字幕表 動画を再生する
How great is God,
exalted in power, majestic above all.
力に満ち 全てにまさり 威厳がある
The heavens tell of His greatness.
天は 神の偉大さを語る
The skies display His awesome craftsmanship.
大空は神の恐れおののくべき業を 披露する
Day after day they continue to speak.
造られた物は、 日々、語り続け
Night after night they make Him known.
夜々 神を知らしめる
In creating the heavens, God also created the earth
天を創られた神は 地をも創り
and formed man from the dust of the ground,
土のちりで 人を創造し
and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life.
命の息を 鼻に吹き込んだ
The God of love created man and woman in His own image
愛なる神は ご自身と人間が 信頼関係を持つものとして
to have a relationship with Him.
And so in the beginning, they revered and honored God
だから初めの頃は 人間は神を崇め尊重し
and lived in harmony with Him.
This continued until one day Satan tempted the woman
しかし ある日 サタンが 禁じられた木の実を食べるように
to eat the forbidden fruit
and she gave it to the man who also ate.
女はその実を取り 男にも与えた
In so doing, mankind rebelled against God
その時から 人間は創造主なる神に反抗し
and went his own way.
As a result of this sin, mankind was separated from God
この反逆行為の結果 人間は神との信頼関係を離れ
and was thrown out of the Garden of Eden.
エデンの園から 追放された
But God still loved mankind.
It was never His desire to be separate from those He created,
人間との隔絶を 決して神は望んではなかったが
yet how could God be holy and the source of perfect justice
神が人の背きの罪を裁かねば どうして神は聖く そして
if He did not judge mankind for their sin?
完全な正義の源で ありうることができよう
In His Holy Book, God reveals His plan
神は聖書の中で 罪に対する裁きから
to save the world from His judgment.
人間を救い出す計画を 明らかにしている
One of the first to see this plan unfold was Abraham.
神のこの計画を最初に見たのは アブラハムだった
Abraham was a righteous man whom God promised to bless
彼は神に従う正しい人で 神は彼を祝福し 彼の子孫を
and make his descendants as numerous
海の砂のように 空の星のように
as the sand of the sea and the stars of the sky.
増やすと約束した それが今のユダヤ民族である
To test his obedience, God told Abraham
彼の信仰を試すために 神はアブラハムの息子を
to sacrifice his son as an offering to Him.
いけにえとして捧げるよう 命じた
Abraham trusted God and sought to obey Him.
アブラハムは神を信じ 従おうとした
But as he raised his knife to kill his son,
しかし 彼が息子を殺そうと 刃物を挙げたとき
the angel of the Lord stopped Him.
He saw that Abraham feared God and was willing to obey Him.
使いはアブラハムが神を恐れ 従おうとしているのが分かった
Then Abraham saw a ram caught by its horns in a thicket,
アブラハムは角を藪に 引っ掛け動けないでいた雄羊を
and he sacrificed the ram instead of his son
as an offering to God.
いけにえとして 捧げた
And so God showed Abraham that a lamb or a similar animal
was to be slain as a temporary covering for sin
全人類の罪を償う最終的な 「いけにえ」を神が用意されるまで
until God would provide His ultimate sacrifice
人間の罪の一時的な償いとして 子羊 又それに似た動物を
to pay for the sins of mankind.
Instead of sin separating man from God,
罪が人間を神から遠ざけるのなら その逆に いけにえは
the sacrifice would restore their relationship.
神と人間の信頼関係を 回復するものなのだ
The Holy Scriptures speak of One who was to come
聖書には人間の罪を全て負い 究極のいけにえとなるべき
and be the ultimate sacrifice for the sins of the world.
As the ram took the place of Abraham's son,
雄羊がアブラハムの息子の 身代わりとなったように
so this One who would come would take man's place
この救い主は 人間の罪が赦されるために
so he could be forgiven.
Some refer to this person as the Messiah,
この方のことを 全人類を最終的に
the One who would come and reconcile the world
神に立ち返らせる 救い主(メシア)
back to God once and for all.
The prophets predicted many things in detail about
預言者は 彼が現れる何百年も前から
the Messiah hundreds of years before He appeared.
救い主について 細かく預言している
The prophet Isaiah foretold that His birth
預言者イザヤは 救い主の誕生が
was to be a miraculous one.
A virgin would conceive a child who was to be called,
in a spiritual sense, the Son of God.
「神の子」と呼ばれる 赤子を生むことを預言している
The prophet Micah predicted that the Messiah
また預言者ミカは 救い主がベツレヘムに
would be born in Bethlehem,
while the prophet Zechariah foretold
そして預言者ザカリアは 救い主が
His entry into Jerusalem on a donkey
ロバに乗って エルサレムに入られる
and His betrayal by Judas, one of His followers.
また、弟子の一人のユダに 裏切られると予言した
Isaiah prophesied what the Messiah would do when He came.
預言者イザヤは 救い主が 何をするかを予言した
The Lord's anointed will preach the Good News to the poor,
神に油を注がれた者は 貧しい人に福音を告げ知らせ
bind up the brokenhearted, proclaim freedom
打ち砕かれた心を包み 捕らわれた人に
for the captives and proclaim that the time
解放を、そして 神が人々を罪から救う時が
has come when the Lord will save His people.
So, who was the Messiah?
このメシアとは いったい誰のことを 言っているのだろう
In the first century, a prophet came called Jesus.
一世紀にイエスと言う名の 預言者が現われた
Some thought He was the one the prophet spoke about.
イエスこそ 預言されていた救い主と 信じる者もいた
Could this be?
この方こそが 本当に救い主なのか?
Did His life fulfill what was predicted of Him?
彼の人生は メシヤの預言を満たしたのだろうか
Was Jesus more than a prophet?
What follows is His story, based on eyewitness accounts
ここに紹介するのは 聖書に記録されている
as recorded in The Holy Scriptures.
実際の証人の話に基づいて語る 彼の一生である
An actor plays the part of Jesus,
俳優がイエスを 演じるが
and though no actor is worthy of such a role,
このような人物の役に値する 俳優はいないだろう
it has been done so that we may understand
しかし、これをとおして あなたが イエスの人生を知り、
and benefit from the life of Jesus.
恵まれることを願い 製作したものである