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  • When Jesus began His work, He was about 30 years old.

    イエスは三十歳の頃 その活動を開始した

  • He returned from the Jordan river full of the Holy Spirit,

    聖霊に満ちて ヨルダンから帰り

  • and was led by the Spirit into the desert,

    御霊(みたま)によって 荒野へと導かれ

  • where He was tempted by the devil for 40 days.

    四十日間 悪魔の挑戦を受けた

  • In all this time, He ate nothing.

    そのあいだ彼は 何も食べなかった

  • The devil said to Him;


  • If you are God's Son,


  • order this stone to become bread.

    その石にパンになれと 命じてみろ

  • It is written, that man shall not live by bread alone,


  • but by every word of God.


  • Then the devil took Him up and showed Him

    すると悪魔はイエスに 世界中の国々を見せて

  • all the kingdoms of the world.


  • I will give you all this power and all this wealth.

    これらの国々の権力と富を すべてお前にやろう

  • It has all been handed over to me,


  • And I can give it to anyone I choose.


  • All this will be Yours then,


  • if You worship me.


  • It is written; You shall worship the Lord your God.

    聖書は言う 「主なる神だけを拝し――

  • and Him only shall you serve.


  • Then the devil took Him to Jerusalem

    すると悪魔はイエスを エルサレムに連れて行き

  • and set him on the highest point of the temple.


  • If you are God's Son, throw Yourself down from here,

    お前は神の子だろ ここから飛び降りてみろ

  • for the Scripture says;


  • God will order His angels to take good care of You.


  • It also says they will hold You up with their hands,

    「あなたの足が石にあたらないよう 支えさせる

  • so that not even Your feet will be hurt on the stones.


  • The Scripture says;


  • You shall not put the Lord your God to the test.


When Jesus began His work, He was about 30 years old.

イエスは三十歳の頃 その活動を開始した


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