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Hi, again. I'm Adam. Welcome to www.engvid.com. Today's lesson is very common I think -
また会ったわねアダムです。www.engvid.com へようこそ。今日のレッスンは、私は非常に一般的だと思います - 。
a very popular question. I get asked this all the time by students who are learning English:
when to use "-er", when to use "more" when we are comparing things, for example with
adjectives. When do I say "better", for example, or "happier" or "more expensive"? How do you
know which one to use? Okay? So it's very, very simple, okay? We're going to look at
どっちを使うか知ってる?いいですか?とても簡単なことだ いいか?私たちは見るつもりです
syllables. To use "-er", we use -- sorry. We use "-er"
音節を使って"er "を使うには -- sorryを使います。私たちは "-er" を使います
with words that have one or two syllables. We use "more" with words that have two or
1音節か2音節の単語を使っています。2つまたは2つの音節を持つ単語で "more "を使います。
more syllables. Now, before I explain that, what are syllables?
"Syllables" are vowel sounds in a word, okay? They're not the number of vowels; they're
"シラブル "とは単語の中の母音のことです。これは母音の数じゃなくて
the number of vowel sounds. But first, what is a "vowel"?
Just in case you're not familiar: A, E, I, O, U; these are the vowels in English. Consonants
念のために言っておきますがA, E, I, O, U; これらは英語の母音です。子音
are B, C, D, F, G, and so on. Keep in mind "Y" is a consonant even though it sounds often
はB、C、D、F、Gなどです。Y "は子音であることを覚えておきましょう。
like a vowel. Okay, so back to syllables. So these are the
vowel sounds. So for example, the word "cat". How many vowel sounds are in the word "cat"?
母音の音をだから例えば「猫」という言葉。"cat "という単語には母音が何個あるでしょうか?
One: "ah" -- "cat". Keep in mind -- here's another one-syllable word: "leak". Two vowels,
一つ:「あー」--「猫」。覚えておいてください -- ここにもう一つの片音節の単語があります: "leak"。母音が二つ。
one vowel sound, "leak", "eeee", okay? Can you think of a two-syllable word? How
do you feel right now? I bet you feel "happy". I'm sure you feel happy because you're watching
www.engvid.com, right? "Happy". The two vowel sounds: "ha", "py" -- sorry. My mistake. "Hap",
www.engvid.com、ですよね。"ハッピー "だよね。つの母音。"は "と "ぴー" -- すみません。間違えました。"ハップ"
"py", "ah", "eeee", okay? How about a three-vowel sound word? How about
"py" "ah" "eee" いいですか?3つの母音の単語はどうですか?どうですか?
three syllables? "Beautiful". Sorry. I'm not having the best day spelling today. "Beau",
"ti", "ful". Three syllables. How about four? "Ex", "cep", "tio", "nal"
"ティ" "フル"3つの音節。4つはどうだ?"Ex", "cep", "tio", "nal"
-- "exceptional". Great. Very good. Okay. One more -- five. Very common word: "International".
-- "例外的 "だ素晴らしい。とても良いこれでいいわもう1つ...5つ非常に一般的な言葉は "国際的 "だ
Can you divide them up into the syllables? Try it. "In", "ter", "na", "tio", "nal" -- "international",
音節に分けられる?やってみて"In", "ter", "na", "tio", "nal" -- "international"
five syllables. So now, here we go back. We see one or two
syllables or two or more syllables. So now, you're thinking, "Okay, well if I have a two-syllable
word, I still don't know which one to use, right?" Well, here is the answer. One or two
syllables: If the word ends in "Y" -- I'll put it here. Sorry about the mess. If the
word ends in "Y", use "-er". So "happy" -- if you want to compare two things; who's happier?
語尾が "Y "の場合は"-er "を使います。だから「幸せ」 -- 二つのものを比較したい場合、どっちが幸せですか?
Me or my friend? Then you drop the "Y"; then you put "ier". "Happier". Okay?
私か友人か?それから "Y "を外して "IER "をつける"Happier"いいですか?
If the word -- the two-syllable word -- ends in a consonant, okay, then you use "more".
もしその単語が子音で終わっている場合は、"more "を使います。
Okay? So "gentle" is technically a two-syllable word, but it ends in a vowel, so "gentler".
いいですか?"ジェントル "は二音節の単語だけど 母音で終わるから "ジェントラー "だよ
I'll think of an example of a consonant-ending word.
Now, there are, of course, exceptions. "Good" does not take "-er" or "more". "Good" becomes
さて、もちろん例外もあります。"Good "は"-er "や "more "を取りません。"Good" は次のようになります。
"better". "Bad" becomes "worse". "Far" becomes "farther". I'll write this one down. "Far"
"悪い "は "悪い "になる"悪い "は "悪い "になる"遠く "は "遠く "になるこれをメモしておきます"遠い"
becomes "farther", so you have the extra addition here. "Much" becomes "more". "Little" becomes
は "farther "になりますので、ここで追加します。"Much" は "more" になります。"Little" は "Little" になります。
"less", okay? Now -- oh, I put it twice. Sorry. Now, "fun" is a one-syllable word, but you
"少ない" いいか?今...あ、二回も書いてしまった。ごめんね"楽しい "は一音節の単語だが
will never hear anybody say "funner". Why? Because it sounds like "funnier". So this
"ファンナー "という言葉を 聞くことはありませんなぜですか?"funnier "と聞こえるからですということで、これは
is an exception. We usually say "more fun". Now here's an example of a two-syllable word
that ends in a consonant, so you think "cleverer". Now, some people will say "cleverer", but
子音で終わるので "cleverer "と思うのですねさて、「より賢い」と言う人もいるでしょうが
because of the "r-r" ending, it's a little bit hard to say, so many people will say "more
clever". "He is more clever than she is", okay? For example. I still can't think of
"賢い"彼は彼女よりも賢い" いいですか?例えば未だに思いつかないのは
a word that ends in a consonant. "Feather". No. That's not -- it's a noun; I can't use
子音で終わる言葉"「フェザー」いや それは・・・名詞だから 使えないよ
that. Okay. It'll come to me. I'll put it on the comments on www.engvid.com.
そのことだわかったわ、私のところに来るわ。www.engvid.com のコメントに載せておきます。
And if you want to practice more of these, go to www.engvid.com. There's a quiz there,
and you can practice these and come back, and we'll do some more lessons. So don't forget
これらを練習して戻ってきてくれれば もっとレッスンをすることができますだから忘れないでね
to check out my YouTube page and subscribe. See you then.