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There is an ancient proverb that says
翻訳: Aya Okayama 校正: Yoshifumi Yamada
it's very difficult to find a black cat in a dark room,
especially when there is no cat.
「暗い部屋で黒猫を探すのは とても難しい
I find this a particularly apt description of science
特に 猫が居ないなら なおさらだ」
and how science works --
bumbling around in a dark room, bumping into things,
trying to figure out what shape this might be,
暗い部屋の中で 動いて 何かにぶつかれば
what that might be,
there are reports of a cat somewhere around,
they may not be reliable, they may be,
and so forth and so on.
Now I know this is different than the way most people
think about science.
一般に考えられている科学とは 違っていますね
Science, we generally are told,
is a very well-ordered mechanism for
understanding the world,
世界を理解したり 事実やデータを得るものであり
for gaining facts, for gaining data,
that it's rule-based,
that scientists use this thing called the scientific method
and we've been doing this for 14 generations or so now,
科学的手法とは 一連の規則によって
and the scientific method is a set of rules
for getting hard, cold facts out of the data.
I'd like to tell you that's not the case.
So there's the scientific method,
しかし これが実情です (笑)
but what's really going on is this. (Laughter)
<科学的手法 あるいは 無為の時間>
[The Scientific Method vs. Farting Around]
そして こう続きます
And it's going on kind of like that.
<科学的手法 あるいは 無為の時間を暗闇で過ごす> (笑)
[... in the dark] (Laughter)
So what is the difference, then,
between the way I believe science is pursued
and the way it seems to be perceived?
So this difference first came to me in some ways
in my dual role at Columbia University,
where I'm both a professor and run a laboratory in neuroscience
私は 教授であり 同時に 神経科学の研究室を率いています
where we try to figure out how the brain works.
We do this by studying the sense of smell,
the sense of olfaction, and in the laboratory,
つまり 嗅覚についてです
it's a great pleasure and fascinating work
研究室においては それは大きな喜びであり 魅了させられる仕事です
and exciting to work with graduate students and post-docs
and think up cool experiments to understand how this
嗅覚の働きや 脳の働きを理解するために 面白い実験を考え出すのは刺激的で
sense of smell works and how the brain might be working,
率直に言って わくわくする仕事です
and, well, frankly, it's kind of exhilarating.
But at the same time, it's my responsibility
学部生に大教室の講座で 脳について教えることも私の職務です
to teach a large course to undergraduates on the brain,
脳は大きな題材であり 準備には時間がかかります
and that's a big subject,
大変やりがいがありますし とても興味深いものでもあります
and it takes quite a while to organize that,
しかし わくわくするものではないと 言わざるを得ません
and it's quite challenging and it's quite interesting,
but I have to say, it's not so exhilarating.
私が教えた また いまだに教えているその講座は
So what was the difference?
Well, the course I was and am teaching
その1 です (笑)
is called Cellular and Molecular Neuroscience - I. (Laughs)
25コマの講義で 様々な事実をたくさん含み
It's 25 lectures full of all sorts of facts,
講義では この分厚い本を使います
it uses this giant book called "Principles of Neural Science"
「神経科学の基礎」という本で 3人の有名な神経科学者の著書です
by three famous neuroscientists.
This book comes in at 1,414 pages,
it weighs a hefty seven and a half pounds.
Just to put that in some perspective,
that's the weight of two normal human brains.
この講座の終わる頃に 私は思い到りました
So I began to realize, by the end of this course,
生徒達は 脳について知るべきことは
that the students maybe were getting the idea
知り尽くすべきだと 受け止めたかもしれません
that we must know everything there is to know about the brain.
That's clearly not true.
またこんなふうに 考えているようなのです
And they must also have this idea, I suppose,
科学者は データを集め 事実を集めて
that what scientists do is collect data and collect facts
and stick them in these big books.
実情は 違っています
And that's not really the case either.
私が会議に出て 会議の一日が終わった後で
When I go to a meeting, after the meeting day is over
バーで集まって ビールを飲んでいる時に 同業者とは
and we collect in the bar over a couple of beers with my colleagues,
「知っていること」 の話は決してしません
we never talk about what we know.
私達は 「知らないこと」 について語ります
We talk about what we don't know.
未だ残っているすべきこと について語り
We talk about what still has to get done,
実験室で何をすることが重要なのか について語るのです
what's so critical to get done in the lab.
マリ・キュリー夫人が いみじくも
Indeed, this was, I think, best said by Marie Curie
who said that one never notices what has been done
「人々は 成されたことは語らない
but only what remains to be done.
This was in a letter to her brother after obtaining
これは 彼女が兄に宛てた手紙にありました
her second graduate degree, I should say.
二つ目の学士号を取得した際に と付け加えておきましょう
I have to point out this has always been one of my favorite pictures of Marie Curie,
ちなみに このキュリー夫人の写真が 気に入っています
because I am convinced that that glow behind her
なぜなら 彼女の背後の光 これは写真効果ではないと確信しているからです (笑)
is not a photographic effect. (Laughter)
本物(放射能)なのです (笑)
That's the real thing.
確かに 彼女の論文は 今現在も
It is true that her papers are, to this day,
stored in a basement room in the Bibliothèque Française
in a concrete room that's lead-lined,
研究者として これらのノートを閲覧したい場合は
and if you're a scholar and you want access to these notebooks,
you have to put on a full radiation hazmat suit,
so it's pretty scary business.
ともかく これこそが 私達の講座が
Nonetheless, this is what I think we were leaving out
of our courses
研究者としての社会との交流で見失っていた ものだと思います
and leaving out of the interaction that we have
with the public as scientists, the what-remains-to-be-done.
This is the stuff that's exhilarating and interesting.
この 言うなれば 「無知」 これこそが
It is, if you will, the ignorance.
That's what was missing.
So I thought, well, maybe I should teach a course
on ignorance,
something I can finally excel at, perhaps, for example.
そこで「無知」についての 講義を始めてみると
So I did start teaching this course on ignorance,
and it's been quite interesting
and I'd like to tell you to go to the website.
あらゆる情報が ウェブで広く公開されています
You can find all sorts of information there. It's wide open.
そして私にとって とても興味深い時間でもありました
And it's been really quite an interesting time for me
他の科学者に会い 彼等が知らないことについて話してもらうのです
to meet up with other scientists who come in and talk
about what it is they don't know.
もちろん 意図して少し挑発的に使っています
Now I use this word "ignorance," of course,
なぜならば 「無知」には悪い意味合いも多く
to be at least in part intentionally provocative,
because ignorance has a lot of bad connotations
and I clearly don't mean any of those.
未熟ゆえに事実や根拠やデータに無関心だとか ということではありません
So I don't mean stupidity, I don't mean a callow indifference
無知な人は明らかに 未啓発で 注意不足
to fact or reason or data.
知識も不足しています 本日ここにいらっしゃる皆様を除いたら
The ignorant are clearly unenlightened, unaware,
選挙で選ばれる公職者に多いと 私は思うのです
uninformed, and present company today excepted,
often occupy elected offices, it seems to me.
That's another story, perhaps.
この「無知」には 悪い意味あいは薄く
I mean a different kind of ignorance.
人類全体の知識の不足として 認識されるものです
I mean a kind of ignorance that's less pejorative,
知っているべきなのに 欠けている知識や
a kind of ignorance that comes from a communal gap in our knowledge,
まだ知るに至らない知識や 予測もできない知識です
something that's just not there to be known
or isn't known well enough yet or we can't make predictions from,
多分 マクスウェルの言葉でしょう
the kind of ignorance that's maybe best summed up
in a statement by James Clerk Maxwell,
こう言いました 「無知が十分に認識されることは
perhaps the greatest physicist between Newton and Einstein,
who said, "Thoroughly conscious ignorance
is the prelude to every real advance in science."
I think it's a wonderful idea:
thoroughly conscious ignorance.
でも まず先に片づけたいのは
So that's the kind of ignorance that I want to talk about today,
「事実」について どう考えるかということ
but of course the first thing we have to clear up
確かに 驚くべき速度で 科学知識は積み上がっています
is what are we going to do with all those facts?
私達は皆 事実を積み上げたものが科学だ と感じています
So it is true that science piles up at an alarming rate.
これは科学知識の蓄積モデル と呼ばれ
We all have this sense that science is this mountain of facts,
this accumulation model of science, as many have called it,
and it seems impregnable, it seems impossible.
確かに 驚異的な速度で科学文献は膨れ上がっています
How can you ever know all of this?
And indeed, the scientific literature grows at an alarming rate.
In 2006, there were 1.3 million papers published.
そして昨年は 150万の文献が出版されたと目されています
There's about a two-and-a-half-percent yearly growth rate,
and so last year we saw over one and a half million papers being published.
Divide that by the number of minutes in a year,
and you wind up with three new papers per minute.
So I've been up here a little over 10 minutes,
さあもう行かなくちゃ 読みに行かなくちゃ
I've already lost three papers.
さて どうすればいいのでしょう
I have to get out of here actually. I have to go read.
実は科学者たちは この状況に対して
So what do we do about this? Well, the fact is
that what scientists do about it is a kind of a controlled neglect, if you will.
ある意味 気にしないんです
We just don't worry about it, in a way.
事実は重要です 科学者になるには
The facts are important. You have to know a lot of stuff
多くの知識が必要です 間違いなく
to be a scientist. That's true.
しかし 多く知っているだけでは 科学者になれません
But knowing a lot of stuff doesn't make you a scientist.
法律家になるには 多くの知識が要ります
You need to know a lot of stuff to be a lawyer
会計士も電気技師も大工も 同じです
or an accountant or an electrician or a carpenter.
しかし 科学において 多くの知識が重要なのではありません
But in science, knowing a lot of stuff is not the point.
多くの知識は そこから より多くの無知に
Knowing a lot of stuff is there to help you get
to more ignorance.
So knowledge is a big subject, but I would say
私に言わせれば 「無知」はさらに大きな主題なのです
ignorance is a bigger one.
そこまで考えますと 更に もう少し考えることになります
So this leads us to maybe think about, a little bit
科学について よく用いられるモデルを検討して
about, some of the models of science that we tend to use,
and I'd like to disabuse you of some of them.
最も一般的な誤解は 科学者とは
So one of them, a popular one, is that scientists
are patiently putting the pieces of a puzzle together
to reveal some grand scheme or another.
これは明らかに違います まず パズルですが
This is clearly not true. For one, with puzzles,
the manufacturer has guaranteed that there's a solution.
We don't have any such guarantee.
そもそも 製造者も良くわからないという人も多いです
Indeed, there are many of us who aren't so sure about the manufacturer.
So I think the puzzle model doesn't work.
Another popular model is that science is busy unraveling things
the way you unravel the peels of an onion.
物事の解明に励んでいる というものです
So peel by peel, you take away the layers of the onion
to get at some fundamental kernel of truth.
I don't think that's the way it works either.
Another one, a kind of popular one, is the iceberg idea,
また 氷山もよくあるアイデアです
that we only see the tip of the iceberg but underneath
is where most of the iceberg is hidden.
But all of these models are based on the idea of a large body of facts
that we can somehow or another get completed.
We can chip away at this iceberg and figure out what it is,
or we could just wait for it to melt, I suppose, these days,
氷山を削っていけば 理解が進みます
but one way or another we could get to the whole iceberg. Right?
最近だと 待っているだけでも溶けてしまいます
Or make it manageable. But I don't think that's the case.
でもいずれは氷山全体を終えられるのです ですよね?
I think what really happens in science
管理していけるという考え これも違うと思います
is a model more like the magic well,
私の考えでは 科学の実際は
where no matter how many buckets you take out,
there's always another bucket of water to be had,
or my particularly favorite one,
with the effect and everything, the ripples on a pond.
So if you think of knowledge being this ever-expanding ripple on a pond,
結果や様々な面で 池の波紋 に例えたものです
the important thing to realize is that our ignorance,
知識を どこまでも広がる池の波紋であると考えますと
the circumference of this knowledge, also grows with knowledge.
私達の「無知」すなわち 知識の限界が
So the knowledge generates ignorance.
知識とともに大きくなっていくという 大事なことに気づきます
This is really well said, I thought, by George Bernard Shaw.
ですので 知識が「無知」を生むのです
This is actually part of a toast that he delivered
バーナード・ショーの言葉が 大変うまい表現だと思います
to celebrate Einstein at a dinner celebrating Einstein's work,
in which he claims that science
乾杯のあいさつとして アインシュタインをたたえる言葉の中で
just creates more questions than it answers. ["Science is always wrong. It never solves a problem without creating 10 more."]
I find that kind of glorious, and I think he's precisely right,
「科学は 答え以上に 多くの疑問をつくりだす」
plus it's a kind of job security.
愉快な話です 彼はまさに正しいと思います
As it turns out, he kind of cribbed that
さらに 仕事も安泰です (笑)
from the philosopher Immanuel Kant
実は 哲学者のイマヌエル・カントが
who a hundred years earlier had come up with this idea
of question propagation, that every answer begets more questions.
100年以上前に 疑問の伝搬 すなわち
I love that term, "question propagation,"
全ての回答は更に疑問を引き起こすと 気付いていました
this idea of questions propagating out there.
So I'd say the model we want to take is not
that we start out kind of ignorant and we get some facts together
and then we gain knowledge.
「無知」から始まり 事実を集めて
It's rather kind of the other way around, really.
What do we use this knowledge for?
実際 むしろ逆方向なのです
What are we using this collection of facts for?
私達は この知識というものを何に使うのでしょうか?
We're using it to make better ignorance,
to come up with, if you will, higher-quality ignorance.
Because, you know, there's low-quality ignorance
いうなれば 高品質の「無知」を 得るためです
and there's high-quality ignorance. It's not all the same.
なぜな 「無知」には低品質から
Scientists argue about this all the time.
高品質まであり 一様ではありません
Sometimes we call them bull sessions.
科学者は いつもこのことを議論しています
Sometimes we call them grant proposals.
But nonetheless, it's what the argument is about.
It's the ignorance. It's the what we don't know.
いずれにしても 議論の的となっているもの ―
It's what makes a good question.
それが「無知」です 私達が知らない何かなのです
So how do we think about these questions?
I'm going to show you a graph that shows up
では 疑問はいかに生ずるのでしょう?
quite a bit on happy hour posters in various science departments.
This graph asks the relationship between what you know
様々な科学部門の懇親会で 目にするポスターみたいなものです
and how much you know about it.
このグラフが示す関係は あなたが知っていることと
So what you know, you can know anywhere from nothing to everything, of course,
どの程度それを知っているか を表します
and how much you know about it can be anywhere
何を知っているか 「皆無」から「すべて」まで幅があり
from a little to a lot.
So let's put a point on the graph. There's an undergraduate.
Doesn't know much but they have a lot of interest.
ではプロットしていきましょう 学生はここです
They're interested in almost everything.
知識は少ないが 興味の幅は広く
Now you look at a master's student, a little further along in their education,
and you see they know a bit more,
修士の学生は 少し教育が進んで
but it's been narrowed somewhat.
And finally you get your Ph.D., where it turns out
しかし その幅が狭まります
you know a tremendous amount about almost nothing. (Laughter)
そして 博士号を取ると 驚異的に深く知るものの
What's really disturbing is the trend line that goes through that
知っている対象は無きに等しいのです (笑)
because, of course, when it dips below the zero axis, there,
一番心配なのは 傾いた線の延長線上です
it gets into a negative area.
なぜならば ゼロから更に下がれば 当然マイナスの領域です
That's where you find people like me, I'm afraid.
私などは 残念ながら この位置にいます
So the important thing here is that this can all be changed.
重要なことは これはすべて変えられるということです
This whole view can be changed
by just changing the label on the x-axis.
x軸のラベルを変えるだけで がらりと変わります
So instead of how much you know about it,
we could say, "What can you ask about it?"
So yes, you do need to know a lot of stuff as a scientist,
but the purpose of knowing a lot of stuff
それら多くを知っていなければならない その目的は
is not just to know a lot of stuff. That just makes you a geek, right?
多く知っていたり マニアになることではありません
Knowing a lot of stuff, the purpose is
to be able to ask lots of questions,
to be able to frame thoughtful, interesting questions,
考え抜かれた 興味深い疑問を 問うことができるようにです
because that's where the real work is.
Let me give you a quick idea of a couple of these sorts of questions.
I'm a neuroscientist, so how would we come up
神経科学者として いかに神経科学の
with a question in neuroscience?
Because it's not always quite so straightforward.
なぜならば 必ずしも簡単ではないのです
So, for example, we could say, well what is it that the brain does?
例えば 脳は何をするのか? と考えてみましょう
Well, one thing the brain does, it moves us around.
脳の働きで 私達は動き回ります
We walk around on two legs.
That seems kind of simple, somehow or another.
I mean, virtually everybody over 10 months of age
なにしろ 生後10ケ月以上になれば ほぼ誰でも二本の足で歩きますよね?
walks around on two legs, right?
So that maybe is not that interesting.
それでは もう少し難しい材料を選びましょうか
So instead maybe we want to choose something a little more complicated to look at.
How about the visual system?
これがそうです 視覚系です
There it is, the visual system.
私達は視覚系が大好きです 素敵なことがたくさんできます
I mean, we love our visual systems. We do all kinds of cool stuff.
事実 一万二千人以上もの神経科学者が
Indeed, there are over 12,000 neuroscientists
who work on the visual system,
from the retina to the visual cortex,
in an attempt to understand not just the visual system
同時に 一般的原則として脳が どう働くのかを理解しようとしています
but to also understand how general principles
しかし ここに問題があります
of how the brain might work.
But now here's the thing:
Our technology has actually been pretty good
at replicating what the visual system does.
We have TV, we have movies,
パターン認識や さまざまなものがあります
we have animation, we have photography,
we have pattern recognition, all of these sorts of things.
They work differently than our visual systems in some cases,
but nonetheless we've been pretty good at
しかしながら 百年あまりのロボット工学がありながら
making a technology work like our visual system.
Somehow or another, a hundred years of robotics,
you never saw a robot walk on two legs,
because robots don't walk on two legs
because it's not such an easy thing to do.
A hundred years of robotics,
斜面を登らせようとすると 倒れてしまいます
and we can't get a robot that can move more than a couple steps one way or the other.
向きを変えても 倒れます 難問なのです
You ask them to go up an inclined plane, and they fall over.
では 脳にとって最も難しいことは何でしょうか?
Turn around, and they fall over. It's a serious problem.
So what is it that's the most difficult thing for a brain to do?
What ought we to be studying?
Perhaps it ought to be walking on two legs, or the motor system.
I'll give you an example from my own lab,
my own particularly smelly question,
since we work on the sense of smell.
But here's a diagram of five molecules
これらはただの単純な分子ですが これらの分子を
and sort of a chemical notation.
These are just plain old molecules, but if you sniff those molecules
up these two little holes in the front of your face,
実際のバラがあれば これらの分子を伴います
you will have in your mind the distinct impression of a rose.
If there's a real rose there, those molecules will be the ones,
but even if there's no rose there,
分子は どうやって知覚されるのでしょうか?
you'll have the memory of a molecule.
How do we turn molecules into perceptions?
他の例です 単純な分子が2つあります 別の化学の記号を使っています
What's the process by which that could happen?
Here's another example: two very simple molecules, again in this kind of chemical notation.
灰色の丸が炭素原子で 白いのは
It might be easier to visualize them this way,
水素原子で 赤いのは酸素原子です
so the gray circles are carbon atoms, the white ones
二つの分子の違いは 炭素原子が1つと
are hydrogen atoms and the red ones are oxygen atoms.
Now these two molecules differ by only one carbon atom
このうち一方は 酢酸アセテートで
and two little hydrogen atoms that ride along with it,
and yet one of them, heptyl acetate,
酢酸ヘキシルのほうは まぎれなくバナナです
has the distinct odor of a pear,
ここに 2つの興味深い疑問があると 私には思えるのです
and hexyl acetate is unmistakably banana.
第一に いかにして こんな簡単で小さな分子が
So there are two really interesting questions here, it seems to me.
脳にもたらす知覚は はっきりと梨やバナナだとわかるのでしょうか?
One is, how can a simple little molecule like that
2つ目は 一体 どうやって 炭素原子ひとつだけが違っている
create a perception in your brain that's so clear
as a pear or a banana?
And secondly, how the hell can we tell the difference
地球上で 最も優れた化学物質検出器に違いありません
between two molecules that differ by a single carbon atom?
そのようなこと考えたことありませんよね? ありますか?
I mean, that's remarkable to me,
clearly the best chemical detector on the face of the planet.
And you don't even think about it, do you?
So this is a favorite quote of mine that takes us
back to the ignorance and the idea of questions.
そしてまた この会話は
I like to quote because I think dead people
shouldn't be excluded from the conversation.
さて偉大な量子物理学者であり 哲学者ともいうべき
And I also think it's important to realize that
the conversation's been going on for a while, by the way.
So Erwin Schrodinger, a great quantum physicist
この 「無知」を受け入れる ということを
and, I think, philosopher, points out how you have to
"abide by ignorance for an indefinite period" of time.
これは少し難しいことです 簡単なことではありません
And it's this abiding by ignorance
that I think we have to learn how to do.
では 「無知」と教育についてお話ししましょう
This is a tricky thing. This is not such an easy business.
なぜなら そこで勝負すべきと思うからです
I guess it comes down to our education system,
手始めに 現実を見ましょう
so I'm going to talk a little bit about ignorance and education,
because I think that's where it really has to play out.
So for one, let's face it,
とにかくビジネスモデルを 変えねばなりません
in the age of Google and Wikipedia,
事実を売っても 生きていけません
the business model of the university
and probably secondary schools is simply going to have to change.
We just can't sell facts for a living anymore.
They're available with a click of the mouse,
or if you want to, you could probably just ask the wall
どうすべきでしょう? 生徒たちに境界線を体験させ
one of these days, wherever they're going to hide the things
that tell us all this stuff.
事実の外にあるもの 事実の届かない先を考えさせるべきです
So what do we have to do? We have to give our students
a taste for the boundaries, for what's outside that circumference,
やはり 問題の一つは
for what's outside the facts, what's just beyond the facts.
How do we do that?
Well, one of the problems, of course,
turns out to be testing.
二年生では 女の子も男の子も子供たち全員が
We currently have an educational system
which is very efficient but is very efficient at a rather bad thing.
分解するのが好きです 好奇心のかたまりです
So in second grade, all the kids are interested in science,
調査するのも好きです 科学博物館にも行きます
the girls and the boys.
何でも遊びにします 二年生はこうです
They like to take stuff apart. They have great curiosity.
They like to investigate things. They go to science museums.
しかし 高校の2年や3年では 科学に対して何か興味を
They like to play around. They're in second grade.
持っている人はわずかで 10パーセント以下で
They're interested.
But by 11th or 12th grade, fewer than 10 percent
of them have any interest in science whatsoever,
皆の頭から科学についての興味を 消し去っているのです
let alone a desire to go into science as a career.
So we have this remarkably efficient system
for beating any interest in science out of everybody's head.
Is this what we want?
I think this comes from what a teacher colleague of mine
一方で 膨大な事実を喉から詰め込み
calls "the bulimic method of education."
他方で それを試験で吐き出すのです
You know. You can imagine what it is.
知識は肉にも血にもならずに 帰されるのです
We just jam a whole bunch of facts down their throats over here
and then they puke it up on an exam over here
and everybody goes home with no added intellectual heft whatsoever.
遺伝子学者が拠っている こんな原則をお話します
This can't possibly continue to go on.
スクリーニングすれば常に 求めたものが得られる
So what do we do? Well the geneticists, I have to say,
これは 警告としての言葉です
have an interesting maxim they live by.
スクリーニングすれば常に 求めたものが得られるのです
Geneticists always say, you always get what you screen for.
何をスクリーニングするか それは試験の方法の一部でもあります
And that's meant as a warning.
確かに 試験と評価の話は良く聞きますが
So we always will get what we screen for,
and part of what we screen for is in our testing methods.
これは評価なのか 選別なのか
Well, we hear a lot about testing and evaluation,
and we have to think carefully when we're testing
whether we're evaluating or whether we're weeding,
評価は別の話です 最近の教育誌などでは
whether we're weeding people out,
whether we're making some cut.
本来 評価とはフィードバックと
Evaluation is one thing. You hear a lot about evaluation
in the literature these days, in the educational literature,
but evaluation really amounts to feedback and it amounts
to an opportunity for trial and error.
それは選別とは違います 苦言を呈しますが
It amounts to a chance to work over a longer period of time
人々が評価について語るとき 生徒を評価するとき
with this kind of feedback.
先生を評価するとき 学校を評価するとき 課程を評価するとき
That's different than weeding, and usually, I have to tell you,
実は 選別について話しているのです
when people talk about evaluation, evaluating students,
それは良いことではありません スクリーニングすれば求めたものが得られるからです
evaluating teachers, evaluating schools,
evaluating programs, that they're really talking about weeding.
今必要な試験とは 「X とは何か?」 というものです
And that's a bad thing, because then you will get what you select for,
その答が 「知りません 誰も知らないからです」とか
which is what we've gotten so far.
「問いは何ですか?」 となれば 一層良いでしょう
So I'd say what we need is a test that says, "What is x?"
または 「調べてみます 誰かに聞いてみて
and the answers are "I don't know, because no one does,"
電話してみて 解明してみます」
or "What's the question?" Even better.
Or, "You know what, I'll look it up, I'll ask someone,
I'll phone someone. I'll find out."
そして もしかしたら飛び級のクラスには
Because that's what we want people to do,
「これが解答です 次の問は?」 でもいいでしょう
and that's how you evaluate them.
And maybe for the advanced placement classes,
イェイツの引用で 終わりにしたいと思います
it could be, "Here's the answer. What's the next question?"
That's the one I like in particular.
So let me end with a quote from William Butler Yeats,
who said "Education is not about filling buckets;
it is lighting fires."
So I'd say, let's get out the matches.
Thank you.
ありがとうございます (拍手)
Thank you. (Applause)