字幕表 動画を再生する
- It feels really good. It feels natural.
- [Man] It's got a little heft to it.
Like it feels right, you know, not too heavy.
- It feels good!
(funky music)
- We're about to go into the Apple event.
I have never been here before.
- I'm really excited to try on the Apple watch.
I need to get that black and gold,
you know what I'm saying.
- Trying on the watch, I think is gonna be amazing.
- This is how I feel right now.
It's beautiful.
Oh my God, all these people are here
just to show us a watch?
- [Voiceover] Staff on hand to help you
try them on to have the ultimate experience.
- Already this feels amazing.
Oh my God!
Dude, I'm going to reply with an emoji.
That changes that game for messaging, I think,
for really young people. - [Woman] It's really fun.
- And it's right on my wrist.
That's so easy. I love this.
- It feels very classy.
It's almost kind of like vintage.
Like old Hollywood feeling.
I feel kind of like a movie star
mixed with an astronaut.
I'm not sure, maybe a Power Ranger.
- Hey, Siri, where's the closest Starbucks?
Nice. Thanks, Siri.
- I hope that I can draw a flower
like they did in the demo.
I feel a little bit like a preschooler,
but that's okay.
- [Woman] Hey, it's perfect! - Oh my gosh!
- [Woman] That's amazing! - I did it!
(laughs) I did it!
- Look at the flick of the wrist.
- How's it feel?
- It feels good.
It feels like it's not really there.
It feels like a good watch.
It's a piece of technology so you
would think it might be heavy.
- If I'm, like, at a party and a guy's being super creepy
I can just like double-tap it
and that will be, like, come save me right now.
Rescue me.
Girl code, like, taken to the next level.
- I like that when you turn, the face comes up.
I'm a simple kinda girl in a simple kinda world
and I really like that.
It just gets the point across, that's what time it is.
- In the demo, I was almost worried that it would be
a little bit tough to grasp.
It seemed like there were so many things to do.
But it's really easy.
- I like the way that this one feels.
It's a little bit heavier.
I'm a small girl, so that's kind of rough for me.
The leather ones feel good, but this one right here,
this feels like a man's watch.
You know, I would like to see a man wearing this one.
I feel like Ironman.
- I think it's gonna change the way that
we talk to each other.
Before I was a little skeptical about the watch,
but after seeing it in action and wearing it,
I want it so badly.
- Black and gold is my favorite.
The watch is gorgeous.
It was an awesome experience.