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  • Take my life, my body, my hands, my feet, my lips, my all in all a living sacrifice for You.

  • We're going to be judged by the things we've done in our body, every thought we've thought,

  • every word we've spoken, every step we've taken, every penny we've spent,

  • every bite we've taken.

  • The body is specified here.

  • So a glorious exhortation: To glorify God in a specific designation, in our bodies.

  • Now third and the first phrase. "For you've been bought with a price..."

  • Here we have a very binding, gripping motivation.

  • "You've been bought with a price, therefore glorify God in your body".

  • "You've been bought with a price."

  • Notice this, Paul puts this motivation before us.

  • It's not law, it's love. You've been bought with a price in view of what the

  • Lord has done for you therefore glorify God in your body.

  • Love so amazing, so divine, demands my life, my soul, my all! (P)

  • He says a price, you've been bought with a price. What is that price?

  • Peter calls it.

  • He says "You've been redeemed not with corruptible things, like silver and gold."

  • They seem so valuable, they seem so precious, they seem so incorruptible.

  • But yet, he says "Not with corruptible things like silver and gold," ultimately, they are corruptible.

  • Ultimately, they are nothing compared to what he mentions in the next phrase.

  • He says but with the precious blood of Christ.

  • The precious blood of Christ.

  • In August, we sent our second son Zachary off to college about two hours away

  • to study to become a mechanical engineer.

  • Zach he'd been with us for twenty years,

  • in our house, he was with us for twenty years, we sent him off,

  • and I knew that I was going to feel it.

  • I came back and the room, all of his furniture we moved with him, and his room was empty.

  • The only thing that was left was a mirror on the wall

  • with the old scripture verse that Zach has written on that mirror.

  • And I was brought to tears.

  • If that's the way a father feels on earth, what was it for the Heavenly Father to send His Son?

  • I mean, I'd been with Zach. He had been with me for twenty years

  • but the Son of God has been with the Father from all eternity.

  • And, thankfully, so thankfully, Zach and I, we had hardly even a rift of difficulty.

  • Real good fellowship, real good friendship

  • with my dear son.

  • But that's nothing compared with the Heavenly Father and His Son.

  • There was absolutely perfect fellowship, perfect love.

  • The love which I ever had with you before the world began.

  • I sent my son off to get a degree in mechanical engineering.

  • When the Father in heaven sent His Son off to be made sin.

  • It was very real. Very real. It was no piece of theater.

  • It was very real what happened.

  • We're talking about the price and think of what the Lord Jesus, we can only imagine really,

  • what it was for Him. The immortal dies, the infinite becomes finite.

  • He who upholds all things by the word of His power was now upheld by a mother's arms?

  • He who was so great the heavens couldn't contain Him, yet squeezed down into a mother's womb.

  • God of light in the darkness in a mother's womb.

  • He who built the heavens, now fiddling around in a carpenter shop.

  • And growing up, the patience that the Lord exercised for thirty years.

  • Knowing He was the Savior of the world.

  • Yet, saying almost nothing. Waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting

  • and waiting until the time appointed by the Father when He could open His mouth

  • and go forth, "Repent for the kingdom of heaven is at hand."

  • And then began, more severally the sufferings.

  • The shame, the rejection, the neglect and then the scoffing, the spitting, the slapping,

  • the spike, the spear, the thorns, dying as an apparent failure,

  • and being forsaken by the Heavenly Father, having been made sin, for us.

  • We have no idea what the Lord went through. The price that was paid. (P)

  • You've been bought with a price. Look at this other word, you've been bought.

  • Sometimes scripture describes it in terms of justification, for formerly, we were condemned

  • but now we are right with God. Sometimes it talks in terms of forgiveness,

  • for once we were in debt but now it is canceled.

  • Sometimes it talks in terms of adoption, for once we were strangers but now we are sons of God.

  • Sometimes in terms of reconciliation, for once we were enemies but now we are friends.

  • Sometimes in terms of redemption, for once we were slaves but now we are free.

  • But here the term is "bought."

  • Just so simple isn't it?

  • You know everyone knows what the word "bought" means?

  • Jesus paid it all. He paid our sin-debt!

  • I like that simple term, you've been bought with a price.

  • Acts 20, shepherd the church of God which He purchased with His own blood.

  • You've been redeemed, not with corruptible things but with the Precious Blood of Christ.

  • Worthy are You to take the book and to break the seals for you were slain and you purchased

  • with Your Blood men from every tribe, tongue, people and nation.

  • You've been bought. Was the body bought? It surely was.

  • Romans chapter eight, it says we are waiting for the the adoption to with the redemption of the body.

  • The Lord has bought our soul, He has bought our bodies, He has bought it all.

  • Jesus paid it all. (P)

  • That ram was put in Isaac's place. That passover Lamb was slain for Israel, not Egypt.

  • I tell you, if you don't come to see that the Lord Jesus personally died for you, personally.

  • You are not going to find the comfort and the assurance that you could have.

  • You have been bought with a price. (P)

  • He loved us. He gave Himself for us that He might redeem us from every lawless deed and

  • purify for Himself a people for His own possession.

Take my life, my body, my hands, my feet, my lips, my all in all a living sacrifice for You.


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B1 中級

藉基督詹血得蒙救贖】巴伯寧斯 キリストの尊い血で買われた (【藉基督的血得蒙救贖】巴伯詹寧斯 Bought with the precious blood of Christ)

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    王伊倫 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日