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  • >>Mark Viniello:

  • For this particular character,

  • What we're going to do, she has some pretty gnarly teeth,

  • so what we are going to do is take impressions of Cynthia's teeth and create dentures

  • that will then complete the look of the character.

  • We have several size dental trays here. There's a lot of dental supply places that you can

  • get these from.

  • And the first thing you want to do

  • is fit them in the model's mouth to make sure they are not going to choke or it's

  • not uncomfortable. So,

  • I'm gonna start with the uppers.

  • Is that relatively comfortable?

  • >>Cynthia Garza: Uh-huh.

  • >>Mark Viniello: K. You aren't going to choke or anything?

  • >>Cynthia Garza: No.

  • >>Mark Viniello: Ok.

  • And what we are going to do is mix up some more alginate, only it's going to be dental

  • grade alginate.

  • It's going to set up a little quicker.

  • And this is what dentists use to take impressions of the teeth.

  • A lot of these alginates are flavored as well,

  • so it's not such a horrible experience.

  • There's other materials you can take impressions with; there's various dental silicones and

  • things. Those get a little pricey.

  • But we are going to do this old school.

  • The important part about

  • doing dental casts is getting all the information you want, the gum line,

  • you want to make sure you have as much information as you can

  • to create the dentures.

  • So you do it a little different than some dentists need.

  • That some dentists do.

  • This is a product that is similar to the life-casting alginate,

  • that you can add water to if it is a little thick. Or...

  • You can, it's not like the cast, when Cleve was mixing the hydrocal,

  • we can not

  • add more water after it has already been mixed.

  • If you have mixed it to thick, you're kind of stuck.

  • Another thing to keep in mind when you are doing any type of dental impressions or things

  • of that nature

  • is to ask your model do they have any type of veneers or bonding. I mean it's always

  • important to know if there is real dental work in there. That may want to

  • choose your decision whether or not you actually go through with this or not.

  • Make sure there is nothing that can be affected by the impression material, a good note, a

  • good precautionary note to have.

  • This is an eyeball thing. There is also a little scooper in there; you can do one scoop

  • of alginate to water.

  • Ok, Cynthia, hold your teeth, lips out again here for me.

  • Ok, open your mouth.

  • K. Bite down

  • and then pull your lip over the top.

  • There you go.

  • (Laughs) >>Cleave: If you're okay... say something. (laughs)

  • Once the alginate has set, you're going to take the tray and give it a little twist.

  • Sometimes it is good to have your model do it.

  • To give it a little twist and you'll feel the suction break.

  • Let's see.

  • Yeah. We have a very good cast.

  • That is the impression of her teeth and we have the gum line and all the, enough to do

  • a good model. You alright?

  • >>Cynthia Garza: Uh-huh.

  • >>Mark Viniello:

  • Sometimes when you do this, some people's gums bleed and you just have a little cup

  • of hydrogen peroxide standing by when that happens.

  • That's happened to me once or twice as well.

  • >>Mark Viniello:

  • We're gonna pour a type of a dental stone.

  • This is called Die Keen;

  • It's a very hard,

  • very accurate

  • plaster, essentially.

  • And what we are going to do is mix it like we did the hydrocal

  • and then we are going to pour it in the negative and that'll create a positive model.

  • See how the material is moving and how it'll...

  • work its way in to all the details.

  • Alright, so we are going to start the lowers now.

  • Even if you are doing the dentures, it looks like we are doing both sets here, but even

  • if you're doing dentures for the uppers it is important to get both teeth

  • and you'll typically see two trays.

  • This one is for uppers.

  • This one is for lowers.

  • You want this one for the lowers to make room for the tongue.

  • So, that is a good way to, you want the roof of the mouth and then you want an area for

  • the tongue. So that is a good thing,

  • Uppers. Lowers.

  • So we have already fit

  • the lowers in Cynthia's mouth. These will work good and

  • we're going to start mixing the alginate.

  • Ok, Cynthia, same deal.

  • Alright.

  • Alright. So we're gonna do a quick,

  • well sometimes the model can do it, where you do a twist.

  • >>Cynthia Garza: Thank you.

  • >>Mark Viniello: Nice.

  • Now we have a nice cast of the lower teeth.

  • I'm taking a brush right now and I'm actually poking the Die Keen in.

  • Especially in the front lowers, I mean those are very thin and you want to make sure that

  • you

  • you get as much detail, or you get all the detail

  • for when we put these two together.

  • You want to ensure that you have a good bite.

  • Make sure you have a good build up too on these, because these will probably get sunk

  • in a base

  • and you want to make sure you have enough

  • material that you are not going to lose any gum line

  • or any of the teeth. So you wanna

  • build it up a little bit higher.

  • And again, you can always carve down.

  • I think I'll let that settle a bit more.

  • >>Mark Viniello:

  • Very carefully peel away

  • and there's our girl's teeth.

  • So you can see too, that we got all the

  • the gum information, the little

  • muscle that is like right between the teeth. That's all important to have.

  • Because you've got to account for that when you do you sculpture.

  • That will sink in the base

  • like so.

  • I'll get this out of the way.

  • You also want to be aware that you don't wanna

  • to do anything that is going to pry or put any stress on it because it is very easy,

  • especially with the lowers

  • to just chop the teeth off,

  • bust the teeth off. And you'll see too like the hand cast,

  • we got fantastic detail.

  • Cynthia has a permanent retainer

  • on her lower teeth which didn't affect the cast but if you look,

  • you can see that we got all that information as well;

  • which is important if we're gonna make dentures for her, you take that into account

  • that there is a bridge there.

>>Mark Viniello:


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無料ミニレッスン:歯を鋳造する方法 - 歯科鋳造ビデオチュートリアル with Mark Viniello (FREE MINI-LESSON: How to Cast Teeth - Dental Casting Video Tutorial with Mark Viniello)

  • 83 13
    Jong-luen Kang に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日