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  • Jesus taught that God treats even the worst sinners not as enemies to destroy,

  • but as lost sheep whom he seeks to rescue and restore to his flock.

  • We didn't know this way of valuing and loving people was meant even for those

  • we had despised for centuries,

  • half-breeds with foreign traditions we found offensive,

  • until Jesus chose to travel through Samaria.

  • Who is this woman they all despise?

  • She's a Samaritan. Isn’t that enough?

  • Come on. We have to buy food, and we don't want to keep the teacher waiting.

  • Will you give me a drink?

  • You are a Jew. I am a Samaritan woman. How can you ask me for a drink?

  • If you only knew what God gives, and who it is that is asking you for a drink,

  • you would ask him, and he would give you life-giving water.

  • Sir, you have nothing to draw water with and the well is deep.

  • Where would you get that water?

  • It was our ancestor Jacob who gave us this well.

  • He and his children and his flocks all drank from it.

  • You don’t claim to be greater than Jacob, do you?

  • Everyone who drinks this water will get thirsty again.

  • But whoever drinks the water I give them will never be thirsty again.

  • The water I give them will become in them a spring welling up with eternal life.

  • Sir, give me that water!

  • Then I will never be thirsty again, nor will I have to come here to draw water.

  • Go and call your husband, and come back.

  • I -- I don't have a husband.

  • You are right when you say you don't have a husband.

  • You have been married to five men,

  • and the man you live with now is not really your husband.

  • You have told me the truth.

  • I see you are a prophet, sir.

  • My Samaritan ancestors worshiped God on this mountain.

  • But you Jews say that Jerusalem is the place where we should worship God.

  • Believe me, woman, the time will come when you will worship the Father neither

  • on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.

  • You Samaritans do not really know whom you worship.

  • But the time is coming, and is already here,

  • when by the power of God’s Spirit people will worship the Father as he really is,

  • offering him the pure worship that he wants.

  • God is Spirit,

  • and only by the power of his Spirit can people worship him as he truly is.

  • It's that woman.

  • What is he doing talking to her? Does he know who she is?

  • I know the Messiah will come.

  • And when he does, he will tell us everything.

  • I am he.

  • Come and see the man who told me everything I've ever done. Come.

  • Could he be the Messiah?

  • Messiah? Messiah?

  • The Promised Prophet? No, it can't be.

  • Come and see. Come.

  • Teacher, have something to eat!

  • I have food to eat that you know nothing about.

  • Did someone bring him food?

  • My food is to obey the will of the one who sent me,

  • and to finish the work he gave me to do.

  • The crops are now ripe and ready to be harvested!

  • Look how many are coming!

  • Is the good news for Samaritans, too?

  • The people of the town came to Jesus and begged him to stay and teach them.

  • We stayed two days, and many Samaritans believed in him.

Jesus taught that God treats even the worst sinners not as enemies to destroy,


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B1 中級

マグダレーナ(英語) Lesson 7: イエス様、私たちの生ける水 (Magdalena (English) Lesson 7: Jesus, Our Living Water)

  • 51 10
    姚易辰 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日