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  • Prepare for a film that only exists so non-nerds will recognize the blonde guy in The Avengers.

  • Youve seen great superhero films.

  • Youve seen terrible superhero films.

  • Now prepare for a superhero film that’s just kinda ehhhh.

  • I mean I guess they did the best they could adapting a comic book about a bratty space

  • god.

  • "You are an old man and a fool!"

  • Journey to Asgard, the land of viking myth, where

  • everyone gets a pointy hat,

  • the gods live inside a CGI pipe,

  • and the only way in or out is through the Rainbow Road level from Mario Kart.

  • Meet Thor, the least relatable Marvel hero since Dr. Strange.

  • He’s an idiot demigod prince, with a magical hammer that really needs

  • to buy a vowel.

  • Mjolnir

  • Mjolnir

  • Mjolnir

  • Mjolnir? What's Mjolnir”?

  • But Thor isn’t the only god in town...

  • Meet Loki, Thor’s evil stepbrother, who will stop at nothing to betray

  • his adopted father

  • with the help of his real father

  • "I will conceal you and you can slay him where he lies."

  • in order to betray his real father

  • "And your death came with the son of Odin."

  • to impress his adopted father.

  • "I could've done it, father. For you!"

  • Ugh, that makes even less sense than his plan from The Avengers.

  • "Not a great plan."

  • Meet Odin, Thor and Loki’s dad who pretty much guarantees that one of

  • his kids will grow up to resent the other...

  • Only one of you can ascend to the throne, but both of you were born to be kings."

  • Oh and all of these rejects from Lord of the Rings, Game of Thrones, and Xena: Warrior

  • Princess.

  • Struggle with the former god of thunder as he’s stripped of his powers and banished

  • to these two square blocks in the New Mexico desert.

  • There, hell acclimate to our strange Earth customs like...

  • ordering in restaurants,

  • "Another!"

  • health care,

  • "You're no match for the mighty --"

  • traffic safety,

  • and horse purchasing.

  • "I need a horse!"

  • "We don't have horses. Just dogs."

  • "Then give me one of those large enough to ride.

  • Watch as Thor turns to Jane Foster for help, a brilliant astrophysicist with supermodel

  • good looks that just happens to be single

  • and who immediately falls in love with Thor for no good reason.

  • Make that 6 reasons:

  • Aaaaabs.

  • So ride along with Thor as he loses, then regains, his magic powers,

  • hooks up with Jane,

  • saves two different realms from destruction,

  • and learns the virtues of patience and humility

  • ...All over the course of a long weekend.

  • Seriously. This whole movie takes place over two and a half days.

  • Starring...

  • Thunder From Down Under

  • Lokimon

  • The God-Father

  • Eye Dress Elbow

  • Lord Zedd from Power Rangers

  • 1 Broke Girl

  • and Portmandia.

  • Thor...’s obligatory movie

  • So Lokidiesat the end and comes back to life by the ending credits?

  • That’s gotta be some kind of record.

  • Hey, Screen Junkies! If you like my voice, how about clicking that big subscribe button

  • then, huh?

  • Also: want to see Lucius Fox himself read The Fox? Then click the box to the left to

  • see us waste Morgan Freeman, Robert DeNiro, Michael Douglas and Kevin Kline's time reading

  • dumb stuff.

  • Speaking

  • of which...

Prepare for a film that only exists so non-nerds will recognize the blonde guy in The Avengers.


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B1 中級

正直な予告編 - Frozen (Honest Trailers - Frozen)

  • 1267 27
    李子 に公開 2021 年 01 月 14 日