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I am writing to you, dear Theophilus;
an orderly account of the things that have taken place among us,
すべてのことを順序正しく あなたにお伝えします
so that you may know the absolute truth about everything.
すでに聞いていることを 十分知っていただくためです
In the days when Caesar Augustus was emperor of Rome
シーザー・アウグストが ローマの皇帝で
and when Herod the great was king of Judea,
ヘロデ大王が ユダヤの王であったとき
God sent the angel Gabriel to visit a virgin girl in the city of Nazareth.
神はナザレの街の一人の処女のところに 天使ガブリエルを遣わした
And the virgin's name was Mary.
その処女の名は マリアであった
Fear not Mary,
For you have found favor with God.
あなたは 神の恵みを受けたのです
You will conceive and give birth to a Son
あなたは 男の子を産みます
and you will call His name, Jesus.
その子の名を イエスとつけなさい
How can this be? I am a virgin.
そんなことが 私は処女です
The Holy Spirit will come upon you.
For this reason the Holy Child will be called
the Son of the Most High God. His kingdom will never end.
So Mary traveled to a town in Judea
そこでマリアは 親戚のエリサベツを訪ねた
to visit her cousin Elizabeth who was also miraculously with child.
Mary! Cousin Mary!
You are the most blessed of all women.
And blessed is the Child you will bear.
For as soon as I heard your greeting, the baby within me jumped with joy!
あなたの声を聞くやいなや お腹の子が喜び踊ったのよ
My soul magnifies the Lord,
and my spirit rejoices in God my Savior.
私の霊は 救い主なる神をたたえます
From now on, all generations will call me blessed.
人々は私を 幸せものと呼ぶでしょう
Know all men of Nazareth,
that by command of Caesar Augustus,
there will be conducted a census
of the subject territories of Galilee and Judea.
All men must register forthwith
ガリラヤとユダヤの者も ただちに
in the towns and cities of their ancestral birth.
自分の故郷に帰り 住民登録をせよ
And Mary went to Bethlehem in Judea
マリアも 婚約者のヨセフと共に――
to register with Joseph her betrothed.
登録のため ベツレヘムに向かった
But there was no room for them in Bethlehem.
だがベツレヘムには 彼らの宿はなく
And the only lodging they could find was a humble stable.
家畜小屋に 泊まるしかなかった
Now there were some shepherds in that part of the country who were
その夜 羊飼いたちが――
taking care of their flock at night when an angel of God appeared to them
野宿で羊の番をしていた すると主の御使(みつか)いが現われ
and the glory of God was shining around them.
主の栄光が 辺りを照らした
This very day in David's town, your Savior was born,
今日ダビデの町で 救い主が生まれました
Christ the Lord.
この方こそ 主キリストです
The shepherds hurried to see the newborn Babe in the manger,
羊飼いたちは その赤ん坊を捜しあて
and were the first to spread the Good News or Gospel
救い主誕生の知らせを 人々に告げる――
of the virgin mother and the Savior's birth.