's that great. like if i have to

  • combo this board i'm pretty much dead

  • this like

  • saves me from consecrate but not truesilver

I'm still not sure what I'm playing tonight. Probably go through stuff


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B2 中上級

Hearthstone ミッドレンジドルイド ストライフクロ - みんながミッドレンジ #3 (Hearthstone Midrange Druid StrifeCro - Everyone is midrange #3)

  • 217 2
    吳政道 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日